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A... My Name Is Alice
- (maturity depictions) 1983.
Antisha Anderson: I start out as a little girl and you watch me "grow" into a grown woman in one of the plots. I play an old woman who's 72 years old...
- (male CoA regret, face ffed) c2012 Live Tour, German, "I don't want to grow up", slideshow "timelapse" of performer through the years - vid link
Alice and Wonderland: A Rock Opera
- (AA APed effect) Oregon Children's Theater c2010, 1973.
Poor little Alice (Madison Wray) is transformed into a grown-up gal (Sara Catherine Wheatley) with patterned stockings and high-top boots, ready to rock as she's led into a world shimmering with color-splashed creatures who pack the stage with song and dance.
Alice in Wonderland
- (AA size changed scenes) - sizes
- (AA size changes, kinda could look like AA AP/AR) forms
Alice in Wonderland
- (AA sizes) scene
Alice in Wonderland
- (size changes look like AA AP/AR) Samara Ballet School, East Anglia, UK. May 2001.
The traditional tale of Alice in Wonderland was presented in dance. 5 different pupils took the part of Alice to show her growing and shrinking as she met the strange creatures of her journey.
Alice, la comedie musicale
- ("age wish") 2014, Compote de Prod, French.
Alice wants to be "big". She tumbles into Wonderland where she learns it's never a good idea to "grow up" fast.
Anne of Green Gables
- (flash forward)
- (adult aging) 1942. From "Jean Anouilh", by Alba Marie Della Fazia, 1969:
After confessing her crime to her son, "Jezabel" suddenly ages. Her hair turns gray. She begs Marc to understand her loneliness and to hold her in his arms as though she were a child...
Aspects of Love
- (FF) Andrew Lloyd Webber musical. Different actresses play Jenny at age 12 and age 15.
Az anyu en vagyok!
- (mother/daughter mind swap) Based on the book by Nogradi Gabor, c2015 - screencaps
Babes in Toyland
- (male AA TF AR glimpse effect) 2013.
Instead of shrinking boyfriend Tom, they replaced him with a child actor, making it look like Tom has been regressed into a boy.
- Vid link - caps - (Dreamtales)
Back to Methuselah
- (adult age stasis, delayed mental maturation, adult face-only aging) "A Metabiological Pentateuch", by George Bernard Shaw, 1921.
In 2170, Englishmen stay immature for centuries. Work is carried out by imported consultants. In the year 31920, children are born as young adults from giant eggs.
Before Your Very Eyes
- (CoA) 11/2015, the Gob Squad.
A handful of children from about 10 to 15 play behind a see-through partition. For the next 70 minutes we watch as the children "grow up" before our very eyes, playing dress up, and going through stages. A meditation on life and death, reflecting our lives back to us. Prerecorded video of the children asking their "older" selves if they still dream and hope. Teen angst, adult cynicism, older adult resignation.
Bez Zerkal
- (adult rejuvenation illusion) 1986, 1994 AKA "Without Mirrors". Contemporary Play School, Moscow. Parable play about love, youth and death. When a 40-year-old woman confuses the son of her former lover for his father, the boy claims to give her a youth potion that works until morning. Can the magic become real?
(-- Jeffr_2bya)
Big: the Musical
- (male APed) male AP glimpsed - male aftermath scenes.
- male
- (AP, UC, AR RN) "The Musical" based on the Penny Marshall film.
- male poster - male
- ca. 1999 Big was performed in Japan. When the boy got up in the morning, he was surprised to have a tight shirt on. During the scene of returning at the end, the man went into the box, and the child actor was relieved of it - (Akira)
- (male AP UC) Big: the Musical - info link - (O')
Billy Elliot the Musical
- (male age forms) London, 2005. 13 y.o. Leon Dominic Cooke as Billy Elliot dancing with his older self during the Swan Lake scene. male link
Birth and After Birth
- (male adult baby) Tina Howe surreal play, Atlantic Theatre Company, 10/06. On a set decorated with a "Happy Birthday" banner and a Radio Flyer wagon full of presents, manic, child-obsessed parents prepare to surprise their 4-year-old son, Nicky (the droll Jordan Gelber). When he enters in his jammies, Nicky turns out to be balding, pot-bellied, and well over 200 pounds, a gargantuan comic manifestation of all the energy, worry, and ambition that this crazy couple have projected onto him. Howe manufactures the cacophony of noncommunication. Alternately coddled and abused, Nicky is engaged in a perpetual performance for his camera-toting father and his idealizing mother, but neither parent listens to him, or to the other. Nicky rampages around the room, tearing at packages, trashing the furniture, playing the cello, slithering between guests on the sofa - anything to get attention from his distracted and distracting parents.
Child-as-adult reversal has also been brilliantly played in the works of Charles Dizenzo and Dennis Potter.
Blanche Neige
- (AA flash forward cut) Ballet Preljocaj, 2008.
26 dancers. Snow White, dressed-undressed by Gaultier, could be seen as a topless flirt. The heroine "transformed" into an adult, "growing" in just a few seconds due to a clever substitution of performers.
Blood Brothers - The Musical
- (coming of age FF) Melville Theatre Company. Twin is given up at birth to the wealthy Mrs Lyons. The two boys form a friendship while unaware of the awful truth. Tor Hartley brought a great deal of personality and dimension to the role of Linda, aging convincingly from a teen to a woman through the course of the show.
Booby Trap
- (coming of age) - 1
Booby Trap
- (FF BE'd) Maureen Muldoon, Kelly Keaton, Billy Schaub - "Family of Big Breasts", "First Bra", "Operation BoobyTrap".
Boy From Oz, The
- (male FF) 2003 jukebox musical. The "change" from boy to man is "When I Get My Name in Lights".
Cantata of the warrior woman, Daragang Magayon: An epic
- (adult to older adult, RN) Merlinda C Bobis, 1993.
Epic poetic chanting form, oral history tradition, southern Luzon. Feminist revisionist re-telling of Philippines ancient myth. Beautiful Maiden transforms herself into Warrior Woman.
1994 performance piece. Stage adaptations: "Kantata ng Babaing Mandirigma" 1994, "Kantada ni Daragang Magayon, Mandirigma" 2000.
Daragang undergoes a fantastic metamorphosis. She turns into an older and therefore wiser woman, until she is allowed to resume her younger form thanks to the ritual prayers of Sakom.
Chorus Line, A
- (coming of age) Musical crams 16 stories into the montage "Hello Twelve, Hello Thirteen, Hello Love".
Cirque du Soleil: Nouvelle Experience
- (ARed) 1990.
The finale had the inhabitants of a Magical Land change The Everyman hero back into a child.
cosplay in Wonderland
- (adult Alice AA) - Dressup photography:
costume poses - costume poses.
Daddy's Little Girl
- (dance FF) 2009, Mlade.
An emotional story of a father whose daughter grows up and finally leaves.
- Video link - screencaps - (tokimonkey )
Damn Yankees
- (male adult rejuvenation, old age scene deleted) 1955 musical comedy. Retelling of the Faust legend set in 1950s Washington, D.C. Joe sells his soul to become the young and strong slugger Joe Hardy, and leaves his wife Meg ("Goodbye Old Girl"). Lola attempts to seduce Joe and thereby ensure his soul to damnation. At the game, he transforms back to his older self, but Joe wins the pennant. Audiences originally hated Lola turning into an ugly old crone at the end. The day after the opening, the script was changed, and the Devil turned Lola back into a beautiful temptress.
dance of age (recreated dance videos)
- (AA FF comparisons, similar pose & background) UK, 2020/06.
24 y.o. woman recreates dancing to Madonna's "Die Another Day" as a 6 y.o. in 2002. She stumbled across a box of camcorder videotapes.
- Story link - split/screen caps
dance of age
- (FF) - time performances
- (FF glimpsed) 1-year-older changed
Der Rosenkavalier
- (adult mental CoA) Strauss, Glyndebourne Festival, c2014.
In the course of the opera, convent-educated teenager Sophie "matures" from being a "girl" into a woman: in the final trio, her voice is equal in strength to that of the Marschallin and Octavian.
Diary of Anne Frank
- (UC alluded to) Raleigh Little Theatre.
Anne has "outgrown" her clothing and shoes. Clothing is grayer and more worn. The Franks were always neat and well dressed people. This is one of the few mentions of outgrown clothes in any media.
Die Zauberflote
- (adult rejuved) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart opera, 1791.
Elderly woman demands promise to marry her or he will be imprisoned forever. When Papageno promises to love her faithfully (muttering only until something better comes along), she is transformed into the young and pretty Papagena. Papageno rushes to embrace her, but the priests drive him back as not worthy.
Dirty Barbie and Other Girlhood Tales
- (age disguises) DeeDee Stewart, c2011 one-woman show.
Stewart transformed a blog exploring her childhood memories into a theater performance. She plays herself at different ages while narrating the story as her adult self.
Disney on Ice
- (male adult rodent face FF) 10-panel comic parody - (O')
Don Juan in Hell
- (adult rejuvenated) 2002, KSU Department of Theater. From George Bernard Shaw's "Man and Superman" Old woman (Karen Robinson) wanders aimlessly through hell. Juan informs her that she no longer has to be an old lady, in fact, he says, "In hell, one can change their age at will." She immediately decides to become 17 again, but Juan informs her that 17 has just gone out of style. Everyone in hell's high society has decided that 40 is the fashionable age of the moment, but Juan thinks they're ripe for a change and so tells her if she decided to be 27, she might be a trendsetter. She wills it so, and upon her transformation, Juan realizes that she is none other than Dona Ana, the woman whose father Juan had killed so long ago in a duel to defend her honor.
Don't Climb That Rope!
- (mental coming of age) IAMAFEST 2011 proposal.
A young woman emerges, clothed in rags, crawling across the stage like a barbarian child. A rope hangs from the ceiling. Far above the ground dangle articles of clothing, makeup, and a wash cloth. Voices of parents scolding a young child, "Don't climb that rope!" She climbs the rope to access the items suspended above ground. She transforms herself from a barbarian child into a civilized young woman, while the sound track constantly scolds against climbing the rope. At the end of the performance, the young woman steps forward into the light, and the soundtrack shifts, "Oh! Well look at you! We're so proud of you!" - Video link
Doug Henning's World of Magic
- (ARed AA cut-aways) screencaps
Doug Henning's World Of Magic
- (ARed) #3 12/3/1977.
Third live magic Tv show. An illusion is included that rather convincingly seems to AR both Doug and Sandy Duncan to kids - 42 min. video link - (TBTC)
Dr. Heidegger's Fountain of Youth
- (temporary adult rejuvenation) 1979 chamber opera, Beeson, Harnick.
- (male) 1999. Oguri and Adam Rudolph at Electric Lodge in Venice. Obsession with transformation and the weight of time. Virtuoso drumming and unsparing dance depict our shifting relationship with our bodies. Superbly controlled portrayal of infirmity. Oguri depicts pain and desperation in choreography that mindlessly celebrates beauty and prowess using 18- to 32-year-old dancing athletes and deliberately ignoring the realities of other ages or conditions in life. Amazing sequences showed his face aging, decaying, growing skull-like and then young again as in a time-lapse or special-effect film sequence.
Ek Machine Kabadi Ki
- (adult to younger adult ARed) 08/2006. By S.S. Nautiyal. Mask, LTG auditorium, New Delhi. A hilarious comedy on an attempt to transform an aged person into a youth. It tries to address obliquely the complications cloning can create. The entire action takes place in the room of the merchant. At places the production degenerates into a crude farce, resorting to excess slapsticks but on the whole it is entertaining. The play is centered around the family of a kabadi, a scrap merchant and his hand-to-mouth existence. He purchases a machine discarded by a scientist engaged in the experiment of reducing the age of human beings, and turns the life of the family upside-down. Obsessed with the ambition to make the machine functional, the scrap merchant spends day and night to repair it. The irritated and harassed wife of the merchant enters the machine. Lo and behold, comes out a young lady. The merchant and his young daughter in love with a youth next door are flabbergasted to confront this young woman before them. Atul Sharma as the youth next door starts flirting with the old woman when the machine transforms her. This strange situation leads to complications. The tension mounts to the delight of the audience. A young man and a small time businessman, who has lent some money to the merchant, are determined to exploit the machine by bringing customers desperate to regain their youth. Saumitra Verma, as the greedy business man is desperate to change his aging wife into a beautiful and young woman.
Elixir of Youth
- (AR) Louise Stanage.
Old woman gets four bottles of elixir of youth and imbibes it to become a young woman. Feeling out of place, she takes more and more, becoming a child who later on decides to start life all over. She drinks the last of it to become a baby - (Jeffr_2bya)
Endymion, the Man in the Moon
- (slight adult age cycles, age stasis) 1588 Elizabethan comedy by John Lyly. Endymion has fallen in love with the Moon goddess Cynthia. Lyly's witch claims power over age: "I can restore youth to the aged". Endymion celebrates Cynthia for her ability to move between the virtues of youth and age: "Tell me, Eumenides, what is he that, having a mistress of ripe years and infinite virtues, great honours and unspeakable beauty, but would wish that she might grow tender again, getting youth by years and never-decaying beauty by time?" Cynthia's power to wax and wane in age is attributable to the fact that she embodies the divine power of the Moon.
Far Away
- (flash forward) Caryl Churchill, 2000. Joan is portrayed as a girl and a woman.
Faust, Part One
- (male adult rejuv) Johann von Goethe, 1808.
The original story - A man sells his soul for adult youth, re-adapted in many forms over the centuries. Faust signs in blood, and is transformed into a younger man by a witch. He encounters Margaret (Gretchen) who excites his desires. In the early German legends he lived only for 24 years - (TBTC)
Fiddler on the Roof
- (FFed) 1964 musical and movie. "Sunrise, Sunset" Quote: "When did she get to be a beauty, When did he grow to be so tall"
Four Seasons in one Night - a dramatic dream
- (age roles AA) Healing School and Specialist Science College, North-East Lincolnshire, 2006.
A typical teenager battles with her parents. She is sent to her room, where she wishes she could be older and escape from the prison of being a kid. Visited by "The Four Seasons of Life", each time passes rather too rapidly ... will she learn not to wish her life away?
Frank Wedekind
- (CoA themes) German playwright, 1864-1918.
His work criticizes bourgeois attitudes towards gay sex.
- "Fruhlings Erwachen" AKA "Spring Awakening", 1891, concerns sexuality and puberty among young German students. It contained scenes of homoeroticism, implied group male masturbation, actual male masturbation, and sado-masochism between a teenage boy and girl.
Spring Awakening - 2006 Broadway musical adaptation.
Freaky Friday
- (mother/daughter mind exchange) 10/4/2016 musical based on Mary Rodgers novel and Disney films.
Signature Theatre, Arlington. Kitt, Yorkey, Carpenter. Pop-rock score.
Heidi Blickenstaff and Emma Hunton will star as the overworked mother and young adult teenage daughter who swap bodies for a day before mom's big wedding - cover
Freaky Friday
- (mother/grown daughter soul swap) 2016 AA musical. Kitt, Yorkey, Carpenter. Disney Theatrical Productions.
Based on the 1972 book and 1976 and 2003 Disney films. When an overworked mother and her teenage daughter magically swap bodies, they have just one day to put things right before the mom's wedding.
FreeFlow Dance Company
- (coming of age) "Idiosyncrasies of the Extremities" First performed 1995, 4 min. About the development from young girl to woman and the transition period.
From Pink to Red 2
- (coming of age AA FF) performance art photography symbolizes the female life stages - changes - (~Anaid89)
Fun Home
- (CoA FF, past/present selves interact) 2013.
Young Alison is shadowed by modern-day Alison, the default narrator. College-age Alison plays the role of "sexual discovery phase", first with timidity and then with gusto. The plot jumps among them, flashbacks within flashbacks. During dad's final moments, older Alison attempts to convey what she's thinking, taking the place of the college-aged one that should be there.
Girl in the Flammable Skirt, The
- (FF) 2005 adaptation of Aimee Bender's story collection. The story of a pregnant teen who falls in love with her hunchbacked step-uncle, the rapid evolution from pregnancy to love to disillusionment, rejection, and a progeny who becomes an adult in a matter of seconds give the spectator a feeling of puzzlement and whiplash.
girl into gorilla illusion
- (TF AA fade)
God's Ear
- (mental coming of age) 2008, Jenny Schwartz, The Vineyard Theatre.
A little girl morphs into her adult self with a gesture and a piece of wardrobe, and another character disappears - literally - down a rabbit hole.
Gratin de famille
- (coming of age FF, adult age disguised) c2012, in French.
Adult actress depicts the life of a young girl at the dinner table from age 5, to 8, to teenager, to adult.
Grow up Sally-Sue: a play
- (AP wish) 1987.
...I wish I was all grown up, and could boss other people around just like they all boss me around now.
SHORTCAKE: That was two wishes!
SALLY-SUE: But both part of the same wish.
...admires herself in a mirror ... Wowee! That's what I call great! I'm all grown up at last! Can't wait to show myself off to Mom and Dad ... They'll be so pleased...
- cover
Growing Arm Effect
- (size) You visually make your arm grow in size, in full view of the spectator. It works best if you are wearing a jacket or jumper. The flesh exiting the sleeve will convince the spectator that your hand is actually visually growing. Place your left hand over your stomach and grab hold of it with the right hand.
Growing Girl Illusion
- New World Magic - poster
growing man
- (male adult growth UC/CB) From "Secrets of the Sideshows", Joe Nickell. Anatomical manipulation.
James Randi (1987) observes the act became something of "a carnival mainstay":
"In this performance, a man is revealed onstage who seems to fit his clothes well enough. He is seen to go into a "trance" and appears to grow by 7 or 8 inches, by which time his sleeves are far too short and his pants go to half-mast as well.
The gimmick is simple: The man is dressed into a too-small suit, and only has to "scrunch down" while in a standing position. The suit appears to fit him at this point, but as he straightens up and swells out his chest, the bad fit becomes apparent. It is a striking illusion, often enhanced by a popping belt buckle and falling shirt buttons thrown in for further effect."
- (FF APed)The children in the musical magically grow up to become young men and women right before our very eyes, from "Baby June and Louise" to their older versions.
Vaudeville child stars June and Louise had their real ages kept secret by their mother. Louise can't be sure how old she really is, having had 10th birthday parties several years in a row. Mama Rose allegedly was that bad in real life.
hand puppet shadow art
- (hand silhouette fast-forward)
Guy using his hands gives the impression a baby's hand is growing.
- Vid link - caps - (Jeffr_2bya)
Happy Arcadia
- (swaps TG, pseudo rejuv effect, RNed) Gilbert/Clay musical, 1872.
Astrologos left 4 magic items: Daphne wished to be in Strephon's shoes. Colin turned into Daphne to get away with crimes. Chloe changed into Colin, hoping to be "a grumpy... old bear like papa," to escape 2 suitors. Strephon turned into Chloe.
Everyone is distressed, but if they exchange magic items, each will get another wish.
Happy Family, The
- (AA adults dressed and acting like children) 1966, London, Maisie Mosco play.
movie adaptation
Mumsy, Nanny, Sonny, and Girly 1969 UK horror-comedy, Freddie Francis. AKA "Girly".
Novella by Brian Comport.
Dysfunctional family in Victorian mansion acts out role-playing fantasy, called "The Game". They are free from strife, sibling rivalry, and even the divisiveness of growing up; "children" Sonny and Girly are in their 20s, but they sleep in giant cribs in a room full of toys and dress like British 6th-formers.
Holding Your Hands All My Life
- (coming of age, FFed) 2009 CCTV China, Bronze Medal dance illustrates several stages of a couple's life: childhood, puberty, young-age, middle age,...
Holy Flypaper!
- (18 to 16 ARed) 2009.
A two act stage play adapted for television into four 24 minute episodes about a smug and troubled 13 year old boy and his dreams of becoming a Super Hero.
- Video link - screencaps
Holy Flypaper!
- (male & female AP wishes) 2006 Musical Theatre, Nicholas Canny, Australian Script Centre.
Cast ages: 3 to 8, 8 to 12, 12 to 16.
- Smug and troubled 13 year old Johnny Dobbin dreams of being older so he can become a super hero and save the world. Barfinkle's Laboratory claims to have an age alteration process.
Homer's Odyssey
- (male OA disguise) Athena used magic to make Odysseus appear as an old beggar when he finally returned home. After defeating his wife's suitors in an archery contest, he reveals his identity and kills them all.
- (coming of age) 2012, South Africa, Anne Caroline Franklin, Benzerga, Graves. 40 mins.
Exploring the "metamorphosis" "from girl to woman". Questioning the audience's role in this transformation, we explore the progression from Virgin to Prostitute to Mother, from the slumbers of Girlhood to the resurrection we call Woman.
Ice Fantillusion 2014: Magical nightmares
- (AA AP dream sequence) 2014.
Amber takes the audience along on her adventures in dreamland. The end of Act 2 leaves Amber spinning in the opening of the decor and transforming from a little girl into a grown up woman - namely Jenna. Then it's time for the royal ball the little girl wished for.
Il Mefistofele
- (male adult rejuv) Ken Russell, Genoese Opera, 1987.
1989 Tv movie of opera performance, aka Mefistofele II.
- (See Faust) Arrigo Boito's "Il Mefestefele" was first performed in 1868.
New version has Faust as an aging hippie tormented by his lost youth. Mephisto bets God he can turn anyone pagan, even someone as innocent as Faust. A flamboyant battle of good versus evil, in a wild display of colors, costumes, and surreal scenery - (TBTC)
Iliza Shlesinger
- (adult "OA'd" effects) "Elder Millennial" sketch, c2018.
A really funny clip of a beautiful woman pretending to be an old lady was further improved with an old age edit by Niddlyby43 using Faceapp. The edit goes great with the aged voice and her stance.
He has also done other OA edits, like the 100% improved version of "Youth Potion Gone Wild" from Taylor Made Clips.
- Original stand-up link - Old Age edited link - screencaps - (Chronoeclipse, Niddlyby43)
- (kinda like AR) Netherlands. Unscripted, unscored musical theatre at Amsterdam's Theater de Cameleon. Ralph de Rijke, Hans Kuykens. In one hilarious scene all the musicians become babies playing with the instruments, their overworked father trying to both control the children and protect the instruments. The babies magically grow up, can suddenly play a perfect salsa, and when the amazed father remarks to the audience "spooky!" the children proudly reply: "We've been practicing, Dad!" We travel in time, looking into the future to see the boss, now an old man, mourn the loss of his wife who never saw her son become famous. A moving moment of loneliness and old age.
Inasmuch as Life is Borrowed
- (male AP) Ultima Vez. Dance/stage performance about the beginning and end of the human experience. Includes the short film Inasmuch (14'26") where a baby is born, grows up within seconds and then dies an old man. 1
Into the Woods
- (AR) Stephen Sondheim Musical. "The Witch", Mezzo (age 99 and 25). An evil and ugly old woman who places a curse on the baker and his wife preventing them from having children. By the end of the show, she has turned into a young and beautiful woman.
- (age stasis) Gilbert And Sullivan comic opera, 1882. Immortal fairy who looks 17 married mortal and had a son. When 25 year old Strephon is seen in Iolanthe's company, no one will believe that's she's his mum.
- (age stasis) Gilbert And Sullivan operetta.
25 y.o. hero is caught embracing a 17 y.o. woman who is not his fiance. She's actually his mother, a fairy, but the other characters think that's a staggeringly improbable cover story. "Her age upon the date of his birth," reasons one, "was minus eight."
Jollies, The
- (mother/son age swap, AR, male AP) "The Jollies", Alan Ayckbourn, 2002 - Info link
A young boy steps into a magic cabinet. Suddenly, 7 y.o. Billy Jolly finds himself stuck in a grown man's body, while his mother was outwardly turned into a little girl after following him inside. Since the great magician has made himself scarce, 11 y.o. Polly Jollie must deal with the authorities, who want to put the family into care. How will they survive on the run?
- Deutsch: "Die zauberhaften Jollies" Similar themed plays:
"Body Language", 1990: A fat woman and a thin woman swap bodies from the neck down.
"Miss Yesterday", 2004: Timeloop to younger adult self.
"If I Were You", 2006: A married couple was swapped.
Kasou Taishou
- ("growth spurt") NTV show in which amateurs "fake" special effects on a live stage - caps
Kimberly Akimbo
- (old aged) Manhattan Theater Club, David Lindsay-Abair, 2003.
62 y.o. Marylouise Burke depicts the plight of a levelheaded, lonely 15-year-old girl in a frantic family, afflicted with a disease that ages her at four and a half times the usual rate. Her parents are so preoccupied with themselves that they have forgotten her crucial 16th birthday. According to the cruel arithmetic of Kimberly Levaco's disease, "like progeria without the dwarfism," 16 is the age at which most victims die. Will Kimberly find a boyfriend? Will she experience her first kiss? Burke seems to keep turning from a teenage girl into an old woman and back again. Viewers may genuinely take her for a girl when they first see her: the bell-bottom jeans and clamped blondish hair, defensively hunched shoulders, her sullen tucking of her chin into her neck, her way of saying "Da-ad" as two syllables, the luminous ecstasy on Kimberly's face as her father teaches her to swing dance, and her increasingly hobbled walk up and down the stairs as the illness takes its toll. For complicated plot purposes, Kimberly dresses up as an old lady, with sensible shoes, a turban and a cane.
Kind of Alaska, A
- (FF AP illusion) 1982, Harold Pinter 1-act play.
After 30 years in a comatose state as a result of sleeping sickness, middle-aged Deborah awakes with the mind of a 16-year-old. She must confront a body which seems to have aged without her prior knowledge or consent. Her sister and Pauline's husband attempt gently to ease her back to reality, while withholding the more jarring information. "Mummy and Daddy and Estelle are on a world cruise. It'll be my birthday soon." - page scans
- (FFed) 1993+
9 y.o. evacuee Eva was said to "suddenly grow up into a woman" in one scene, but was merely AA-replaced?
King Dodo
- (male AR, RN)
Opera: the King accidentally drinks from the magical fountain and regresses to a child. The queen rejects him as a child and he drinks from the fountain to return to normal, at which point the queen falls in love with him.
Musical comedy play, 1901: a king is ARed into a child.
- (Jeffr_2bya)
Kinky Boots
- (male FF) 2012 musical based on 2005 film. "The Most Beautiful Thing In The World".
Charlie is a young boy at the beginning of the number and a grown man by the end.
Kiss the Air
- (coming of age, "FFed") 2012, Heather Feeney.
Brackendale Art Gallery, musical theatre cabaret piece. The story of a lifetime.
- "I start as a 10-year-old girl and "morph" through my teens to my 20s. In the second act, we go through relationships and adulthood."
Krankies, The
- (age disguises) "The Krankies". Husband-and-wife comedy duo, Scotland. Janette Tough made a career out of dressing up as a young boy to play "Wee Jimmy Krankie."
La Fura Dels Baus: "Naumaquia"
- (male age forms) Portugal. 1st play in Tetralogía Anfibia (Amphibious Tetralogy). Cosmic marionette show on the ship Naumon. Tamor represents the human as a traveler who undergoes metamorphoses of age, gender and race.
La petite bete est morte
- (male AR) 1881. The pseudo saint has an inordinate appetite for youth, empties the elixir vial at a gulp, and is a baby again - when even danseuses cannot make love to you - (Jeffr_2bya)
Lady in the Dark
- (FF) 1940 musical, "The Saga of Jenny".
Jenny makes her mind up at 3, 12, 22, 39, 51 & 75; never learning the song's moral.
Last Wolf: and Other Tales, The
- (APed, ARed, AA) Storyteller/musician Bob Pegg 75 min performance, 2003.
Wolfskin based on Inuit legend.
"Take your clothes off," said the old woman, "and I'll wash you." Wolfskin's bride took off her clothes, the little girl did the same, and the old woman began to wash them both. With each drop of water the bride got smaller and the little girl grew taller. When she was the size of a grown woman, the little girl put on the Bride's clothes and ran out of the cave. The Bride put on the little girl's clothes as best she could, and followed her footprints through the snow.
Inside the hall the little girl was dancing with Wolfskin and they were plainly having a good time. Wolfskin's bride went up to him, but he just said, "Little girl, why are you out so late? You should be at home in bed."
She went out into the snow, and sat down and cried. Another little girl came up to her. "Come with me. My Granny's got something special for you."
They came to a big house and went in. "Take off your clothes and let me wash you." With every drop of water, Wolfskin's Bride grew taller, until she was her normal size again. "Now," said the old woman, "put on those clothes and take this." She handed her a little glass phial. "You'll find your husband asleep next to the False Bride. Pour this liquid in her ear."
Wolfskin's true Bride tiptoed up to the bed and unstoppered the phial. With each drop the False Bride grew smaller. When, at last, she was the size of a little girl again, she woke up. She screamed when she realised what had happened, and ran out of the door. Wolfskin woke. "I knew there was something wrong. It's the spirit of the wolverine, trying to come between us."
Lauren Thompson
- (flash forward) She took a video of herself dancing at age 4, and redid it step by step as an adult in front of an audience, wearing a similar gown but a larger dress in the same style.
video link
- (flashback/flash forward, child and adult age forms)
Les Miserables
- (FF) musical. A child plays young Cosette (whose face is on the poster) and a young lady plays adult Cosette. Young Eponine appears after "Castle on a Cloud", and grown-up Eponine appears a few songs later. At least one actress who played young Cosette returned to play grown-up Eponine. Lea Salonga played Eponine in 1993 and sang the part of Fantine at the 25th Anniversary Concert.
Little Princess, A
- (UC scene, FFed) scans
Lizzie Borden: The Musical
- (flashback) Music and book by Christopher McGovern. 1998, 2004. Chilling - and convincing - presentation of Lizzie as the victim of long-time sexual abuse by an arid tightwad father whose 2nd wife hated her child rival. In the staging, Lizzie is split down the middle between her adult self, played by Paterson, and an inner child, subtly personated by 7th-grader Andrea Ross.
Lulu Hurst
- (teen super strength) Stage performer. 14 year old girl's practical joke got out of hand. Lulu found herself proclaimed "The Wonder of the Nineteenth Century." She was able to withstand the pushing of several men without budging or seeming to exert any appreciable counter force and with one foot raised off the floor. With one hand she pushed renowned athletes around, and she lifted a chair with three large men piled onto it 6 inches off the ground. A few critics claimed that by being made to resist as hard as they could, the men were actually helping her.
Magic Circus
- (male AP) DVD shows. The final Special opens with the television debut of the "Growing Illusion", in which son Greg Wilson magically "grows up" into internationally renowned magician Mark Wilson.
Mago Vik
- (AA AP) 2009 girl to woman magic illusion.
Direct video link - screencaps
Makropulos Case, The
- (adult age stasis) 1995 movie. Glyndebourne opera house, Nikolaus Lehnhoff.
Hones in on the many pros and cons of living over 300 years, as is the case with the mysterious Emilia Marty. A prima donna who has literally seen and done it all, Emilia continues to explore her condition, while astounding circumstances ensue after a young clerk discovers the life-preserving potion for himself - (Jeffr_2bya)
Mamas and the Papas, The
- (AR, male AP) 2000 Carey English play. "I won't get undressed, I won't have a bath and I certainly won't have my hair washed!" The anti-bath-time antics of 4 year old Harry are driving his mother crazy! When a game of hide and seek slips into a magical parallel universe down the plug hole, Harry's mum becomes a little girl who wants to remember how to play while Harry turns into a grown-up with a whole lot of new responsibilities. After much mirth, mayhem and mystery, Harry and his mum come to a new understanding of each other. male
- (male FF) 1966. Patrick Dennis is depicted as a 10 y.o. and a young adult. The 2 actors sing a duet at the start of act 2.
- (male FF) 1966. The time skip is the song "The Letter" at the top of Act II, in which Young Patrick and then Older Patrick write home to Mame from boarding school.
Marc Savard
- (adult mental regression) Comedy Hypnosis, Las Vegas. "Hypnotized to be babies!", 2016.
Watch what happens when a group of adults vacationing in Vegas are suddenly "turned into" a nursery of crying infants. They are hypnotized into thinking they are 5, 3, 6 months, 1 second old, sperm, 50, 70, 80, 90, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104 years old.
- Video link - youtu.be/jJJ15qC8Vog - (Tazz)
Maria de Buenos Aires
- (AP) Dance Opera, Theatre de la Jeune Lune, Minneapolis. Director Dominique Serrand. A woman grows to enormous lengths under a red tablecloth. A batch of bread dough is shaped into a pregnant belly -- and later, fitted with arms and legs, becomes a baby. A child flashes into a full-grown woman with a twist of cloth. Maria is played simultaneously by Christina Baldwin and Jennifer Baldwin Peden. Nora Epp gives life to Maria the child.
Marilyn: An American Fable
- (adult flash forward, flashback) Musical. Young Norma Jean Baker interacts with her older adult self.
Mary Rose
- (time anomaly kinda looks like age stasis, FF) J.M. Barrie, 1920.
When Mary Rose vanishes the entire island is searched for the child. 21 days later, Mary Rose reappears as mysteriously as she disappeared ... with no knowledge of any missing time.
Years later, the adult Mary Rose persuades her husband to take her to the same island. Again she vanishes: this time for decades. When she is found again, she is not a single day older and has no awareness of the passage of time. Her son has grown to adulthood and is now physically older than his mother.
Master and Margarita, The
- (adult rejuvenation?) Based on the novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, c1940+
Adapted by more than 500 theatre companies. Some versions may include the scene where they pretend the early middle aged actress was "rejuvenated" by the devil's magical cream. Titles included Black Magic and Its Exposure, Patients, Mastaren och Margarita, Saatana saapuu Moskovaan, Der Meister und Margarita, The Devil's Triptych, Meister ja Margarita, Satan's Ball, ... Also musical, ballet, dance, opera versions.
Member of the Wedding
- (coming of age, AA) Carson McCullers. 1946 novel, adapted into play 4 years later.
Mostly dialogue with little action, the play portrays the development of 12-year-old Frankie Addams from childhood into teenage adolescence. At first she wants to run away to join her older sister's honeymoon. By the close of the play, Frankie has sufficiently outgrown her need for a mother figure. The sheet formerly hung in the arbor is gone, indicating her changing interests and abandonment of childish games. Frankie now views Barney MacKean as a "Greek god." She has also been accepted by the older girl crowd, and no longer feels so isolated.
metamorphosis illusion
- (adult to adult AA TF) trunk substitution act as performed by Houdini.
Metamorphosis, The
- (maturity increase) "The Metamorphosis", Kafka, Theatre Royal, Hobart. Gregor Samsa was turning into a great gross insect. Nina Dogg Filippusdottir, the Sister, "changed" from a "young girl" to a young woman seamlessly during the play.
Midsummer Night's Tapir, A
- Boy sees people appear at their mental age rather than their physical age. link
- (1 year FF) - Cosplay dancer - getting older
Miss Firecracker Contest, The
- (UC) Carnelle enters the Miss Firecracker contest, so intent on winning like her beautiful cousin did, that she dyes her hair red and tries to wear her cousin's winning dress, though it's sizes too small for her. She looks ridiculous in the side-splitting, elaborate gown.
Miss Witherspoon
- (rebirthed) 2005, Christopher Durang, Kristine Nielsen. A woman keeps getting reincarnated against her wishes. She finds herself a baby on earth again during her first reincarnation - 1
- (coming of age height comparison) scene
Mr. Marmalade
- (age disguised) c2005? Laura Pels Theatre.
Actors playing kids pretending to be the adults around them in a ménage á schlock involving childhood pregnancy.
- The heroine Lucy is only 4 years old and her coke-snorting slapping boyfriend, Mr. Marmalade is a product of her imagination. "Why don't you touch me any more?" Lucy shockingly asks her imaginary playmate. An adult in a child's role must BE the child with his whole body for every moment he is on stage. The hands must fidget unselfconsciously; emotions must play across the face without artifice or concealment, and frustration - the most common experience of any small child - must bubble up to the surface on a regular basis.
Mr. Pickwick
- (male adult mental maturity shift)
2013 "De Stilte" theater, Breda, Netherlands.
A reluctant Mr. Pickwick finds himself transported into the world of a child. Removed from the familiarity of the grown-up world, he is caught in an adventure in which the normality of everyday life becomes mysterious, and a strange "little girl" a playmate. The riches of the world of a child are a far greater possession than the seriousness of the existence to which he is accustomed.
my mate fancies you
- (coming of age, FFed)
Interactive theatre programme explores the physical and emotional changes of puberty.
Drama, comedy and discussion in a safe environment. 90 mins. with up to 35 young people 10-13.
At 10 Claire and Daniel were best friends
At 11 they hardly spoke
At 12 they had their first date
At 12 1/2 their first fight
At 13 she had her first kiss, but not with him
At 14...?
New Baby Gag, The
- (magic illusion) Turns the well-known Baby Gag into a true mental feat. Show an envelope. Audience picks a famous person. Take from the envelope a photo of this person when the person was a baby! Turn around the baby photo and the selected person is on the other side. Also "May I borrow your baby?", "Mojo Grow Bag".
Nina A Mujer - Quinceanera
- (AA age-up) 2014 magic illusion.
Video link - screencaps
Nutcracker, The
- (AA dream APed) "The Nutcracker", American Ballet Theater, 12/2010.
Grown-up "Clara, the Princess" is a separate character who exists through Clara’s eyes. That is, Princess Clara is grown-up Clara as Clara imagines her to be – emotionally, and at times even choreographically, still a young Clara. There is not so much a transition from young Clara to Princess Clara as there is a connection between them. Clara dreams herself and the Nutcracker Boy grown up, being In Love.
Nutcracker, The
- (AA dream sequence APed)
"Petrizzo really let go onstage, especially in the complex snow scene where she and her Nutcracker transform into a grown-up..."
Nutcracker, The
- (APed dream sequence)
- 12/97 annual Hong Kong Ballet. Clara goes to bed after the party and the rest of the story - the battle with the rats and rescue of the Nutcracker, and the voyage to the Land of Sweets - takes place in her dreams, where she is transformed into a grown up (the role taken over by another ballerina) and ends up dancing the Sugarplum pas de deux with the Nutcracker turned Prince in the form of Drosselmeyer's nephew, on whom Clara the child has developed her first crush.
- 1991, Kirov, Orange County Performing Arts Center. Instead of the Western story of young Clara as tourist watching others perform, the Russian staging is of a young teenage girl's sexual awakening. Just as the wooden nutcracker is transformed into a human prince, the pubescent Clara transforms into a woman, and she and the nutcracker prince create, through dance, an image of the ultimate refinement and beauty of sexual attraction.
Nutcracker, The
- (dream sequence AA APed)
Helgi Tomasson, 2004, San Francisco Ballet. PBS 12/2008, DVD.
- The Sugar Plum Fairy grants Clara (Elizabeth Powell) her greatest Christmas wish and transforms her into a beautiful woman (Maria Kochetkova) to dance in the arms of her Prince. The final Grand Pas de Deux is danced by the Nutcracker Prince and Clara, magically transformed into an adult ballerina specifically for this purpose. They seem to be just good friends. The Prince is played by an adult throughout while Clara appears as young girl of 13, except in the finale. On Christmas morn, young Clara awakens with the nutcracker in her arms, happy and contented to have had the dream.
- (AP) 2003 Pacific Northwest Ballet. Kent Stowell/Maurice Sendak version based on 1819 story by E.T.A. Hoffman. A dreamy Clara dances into adolescence. The enchantments include a growing Christmas tree and living room walls that spin into a snowy night where the child Clara (danced with delicate elegance by Brianna Wallace) finds herself transformed into an adult. From the moment Patricia Barker was revealed onstage as the adult Clara, the evening became unforgettable. With her hair loose, she seemed to be dancing with pure joy, already airborne as her romantically attentive Nutcracker prince, Stanko Milov, lofted her into dramatic high lifts.
- (dream sequence AA APed)
Pacific Northwest Ballet, Maurice Sendak, 1983.
- 1986 movie version "Nutcracker: The Motion Picture".
Clara was played by the girlish Vanessa Sharp at first, and then the adult Patricia Barker after glancing at her reflection, until Clara awakens suddenly from her dream.
Once On This Island
- (rapid FF) Musical, 1990.
The gods save little orphan Ti Moune by placing her in a tree above the flood waves. She is adopted and "ages" from a small child to a young adult in about 5 seconds in the song "One Small Girl"
- Various productions screencaps
Out of Body
- (CoA metaphors) 2015, live music/film event, animation by Carla MacKinnon.
London Short Film Festival, gazelletwin.com, shortfilms.org.uk.
35-minute work uses abstracted body-horror imagery to explore puberty, phobia and transformation. Warning: some extreme imagery may not be suitable for vegetarians - link - (Mackinnonworks)
Oz books (cosplay)
- (age forms, kinda like AA APed) - Dorothy time-line - more costumes
Pan Jinlian: the history of a fallen woman
- (male growth CB)
Wu Dalang's clothes split along the seams, and the dwarf suddenly grows taller.
The crowd: Oh, how can you possibly be growing?
Parallelogram, A
- (age forms) "A Parallelogram", 2010.
4 characters or 6, depending on your interpretation. 30-something Bee meets Bee 2, a much older version who has the power to rewind and fast-forward time via a battery-powered remote control. Bee 3 and Bee 4 also reveal their identities.
Perfection: A Space Opera in One Act
- (male accelerated age) 1995, "Arts Are Magic" Festival. 10 days from baby to schoolboy.
- (FF AP BE) Girls grow so fast that their appearance can alter in a short time.
months - months
Phantom of the Opera, The
- (male & female old aged) - (deniz)
- (flashback regression) James Anthony Ellis, 2005.
A series of losses backwards through a woman/girl's life. We follow Victoria from a bride-to-be to a child. Erin Cronican is marvelous handling the stresses of each age completely naturally. She starts as a happy young woman looking forward to a new and exciting life. That is until Reflections enters. As she regresses in age, her movements and her speech capture the age exactly - (TMCPress)
- (mental regression) Actors Alliance Festival, 2005, Lyceum Theater, San Diego.
The story of Victoria (Erin Cronican), who after being shattered by a devastating breakup, takes an inner journey back to herself. Her story changes as she reverts from a bride-to-be to a child. Cronican is marvelous at handling the stresses of each age completely naturally. She starts as a happy young woman looking forward to a new and exciting life. When Reflection enters, she regresses in age. Her movements and speech capture the ages exactly.
- (shadow trope, AA FF) 2013 caps
Please Love Me
- (FF) c2010 one-woman play Henrietta
Portrait of Jennie
- (unseen ghost AA AP) - 1972 play based on the novel and movie.
pranks and/or gags
- (adult AA) Hidden camera comedy. A type of live performance to make unsuspecting bystanders think an adult AA-"age-TFed" cutaway has just taken place.
Just For Laughs Gags - "Sexy Lady Turns Into Old Woman" c2018 - link - caps
Prelude to a Kiss
- (adult TG soul swap) Craig Lucas play, 1988.
Old man and bride swapped through a kiss.
Quest for Planet X
- ("AP"?) 2011 space musical. "Bunraku-style" puppetry masked in black.
Insect-like princess Aurelia teams up with "Major Tom Quaser" to journey to Planet X to find the "wing dust" that will transform Aurelia into an adult and save Earth.
Rainbow Kid, The
- (TF) "Regnbogastrákurinn" Iceland 1989. A giantess wishes to be turned into a little boy. "The boy" then goes into town to find a fat boy to eat. His skinny friend wishes that his friend will become thin, and that the rainbow kid will again become a giantess with heavy feet. All wishes are granted.
- (CoA, "ff") Curiosity Collective, dance/physical theatre, 2014. 3 performers.
Symbolic representation of a "girl" maturing into womanhood - from birth to young adult. She doesn't fit in as a child, and turns to popular culture, which pushes beauty products and "reality" television. As a teenager she faces backlash after a drunken party tryst.
Rise and Rise of Daniel Rocket, The
- (flash forward) Each cast member of this Different Stages production saunters onstage a 12-year-old lout and strides off a 32-year-old lout. Alice (Jenni Rall, the only lead who convincingly makes the child-adult transformation), the girl of Daniel Rocke's dreams, is in love with his best friend Richard. Everyone makes fun of Daniel because he thinks he can fly. When it turns out he can indeed fly, he runs away to become famous. When Daniel returns to his old hometown (never a good idea) 20 years later, having achieved fame and fortune abroad, he finds that nothing has changed. The one thing this show, full of 25-year-old preteens and miracles, so desperately needs -- suspension of disbelief -- never materializes. One disbelief-suspending strategy is the ceaseless cacophony of affected (first preteen and then 30-something) voices. According to Rocket and company, life at 12 is bad and it doesn't get any better.
Rock 'N' Role Reversal
- (body swap) 50s musical for the whole family about the exploits of a young girl who can switch places with other people. She wants to be anyone but herself.
Romeo & Juliet
- (coming of age portrayal) 2007, New York City Ballet, limited run, score by Sergei Prokofiev.
The dancer who portrays Juliet merits special mention. She first appears dancing to the strains of a light and delicate air, appropriate for the child she is at the time. Through subtle gestures she quickly becomes a lovestruck young woman and finally a distraught bride who must choose between marrying someone else and putting herself into a coma. As the music darkens in tone, so too her dancing matures, demonstrating every anxiety and hope that shakes her frame.
- (adult age disguise) J.M. Barrie, 1912.
An examination of familiar Barrie themes: the illusory nature of age and the threat of passing time.
- Her alter ego is Beatrice Page, an exquisite twenty-something stage actress. She attempts to explain her deception to a much-younger suitor, who does not immediately recognize Rosalind's older figure. With a mixture of bravado and vulnerability - playing a part, pretending to be something she is not - she reveals her many masks, donning and discarding them with dizzying speed and facility. To play Rosalind, one must be able to pass for 29 as well as mid-40s.
Rosewater of Dona Felicidad, The
- (adult rejuvenation) Aging woman makes pact to remain young forever. The age decrease process is not visual to the audience.
link - (Bstgate)
Same Time, Next Year
- (adult FF through middle age)
2011, Harrison Hilltop Theatre company.
- 2 people meet up once a year for sex and conversation, expressing frustration but also making it clear that they love their partners and their children. The play spans 24 years with era- and age-appropriate clothing and wig choices. Cari Downing manages to portray the aging of Doris fairly well. While the youngest incarnation of Downing's Doris falls on the side of caricature, more ditzy than youthful, she proceeds to add touches of maturity in each scene. Her progression is clear and laudable for its variances.
Señor Discretion Himself
- (flash forward, coming of age) Frank Loesser musical, based on short story by Budd Schulberg. The illiterate town drunk discovers that a wealthy newcomer to town has eyes for his 15 year old daughter. Elena Shaddow uses comically awkward gestures in an effort to seem young enough for the role early on, and then blossoming into a grown woman with a gorgeous voice in the second act after the song "Fifteen to Eighteen" charted her change.
shadow of time
- (AA FF APed) - screencaps
shadow plays
- (adult face silhouette to OA) Francois Dominique Seraphin, French shadow play showman, c1790.
He used a metal shadow figure with jointed parts to have the face of a young woman "change into" that of a witch - (Catherine Darley)
- (CoA wish) c'14, Pilobolus. Shadow play about a girl who wants to be adult against her parents wishes. She flees into a dreamworld to find herself.
Shrek The Musical
- (FF) "I Know it's Today", 2008.
Sung by Young Fiona, Teen Fiona, and Adult Fiona, as she "grows" older in the tower waiting for a prince to rescue her.
Sleeping Beauty
- (coming of age) Merlyn Theatre, CUB Malthouse, 2007.
Changes in adolescence can occur in huge leaps or in an accretion of small, almost unnoticeable adjustments, dream-like and with the unwitting oblivion of a state of enchantment.
Beauty is just an innocent "child" when she pricks her finger on the enchanted spindle, but she wakes as a woman about to marry Prince Charming. The moments of transformation are "the hardest period of a young woman's life".
Snow Queen, The
- (small possibility of AA APed scene at the end?)
1983 opera, Carpenter, Barnett, UK.
1994 opera, Matthew King, UK.
1998 ballet, Erin Holt, Glendale, California. Live performance films, Tobin.
1999 off-Broadway dance theater, Jones, MacDuffie.
2006 musical, Victory Gardens Theater.
2007, English National Ballet, Michael Corder.
2008. Sherman Theatre Cardiff - West Yorkshire Playhouse.
2008, Kwadrant Theater, Zoetermeer.
2009, Edinburgh Playhouse Youth Musicals Club.
2010, Chichester Festival Youth Theatre.
2010, Cordes Hall, Sunninghill, pantomime version.
2010, Rage Arts, West Midlands.
2010, Stephen Joseph Theatre, Scarborough.
2011, Cultural Art Society Franc Kotar Trzin, "Snezna kraljica".
Mid Powys Youth Theatre, modernist adaptation, Birch, Sterry.
Magnus Theatre. Ice Ghosts on rollerskates and acrobatic ravens.
Snow White
- (FF) Ballet Preljocaj, 2008.
The staging is packed with wonderful ideas: for example, the heroine's transformation into an adult, "growing" in just a few seconds as a result of the clever substitution of performers.
Some Baby!
- (rejuv, AR) AKA "Three Spoonfuls", c1916.
All about a scientist who thought he discovered an elixir of youth wherewith he turned a grandmother into a blushing young maiden, and a blushing young maiden into a howling infant - (Jeffr_2bya)
Stolz Productions
- (AA APed) 2010, "Ladder Box".
Can be viewed surrounded, Palanquin concept. "Time machine" illusion.
- A seed was watered and dropped in, the clock turned forward and it grew into a flower. The flower was then turned into a full bouquet. Finally we placed a baby wrapped in a blanket inside, turned time forward, and she "grew" into a grown woman.
String of Pearls
- (flashbacks, flash forwards, age disguises) North Coast Repertory Theatre, 2008, Michelle Lowe. 4 actresses, 27 roles, 38 years. Kwana Martinez moves deftly from a present day 74 to her earlier self at 39. Christy Yael did a 43-year age shift from Kyle to 3-year-old Zoe. A mere change of costume and all else changes from inflection to mannerisms.
Successful stunts; fifty short, impromptu dramatic stunts for social occasions
- ("growth" illusion?) Katherine Ferris Rohrbough, pub. 1929.
...She carries a long staff hidden under her cape, and the sunbonnet and cape or shawl are all in one piece, so that she can gradually grow taller by raising the sunbonnet and shawl with her staff. Her manner is sly and stealthy;...
- (role reversal) 2019/07, 75mins.
Trading roles adult/child theatre. "Growing Up Broadway" presents current Broadway kids singing roles they are a bit too young for, while former Broadway "kids" sing the songs they performed long ago. Conceived and produced by former Broadway kid Dara Paige Bloomfield - (TheObserver)
- Japanese all-female theatre troupes that perform musicals. "Puck" was performed ca 1991. A 10-year-old boy and a girl grow to 15, 18, and 19. (same players?) (Akira)
Tale about the Lost Time, A
- (AR) Russian-Canadian Musical Drama Theatre, Toronto, c2012.
Based on Soviet film "Skazka O Poteryannom Vremeni", 1964 - link - caps
This Twisted Tale
- (coming of age, FF) 2011.
A modern fairytale played by two female performers using circus (aerial and pole), puppetry, projection, shadow theatre, verbal storytelling, and dialogue. First we meet Chloe - platinum pigtails, white bloomers, and an innocent air - teased by her peers for being childish and dreamy. Enter Luce - all punk posturing and petulance, red curls, Cleopatra eyeliner, and black leather boots. She's the devil incarnate, or Chloe's imaginary friend, or her alter-ego - a Peter Pan character who stays just where she is whilst Chloe grows and changes through her provocations. The relationship is played out on the playground-cum-circus equipment in a series of acrobatic and aerial duets. The story is pulled into Chloe's future with a very lovely girl-to-woman transformation scene that is done with great clarity and elegance - link
- (growth wish) Northern Stage Christmas offering. Tiny young girl Thumbelina wants to grow taller. Karen Traynor's attempts to make herself grow an extra half-centimetre are hilarious. Thumbelina meets a fairy prince just her size and they wed. She receives a pair of wings to accompany her husband on his travels from flower to flower.
Time Lapse
- (FF AA) "A Ten-Minute Comedy Duet", Jules Tasca, 2001.
Emit Bingem - a male
Mother, Emily, Nurse - all played by the same female
The actors make transitions from lapse to lapse in that abrupt mechanical fashion, the way plants and flowers change form and grow and wither in time-lapse films.
At opening, Mother holds infant son, Emit, cradling him in her arms.
Time lapses: Emit begins to crawl on all fours. Sitting up. Emit stands holding his stomach. Emit puts on a baseball cap.
Mother: Are you trying to tell your mother, that you're interested in...in...women?
Emit removes his cap and puts on a sports jacket.
Mother: Twenty-one years old! It's a milestone.
Mother puts on a wig.
Emily: Oh...oh yeah...oh my gosh, Emit. It's...it's...it's a gray hair!
Time Machine Illusion
- (AP AA) Magic Unlimited, 2008. Oscar Renzo & Mara.
Hello little girl, would you like to see my time machine?
- Video link - screencaps
Time Plays (series)
- (time loops etc.) J. B. Priestley stage dramas, 1930s-1940s.
Each play explores a particular concept of time. The characters react to the unusual temporal landscape they encounter.
- "Dangerous Corner", 1932 - Exposure of their dark secrets is erased when the play returns to the beginning at the fall of the curtain.
time skip song (trope)
- (FF cut) A musical number that encompasses a Time Skip. Books may have a page that says "Nineteen years later". Films may have an Age Cut. In musicals, this is effectively accomplished with a song, often including an Age Cut as well for musical films. Stage musicals may have a "young" character swing offstage, then swing back with a different actor as the "adult" character. The song itself usually has to do with either growing up or adapting to the new environment. There is often an instrumental or dance break where the Skip actually occurs; the characters sing the first part as their younger selves, then return after the dance/instrumental as their adult selves and sing the remainder. Often used to end the first act of a show.
- (TvTropes)
time themes
- (FB AA) Back in time fake caps
- (FF AA) Through the years caps
Tom's Midnight Garden
- (AP) Adapted from Philippa Pearce book. 2002 Manchester: Adults playing the parts of children is an acquired taste - I found Tom and the three cousins in 'Tom's Midnight Garden' rather arch, but Tom grew on me, and the three cousins grew up in the story. We struggled with the concept of time travel, time machines, and intersecting life-lines. Kirsten Parker, as Hatty, was excellent. Her body language was right out of primary school, and like the notorious cousins, we were convinced she grew taller as her character grew up.
Tristan "The Maestro Magician"
- (AA TFed) "A Touch of Absence" by Tristan Magic. Veakeio theatre, Magic Circus Show, c.2023.
A doll transformed into a girl and then a woman, but these things can't endure - link - screencaps
Vec Makropulos
- (adult age stasis, OA) AKA "The Makropulos Affair"
1922 Czech play by Karel Capek, 1926 Czech opera by Leos Janacek.
- At age 16 in the year 1600, Elina Makropulos acquired an elixir that kept her in the prime of adulthood. After three centuries, the famous singer's life has become meaningless. She stops drinking the elixir to abolish the endless tedium of immortality. The first signs of old age appear. She ages rapidly before the astonished onlookers.
Vite vite je veux grandir!
- (age-up wish) c2012 musical, Theatre Bellecour, Nice.
Is it a dream? It's important to live in the present time. Lisa wants to be older to finally do whatever she wants. Follow this little girl's journey around the world.
- (AP CB allusion) Louise Warren, Scarlet Theatre, 1991. Helen Anderson, Gráinne Byrne and Sophia Lovell Smith.
3 little girls vowed to wed on the same day. Near the beginning of the performance, Poppy and Pandora opened the drawer containing red childhood cardigans. The clothes magically grew to adult-size on the eve of the wedding.
As a sign of her decision not be married, but to dedicate her life to singleness and the care of growing things, Pasha emptied the dark fertile earth down the staircase. Pandora and Poppy then entered as their childhood selves.
"Where are you Pasha, Poppy asked, and from the top of the stairs Pasha, now also a child, replied "I'm in the tree! I'm so big that I'm splitting out of my nightdress, my head is wearing the moon for a hat..."
Her farsightedness as a child about her deepest needs was demonstrated by her image of herself bursting through her nightdress - the childhood 'skin' that had become too small and tight to contain her.
The adult Pasha was, at one and the same time, gardener, nun and sorceress. Her garment, when it emerged from the nest of leaves, was the habit-like dress. Pasha remade the magic childhood garden so that it became a meaningful place to live her adult life. Poppy's leaf drawer dress became her wedding gown ...whereas Pasha had split out of her childhood nightdress into her new self, Poppy's wings of desire that burst through her dress reaffirmed her commitment to the vow she had made as a child. Pandora quickly pounced on the fairy-tale dress, only to discover that it was too small for her. She had outgrown the fairy tale... Poppy marries the unseen fairy prince.
walkaway age change (effect)
- (teen/preteen age disguised/sudden change RN) "S.G.D. grows up fast" c2020.
Many short videos. Most often used for instant AR effects. "Grow up trick" gag works best when seen from behind.
- gif - gif "Little Girl, Big Girl" ViralHog, c2020. Layla the 7 y.o. showed me her new party trick.
Weird Romance Act II
- (FF) 1992 musicals. "Her Pilgrim Soul" has "Pressing Onward, Moving Forward" as Nola "ages" from her teens to a young woman.
When Tigers Smoked Long Pipes
- (young adult age-up) 2003.
5 Korean folk tales with the common theme of transformation.
- An adolescent girl becomes a lotus blossom and transforms into a grown woman. The girl has to sacrifice her life to help her father and marry a dragon king under the sea, but the marriage doesn't work out. It represents the girl blossoming into the woman she is to become when married to the right person.
When You Grow Up
- (AA AP) TF caps
Wit: A Play
- (flash forward, flashback) This Margaret Edson play isn't easy to stage. Scene shifts take place without a pause to let actors get their feet. Our narrator gets a pelvic exam in full view of the audience. Supporting characters double on the fly, and lead characters have to change ages from scene to scene. At the final moments, our narrator appears in front of us as naked as the day she was born.
Zarkana: Cirque Du Soleil
- (AA FF glimpsed) Radio City Music Hall, 2012. Upon the table of blue sand she begins to create extraordinary images, and a baby’s face that "transforms" into an adult woman.
AP: age progression
AR: age regression
CB: clothes burst or rip
UC: undersized clothing
AA: age-appropriate clothing or clothes grow too
RN: return to normal