10 years youngermanga: A-B C-F G-K L-N O-S T-Z | movies: A-C D-J K-R S-Z | UC/CB | timelapse | ads: A-L M-Z |
books: A-B C-F G-K L-N O-S T-Z | comics: A-C D-L M-S T-Z shorts fetish | software: A-L M-Z |
T.v.: A-B C-G H-O P-S T-Z | legends | toon: A-F G-P Q-Z shorts fetish | 2BYA classic AR/AP |
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short films - fetish films
100th Day of School (memes)
- (adult "OA'd" disguises) c2020. ATTENTION, CLASS: it's the 100th day of the school year.
Be on the lookout for fun videos and pictures from teacher friends dressed as little old ladies! - Clip link - link - link - link - link - link - (MeanMark)
13 Again
- (ARed OC, RN AA AP, AR again)
Ep01 "Kinigra Turned 13 Again on Her Birthday" 2021/11.
- Episode link @3:55 - youtu.be/BtPqxeTT61Y - caps
Ep02 "Kinigra Tries to Undo Her Birthday Wish" 2021/12.
- Episode link
Ep03 "Kinigra Gets ARRESTED" 2022/01.
- Episode link
Ep04 "Broken spell" 2022/01.
- Episode link - youtu.be/v9XORmplD5s - RN AP screencaps - AR screencaps
- (FARfan)
14 Problems Only Tall Girls Understand
- (height issues, slight implied UC) 2015. How's the weather up there?
Vid link - caps
15 Going on 46
- (male teen AP, shoe burst) - screencaps
@ 1:43 Karl becomes 30 years older.
video link - (TapiocaDays)
48 Hour Film Challenge
- (unproduced movie script AP) 2005, AKA 48 Hour Film Project. Film not yet made. Title: "Silence".
Man slams his fist down, losing his temper. He shouts "Silence!" The family falls silent and looks at him in shock. Son glares back, then suddenly transforms into his adult form and storms off. The father turns his glare toward his young daughter. She glares back, transforms into an adult, and exits like the first. The adult children leave, passing the mother who gazes disapprovingly at the Man. A sign is driven into the lawn: House For Sale.
6 foot kid turns into 4 foot kid
- (male AR) 6 foot Elliot turns as if by magic into a younger 4 foot boy.
- male link - caps - (samthemecanicman)
9 on a monday
- (poof AR glimpsed, OC aftermath, male ARed) 2015 short.
Mock shock doc in which we meet 28-year-old Heidi, whose rare condition means that every Monday from 7am to 7pm she turns into a 9-year-old. The documentary maker has followed her since age 18 in 1988. Her unhappy life eventually finds meaning when she runs into the other sufferer. Their teen daughter has not inherited the strange condition, and remains adult-sized on Mondays. No RN was shown.
- Video link - screencaps - (Super Man)
A fonte da juventude existe mesmo!!!
- (male ARed cutaway) 2016 - Youth river gag link - youtu.be/Eh2vLCq1KvI - caps - (Entropic)
A Fonte da juventude
- (male adult rejuvenation) c2010 males
A Fonte da Juventude
- (male ARed cut-away) 2014 - Vid link - caps - (Entropic)
A Super Fonte da Juventude
- (male AR to early teenhood) c2010 - male youth water - (StormLogic)
AA AR poof
- gif
- (lo-qual) '15 - vid link - caps
- (no process) - c2013 caps
AA curse (theme)
- (dream fade into adult) '15 vid link - caps
AA curse
- (poof) If I could ban any two letters, I would ban A twice.
c'13-15 lo-qual/no-qual caps - caps
AA curses
- c2014.
- caps When I buckle up I become old enough to drive... not too much difference.
- caps Vine finger snap of age.
- caps School hallway of time.
- caps Clothes growth spurt poof.
- caps Clara (blurry dark).
- caps Face closeup fade-in/out.
AA cut
- (male ultra low quality) "Teen hulk" 2008. Replaced by teen in different clothes - vid link - cap
AA cuts
- (blink TFed)
Vid link - caps 2014.
Male vid link - caps 2014.
Male vid link - caps 2013.
Male vid link - caps 2010.
AA poof
- ("AP") "I want to be older", 2014 vid link - caps
AA poof
- c'16 gif
AA poofs
- (blink replacements) c2012 ultra low quality caps
AA scenes
- caps - caps - caps - caps
AA scenes
- (age cuts)
Vid link "Jump of Age" - caps
Vid link (AA @ 1 min) - caps
Male caps
AA scenes
- (age-up poofs) 2013.
Vid link - caps
Vid link - caps
AA scenes
- (age-up) - older - maturity makeover - low-qual male
AA scenes
- 2014 "age cuts".
(male teen) - "Is time to #grow" - Vid link - caps
(girl forms) - "age bounces" - Vid link - caps
(male teen) - low-qual caps
AA scenes
- age-up screencaps - vid link - caps Look at my body, my boobs are so big.
AA scenes
- schoolgirl FF - male AA
AA scenes
"Nina que crece en 3 anos", 2014.
- Vid link - caps
"Videoclip De Nina A Mujer", c2010.
- Vid link - caps
"Je suis Toi." c2012 intercuts.
- Vid link - caps
"Muneca plastilina", 2014 CoA.
- Vid link - caps
- "When your kids grow up too fast", 2018 Vid link - caps
- (cut-away) c'16 caps
- (cuts) c'15 - caps - caps
- (time jump) c'17 gif
- c2014 caps
- The 2 most horrible letters.
c2014 - Stop motion animation for the theme change / Zaman - vid link - caps - vid link - caps
Act Your Age
- (AR AA dream sequences) 1949.
Teens acting childish shown as little kids; male around 4:00, female and male around 9:00.
Jim, an emotionally immature teen, learns to evaluate his personality to better work out his problems.
- Video link - screencaps - (Entropic)
- (adult face rejuvenation)
Video link - sliding age/de-aged filter
Age Changer
- (male AA poof) Trophy Pandas, 2015. How to change age with just a snap of the fingers! - Video link - caps
Age Definer
- (male AR) 2009.
Video link - caps - (TheAustinB15, AR Group)
age disguise (theme)
- (simulated FF) c'15 screencaps
age disguise
- (kinda looks like 11 to 12 TF, coming of age) slight makeover effect.
Age Machine
- (male AA AR) "Part 1" 2 boys are camping when one uncovers a dangerous machine - Video link - (StormLogic)
Age Machine
- (male teen to boy AR) 2009 vidcaps
Age Rewind
- (rejuvenation serum?) 2016 BFTV student film.
Feeling pressure from society to look younger, 40 y.o. Paulina receives a miracle beauty cream. They say it can take 10 years off of you... if all goes according to plan.
- Video link - screencaps
Ageing Cream Commercial
- (young adult rejuvenation) 2010. Video link - caps - (AR boards)
- (AA curse, APed cutaway) Young Chloe apparently has the ability to make herself older whenever she wants. They don't show the transformation and we only glimpse the aftermath. Clothing status kept vague at first. This actually sorta sucks.
- 2013. 10 y.o. girl who keeps disappearing is hunted by rogue cop to exploit her secret power. She can't stop running. The men have been paid to bring her back alive. "I know that he knows about me and what I can do ... This power ... I just hope that someday, maybe, I can find a home." The change takes intense concentration. The confrontation begins after 8 minutes.
- Full video link - screencaps - (River Point Films)
Aging Beauty
- (adult face FF to middle age) 2010 age test.
Aging Potion Skit
- (male slight APed glimpse) HomieLauncher, 2017 - Vid link - caps
Aging Spray Commercial
- (adult rejuv morph) 2017 assignment.
CM link - screencaps - (Izzy Oppenheim)
Aging with potions!
- (poof "AP", RN) 2015. Vid link - caps - link
- (male AP cut)
Video link - screencaps - (9SecondsOrLess)
Aimee Price
- (possible slight old age flash forward) Short film. A beautiful yet unhappy young woman (Anastasia Drake), encounters a mysterious antiquarian. He promises her a lifetime of happiness in exchange for 1 year of her youth. 30 years later, Aimee learns that a single year can be a lifetime.
- (adult rejuvenation fade) 1938.
Probably one of the older clips of age regression, or of age changing in general, that we'll ever see. But I can't really tell if this clip is from a longer movie, or just a bit for a newsreel for entertainment purposes. Several shots of a magician attempting to solve the main questions of alchemy. He makes a magic potion to make the old young again - the question of eternal youth. He gives it to an old woman who dissolves into a beautiful young woman.
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
Alice In Winterland
- (slight UC) c2009 Ep16. Teen Alice was magically made to wear part of her old costume
- (adult FFed cut-away) 1994 art film caps
AMAZING Magic Trick-Man turns into a child
- (male AR cut) 2013.
Video link - screencaps - (Louis Wyatt)
Among Us
- (APed) 2012. An electrical disturbance made the kids years older.
"Are those my pajamas?" "I hope you don't mind, my old ones didn't fit anymore."
- Video link - screencaps - (MrKindsbach)
Anella Miller
- (AA rejuved/ARed cutaways) 2018.
Instagram influencer makeover parody ad. I usually don't like such clips but this one is cute and funny. Anella (b.1986) is starting to become concerned about age issues. If you had a chance to get back in time, to which age would you return? With my Foreo Luna 2 silicone face brush w/sonic power I become younger every time??
- Video link - screencaps - (Blabla260)
Angry kid morphs
- (male AP UC) screencaps - male rage growth
- (male AP UC, RN ARed) 2009. A young boy gets angry while playing a videogame, and morphs into increasingly older males.
- Video link
Anti aging toilet infomercial/commercial
- (ARed OC cutaways) Appiqueness, 2016.
Video link - screencaps
Antidote, The
- (AA AR cut-away, AA RN fade)
Video link - caps - (jeff2beyoung)
AP cuts
- (AA TF) c2013, 5 second caps - caps
Aqua Age
- (slight AP, hairstyle change) Water causes girl to instantly grow about 8 inches taller and to become more mature. She leaves her formerly condescending rivals to go clubbing.
- Screencaps age-up scene.
AR (tropes)
- (poofed) c'14 deleted class short screencaps
- (poof) c2014 caps
AR gags
- (AA) - caps
AR/AP gag videos
(AR stages) c2013, 5 second videos.
- Vid link - caps - [reverse] "Aging"
(male AR) - Vid link - caps - "ANTI-AGING CREAM"
- (AR AA) - Vid link - caps - "Older girl changes young"
(male FF AP) - caps - "30-yrs from now"
- (AA) caps - blanket replacement.
Ari and Emma Get Young
- (AR) 2012. Ari and Emma Accidentally Turn Into Babies.
Video link - screencaps - (FARfan, ariANDemma)
Ava morphs into woman....mp4
- (AA cut APed, weight gain) 2013 Vid link - caps
- (male AR) c2010 Mortal Kombat fan videos.
male AR - male AR - male AA - male AA - (StormLogic)
Baby Avengers!, The
- (AR AA aftermath) Spider-Man, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, Ant Man, Hulk,..
Drake Bell, Stephen Kramer Glickman, Fred Gooltz. DBTV, 2017. After going to the bathroom, Peter Parker/Spider-Man returns to find mini versions of the Avengers. Mini Iron-Man informs him that Baron Zemo used his baby ray to turn them into babies.
Okay I wanna see a version with the movie Avengers and new Spider-Man Tom Holland. But when they get ARed, have the actors and actresses voice their child versions of themselves. I know it's creepy at times, but sometimes it adds to the humor of the situation... and probably change the baby ray into the Time Stone with a different villain.
- Video link - screencaps - (AgeRegressionFan01)
Baby Burlesks (series)
- (children acting as adults, kinda looks like "ARed") 1932-33.
The joke behind these shorts was to have adult plots enacted by 3 to 5-year-old kids dressed only in diapers held together by a large safety pin in the front. Some extra clothing may be added to suggests a kid's character, such as a millionaire also wearing a top hat, French cuffs (no shirt) and spas over bare feet.
- "Polly Tix in Washington" centered around a plot to ruin a senator by getting him involved in a sex scandal. The vamp hired to seduce the senator is none other than 3 y.o. Shirley Temple. In her first scene, she is seen at a scaled-down dressing table sitting in toddler-size lingerie (a bra and lace step-ins). When arriving at the senator's office, she is in the standard diaper with pearl necklace and a stylishly placed feather in her hair. Yes, Shirley Temple appeared topless in movies before her big break. There is no AR in this, but it sure looks like somebody ARed the whole world! What in the world were they smoking back then? Cause I want some! - (ArArchive boards)
Baby Congress
- (ARed aftermath) UCBComedy, 2012.
BREAKING NEWS: Congressmen turned into babies, Nation unsurprised.
- Video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
BabyCentre UK
- (POV baby videos) c2012+
Experience life through the eyes of a baby - Newborn to 6 link - 8 months old link - (Jeffr_2bya)
back to childhood
- (male AR) c2009 - video link - screencaps (AR Group)
Banned iPhone app 20 - fountain of youth
- (AR)
- Video link - screencaps (jeff2beyoung)
Be careful what you wish for..
- (AR) 2013, 5 second vid.
Teen/tween girl wishes to be little again - Vid link - screencaps
http://seenive.com/v/923721767162355712 - (FARfan)
BE scene
- morph cap. Every woman reacts differently to such a thing.
Betty's Big Problem
- (BE belated puberty) A woman experiences extremely rapid breast size increase as her chest develops all at once. BE
Big Girl Change to Little Girl!!
- (AR AA poof) Likee app, 15sec gag, India 2019.
Clip link - gif - (Beautiful Dora)
Big girl transforms into Little girl!!!!!!
- (AR OC cut-away, RN AA cut-away) 2013.
Video link - screencaps
Big Girl
- (male adult, mind implant from 6 1/2 y.o.) 2011, UK. Adam Nicholas, www.pitcairnfilms.co.uk
Girl's brain was transplanted into adult man. "I've got a willy. Look!" "I'm especially not supposed to get in a car with strangers" - Video link
- (male age forms AA) 2012 parody.
A young boy wishes to be older. From "Midbest Presents: Casey & Dave Are Different"
- Video link - cap
- (AP, RN AR aftermath at the end)
2012, FSV 1.1 Location Filmmaking comedy short.
- In the pursuit of becoming like Katy Perry, young Anna dreams of growing up quickly. Mysteriously, her wish is granted, but through the experience of being a teen, she wants to change back! Perhaps it's time to grow down. Life runs at its own pace. Don't force it, for it will bring more harm than good!
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan )
blink cut/fade
- (male ultra low quality cuts) AA "AP" caps
blink cut/fade
- (minimal AA "AR") AKA "poof TF".
Very low-quality special effect in which an age change is simulated by inserting a different actor wearing different clothes. Examples:
- vid link - cap - vid link - cap
Not to be confused with cutaway:
- vid link - cap
- (Thomas, Tee061592, DigitalSands)
blink cut/fades
- (AA poof AP) video link - screencaps
- Other AA screencaps - AA caps
- (male low quality AA) - poof "TFed" caps
blink cut/fades
- (low-quality AA) age cut away - male
blink cut/fades
- (very low-quality AA AR fade or offscreen AA ARed)
- Vid link - cap - vid link - cap
BODY SWITCH UP Kids vs Parents!
- (parents / preteen daughters, body swap TFs, kinda looks like ARed/APed, very slight UCed glimpse, OC) 2018.
Body Swap #2 Learning video for family. Kids swapped bodies with parents because of constant quarrels. Older daughter with Mom's body: we can see part of the top of her now snug-fitting pajamas. Younger daughter with Dad's body: her small pajamas were AA-draped during the transformation. Parents with kids bodies: adult pajamas are now way oversized. This should teach children and parents not to quarrel and to find common solutions.
- Video link - TFed screencaps - RNed screencaps - (AnnaStories)
- (male adult FF muscle growth) Young man bulks up to defeat bully - male
Boy Who Grew, The
- (male APed UC aftermath glimpse) - screencaps
Boy Who Grew, The
- (male APed) FastlaneMovies, 2009.
The story of an unfortunate boy who went through an unprecedented growth spurt in one night, and the harsh realities he had to deal with after the massive change.
- male link
boys to men
- (male AP) c2013 - caps - caps
boys to men
- (male poof AP gags) 2008-2013.
- screencaps - screencaps
- screencaps - screencaps
- caps - vid link - caps - vid link
Britannica Classic: Nathaniel Hawthorne's Dr. Heidegger's Experiment
- (temporary adult rejuvenation) 1969, Encyclopaedia Britannica Educational Corporation - link
Britney 2032
- (adults FFed to OA, dream adult rejuved) 2001.
Marc Sedaka, Cedarhurst, WB Online - link - small caps - (AgeMagic)
- (age forms AA) A female symbolically switches between teen and adult forms.
- Screencaps ages
(AP AA cut) Art Movie by Swetlana Bergmann and Jonas Lindemann.
video link
busting out
- (BE UC) Screencaps:
blue shirt
rising up
b&w shirt pop
pump effect
busting out
- (real life adult BE CBed) "Nira's Breasts are growing!!" 2010 - Vid link - caps - (Kidcarsonthebeat)
busting out
- (slight UC) 16-y.o. popped "last year's" school shirt - caps
busting out
- (slight UC) zipper pop
busting out
- (UC scenes)
screencaps - vid link khaki shirt BE pop
screencaps - vid link white shirt button pop
screencaps - vid link jacket BE burst
busting out
- (UC shirt pop) 16
busting out
- (UC shirt pop) A metaphor for puberty? Gif
busting out
- (UC shirt pop) vidcaps
busting out
- (UC zipper pop) 15
busting out
- (UC) Young women show off their ability to enlarge their busts at will, popping the buttons of their shirts. Kinda looks like part of a grow-up scene.
1 - 2 - 3
busting out
- Her old skirt: gif
- (AA age form metaphor) Sarah Pucill, 1997, 17min. Moments of desire and suffocation, represented by a girl and her doll which "transform" into a live woman/mother are viscerally provoked.
- (adult rejuvenation) 2012. An old woman transforms into a young woman.
Video link - info link - (Josh86)
Child's Play
- (dream ARed AA cut) Ron Samuels, 2012.
Two strangers meet for the first time. After sharing food and gifts, play chasing each other releases their inner children.
- Video link - screencaps - (super man)
Children Grow up Before Your Very Eyes
- (male AP, blink aging cuts) Mother watches son on lap grow up until his clothes fit perfectly.
video link
Children really do grow up before your very eyes
- (male AP) screencaps
children songs - Growing
- (male AP FF) "The Family" children's documentary explains the process of child growth using a series of actors - male - male - male
- (male APs) 2007. Children songs produced by The Family International.
- Video link
Claire RockSmith
- (mother/daughter soul & clothes swap, cutaway) - Video link @01:50 - caps
"13 Year Old Girl SWITCHES BODIES With Mom, What Happens is SHOCKING", 2022/05/22.
YouTube channel videos. When Claire wants to go with Sophie after the prom, Mom says no. In the heat of their argument they simultaneously make a strange wish, leaving them in each other's places. The magic somehow swapped not only their souls, but also their clothes. We don't think it transformed their bodies. Fortunately Mom and daughter are similarly sized. In fact it's possible the daughter may already be beginning in some ways to surpass the mother - (Troom Fan)
clothes change too (common trope)
- (male AA blinks) - vid link - caps - vid link - caps - (TF Theater)
Clowning!..!..!..(Old school clothes) lol
- (excellent slight UC CBed scene)
- Screencaps - outgrown shirt - outgrown shirt
Old school shirts from a few years ago no longer fit quite right. The sleeves have become a few millimeters too short. Shoulder seams give way under the pressure.
- video link
Collegehumor: Hardly Working
- (AR OC poofed & aftermath, AA OA'd glimpse) c2008, daylight savings skit. The team set the clock too far back and became children again as a result.
Video link - screencaps
Collegehumor: If You Knew How Your Relationship Would End Upon First Sight
- (adults FFed glimpse cuts to older) 2014.
Eh, we'd probably just date the hot people regardless - Video link - (AgingWomen boards)
CollegeHumor: Optical Illusion Girlfriend
- (adult "OA" mental switch) 2009 short. Based on "My Wife, my Mother in Law" drawing (1888, 1915 W.E. Hill).
Guy brings home his hot girlfriend, but his friend warns him he is actually dating the "Young Woman, Old Woman" Ambiguous Figure illusion. However their viewpoints are swapped and they trade places. His friend then tries to put away her flowers in Rubin's Vase illusion.
- Video link - screencaps - (Kappa)
Collegehumor: The Baby of the Friend Group
- (adult mental immaturity) 2019.
A 30 y.o. acting 5. Every friend group has a "baby" of the group, so they have to hire a real babysitter. Hope they do a follow-up in 10 years??
- Video link - caps - (Kappa)
- (adult face AR) 2011.
"Baby's Face" "rejuvenation product" - fake commercial comedy sketch.
We feel like kids again! But we look like babies!
- Video link - screencaps - (Master_E1)
- (AR OC scenes, OA'd glimpse) "Hardly Working: Daylight Savings" 2008.
Spring forward, fall back 15 years - Video link - (Luffy)
- (FF adults to old) "Amish Women Confess Their Endless Sins" 2015.
After they return from their year away experiencing the modern world, Amish women need the rest of their lives to confess all the sins they committed during that time - link - caps - (Kappa)
Comercial de chocolate en polvo
- (teen to adult growth cutaway UC) 2012 - Video link - screencaps
Content Machine
- (adult FF OAs & flashbacks) "Objecting at your own wedding" 2022.
Short video link - caps - (Kappa)
Corujões Loves
- (AR OC poof, RNed) 2016. Two vloggers are regressed.
"Fonte da juventude existe ? Casal de namorados fotõgrafos".
- Video link @2:35 - screencaps - youtu.be/NIKZCGVWrPw - (FARfan)
Crema rejuvenecedora
- (AR glimpse) 2008 web clip.
Video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
- (AA adult age upgrade) Florencia series, Chagelado Estudio, 2012. A mutant flower caused the change - caps
D-Aging Cream
- (AR AA poofed) - caps - vid link - (Matt)
D.I.D: Dissociative Identity Disorder
- (adult mental "age forms") "The return of the repressed". A.S. Pereira, c2015.
Christine is a 23 y.o. woman. She's also still an 8 y.o. girl. And a 16 y.o. girl, and an 18 y.o. man. Her multiple personalities distance her from the deep psychological impact of being abused as a child - Trailer link
- (adult and mental child personalities) c'15? dissociative identity disorder - trailer caps
dance of rejuvenation
- (OA to young adult)
"Armada-style" beauty products.
- Video link - screencaps - (Yoshihiro21)
- (slow face AP lifetime morph) 9/2013, Anthony Cerniello.
A female seen above the shoulders slowly goes from infancy to old age while staring fixedly at the camera. The idea is that something is happening. You can't see it but you can feel it, like aging itself.
- Video link - screencaps - screencaps - (Acca)
David Blaine Street Magic Part 4 - OFFICIAL!
- (male AR AA) 2011 parody web series. It starts around 2:13.
Video link - screencaps - (Master_E1, ThoseLilRabbits)
de nina a mujer (theme)
- (FF AA age forms) celebrating the transition: screencaps
de nina a mujer (theme)
- (FF, CoA AA) c2015 caps
Dirty Secret
- (male adult UCed/"CBed") 2011.
A young man wakes to find he can't stop growing. Brian's clothes don't fit and his bed is too small for him. What's brought on this mysterious growth spurt? His landlady comes to his aid when he becomes too big to leave the house.
- Video link - screencaps - (FirstLightMovies)
Dirty Work
- (avian ARed to egg, de-evolution) Laurel & Hardy, 1933, 19 mins.
Chimney sweeps Stanley and Oliver reduce Professor Noodle's living room to a shambles while the mad doctor works in his laboratory on his rejuvenation formula. Cackling with glee, the Professor drops a duckling into the vat and winds up with an egg. When Stanley knocks Oliver into the formula, he turned into a 4-year-old chimpanzee - (TBTC)
disguises (un/masking tropes)
- (adult TG rejuvenated illusion) c'10. You can do a lot with a bodysuit - caps
DJ Gilmour Grows Up
- (male AA AP cut) - caps
- (male AP blink growth) 2007 outdoor clip by David. He grows in seconds.
video link
Doctor Brompton - Watt's Age Adjuster
- (male AR, de-evolution) 1912 b&w 5mins.
Husband wants to be young but overdoes his tests on a chemical restorative. He becomes an infant that drinks the rest of the formula and then becomes a monkey.
Don't even touch my Bra!
- (coming of age) 2006 S. Korea. Jin, a 14-year-old junior high school student is disturbed by other people's attention to her growing breasts. The film shows how an adolescent girl experiences puberty. Bae Sun-hee, Lee Doo-sung, by Kim Seo-jin.
Double Jump
- (male out of bounds, rebirth AR cut) 2016.
Warning: if you double jump in real life, you will respawn upon leaving the game area.
- Video link - screencaps - (Case Scenario, Nukazooka)
Double Vision
- (adults rejuved VR illusion) Omeleto, 9/2018.
Sci-fi short film explores a future where people have advanced contact lenses to alter the appearance of people they see. A couple "role play" for the husband's birthday, where she appears as a younger blonde woman. Later it is revealed they are much older, but choose to see each others as their younger adult selves.
- Video link RNed @13:10 - (Tal)
Doug Dupin and the Fountain of Youth
- (male adults to teens AR, male & female teens to kids AR, poofs & cutaways)
2012, 48 hr film festival NH.
- Video link - screencaps - screencaps - screencaps - (Entropic)
Dr Tall and The Shrink Ray
- (AR) 2009. Radiation made an 18-year-old scientist's body look 8 years younger. Her clothes got much too big.
- Video link - caps
Dr. Brompton Watts' Age Adjuster
- (ARed) 1912, 5 min comedy - (2BYA)
Dr. Growenquick's Feeding Powder
- (male AP) 1911. Dr. Growenquick invents a special powder that is capable of causing infants to become adults within a matter of minutes. The good doctor administers some of this marvelous potion to a young baby boy - (Jeffr_2bya)
Dr. Nogood
- (male AR poofs to unbirthed) "Elixir of youth" 2016.
Video link @03:40 - screencaps - youtu.be/YiTPBGTOmpw - (Entropic)
DramatizeMe: Old Woman Buys Her Youth
- (old to adult youth body swap) 2023/06.
Wealthy elder businesswoman who tried online dating ended up falling for a handsome young man. However, he was visibly disappointed and flirted with the waitress. Suddenly, a rough-looking man sat down and offered to help with her love life. He could swap her body with the waitress, while keeping their personalities intact. The woman immediately agrees to the deal, without suspecting what would happen next...
- This was really well done! Love the devil character! Too bad the switch wasn't shown on screen. Onscreen swaps are always better - Video link - (Fanjustthe, Swapperdude)
Drawn by Pain
- (flash forward AA, TF AA APed) 2007, 12 parts.
Young girl first transformed into adult animated superhero. She became a reluctant crime fighter years later - screencaps
Dream, A
- (APed dream sequence glimpse) "A Dream", c2007? Little girl wakes in her room to find she's grown into an adult. Her adult form can barely be glimpsed as a reflection in the edge of the doorknob.
- Wakeup scene.
DUST - Future Boyfriend
- (adults "FFed") 2017 Sci-Fi.
A woman's date takes a strange turn when their future selves are revealed.
- Short film link - caps - (Kappa)
el enano crece
- (male AP poof) 2007 - Vid link - caps
Elixir of Youth, The
- (male AR & OA) 1910 French B/W 5mins.
A man wants to marry a young widow. He takes a drink of the elixir of youth and falls back into childhood. He is aged back again but becomes an old man - (JeffR_2bya)
Elsagate AA cuts
- (AA poof "age-up") "Bad Baby Hulk vs Hulk Girl vs Wonder Woman Scream Food Fight Real Life Superhero Movie", 2018 - Vid link - caps
Elsagate: superhero shorts (video concept)
- ("mental" or pseudo-"AR") 2016. No dialogue. KIDS TRY channel, others.
Crazy and odd skit videos with unauthorized costume characters from Disney, Marvel and DC comics. Some go on for too long.
- Vid link Baby Supergirl Kidnapped!! Maleficent and Joker vs Disney Princesses w/ Frozen Elsa and Spiderman
- Vid link Santa becomes a baby Elsa vs Harley Quinn!! w/ Baby Cop Harley Quinn is arrested & hoverboard cop
Also see the YouTube channels Superhero Flicks, Your Favorite SuperHeroes IRL, Cherbear Toys, etc.
- (AgeRegressionFan01)
Elsagate: superhero shorts
- (AA poofed cutaway) - Vid link - screencaps Bad Baby Harley Quinn vs Joker vs Batman and Little Batgirl | Magic Superhero Movie in Real Life!
- (adult FFed, ARed cutaways) 2016. Shot by RED with Zeiss Lenses.
In an Intergalactic era, an adventurer is commissioned by an old patron to find the fountain of youth. What lies waiting in a darkened cave defies their expectations.
- Video link - vimeo/166214881 - screencaps - (FARfan)
Evolution of Child
- (male AP power-up) - male
- (male AP, blink TF powerup) 2006. Boy evolves into adult, Pokemon style. Pants change but shirt stays the same.
- video link
- (young to old adult soul swap) Saico Films, 2016.
Luciana receives the visit of a strange old woman, who eventually steals her body.
- Video link AA swap @11:20 - (4of11)
face illusion
- ("OA" wrinkling) caps
fast forward (trope)
- (AA FF) Match Cut where a person's normal aging over time is symbolized by a scene where it appears they "grew up" in a cut/fade while reprising an activity. The same character may also wear similar hairstyles and (larger) clothes at different ages.
Love start from friendship - touching heart movie
- Vecteur17, 2013.
Video link - screencaps - gif
Mediacorp Channel 8
- Growing Up Girl (Mandarin), 2009 CM, Singapore.
Video link - screencaps - gif
- (super man)
Fast Forward
- (AP, old age, AR) SciFi Channel 7 min short film, Exposure contest, Sundance. video link (Entropic, JeffR)
- Warning does not play in all browsers. Spoilers below for those who can't view content: 13 year old girl puts on magic age progression ring. When she looks in the mirror, she has turned into a 20 year old, still wearing oversized shirt, loose jeans, and sneakers. Her breasts grew about 2 cup sizes. Then her hair looks haggard. She tries to remove the ring but has become middle aged. Finally, we see the lifeless AA-clad body of an old woman from behind. The old woman who owned the ring then uses it to steal the girl's youth and becomes a young adult again.
Fast Forward
- (AP, young adult rejuvenation) Young girl wishes to grow up fast.
video link
fast growing boy
- (male AP UC) Serum causes rapid muscle development - male AP scene
fast growing up :P
- (AP AA) 2009. Miles growing up very fast underneath the covers...
Video link (ralphjing14)
- (AP AA) Little girl under the bed covers grew up fast.
AP Screencaps
Fate Foretold, A
- (old adult to young adult age swap) "A Fate Foretold", 2000, 21 mins.
Aged sorceress Circe is restored to her prime after draining a young woman of her vitality. This is the only instance of transformation in the film, though.
- Video link - screencaps - (Mary Jane)
Fattz & Cher
- (AR OC cutaways) "Kiss fountain of youth", 2014.
Radio hosts test a new kind of juice on their radio program.
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
Fear of Growing Old
- (adult FF to middle aged blurry glimpse) 2010, Visual Storytelling Project - "Dream". Aging... it's a nightmare.
Video link - screen caps - (Myspecialfx)
- (AR)
- screencaps
- video link
Final Equation, The
- (AR AA/OA blink glimpses) 48 Hour Film Project, 2011.
A woman writing about her father's scientific research discovers the final equation that changes her life.
- Video link at 3 mins. - age cut caps - (Cosmicsneeze)
flash forward (character evolution theme)
- (AA) - The more things change, the more they stay the same.
- F. C. Rabbath, 2012.
Young boy playing with a magnet figures that if he points it at the girl he admires, she will be pulled in his direction. This does not work and the frustrated boy throws the magnet on the ground, where it is picked up by the girl's friend.
Dissolve to a shot of the boy a lot older, again admiring the blonde-haired girl. After much hard work, he creates a powerful magnetic bracelet that attracts people. But to his dismay, this magical bracelet repels the girl he has been chasing. Yet again he throws it on the ground, and again it is picked up by the girl from his past. She comes over and they sit and smile together, giving the impression they will fall in love.
Video link - screencaps
Coming of Age
- John Herman, 2012.
48 Hour Film Project NH.
Video link - screencaps
- (super man)
flash forward (time cut)
- (FF AA effect) c'20. Age cloth, drape or cape caps
Flipside, The
- (adults FFed to older) The Flipside - S02Ep12 "If You Could Meet Your Future Self..." 2013/09.
Would you make a dinner reservation with your future self? - link - (Kappa)
- (inner child emergence) bokbokprod, 2008.
A dark fairy tale about a young woman trying to kill her adult self in order to become a child once again. She arrives at the end to take her away. Shot on 16mm film.
Video link - screencaps
flu shot girl
- (FF/FB comparisons)
A clear example of the "zoom out effect".
- "Michaela's flu shot" - original 2012 link - "all grown up" 2016 link - screencaps
- (male AP wish) Sung Woo Choi, 2007 student art film animated installation. A graphic story about a boy who wants to grow up fast.
fonte da juventude (theme)
- (boys only, AR cut-aways with oversized clothing) 2008 to 2013.
A bounty of male metamorphoses showcasing the restorative properties of youth water.
Man into boy trousers drop:
- Vid link - screencaps
Young man to boy around 0:30:
- Vid link - screencaps
Male AR shower:
- Vid link - screencaps
Man into boy around 0:35:
- Vid link - screencaps
Man into boy:
- Vid link - screencaps
Teen to boy pants fall:
- Vid link - screencaps
Man into boy around 1:50:
- Vid link - screencaps
(Entropic submissions)
fonte da juventude (theme)
- (male AR scenes)
Man into boy bench gag around 0:10:
- Vid link - screencaps
Man to boy from 0:25:
- Vid link - screencaps
Young man to young boy couch gag at about 1:20:
- Vid link - screencaps
Men into boys:
- Vid link - screencaps
Man to teen, to boy, to unbirthed:
- Vid link - screencaps
Young men into teens seance around 0:55:
- Vid link - screencaps
Middle-aged man into younger man:
- Vid link - screencaps
(by Entropic)
fonte da juventude (theme)
- (male AR) "Fonte da juventude de aguas de sao joao", 2018.
Man into younger man into little boy - link - youtu/yad0xqeoVNM - caps - (Entropic)
Fonte da juventude vazou nas redes sociais
- (male ARed OC) Young man to young boy, 2022.
Video link - youtu.be/j3wh5CYiA_E - caps - (Entropic, Mundo de Aventura)
fonte da juventude
- (male only AR OC TF cut meme)
"Agua da fonte da juventude", 2014.
- Video link - screencaps - boy into little boy.
"Fonte da Juventude", 2014.
- Video link - screencaps - man into young boy.
- (Entropic)
Forever Young
- (AA AR, AA RN APed) 2006.
A teenage (?) girl wishes to be young and wakes up much younger. No process, but it's pretty well acted.
- Video link - AA screencaps - (LilBigMan, jebediahthegreenfrog)
- (another AA thing) Pedro Resende, old age art film, 2012, Valtari Mystery Film Competition by Sigur Ros.
A journey about ageless love, time transformation and eternity.
- Video link - screencaps
Fountain of Youth - Calm-A-Sutra of Tea Scholarship
- (male ARed blurry glimpse) 2007.
A tea transformation - tea popsicle baby commercial.
Video link - caps - (deleted AR Group)
Fountain of Youth (sudden regression gags)
- (male AR poofs) 6 second videos where men blink into boys.
"Fountain of Youth?" 2013. Man to boy.
- Vid link - caps - https://vine.co/v/hO9OxVHOLBW
"fountain of youth in action! whattttttt" 2014. Teen to little boy.
- Vid link - caps - https://vine.co/v/OBAXhDKJqhx
"@tylerjblackburn found the fountain of youth." 2013. Man to boy.
- Vid link - caps - https://vine.co/v/hq1PLIzv0H0
"Fountain of youth" 2013. Teens to little boys.
- Vid link - caps - https://vine.co/v/bYIZDz9EWFZ
"Fountain of youth" 2013. Young man to baby.
- Vid link - caps - https://vine.co/v/bYBDBtwDegg
"Fountain of Youth" 2013. Young man to little boy.
- Vid link - caps - https://vine.co/v/hBuh0hDLdOh
- (Entropic video finds)
Fountain of Youth Elixir
- (male AR, AA ARed) 2010 web short.
Video link - screencaps - (Thomas, Theloganopolis)
Fountain of youth in a bottle
- (male AR) 2009 fake CM, web clip.
Video link - screencaps - (Age Theater)
Fountain of Youth
- (AR) 2009.
- Video link (jeff2beyoung)
- Screen caps (AR Group)
Fountain of Youth
- (male AR OC cut) 2014.
Video link - screencaps - (Entropic)
fountain of youth
- (male AR OC) 2013, 5 second vid.
Man drinks water from a bottle and regresses - Vid link - screencaps
http://seenive.com/v/959228563213766656 - (FARfan)
Fountain of Youth
- (male AR, adult rejuvenation)
Pathé Frères comedy, 5/17/1909, length: 354 feet.
From: "The Moving picture world: Volume 4", p646.
An old monk strolling through the wildwood meets a friendly young man. In the course of their conversation the monk tells his newly-made friend of a fountain near the Monastery, the waters of which possess the wonderful properties which will turn the aged into the bloom of youth. Becoming interested, the young man goes with the old monk to the fountain, and after securing a bottle of the marvelous water, he starts on his way.
As he is walking along he meets a very old woman and availing himself of the opportunity to try the effects of the water, he induces her to take a drink, and immediately she is transformed into a beautiful young woman.
Going then to a remote part of the wood he falls asleep, and two men come along and steal the bottle, after which, thinking that it contains ordinary water, they each take a drink and immediately are changed into little boys. The rightful owner soon comes upon the scene and after chastising the urchins for their conduct, he goes his way.
Passing a place where an old peasant is milking a cow, the youth asks for a glass of the milk, and upon being refused, takes revenge by forcing some of the water down the animal's throat and suddenly it is transformed into a little calf.
Fountain of Youth
- (male AR) 2010 - video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
Fountain of Youth
- (male AR) 2011 web video.
An office worker excavates the source of youth.
- Video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
Fountain of Youth
- (male AR) 2013, Bubbaworldcomix.
Ric & Shane add something to the pool. Two guys into kids around 1:50.
- Video link - screencaps - (Entropic)
fountain of youth
- (male AR) oversized clothing caps
Fountain, The
- (elderly couple rejuvenated to young adults, cutaways) "The Fountain", c2010, Thomas Moser.
An elderly man discovers a fountain of youth in his backyard greenhouse. How will he use his new-found, supernatural powers?
- Video link - screencaps - (Entropic)
Freaky Deaky
- (adult daughter/mother mind swap)
The wide generation gap between young woman Madison and her mom Phoenix is more than evident. They simply cannot understand each other. On a Thursday night after a disagreement, both receive a fortune cookie which causes them to switch bodies the next day. Now that Phoenix is trapped in a young adult body, she will waste no time de-virginizing her ass - start link only.
freaky friday
- (male body swap TF) 2 brothers swap ages in each others' clothes.
Video link - male growing/shrinking.
- Screencaps - male AP UC scene - male AR oversized clothing aftermath.
- (male AP UC, male AR, body swaps) 2008, benmcclean. 2 brothers trade ages and bodily forms while playing Playstation.
Funny Growth Hormone Kids Science Project Witches Brew
- (male AP AA) Growup potion
- (male AP blink AA) 2007. Kids create potion to make their brother/cousin grow to their size.
- video link
Funny I Shrunk Myself
- (male AR, male RN UC) 2010.
Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
Funny Or Die
- (AA curse) "Big with Evan Rachel Wood and Darren Criss", 2014.
Remember the Tom Hanks movie Big? It's "like" that ... but with a girl! - Video link
Funny or Die
- (male "ARed" aftermath) "Baby Trump" 10/22/2016.
A parody Presidential debate video between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. It looks like a Witch was a fan of Hillary and used her magic to make the "AR" happen offscreen to help her win the election - Episode link - (AgeRegressionFan01)
Funny video
- (male AP poof) 2013.
Kid took a magic growth pill and actually grew before your eyes.
- Video link - screencaps
Future Boyfriend
- (young woman FFed to old) Dust Exclusive, 2017, 10:25.
Time Travel romantic comedy short film. There is lots of talk about the young woman as an elderly future hologram.
- Video link - (Chrono Eclipse)
Gayle Haas presents Grannie Carter in "The Fountain of Youth" - www.StoriesComeAlive.org
- (AR poof TFs) 2011 web short.
"Old" woman into young woman into little kid.
- Video link - screencaps - (Thomas, Noleeotube)
gençlik iksiri
- (AA AR) "elixir of youth" caps - (PowerStruggle)
- (AA FF) About a girl leaving home. (PnuematicProductions) - years
Gerontophobia: Fear Of Aging
- (adult stasis) Ep01, 2014.
60 y.o. lothario who dates younger women is surprised the woman he dumped 30 years earlier has not aged a single day, and is desperate to discover her secret Fountain Of Youth.
- Purchase link
Get Fact: Are Kids Replacing Us?
- (male "age disguise", pseudo "ARed" cutaway RNed glimpse)
Spoof news segment about the epidemic sweeping the nation: children. A grown man was really 2 kids in disguise, revealed @03:30.
- Video link - screencaps - youtu.be/rAmbh5z1yYY - (FARfan)
giantess burstout
- (CB) 2 MB gif clips - Abercrombie - Baby Girls
- (AA giant adult females) confrontation
girl to woman AP short film (canceled)
- (dedicated AP CB scene, was never made or started or even seriously considered) unconfirmed, c2005.
Process Productions. This was the only girl to woman AP video concept ever mentioned as a vague possibility. Lorekeep mentioned in passing that some people had requested or proposed commissioning a girl to woman AP video with a child and an adult actress. However, he wrote this short film would never be made for legal reasons.
girl who wanted to grow up, The
- (age wish) 2015. A lot can go wrong - Video link - screencaps
Golden Oldies
- (adults dream rejuvenated, RN OA) "Rock 'n Roll Dance Movie | 50's Animated Dancing Cartoon" by Frame Order, 2017.
Animated short. A gangly male tries to rock & roll with the prettiest girl in a 50's diner, but is opposed by an importunate cool dude. Power failures switch them back to the future.
- Short toon with live action animation link - youtu.be/E_1K6JMIe90 - screencaps - screencaps - screencaps - (FARfan)
Good Looking Parents Sing Frozen, Again... (Love is an open door)
- (male & female toddler FFed to middle-aged, man & woman to OA) 2014.
Re-visit of a popular viral video now depicting the family 40 years older using prosthetic make-up.
- Video link - (Chrono Eclipse)
Grow Up Already
- (male adult baby) 2011, Richard Keith romantic comedy short.
A 23 3/4 y.o. boy was trapped by overprotective parents in a state of perpetual toddlerdom. After girlfriend Winnie gets fed up with changing his nappy, Andy realizes it might be time to sever the umbilical cord. Andy, with the help of his similarly infantile friend Bunky, sets about becoming the man he's destined to become - Video link
grow up meme
- (pseudo slight "APed") 2018, 17 sec clip. He told his daughter to "grow up" so she became slightly more mature - caps
growing a girl
- (female size increases) Rare homemade shorts in which girls become "bigger".
magic spell - after a "spurt" - FF
growing a man
- (male APed) Genre. There have been many home videos in which a boy suddenly becomes older through magical or technological means - male - male
Growing boy to man in 15 sec
- (male AA APed) 2011.
Video link - screencaps
- (excellent AP UC) A girl was made to rapidly grow up, showing how she would have appeared in 1997, 2001, and 2009.
- Screencaps
- (excellent AP UCed glimpse, FF timelapse magic) 2009.
A girl is made to rapidly grow up into a tall teen, but her clothes were changed before the final spurt so they wouldn't become too tight.
- video link (siganoff)
Growing up Fast
- (male unseen AP) caps
2009. A boy suddenly aged several years behind closed doors.
- male video link
- (male AP UC) 2013, 5 second vid link - screencaps
growth spurt
- (AA AP) 2013, 5 second vid link - screencaps
Growth Spurt
- (APed aftermath) 2012.
She woke in a more mature body while Mom was away.
- Video link - screencaps - (hb415)
GrowUp! brandnew drink commercial!!!!
- (male poof AP) 2013.
New beverage can turn juveniles older. First, they decided to test it on a young boy, who was instantly converted into a young man. Then they tested it on another male child.
- Video link - screencaps
- (male AA aped) male
Guy finds a pill to make him young again
- (male AR poof) Video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
Guys during puberty vs girls during puberty
- (pseudo TG CoA sim) 0:07 TikTok meme, '19 - Clip link - gif
- (AA "growth") commercial spoof. Yogurt triggers unseen size increase - AA
Harry Grows Up
- 2012, 7min. Offbeat romantic comedy for adults starring babies? - link
Haunted Curiosity Shop, The
- (blurry OA'd ghost glimpse) 1901, Walter R. Booth.
In an amorous fashion, the old proprietor folds his arms around the young woman's waist with the intention of stealing a kiss, but she immediately changes into an old woman, who grins in evident delight at his discomfort. In great anger, he throws her into the wardrobe and locks the door. Unseen by him, she has again become a young woman - Vid link - caps
hebe jebes lotion age defying
- (AR cut-away) 2008.
Video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
Het meisje aan de overkant
- (AA FF to OA, multiple scenery cuts) 2013, Netherlands. Wouterlood, Voornveld.
Somewhat like "Life is Journey". 7 y.o. Isa sees her double walking on the other side of the street. When she emerges from behind a vehicle, her reflection's clothes are slightly bigger and she also looks 2 years older. Isa dreams her entire future life until her double has become an elderly lady. And then...
- Vid link - screencaps - (Louise)
High and Dry
- (adults OA'd) Flash in the Deadpan Prod. 2012.
While doing laundry, young couple Fiona and Floyd discover their dryer has a strange power. The young woman ages with a flash every time she sticks her head inside. They struggle to overcome the widening gap between them.
- Full video link - screencaps - (Agemagic, Chronoeclipse)
High and Dry
- (male & female adult to old age) 2012, 13:56.
Flash in the Deadpan Prod. A magic dryer ages a couple every time they take out their laundry!
- Video link - (Chrono Eclipse)
How girls hit puberty (meme)
- (AA BE & butt "inflation spurts") c2020 short video gags.
- Yes it really happens this fast. c15 sec vid link - gif
How kids wish they could be older...
- (male AP UC poof) 2014.
6 second video link - screencaps
How to look younger: Youth Serum
- (AA AR, AA RN, cutaways) MelRoseBro, 2015.
Forbidden lotion from African witchdoctor causes clothes and body regression (contains a lot of swearing). Fortunately there is an AA antiserum. "My boobs are big again".
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
How Will it Be?
- (male face fading, age line) Tony Kemplen, 2000.
Looking at "all those hopeful young faces" in a long photo with every boy in Tiffin Boys' Grammar School, he conceived a film which would fade between them, starting with the youngest boys for a tenth of a second each and cross fades between faces, progressing up the school years and on to the teachers, with the aim of showing all the hopes and expectations of the young, and then, suddenly, before they know it, they're old.
Hulk (tropes)
- (male RN kinda like AR) fan vid caps
Hulk Boy, The
- (male) South Korea 2003, Myung Young-ho, 22 min. Poong, a skinny boy in elementary school, has a crush on a girl named Rang. When she sees Poong get picked on by the school bully and his twin sidekicks, he becomes devastated. But then he sees The Incredible Hulk playing on TV, and feels a weird sensation run through him. A few days later, Poong stands on top of a slide and jumps off to find not a single scratch on his body. From this point on, he feels invincible. (Derydan)
Hulk Junior Transformation 01
- (male growth CB) Incredible Kid Hulk chapter 1. A boy gets harassed by bullies and soon hulks out in rage.
- male link
Hulk Junior Transformation 02
- (male growth CB) One of the chapters in the shelved Incredible Kid Hulk series. A boy hulks out after being pushed roughly by his sister during a feud to get to play Grand Theft Auto .. Comes with green skin effects.
- male link
Hulk Junior Transformation
- (male CB hulk AP) When boys are angered sudden growth spurts may occur.
- Clip01 - Clip02
Hulk Junior Transformation
- (male hulkout CB APed) rage screencaps
Human Growth Spurt Vine!
- (male AP cut) 2013. 5 sec vid link - caps
(House) USA/Norway 1998 Experimental short by Inger Lise Hansen. A "live" animation that takes place in the California desert. Time-lapse trick film about time and development, about decay and growth.
i look older
- (AA AP cut-away "dressup") 2010.
Video link - cap
I turned into Mom! Body Swap
- (TG mother/son soul swap) Remember The Alamos 2022/04.
What happens when you fight with your parents? - link - (Close door)
I wish I was an adult
- (AA morphed face ages) Team Louish, 2021/07.
Our family makes random videos. Here they used the Snapchat Filter "baby" and "old"... - link
I wish I was older
- (male AP) 2010.
Video link - couch growth.
I Wish... (age wishes)
- (male AP UC poof)"I wish I were big", Rod Southerland, 2015 - Video link - screencaps
- (male AP AA poof) "I wish I was big", ClevelandConers, 2015 - Video link - screencaps
If Computer Problems Were Real - Awkward Spaceship
- (POV unseen ARed AA) 2011. A really bad day at the office.
Video link - caps - (Master_E1)
Incredible Shrinking Shot, The
- (male AR) videogameman9, 2009. A shot that will shrink u.
Video link - screencaps - (Farfan)
Inner Child, The
- (mental AA, age forms reconciliation) "The Inner Child", Bright Lux, Malina Sebastian, 2015.
Can you find your inner child again?
- Video link - screencaps - (Super man)
Inner Child
- (ARed during cutaway, OC) 2016.
Wanna Play? A diabolical plan has been set in motion. It's never wise to ignore your inner child.
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
Instant Grow Up
- (AA FF cut) by Five1015, 2008 - screencaps - clip link
Interstellar Stella
- (coming of age theme?)
2006, AL + AL, animate! Films, 12 mins live action/CGI non-narrative art film.
- Growing up inside a spectacle of perfect illusions, AL and AL's 8 1/2 y.o. child model niece has featured in over 80 modeling pictures. She embarks on a journey inside a labyrinth formed from her advertising pic in order to explore what it is to grow up living and working on both sides of the mediated glass. Murdered photographer returns to retrieve her soul from the demons who want to abolish the image and turn her in to a housewife like her grandmother - link
J. Doe
- (grown male offscreen TFed to female full adult) Nausheen Ishtiaq, 2015.
A shapeshifter lives a secret life in New York City until they fall in love. The clip is incomplete because the short is impossible to find. What's wonderful in this film is that the clothes did not change, but the shapeshifter had to carry along different outfits in a bag to change into (off-camera), and even apply makeup! This is so much better than the X-Men.
- Scene link - caps - also older man/young woman & adult TG cutaways link at start only - (Guest)
Jacob Grows 6 Years in 1 Second
- (male AA FF APed) 2012. Watch as our friend Jacob "grows" from age 12 to age 18 in only one second!
Direct video link - caps
Jessica's Daily Affirmations: I Like Everything Girl Grows Up
- (ffed cuts) 2010.
Jessica continues her affirmations into the mirror for the rest of her life... - Vid link - caps - (Lunkpil)
Jeunesse Eternelle
- (AR OC poof, ARed OC aftermath, RN AA, old age) French, Tapis Rouge Sherbrooke, 2016.
She has to use reverse psychology to get them to drink the antidote. In the last second it's revealed that one stayed young and one was AA OA'd.
- Video link - screen caps - (FARfan)
Jill grows
- (dedicated adult CB) GTS
Jim Stinson
- (male AP AA TF) I once created a show in which I staged a bank robbery. My 10-year-old hero catches sight of the baddies escaping, glances up to see the bank's sky sign, then rushes into the phone booth to morph into an adult superhero. He runs in from screen left, makes his transformation in the booth, then rushes back off screen left.
Jones Muscle Ad
- (male growth) potion
Juega al Sol
- (age shadow AA) Muna Genoa, 2008 - poster only. vimeo.com/1296158
Julia, 10-20 Jahre
- ("AP" movie, coming of age story)
1994, 7m53s Art Video by Rosemarie Trockel, Germany.
Very little information could be extracted.
- Corrupted data source: "Fast forward: media art Sammlung Goetz", by Hatje Cantz, 2006, p511.
...the camera is positioned frontally and rigidly pointed towards the girl...
The child Julia visibly appears to transform into an adult woman. What is especially noticeable is also shown by the only scenic change. At the moment Julia loosens her pony tail, externally she completes the step to become a teenager.
- ...the video Julia, 10-20 Years, 1998, a long-term study of a girl's development...
- A subtle post-feminist study of an emerging identity. Before the viewer's eyes, her changing tone and hairstyle appear to express the transition from a small child into an adult woman.
- In a dark decor, a little girl seated behind a table answers a series of questions and sips a drink through a straw.
The interview is cut so that we see only the child's responses as the little girl slowly gets fatigued.
One realizes that Julia evokes the growing up process, first with naïveté, then giving hollow answers.
Placed in this adult interrogation scene, she acts unrestrained while there is no crime to admit.
- Julia
Juventude (theme)
- (female & male ARed cuts) "imprecionante agua da juventude", 2014, bryan vd.
Video link - youtu.be/ox3YaV1IFVk - screencaps - (Entropic)
Juventude (theme)
- (male AR OC poof) - "Generico tomou elixir da juventude", 2018.
Man into boy potion - link - screencaps - youtu.be/IZOsJcS2KxE - (Entropic)
Juventude (theme)
- (male AR) "Magica da juventude", 2018.
- Vid link - youtu/IYaNwKZcUjA - caps - (Entropic)
- (AR poof) "A Agua da JUventude", 2009 Vid link around 2:40 - caps - (Entropic)
- (male offscreen AR AA) Man into younger man, then into boy.
Video link - screencaps - (Entropic)
Kayla's Be Young Again Spray
- (ARed cut) Wanna Be Young Again? Check this spray out!
Video link - caps - (SevenCoolTweens, Thomas)
Kid at Heart
- (AA "ARed" cut-aways) Video games can make anyone feel like a kid at heart.
Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
Kid Hulk
- (male muscle hulk-out AP effect, CB glimpses, RN)
2011 "But I keep ripping my clothes!"
- Video link - screencaps
Kids Again
- (male/female AR) 2006.
2 teen camp counselors make a wish to be kids again. They never learned to be careful what they wished for.
- Video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
Kids on Patrol
- (ARed aftermaths, some OC) 2018.
The entire Los Angeles Police Department has been turned back into children. It's a race against the clock before it's too late.
- Video link - screencaps - (AgeRegressionFan01)
Kids Sure Grow Up Fast
- (male AP AA, FFed cut) 2007 sports FF.
I know it's just a saying but, WOW, kids really do grow up before you realize it.
- video link - caps - (stratokev22008)
Klaar om weer kind te worden?
- (POV "ARed" simulation) Kind en Gezin, Belgium, 2016.
Ready to become a child again? A VR experience where at the start you actually "shrink" into a baby. Then experience being picked up, peekaboo, taking a nap, diaper changing, being fed, playtime and "growing" back up all through first person view.
- Video link - youtu.be/c922FYKcJUc - (Tazz)
Kopiya Verna
- (TF cutaway ARed OC, cutaway AA'd replacement) "Copy Right", Russian. Director: Olga Belova, 2016 (18+).
When Igor interacts with others, a strange transformation takes place: he turns into the person with whom he has contact. Each time the intervals between replacements is reduced. During a road trip, the hero changes from a young man to a woman to a little girl to a middle-aged man... and this is not the limit.
- Film link @5:25 - screencaps - (Gender Bender)
L'elixir de jouvence
- (male AR) 1910 BW 9 mins. Elixir of Youth. Lost?
One of several comedies built around the concept of a chemical cure for old age. Starring French film comedian Wiffles, who is in love with a pretty young widow, who rejects him as too old. He visits a chemist and buys a bottle of newly advertised elixir of youth. He takes a draught and is transformed into a well set-up young fellow. Not satisfied with this, he takes a few more swigs and passes through the state of early manhood, youth and childhood. Now he is far too young to marry, so the young widow sends him back to the chemist for a preparation to reverse his accelerating youth - (Jeffr_2bya)
L'esprit de l'enfance
- (AA age form cuts) 2015 video link - screencaps
L'homme qui rajeunit de 40 ans en seulement 3 minutes
- (male AR) 2013. Man poofed to boy to toddler.
Video link - screencaps - (Entropic)
La Nouure
- (CoA) 2002, French. About a painful adolescence. Her mother resents how easy she has it. In some scenes she wears an "ill-fitting" dress - vid link - caps
La Pocion de la Vida
- (AR) 2006 web short: Woman into kid into egg.
Video link - caps - (Age Theater)
Le Magicien
- (male ARed poof OC, male AA AP) 1898, Georges Melies.
Magician takes a running jump at a magic box, disappearing before he hits it. The box falls apart and a child dressed as a Pierrot figure jumps out. His clothes are overlong, apparently intended for a grown man. He jumps from the table and suddenly poofs into an adult man!
Le Manoir du diable
- (pseudo "OA'd" poof) "The Haunted Castle" Georges Melies, 1896, 3 mins.
Speedy journey through the horror genre being born. Not that scary, but inventive and kind of eerie. Handmade cavalcade of creepy effects include beautiful woman "transformed" into old witch - link
Le miracle de la vie
- (accelerated pregnancy) "The Miracle of Life", 2010. They wake up 6 months pregnant. They sure weren't the night before...
Le Miroir
- (male FF to old age) 2010. An intimate look at growing old.
Switzerland, Antoine Tinguely & Laurent Fauchere.
- A 70-year history of one man's encounters with the merciless bathroom mirror.
Video link - screencaps - cast - (Matt)
leap of age
- c2010 (FF AA) time jump.
Leaps and Bounds
- (girl to woman flash forward photo series)
Each frame is a moment in the journey of life.
Grow Up Time-Lapse Gallery
- (male adult to younger adult face rejuvenated to nothing blurry glimpse) 2006.
A short film about growing old and growing young. Experimental Film Short, Greenhouse Aging.
Video link - caps - (deleted AR Group)
Legend of the Three Sisters, a Mr. Bonzai film, The
- (male AR) 2006.
Man pays to be made younger.
- Video link - screencaps - (Jeffr)
Legend Of Zelda: Blade of Ages, A
- (male adult to OA, male AR) 2007.
Nutty Nintendo-themed short film for the Zelda fan in all of us.
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
Lele Pons: Best Friend Breakup
- (young adults FFed to OA) 2019/12.
Lele Pons and Hannah Stocking in 60 years - link @03:55 - (Wazzupdawg)
Lele Pons: Freaky Friday
- (adult mother/daughter mind swap parody) 11/9/2018.
Lele switches bodies with her mom. At the end it went wrong again - Vid link - caps - (m2mpossession22)
Lele Pons: I'm a Baby?
- (young adult mind swap into baby, POV ARed effect) 2018/01/19.
Short film about that time she accidentally switched bodies when her parents only had attention for their (female) baby.
- Video link - screencaps - (Guest)
Les Fleurs
- (CoA metaphor) 2014, Saam Farahmand.
A smooth-skinned woman writhes on a surreal bed of blue, as downy hairs appear on her limbs and thick pubic hair suddenly sprouts like in real life.
- Video link - screencaps - caps
Letting Go
- (FFed) 2013. 17 y.o. Anna has always been able to stop time, but learns that she can't really control it. At the end, she must let go of the string - Vid link - caps
Life is Journey
- (flash forward to old aged, male flash forward, AA) ca 2003 compilation of 4 short stories by Seiichi Tanabe. Nene Otsuka, Ra-mens, Mikako Ichikawa. "Life" is an experimental, innovative short film portraying 70 years of a woman's life without a single spoken line, in a 1-scene, 1-cut, 9-minute sequence. A woman walks. While she walks, she sees the man she will eventually meet in the future - as a young child. In time, the two meet and their footsteps become one. She walks through countless events and timeless landscapes, continually, ceaselessly. And in the shift of time, the woman discovers something... The theme is "Life" itself, and various life events are symbolically expressed through the 15 characters, that simply "walk". Director Tanabe held this thematic idea in incubation for nearly 10 years. After numerous takes, the final product lived up to Tanabe's visionary expectations. The 2nd, underlying theme is "Life is like a film that can't be edited".
Short art film. 1
Life of Riley, The
- (AA FF) years - 01 - 02
Life to Death, Animation Setup test
- (male AP) 2006 Human character morphing animation. CGI baby boy grows up to manhood inside mall and decays.
video link
- (male AP movie, male growth morphing, AA lifespan from birth to male old age)
Audrey Schebat, 2001.
- The life of a man from birth to death in a single shot. He flexes as his muscles swell and his moustache comes in a spurt.
- Video link - screencaps
lifetime (tropes)
- (FF AA) c'15 screencaps
Lily's Magic Wand
- (AP UCed glimpse, multiple TFs) mediocrefilms.com. Movie shot entirely from a little girl's point of view who wishes herself bigger. Her parents recoil in shock at her transformation.
- foot/height growth
Lily's Magic Wand
- 10/13/06, www.mediocrefilms.com. Find out what little girls are really made of - Video link
- (age swap glimpse) 2006 Peru art film.
The older one gets younger, and the younger one gets older. Lisa, the woman who wants to play and forget about responsibilities. Lisa, the girl who dreams to be a grown up. Both are the dreams of each other: The woman inside the girl, the girl inside the woman.
- Video link - screencaps
Little Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Magic Scrolls
- (male AR & AP) Spoof from the producer of Little Batman.
- (male AR near the end) Part 1: link
- (male AP) Part 2: link
(Clock Virus)
Little Man, The
- (male AR, mirror discovery scene, male AP UC) 2008. Brothers suddenly swap ages, causing a bit of a problem for Jake.
video link
Little Maud
- (CoA, FFed dream to adult & middle age) c'15. About the father/daughter relationship - caps
Little Miss
- (kinda, sorta looks like ARed aftermath) c2009.
A young girl dreams she must spend 1 day doing all of her mother's chores. She wears an adult-style shirt that looks a bit large. At the end she realizes how much her mother does for her every day.
- Video link - screencaps
Luccas Neto
- (mind swap) "A Aventureira Vermelha Trocou De Corpo Com A Pandora" 2022/04/18.
Brazil YouTube. A nasty witch switches bodies with 12 y.o. Giovanna "Gi" Alparone, who has portrayed the character for 5 years now - link @07:05.
Magic Beans
- (male slight UC APed glimpse) 2011.
A little boy is in a hurry to grow up and be big. What better solution than magic beans.
- Video link - screencaps - (FunnyMomma78)
magic illusions (theme)
- (male AA AP poof) "Black Magikero- kid become older", 2011.
Vid link - caps
magic mirror
- (kinda looked like age changes)
- distortion
- (age distortion) 2
- (AR) Sara Simony, 2011.
Video link - screencaps
Magie: petite fille se transforme en bebe
- (AR AA cut) 2014.
Video link - screencaps
Making Of... Back to the Future
- (AR) 2011, UK.
Our task was to produce a "Back to the Future" trailer together with a 5 minute "Making Of" video in the style of "The Apprentice". A time machine will take us back to child versions of ourselves. Playing on the humour of having children "working" in an adult environment, we follow our younger selves through the creative process of making a trailer: from the brainstorming session to the editing, from the graphic treatment to the sound mix.
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
male AA (theme)
- (male young adult upgrade) Low-qual caps
male AA
- ("AP" poof) - caps
male AA
- (cuts) '16 vid link - caps
male AA
- (poof) "Growing up fast", 2016 sneeze link - screencaps
male AA
- (poof) c2013 caps
male AA
- c2014 vid link - caps - vid link - caps
- (poof) MinecraftFreak, 2015, vid link - caps
- (clothes growth) c2015 bully revenge caps
- (poof replacement) c'15 caps - caps
male AA
"Crecer (stop motion)", 2011.
- caps - (Wolfrolf)
Bored couch growthspurt, c2013 AP.
- Vid link - caps
"The Science Experiment", 2014 unseen TGed.
- Vid link - caps
Age transformation, 2014 AR poofs.
- Vid link - caps
male adult AA
- (poof) 2014 Vid link - caps
male AP
- (poof) c'15 caps
- link - link - link
male AR gags
- (blur poof) c.'19 "The Age Changing Portal" - caps
male AR poof
- Face caps
male AR poofs
- (AA, face) c2015 - caps - caps
male AR
- (male AR to oblivion) A boy made himself too young and vanishes - male
male AR
- (poof cuts) c2012 - screencaps - screencaps
male AR
- (poof) 2014 - Video link - caps
male growth
- (male AP) A boy goes through his day without realizing he's steadily growing older - male
Man Changeing
- (male AA ARed cut) 2006 b&w web clip - link - cap - (Thomas)
- (adult age appearances changed?) by Niklas Johansson. 16min, Sweden, 2014/02.
Alex, 59: Marie Ahl - Alex, 55: Maj-Lis Engqvist - Alex, 49: Anna-Lu Franz - Alex, 24: Cristine Berglund - Alex, 22: Oksana Maria.
- 59 y.o. Alex yearns for something more? In an attempt to fit in, she plunges into a journey of change, searching for the perfect facade? But how much can she change without losing her true self? - stills
- (maturity disguise) NoDog Production, 2014, French. Can we ever know someone's true age?
- Video link - screencaps
Maria Marshall
- (coming of age art videos)
Her video works feature children in troubling adult situations. She also appears herself.
- When I Grow Up I Want To Be a Cooker
1998 - Her son is digitally altered so that it appears he is smoking.
- Put Medication in His Pocket
1999 - Young boy voraciously, sensually consumes an oyster.
- I should be older than all of you
2000 - A wide-eyed child lying in a box, surrounded by slithering snakes.
- Necklace
2000 - The child, bare-chested, once again plays at being an adult. Covering the breasts, the necklace acts as an accessory associated with sexuality, at once painful and pleasurable. The child gazes up at something that one can easily interpret as an authority figure.
- Fur
2000 - The child wears a half-open fur coat, the reference is to luxury or lust through the agency of this "little man" in a coat who casually proffers his naked torso.
- Puzzle Fit
2002-03 - A group of preadolescent students in a disco; images of the students commingling and dancing appear with subtitles of their gossipy discussions on a split screen.
- Pinocchio
2003 - Maria is represented with a doll on her knees as artist and mother simultaneously explore childhood.
- 3 Minute Wonder
2006 - Deconstructed biographies of son, grandmother, and self.
Max Ages
- (male adult to OA) 2012? Said to be in production.
A poignant comedy about Max, a 21-year-old male on the cusp of adulthood who builds a machine to catapult him into older adulthood, and skip all that boring coming-of-age stuff. He soon discovers that he ages too quickly, however, and young-minded, free-spirited Suzan leads him through a day of remembering and regret.
Me, Myself... & Raven
- (could be seen as mental ARed) 2011.
Raven wakes to dancing and playing like little girls do. Once told to turn her music down, she turns evil. The nurse enters with her medication and Raven looks in the mirror to reveal that she is now a grown woman.
- Video link - screencaps - (TampyBee)
Memory Lane
- (AR) Blowing bubbles causes years to fade away.
- Video link - screencaps (AR Group, 2bya)
- (adult face to early middle age effect) 2008 Philippe Faraut time lapse video.
The deterioration of a young woman's face sculpted in clay is shown as she becomes a meth addict and the sculpture is aged and made to look sickly.
- Video link - caps - (Sculpit)
Michael Hill Selling Youth Cream
- (adult rejuvenation poof TFed) 2008.
Video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
Millennial's Worst Nightmare!
- ("old aged" cutaways, ARed OC cutaway) RT Shorts. Rooster Teeth, 2019.
Feel old yet! Millennial employees feel their ages after conversing with Christina the Gen Z intern. The answer was to affect her the other way.
- Video link - screencaps - (Kiyohime)
Mirage a Trois
- (flash forward AA) Girl who grew up with magic mirror discerns evidence of infidelity. FF mirror
Misfile - Day One
- (TG) 04/2016 movie based on Misfile webcomic about a teenage boy who accidentally gets misfiled in heaven as a teenage girl. Minor age change with another character - misfile.com - (cj)
morphages (trope)
- (AA) - age distortion caps
morphing younger
- (AR AA) "I found the fountain of youth, and she's beautiful?" Tippiebear, 2015. Young woman to little girl 6 second video.
- Vid link - caps - https://vine.co/v/ODQ06HWDT9P - (Entropic)
- (male adult rejuvenation) (varanmac) - male
Mortal Kombate 2013 (Nobre)
- (male poof ARed glimpse) 2011.
Vid link - cap - (Entropic)
Mother Time
- (old adult time pause, AA) Jake Proctor, 2009. Matilda's concern for her visibly aging grandmother takes a turn for the peculiar when she stops all the clocks in the house and freezes her grandmother on the spot, presumably until her next visit - link - caps
Muscle Kid
- (male AP UC potion blink growth) Boy gets older and stronger fast, stretching out his shirt.
video link - (RammBros)
(mental maturity theme) Valerie Massadian, 2013. A 4 y.o. girl returns to an empty house, and must fend for herself. Massadian worked with the child for almost two years, coaxing a performance of remarkable lucidity.
Not Like the Movies
- (AA AP) 2013 caps
Nutty Professor Parody
- (male ARed, RN) 2011 web short.
Video link - caps - (Entropic)
old age
- (poof TFs) - 5 sec vids screencaps
old face illusion (gags)
- (adult "OA" disguise) c'19, face angles & wrinkling effects - link - caps
old to young morph scene
- (adult rejuvenation)
Video link
- screencaps
- (age effect) c'18 meme caps
One More Time
- (male reincarnation "AR") 2016, F.C.Rabbath.
Video link - screencaps - (Super Man)
One Wish
- (AA) 2014 age-up wish short film, Maximilian Muench.
Everybody gets one wish. An 8 y.o. wishes she could be a teenager for a day, but she soon finds out it's worse than being 8.
- Video link - gif - screencaps
one year older (side by side comparison trope)
- (FF) Xenia Kuprikova, Russia shopping reviews, 12 to 13, 2019-2020.
- Vlog link - link - screencaps - (Acca)
one year older
- (slight FF glimpsed) changed
One/Two/Many/World, A
- (kinda, sorta looks like male ARed aftermath) 1970, Canada, 15 mins.
Surrealistic film portrays young boys in a bizarre world of imposed conditions and contradictions expressed in symbolic language. In a few scenes they wear oversized adult clothing and act as "shrunken" soldiers and policemen - video link
Onesime horloger
- (male AA AP cut glimpses) "Onesime, Clock-maker", 1912, Jean Durand, 8 mins.
Onesime hatches a bright idea to accelerate his inheritance: why not just change the gears of Paris's regulating clock? With the city in overdrive, a "baby" is seen to "grow" into an adult in his father's arms - screencaps
Over-Incubated baby, An
- (male AP) 1902 short film.
A laboratory sign reads "Prof Bakem's Baby incubator 12 months growth in one hour".
A woman arrives with her male infant and the professor sets his assistant to work whilst he attends to his client. The woman pays the professor and leaves. The male child is placed in the incubator drum and the professor leaves. The assistant places an oil lamp under the drum then goes to take a thermometer from the wall. Whilst attempting to measure the temperature he knocks over the lamp and a fire is started under the incubator. He manages to extinguish the fire just before the mother returns.
Opening the incubator reveals that the boy has been transformed into a little old man.
- (Jeffr_2bya)
Over-Incubated Baby, The
- (male AA "AP", beard infant) Robert W. Paul, 1901.
Video link - screencaps - (JeffR_2bya)
Papa Joel's English
- (male ARed AA) "Oh no! Papa Joel turned into a BABY!" 2022.
Mixed animation/live action for kids. Joel plays with magic and accidentally turns himself into a BABY then into a giant baby, then normal size, then back to adult, then baby again! Can Hannah and Herman turn him back before it's too late?
- Episode link @00:30 - youtu.be/P5m_3zKC6dw - caps - (Tazz)
Past, Present and Future
- (male AA AR, OA, RN) 2008.
Using my fantastic MAGICAL powers I transform my self into a youth and then into an elder.
- Video link - caps - (gr3gpc)
- (male pants expansion) pump
Perfect Pushup "Scrawny to Brawny!"
- (male AA AP, male muscle) Video link - male screencaps
Phantom George
- (mind transfers) Drisby, 2007.
A lonesome loser has the ability to take over other people's bodies through astral projection. When young he would possess his hot babysitter. But that came to an end when the parents returned early one night, and caught "the babysitter" in the bathtub masturbating - link - (Kait)
photoshop aging transformation
- (AP face close-up) - Tutorial AP scene.
Physics #1. Time dilation.
- (old age) Andrzej Dragan, 2013.
Video link - screencaps
- (AR AA dream cut) c2012, Jake Weisz. Dreams are brought to life in a nostalgic Wonderland. At the end the ballerina poofed younger.
Video link - screencaps
Polish A Wish
- (old age AA cut) Lin Wang, 2011.
Comedy of a girl who wishes to grow up, and tries her mother's expired nail polish.
- Video link - screencaps
Pom Tea Fountain of Youth
- (before/after, male and female AR TFed) 2008.
Video link - caps
poofage (trope)
- ("AP" or FF AA cuts) Age increase transitions are often shown through a cut to a different scene where the character is older. May or may not be filmed using the same angle and background.
- c2015 screencaps
- (age-up) c'15 caps - canine caps
Powers of Time
- (AA morphed photos FF) Eames Demetrios, 1996. Lesser known, if not obscure counterpart to "Powers of Ten". It starts around 5 min 30 sec - Vid link
Pretty Face
- (flash forward to age 40, dream sequence) 1986 Melya Kaplan, Virginia Lombard. Young teenage girl picks up a stranger, sleeps with him, and arrives home to the displeasure of her mother. When the girl falls asleep, she imagines herself 25 years older. She is ugly and is shunned by everyone. She awakes a changed person.
Professor Oldboy's Rejuvenator
- (male AR) 1914 - (Jeffr_2bya)
Puberty Blues
- (coming of age, male UC scene) - teen classroom, male UC glimpse.
Puberty Challenge (meme)
- (AA FF pics/vids) 2017 meme, SE Asia. Slideshow, through-the-years, selfies etc. Inspired by Aleksis Corbi "When puberty hits you hard"? - cap - cap - Ex. link
puberty documentaries
- (CoA) - c.2010-20 educational shorts.
Sometimes they show simplified age/growth stages - screencaps page
Puberty Magma
- (male development AA) 2009. A young man wants to become more developed muscularly.
- Video link - male muscle screencaps
puberty parodies
- (BE rapid growth spurts) 2015.
Legendary shorts that seem to make fun of how fast girls breasts develop. These are old clips in .wmv format.
To view the videos you will have to right click and download them. Then you could open them in VLC Player or Windows Media, etc. Also GIF versions of same.
WARNING: Not workplace safe. The videos contain some growth-related moaning.
- Teen wmv - gif version.
- Teen wmv - gif version.
- Teen gif
Puberty Transformation
- (male AP OC poof) Boys-only trope, 2012.
Video link - screencaps
- (BE'd puberty) During the teen years, girls' bodies change very fast. Breasts development mirror scene
- (male AP, RNed) 2009, planeboy55167. Overnight puberty temporarily brings a teen to manhood. Eventually he returned to normal.
Video link
- Screencaps - male growth story.
- (male before/after AP) scene
Quarantine Leap (YouTube series)
- (male adult to younger/older TG mind transfers) Anthology by multiple Youtubers, 2020.
Generally comedic series conceived by James Ward, creator of dedicated adult TF-related content ("Wand of Change" series (link), "The Hit Girl" (link), etc.).
He's bodyswapping with various people during the Covid lockdown. At the beginning he swaps deliberately just to get out of the house, but then things go wrong, he loses control of the swaps, and never knows where he'll end up next. He's swapped with some really sexy women, a goth dominatrix, a supermodel, and a male werewolf, with ethnicity & TG age-up swaps & some ARed-like aspects.
- Swap with teenage beauty queen - link - Weeks long trilogy swap with 9 y.o. girl competitive dancer - link - Swap with teen cheerleader - link - caps - (Mindi Flyth)
- (FF, FB, age cuts) Latina CoA celebration.
The theme is that the father watched his daughter grow up, until she becomes a young woman on her 15th birthday.
- Vid link - screencaps - screencaps - screencaps
R. Tam sessions
- (young adult mental coming of age)
Set before the events of the Firefly television series and the film Serenity, several short films depict counseling sessions with River Tam (Summer Glau) while she is held at a "learning facility" known as "The Academy." The videos document her change from a shy, exploited child prodigy into the mentally unstable character of the television series.
- (BE) Home video of RealDoll with BE-breasts.
- 1 - 2
- (pseudo-"FB" cut) 2013. Vid link - caps
recreated videos (genre)
- (AA FF comparisons, similar pose & background) "Same Skit.....but 9 years apart", by Secretly 12, 2020/07.
Before/after recreated video link - edited/sorted screencaps
regressed (trope)
- (slight "OC") - caps
- (AR) 2008, Austria. 2 traveling investigators seek the water of youth - male adult rejuvenation - AA AR experiment - de-aged aftermath
- Video link - (Power Struggle)
Remember The Alamos
- (AA age cutaway replacements) "I turned into a BABY then into MOM! Time Machine FAIL - BODY SWAP" 2021/07.
Alexia "turns into" a baby instead of going back in time! The boys hide her between stuffed animals! Austin then presses the fast forward button but goes too far and Alexia became a grown up! She has fun jumping around trying on Mom's shoes and a shopping spree. Alamo Mom faints after seeing Alexia as a grown up.
0:51 Alexia into baby - 2:13 Alexia "into grown up" - 4:33 walk in high heels - 7:29 RN - link
- (TG mind exchange) "BODY SWAP! Dad and Daughter accidentally SWITCH bodies! PRANK on brothers!" 2022.
Alexia accidentally swaps herself with Alamo Dad! She spends the day in Dad's body attempting to drive, work, and go fishing - link
Remember The Alamos
- (AA TF TG "age-up") "How we got SUPERPOWERS! SUPERHEROKids!" 2021/08.
The boys wished for super powers! Landon can shapeshift into anything he wants - link @04:10 - caps
Remote, The
- (AR/ AP) Mother accidentally changes daughter's ages. Elongating body pushed up her shirt, almost exposing stomach. Mother then uses the remote to become a successful beautician and rejuvenate her clients. AP
(AA AR/AP daughter vid) source A mother inadvertently makes her preteen daughter younger and older with a malfunctioning Japanese remote control. (Process forum)
- (age forms) gif
- (AP film, UC possibility?) 2016, 12 minutes. Based on Che Grayson comic.
Kera age 06: Skyy Blue.
Kera age 09: Akira Golz.
Kera age 14: Olivia Roberts Payne.
- About young girl whose tears bring the dead back to life, but at the cost of aging her - Minimal imdb link
- (excellent AP CB glimpsed) 2016, before/after sketch. Already linked from the short films page - The official poster
- (girl to older girl AP UCed glimpse, RN ARed cut-away, girl to teen AP CBed glimpse cut, OA'd glimpse)
- 2016, 12 mins, 216 MB HD.
During the first age increase, her pajamas became slightly too short and tight, with her arms sticking out of the sleeves. She returned to early girlhood a moment before dad entered.
We were permitted 2 brief CBed mini-glimpses after she had aged offscreen into a teen while lying on her bed. There was a kind of stretching sound vaguely like straining fabric. The shirt was slightly torn by her widening shoulders, and she now has breasts, but they did not burst through the front. Even if they had, they would still be mostly covered by her undershirt.
This second AP aftermath scene was upper body-only, so we don't know how her stockings or the back or sides of her dress were affected. It barely hinted at the casual power of female growth.
She did remove her patent leather shoes earlier, so her toes did not break through the front. Fortunately there were adult sized clothes in her closet, but when fleeing her home as a teen she was barefoot. Her parents would have found her overstretched clothes, but could not have guessed what happened.
In the last second of the film, we see only her hands & face in an "OA'd" closeup aftermath glimpse.
- Full video link - AP gif
- screencaps - screencaps - screencaps
- Possibly the best APed UC glimpse ever permitted? We don't know yet - stills
- (male ARed, RN AA AP poof, man to baby to man) - ITV Studios, 2001, UK, 15 mins.
Boy finds magical bicycle bell from molten lamp - link - (SickBoy)
- (AA ARed glimpse) 2011.
"Funny Girl Morphs into a Baby and explodes - Freaky Fatality"
Edited candid camera prank. Mortal Kombat-style babality.
- Vid link - caps - (Tazz)
- (coming of age metaphor) 8/4/08, Alicia Conway.
About the day of a young girl's ceremonial coronation and entry into adulthood in a family with grisly traditions.
Tabitha Morella: Girl - Kelly Holden: Mother - Linda A. Smith: Grandmother - Lauren Belle, Mia Fairgood: Little Girls.
- (male AP) 2007, 5:48. A nerdy kid who gets picked on makes a wish to be big, so he can challenge the school bully to a Rock Paper Scissors match. He goes to sleep on the couch, and wakes up with a big surprise.
video link
Rose, The
- (adult rejuv) "The Rose (Short Film)", iamK8R, 2015.
An older woman is terrified of aging and would do anything to stop that from happening. Rose: Maje Nile - Young Rose: Juliana Selem - Video link - caps
Ryan George: If Adulthood Had A Job Orientation Day
- (mental CoA sketch) 2021. No age changes or other TFs but still funny. Just an orientation for a "boy" before becoming a man; though the actor does act like a kid.
- Video link - youtu.be/b4ZGkEzn9PE - (Tazz)
Ryan's younger potion lotion commercial
- (AA ARed) 2012.
Video link - caps - (TF Theater)
Savage Sleep, The
- (AP dream sequence) 1991. Osceola Refetoff, Paul Sarnoff. A man struggles with guilt and desire in a series of nocturnal encounters.
Little Girl: Rachel Davidson. Adult girl: Linda B. Jamison. Grandma/Maid: Nancy Alamo.
- Direct video link
- Bedroom Screencaps
Saving the Past from the Future
- (male adult rejuvenated, male AR) 2007.
A man tries to use a special order time machine to make up for his past mistakes. What could go wrong?
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
Scene from Big
- (male AP UC, adult wakeup scene) 2007. Directing Class version of a scene from the movie Big, starring Tom Hanks.
video link
Scene from Big
- (male APed aftermath) - screencaps
- (CoA) 2014, Natalie Neal, Spot Up Shooter.
4th grader Valentina reluctantly steps toward womanhood: she receives her first training bra. She is aided with her naivety and embarrassment by Mom, the Spice Girls, and mermaid Barbie - trailer link
- (adult rejuvenation effect) 2023, NSFW stylistic body-horror.
Really strange arthouse film starring the gorgeous Barbara Palvin, about a mysterious cult attempting to create a snake-human hybrid. She spent most of the film in convincing middle-aged make up, before becoming rejuvenated at the end. Amazing to see such a beautiful woman so convincingly aged, but a shame they didn't age her body - she still has supermodel curves, but with crow's feet etc.
- Video link - screencaps - (Ark)
- (UC) fetish clip fan colorization.
Shift: the Film
- (possibility of excellent AP character, male AP ARed)
Said to be in production, 2011, New South Wales. Gadsbey, Vemuri, Masters Sci-fi Short Film project.
- More info: 11-year-old Scott confides in his female best friend Ellie that he has a supernatural ability to change his age whenever he wants, and proves it by transforming into a young man of around 20. He is dating Tessa in his adult form. However, Scott doesn't realize that Tessa has a powerful secret of her own. What could it be??
- Young Scott has a mysterious ability. Although he looks like a sweet, cool kid, he is in fact someone who has lived much longer than he looks.
- Adult Scott is a young man who hides a powerful secret ! He is good looking and classy.
- Ellie is a sweet little thing. She is young Scott's best friend and partner in his adventures.
- Gorgeous Tessa is dating the 20-something Scott. She is sweet and stylish.
shoe trope
- (kinda, sorta looks like ARed) oversized shoes.
Shrink Ray Time Machine ?!?!?!
- (male AR) 2010 male reduction screencaps.
Video link - (Power Struggle)
Sic Transit
- (male face photos edited into AR morph) 2010 - Vid link - screencaps
Size 'Em Up
- (coming of age, BE'd) Athletic teenager Lindsay Felton has to deal with her growing breasts.
- (male adult to OA'd to skeleton cutaway) 2017 sci-fi comedy short film.
Whenever he sneezes, an office task is completed. However, the skipped time suddenly caught up with him.
- Video link - screencaps - (Jeffr_2bya)
Sleeping Handsome
- (male AP) 2007. They grow up so fast with milk magic. Witch ages baby resting in crib. His feet extend between the bars.
- video link (ardenzayne)
- (male AP) Boy crib growth.
sobre: salir
- (FF AA dream sequence) Grow-up years.
- Screencaps - 1 - 2
- (adult rejuvenated, RNed to OA) "Summer dream", 2011.
Angel in disguise grants old woman Maj-Britt (Inger Hayman, Emelie Wallberg) her birthday wish to be young again.
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
Soymilk Commercial
- (AA APed) 2008 screencaps - vid link
- (young adult to old age) AKA "Vienna Waits for You". German, 2012.
Fruit that Anna buys rots in the bowl in the blink of an eye. Looking in the mirror she looks haggard, older. She should have read the fine-print of her rental contract.
- Full video link - info link - caps
Stella Show: Grownups turn into Kids, The
- (ARed fade OC, RNed AA fade) The Stella Show, 2019.
Mommy & Daddy wake up to find they have turned into children!!! They are too small to get anything done. James decides to take a lazy day while Erika goes to Stella's room and finds clothes that fit. Erika has ice cream instead of her usual oatmeal, and decides to go to work to cover for James. However, she is too small to drive the car, so takes Stella's scooter instead. After a long day at work, she returns to bed. They fall asleep and wake as adults again.
- Video link - screencaps - youtu.be/A84zMqCwFrA - (FARfan)
Steve and Maggie
- (male AR AA, RN poofs) "Baby Food | Baby Steve and Maggie" 2016/11.
Wow English TV, educational. Let's learn some new vocabulary (English words). Steve and Maggie are cleaning house but find many interesting verbs such as play, touch, smell, taste. Man into baby and back several times.
- Episode link - youtu.be/sUg8SZPEoOs - caps - (Tazz)
Still Life With Dog
- (AA FF cuts) 2013.
From a 7 y.o. girl to a woman over 80, it takes the idea of the "seven ages of man" for a reflection on time, ageing and change.
- Video link - caps - (Fevered Sleep)
- (FF) c2012 - screencaps
- (younger age "disguise", "FFed" to adults) "The Warp Zone" - S4 Trailer Parody, 2022.
6 years later, the child actors are all GROWN UP! But don't worry, it's normal in Hollywood for adults to play kids, so they get to "go through puberty" all over again!
Eleven: Molly McIntyre. "Winona Ryder" got elderly! - link - screencaps - (Kappa)
Sueno de Carnaval
- (AA age-up cut-away) c2013, Yeison Granda, enfoquese.com. A little girl finds a mask in the forest that AA's her into a young woman. I stopped watching when it turned out her clothes were also enlarged, but this should be of interest to those who like AA scenes.
- Video link - screencaps
Superhero Worship
- (male adult dream sequence APed AA) 2009 USC student film featuring pro wrestlers Joey Ryan and Aaron "Hardkore Kidd" Aguilera.
A young man who is bullied wishes he was older and more powerful to defeat tormentors.
- video link
(RingCrew, agepro group)
Swiateczna Historia
- (adult son mind transfer into mother) Polish, 2017, Martin Stankiewicz.
A guy was placed in his mother's body somehow on Christmas Eve to teach him a lesson - Video link - caps - (Gr3at00n, Guest 17)
Switchy Switch
- (age "swap") 2011 Vid link - cap
Tea-Fountain Of Youth
- (AA AR blink TF) c2010 shrunk
Teen Times
- (overnight APed, slight "UC", RN ARed) "Sister Grew up Overnight", 2022.
Many children dream of waking up as an adult one day. But is it really that cool? Young sister shot up past her formerly older sister while their parents were away. She mostly wore outfits designed to fit at both ages, but ripped her older sister's shorts offscreen that are now too small! Can the siblings fix things before the parents return from their trip?
- Full episode link - AP - APed - "UC" try-on - RN AR
- Cover
Teen Times
- (young adults pseudo "mind swapped", acting like children) "24 Hour Mom vs Daughter Body Switch Up!", 2022/05.
Mental roleplay, dubbed. Our main characters are waiting for a very difficult day! Young adults Mother & Daughter will have to exchange their bodies for the whole 24 hours!
- 26:22 episode link - (Troom Fan)
These Artifacts of Life
- (male AA age forms) 1973, Super 8, Steve Mobia.
Adolescent male kills his younger self to become an adult in a suit but finds it hard to keep his inner clown deflated. After losing contact with nature, the protagonist separates from his younger self. A masked man gives the boy a ball. Items from the crime of killing his younger self reappear. The students haven't lost contact with their younger selves. Little kids play freely in the background with the teens. Time is left behind (the pile of watches). "Miss Conduct" approaches the aroused boy. Suddenly young hands stop him and it's clear the younger self has returned. With no effort the youth breaks the handcuffs - link
They Grow Up So Fast - The Family Series
- (APed AA FF) 2009 short promo for the family series "parenting". Parody of the State Farm commercial.
- video link
Three... Extremes
- (adult rejuvenation) Mrs. Li's quest for adult youth. After learning she can no longer get dumplings from Aunt Mei, she decides to do something drastic in order to keep her youthful looks. The final scene is of Mrs. Li in the bath-tub where she has just aborted her own fetus, licking blood from her cheek.
Throne of Youth HD, The
- (male AR) Video link - AR scene (AR Group, 1982Sapper)
through the years (theme)
- (AA FF CoA) c'16 caps
TikTok face apps
- (young adult to "OA" face memes) c2021.
link - link - link - link - link - link
- Multiple OA filters link
"Life as a youngster" is "AR" really but it works for me! - meme link
- Bonus milf link - (Ark)
- (AA cutaway child "growth") Kids grow up too fast, DadSocial. c'23 gag link - caps
- (AA poof "AP") '23 caps
- (AR) - c'23 link - caps - (face ARed) - filter link - link - caps
- (AR) - c'23 link - link - link - link - screencaps - screencaps - screencaps - "Dizem que esse efeito deixa tudo retro" filter, '22.
- (FF cutaway looks like AP scene) - Time Machine Gag c2022 shorts:
- tree cutaway "AP" link - fake AP link - on growing taller: rise-up link - FF AA baby stages link
- (pseudo FB "AR" cuts) c'23 - compilation link - caps
- (young adults into older) 2021 short videos. #fastforward touch the mirror challenge.
"Daughter into Mother" trope. Fun idea, in theory - one that I'd love to see more of. Or maybe even a daughter-mother-grandmother version! (Also, the mom has a lot of fun dance videos on her profile. She has quite the... caboose, if that's your thing):
- link - link - link - link This one is glorious! What a time to be alive.
- link - link
Found some more under #motherdaughterchallenge:
- link - link - link - link - link - link - link
Other fun ones I found under #2078 / #oldagechallenge:
- link - link - link - link - link - link
Some random OA:
- link - link - link
- (MeanMark, Chronoeclipse, Ark)
Time Lapse Girls
- (AP videos) - 2007-2010, 230 members.
Deleted Youtube Group featuring almost 1000 videos about girls growing into women. It was taken down.
- Archived Youtube Link Page -
Time to Grow Up
- (male cutaway APed, pseudo UC) JPeroyea, 2018.
Time machines can make you look older. Video link - screencaps
Time Travel Part 2
- (male AR) 2013, 5 second vid.
Man transforms into a boy - Vid link - screencaps
http://seenive.com/v/971612691531816960 - (FARfan)
timeline project
- (flash forward photo series, AP AA effect)
Girls growing into women.
- Grow-Up photo sequences - through the years.
timelines (theme)
- (face FF photos) experimental montage - school years comparison.
- (inanimate flash forward) 2000 short, Alexander Pappas. Time lapse of a day in the life of a city.
Totally TV - Disney Princesses (parodies)
- (old aged) 2018 Chrono thread about a fairly fun video of the Disney Princesses as Milfs - link
2020 sequel video about an old age spell, this time with more Disney Princesses.
- The effects and acting are not great, but still fun nonetheless - link - (MeanMark)
Toy Freaks (YouTube channel)
- (mental pseudo "ARed") The account was taken down in 2017. A single father and 2 elementary age daughters in often "creepy" scenarios. They ate baby food and pretended to be infants.
Transformation gone wrong
- (male AR OC) 2013, 5 second vid link - screencaps
Trip to the Fountain of Youth
- (male ARed glimpse) 2012.
Video link - caps - (FARfan)
Troom Troom Food
- (young adults pseudo "mind swapped", acting like children) "24 Hour Mom vs Daughter Body Switch Up!", 2022/01.
Mental roleplay, narrated. This day, everything turned upside down in Bob's family. Young adults "Mom" & "Daughter" have swapped bodies!!
- 11:46 episode link - caps - (Close door)
Trouble in a Hurry
- (male to OA?) c2013? In pre-production. AKA "Hurry in A Trouble"?
Saraswat, Dream Merchants, London. 5-15 min. comedy/drama.
- A young boy wishes to be an adult so he can live the so called lavish life of an adult. He wished without knowing the deadly consequences.
TUCKER (the rapidly-aging baby)
- (male AA from birth to male OA) 2009, Zia Marashi.
Sara has one last chance to prove she's responsible enough to be left home alone. She finds herself faced with a complicated unplanned pregnancy: within minutes the male child is born! The boy ages much faster than usual. Tasked with being a single mom, Sara experiences every stage of motherhood and it becomes obvious she is the one who is really growing up.
- Video link - screencaps
Turn Into A Baby?!
- (AR AA glimpse) 2013. SevenLuvableTweens commercial on how to turn into a baby!
Vid link - caps - (Thomas)
Turning into babies
- (male AR) 2011 web clip.
Video link - caps - (Thomas)
twenty-four hour project
- (AP) storyboard scene
Twin Toys (YouTube channel)
- (male mind swap) "Nerf War: Shrink Ray" 3/23/2018.
Family videos. @270s, dad & son swap bodies. Son in dad's body calls his mother mom, and dad in son's body calls his wife hon. Dad in 6 y.o. body: "You know your mother. Let's calm her down".
- Clip link - screencaps - (Kidsized)
- (adult mental self image reversions, AA OA RNed)
"The young girl", Fabian Giessler, 2006, Finland.
Short film about youth and aging... - Video link - screencaps
undersized clothing project
- (UC photos)
Mostly video stills of young women squeezed into teen and sometimes even kid-sized clothing.
Outgrown Clothes screencaps page
- (young adult old age reflection) by Natasha Kinaru, 2022.
A performer is haunted by an appearance in her dressing room mirror. Expect beauty, glamour, drama and of course a sprinkle of horror.
- Video link @1:40 - (4of11)
Veda 10 years later
- (AA AP) 2013, 5 second vid, Audreypho.
Vid link - caps - before/after - (FARfan)
Viola: The Traveling Rooms of a Little Giant
- (AA AP cuts) 2008. She ages during a strange aerial voyage. 7 y.o. Viola packs a suitcase and climbs a floating staircase into the sky. Her journey will unite her past, present, and future...
- Video link - screencaps
Water of Youth
- (adult rejuvenation) Avon Water of Youth can restore a person's youth in only 3 weeks.
- mirror
- (adult rejuvenation cutaway & aftermaths, male AR cutaway) 3X7 Films, 2015.
A man with the inability to find companionship receives a wrong number phone call. The bar sells special water, but be careful not to drink too much of it.
- Video link - youtu.be/O7HXWE4WVCc - screencaps - (FARfan)
WC Youth Drink
- (adult rejuvenation) 2008.
An infomercial for a beauty-enhancing product.
- Video link - screencaps - (TF Theater)
We TURNED Mom into a BABY!!
- (ARed poof, RNed) Adventures in Samland, 2018.
They are supposed to be cleaning their room. She uses magic to turn Mom into a baby! Will they keep her like that FOREVER?!
- Video link - youtu.be/uROPKiFGzM4 - screencaps - (FARfan)
What if Wendy
- (AA FF fade) SF short presented by DUST. James A. Sims, 2017.
In a near future, there will be lifelike holograms. On her deceased daughter's 7th birthday, DNA doc Mara Stevens asks herself, what if she hadn't died? Opening this Pandora's box, Mara is faced with the debilitating grief she suppressed so long. Simulation brought forward to 16 and beyond.
- Video link - caps - (Jeffr_2bya)
Wish I Was A Kid Again
- (male AR, OC) 2013, 5 second vid link - caps
http://seenive.com/v/949171721833979904 - (FARfan)
Wish I was OLDER
- (male AP glimpse) 2012 bedroom transformation.
Video link - screencaps
Wish You Were Young Again?
- (male AR) 2006 web clip.
Closet sends Andrew back 5 years of age.
- Video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
Wish, The
- (AP) "The Wish", 2010.
If you're curious what would actually happen if a 9-year-old girl was granted a wish to suddenly become 18 years old, then you are in the right place. Based on a true story.
- Video link - screencaps - (Webernesscommittee)
- (AA CoA age forms) in pre-production, c2018, Melanie Grams.
After a suicide attempt, Zoe (28) awakes at an abandoned hospital where she encounters her desperate inner child. Her unconscious playground is a place of repressed memories behind locked doors. Zoe steps back into her painful past. Kickstarter link
World's Greatest Adventures
- (male adult OA'd, AA ARed glimpses) Ep23, 2018/10/25 - link
03:41, sepia sketch comedy. Rufus finds a sink in an abandoned house. One tap is for aging, the other for rejuvenating water. He turned into an old man and was then AA-poofed into a young boy. By the next episode everything had returned to normal.
X-Tra Large
- (AP AA, RN) Young girl discovers she can age-up to do battle in the park - screencaps
- (AP AA, ARed RN) Cesar Jaime 2008. Tale about a little girl who is able to tap into the power within to deal with a boy who just doesn't know when to quit - vid link
Year Along the Abandoned Road, A
- (inanimate flash forward) Norway 1991. 12-min time-lapse film, shot on a track in a fjord, 1 frame at a time on 70mm film at about 2 seconds per day.
You Sure You Wanna Do This, Little Girl?
- (FF cuts) TikTok meme, 2018+.
Short videos featuring audio from Telltale Games "The Walking Dead" remixed with Chief Keef dubstep song "Love Sosa". A young girl child appears on one side of the screen. "You sure you wanna do this, little girl? What if we're dangerous?" The girl responds "What if I am?", and reveals she aged into an attractive woman or made herself grow a few years older.
- Example link - screencaps - (Brian Carlson)
Young Again
- (AR lotion, adult to teen to child poofs, female & male) "A short film".
Christina's Life, 2015. For a film competition.
- Video link - screencaps
- AR gif 1 - AR gif 2 - (super man)
Young Again
- (male ARs, RN) Happyvalleyband, 11/2018.
A stoner AR "comedy" drug PSA? Genre mash-ups are getting quite specific these days. Caution, adult themes, language, and drug use: Elijah and Chandler smoke a rare strain of grass called "Time Warp". They say it makes you feel young again! The dealer was also affected.
- Video link - screencaps - youtu.be/FBB86AEJI5Y - (FARfan)
Young At Heart
- (adult face aging CGI, adult flashback dream sequence) 2000.
Mark Sagar, LifeFX, Pacific Title Mirage.
A fully digital face in a standard dramatic context demonstrated digital aging, creating an 80 y.o. version of a young adult actress.
- Video link - caps
Young Girl
- (age delusion) BBC Comedy 2011. The new girlfriend is smart, funny and beautiful. She's perfect, except for one little thing? Video link - pic
- (male AR) 2012 web short.
Ever wanted to feel younger again? Ryan buys a mysterious potion online to get some youthful results.
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan, FarleyFlicks.com)
youth cream
- (female AR poofs) 3/2018. Who sells facial cream like that.
Asian viral video - link - screencaps - (Shlalom_masters)
Youth Elixir
- (AR to oblivion) 2013 web short.
Old woman to middle aged woman to teen to kid to egg.
- Video link - screencaps - (Thomas)
Youth Juice
- (male AR poof) Buzatto, 2011.
Video link - screencaps - (Entropic)
Youth Juice
- (male AR) 2007, man into boy @ 1:10.
Video link - screencaps - (Entropic)
Youth Pill (Pilula da Juventude), The
- (AR) 2011 web video for an English class.
Video link - screencaps - (Jeffr_2bya, Gustavomaster)
Youth Pill
- (AR morph) Happy Birthday to me!
- Video link - screencaps (AR Group, 2bya)
youth serum
- (male AR OC) 2013, 5 second vid.
MadeFilms.net - Vid link - screencaps
http://seenive.com/v/966542508001783808 - (FARfan)
Youth Water!
- (AR) 2009, teen into kid.
Video link - caps - (Thomas)
- (male AR) 2012, onecut1000.
A public service announcement?
- Video link - screencaps - (FARfan)
Zebra Corner: If Anti-Drug Commercials were Real Life - TMNT PSA/Ignoring a Friend's Problem
- (male adult head, "chibi" body kinda looks like partial ARed) 4/2019.
Youtube channel, edited PSA parody. Classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles anti-drug commercial. This popular anti-marijuana ad included the famous line "I'm not a Chicken, You're a Turkey!"
In most of his videos, the main host digitally inserts himself into commercials. In this one, he headswaps himself onto the body of a younger boy in a school hallway being offered drugs.
- Video link - (Derek)
- (male mind transfer to future self) "The Wish", 2014, Vsevolod Plakseev, Russia - Желание
Young Viktor makes a wish to be "older". As soon as he has swapped the candles on his birthday cake he finds himself transported to the future where he watches himself as a 31-year old. How did his priorities change?
AP: age progression
AR: age regression
CB: clothes burst or rip
UC: undersized clothing
AA: age-appropriate clothing or clothes grow too
RN: return to normal