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books: A to B - C to F - G to K - L to N - O to S - T to Z
Tail of Emily Windsnap, The
(TF) 2003. A fishy fantasy about a girl who turns into a mermaid. Emily lives on a boat, but her mother has always been oddly anxious to keep her out of the water, and it is only when she has her first school swimming lesson that she discovers it is her natural element. As soon as she gets into the sea, she grows a tail! cover
Taking Flight: A Legend of Ethshar
(age stasis) Lawrence Watt-Evans.
A young man runs across a young woman with wings who doesn't want to grow up, and has the magic to make it happen. Irith can change her form. He faces the problem of falling in love with the perpetual child as he himself grows up. Add to this situation an old man, magicly smitten with the adolescent angel.
Tales of Kolmar
- (rejuvenation) Elizabeth Kerner.
Lansip fruit, a potent Panacea, can be distilled into a liquor to make people younger. An elderly merchant was found after drinking an overdose with the body of a twenty-something. Berys is more careful with his supply, taking a little at a time and prudently using makeup to still look old. He manages to return to his midtwenties without dying - (Jeffr_2bya)
Tall Moll
- (height increase) Maddern, Fusco, c2011.
We meet Molly, who is just like all the other boys and girls until she encounters a growth spurt and becomes a foot and a half taller than the other kids - including the boys. How does she feel about it and how does she find her empowerment? - Cover
Taltos (Mayfair Witches Series)
- (accelerated development) Anne Rice.
Taltos grow faster if the woman sings to them while pregnant; this happens within minutes at one point. They also age superfast once born, becoming adults and able to have their own children within minutes. This leads to a very squicky scene in which a newborn Taltos is forced to impregnate its own mother.
Tangle Box, The
- (accelerated development) Terry Brooks.
Mistaya ages 10 years in only 2. Adults are a necessary evil in her young life, so the sooner she's fully grown, the better.
Tanner stages
Tara the Forbidden Fruit
Teacher Trouble
Teen Granny
teen years
Ten Poplars
Tending the Fire: An Introspective Guide to Zen Awakening
Tessa Gray (character)
text fragments
text fragments
text fragments
Theodore All Grown Up
Thief Lord, The
Thieves Like Us
Third Temple, The
Thirteenth House, The
This Body
This Side of Land: an Island Epic
Thread that Binds the Bones, The
Threads That Bind (Havoc Chronicles #1)
Three Days As the Crow Flies: A Novel
Through The Looking-Glass
Through the open door: secrets of self-hypnosis
Thundershine: Tales of Metakids
Tiger, Tiger Puffin
Tiger, Tiger
Time for Andrew
Time Keeper, The
time loops (theme)
Time of the Ghost, The
Time Scout series
Time Shifter, The
time slip (theme)
Time Travel
Time Traveler's Wife, The
Time Traveler's Wife, The
Time Twister: Journal #3 of a Cardboard Genius
Time Weaver, The
Time, Forward!
Time's Arrow: or The Nature of the Offence
Time's Fool
Time/Life Books
Timmy Valentine series
Tin Drum, The
Tinkerer's Daughter, The
Tithe : A Modern Faerie Tale
To Bear an Iron Key
To Your Scattered Bodies Go
Tobu Yume o Shibaraku Minai
Tom Goes to Kindergarten
Tom's Midnight Garden
Tomb, The
Tombs of Atuan series
Tomorrow's Magic
Too Big for Me!
Too Small
Tortoise by Candlelight
Tortoise by Candlelight
Trace of Memory, A
Tracey McBean
Tramp, The
Trapped!: The 2031 Journal of Otis Fitzmorgan
Traveling Backward
Treasure Box
tree transformation
Trilogy Featuring: Bottle Baby with additional stories...
Tunnel in the Sky
Turtle Clan Journey
Twilight saga
Twilight series
Twinkling, The
Twits, The
Two Dreams
UC scenes (incomplete book list)
UC scenes (plot element)
UC scenes
Uglies (series)
Ultimate Book of Spells
Uncle Moses
Unnatural, The
Unusual Death of Julie Christie and Other Stories, The
Ursula on Safari
Usborne Facts of Life Growing Up
Uttara: a literary digest of north Indian languages
V.C. Rouge
V.C. Rouge
Vader's Little Princess
Valley Where Time Stood Still, The
Vamped : A Novel
Vampire Chronicles, The
Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox, The
Varieties of Psychedelic Experience, The
Vegemorphs: The Fungus Among Us
Veiled histories, and the childhood memories of a storyteller
Very Little Girl, The
Vesuvius Prophecy, The
Vice Versa: A Lesson to Fathers
Vice Versa
Videssos Cycle, The
Virtual Mode
Virtually Perfect
Voice from the Ashes - A Tribute to Elaine, A
Voice of the Gods
Vordak the Incomprehensible: Rule the School
Vordak the Incomprehensible
Voyage of the Dawn Treader, The
W.I.T.C.H. Chapter Books
Waiting for Maria
Wallace Hoskins: The Boy Who Grew Down
Wander Home
Water of Life, The
Waters Rising, The
Way Beyond, The
We Can't Rewind
Web Site Story
Weird Sisters, The
Welcome Home Or Someplace Like It
Well Wished
What Alice Forgot
What happens when children grow
What I Loved
What You Can't Take Back
What's Happening To Me?
What's Happening To Me?
What's Happening to me?
Wheel of Time series, The
Wheel Of Time, The
Wheel of Time
wheel turns, The
When Daddy Prays
When the Hammer Falls
When True Night Falls
When You Were Me
Where Loyalties Lie
Where Were You, Robert?
Wild Cards
Wild Cat: A Romance of the African Jungle
Wild Mother, The
Wild Seed
Wild Seed
Will You Take Care of Me?
Winds of the Moon: Tazarian Saga 5
Wings of Fire: Darkness of Dragons
Winni Allfours
Winnie series
Winter of Magic's Return
Winter's Youth
Wish List, The
Wishing Well, The
Wit'ch War
Witch High
Witch Switch (Teen Witch #4)
Witch Switch, The
Witch Switch, The
Witches of Karres series
Witches of Karres, The
Witching Hour, The
Witching Hour, The
With Strings Attached
Wither's Legacy
Wither's Rain
Wizard in Rhyme, A (series)
Wizard in Rhyme, A (book 01)
Wizard's Bane series
Woman in the Wall, The
Woman of Substance, A
Wonderful Adventures Of Phra The Phoenician, The
World More Or Less, The
World of Tiers (series)
World Out of Time, A
Wrathworld: A Science Fiction Novel
Xanth (story universe)
Xanth series
Xanth series
Xanth series
Xanth series
Year of Living Biblically, The
Yesterday's Gone (S1-6)
You'll Grow Into Them, Titch
You're a Little Kid with a Big Heart
Young Me, Now Me: Identical Photos, Different Decades
Young Men Are Coming!, The
Young Wizards Series
Your Growing Child
Zeig Mal!
11 y.o. girl learns about a 17th-century watch called the Timekeeper that holds the key to mysterious and frightening changes in time.
...Sally...was lying peacefully inside...saw something very strange start to happen; the girl began to age. Faint lines appeared on her face. Her skin grew redder and coarser. The lines deepened, her hair thinned and turned grey. Her skin wrinkled. She was old...the other cylinder and looked inside. The woman lying there was beautiful but not young, or rather she was getting younger every second. Her skin began to smooth out. Her cheeks plumped. The crow's feet under her eyes disappeared and the lines on each side of her mouth vanished. Her hair was thick and blond and her face was radiant. She was in the prime of her life...
- (FF) Page scan of hip widening stages - diagram
- (AR scene?) "Magic: The Gathering" book, p.109.
- (AP scene) Simon Roach, 2004.
- P23: Some two feet from these arch musicians squatted a young dark skinned woman vigorously twirling a long calabash.
...before La Veanna, who was evidently the high priestess or voudou queen. She made cabalistic signs over them and the new born child, and sprinkled them vigorously with liquid from a calabash in her hand, muttering under her breath.
- P24: ...the name of an African sect, "Voudou Magnian."
The new born female was then placed out of sight from the voices by the High Priestess La Veanna. By some unknown supernatural powers by her, a spell was placed...
- P25: ...upon the newborn. La Veanna was over a hundred years of age, blind and soon would be replaced. The chorus of Tara's yell had entered the mad shouts of Africa. Then came a general call for dance, as the newborn began to mature before their eyes! The baby's body began the change at an alarming rate, turning, bending and stretching to grow against nature itself.
Suddenly there was an appearance of engulfing bizarre reddish like smoke, which swilled wildly about her coming from nowhere. There seemed to be flashes of self contained lighting from within its being. Then smoke appeared from below a once barren spot of earth ... until it suddenly shielded her completely from all view.
Up sprang Tara!
She was a magnificent specimen of human flesh. A leggy, tall, smooth skinned woman with long damp hair appeared. She was wrapped just in a wisp of silky orange fabric draped against her body, exquisitely sensual.
...an unholy scream ... like a howling from a wild animal came from her.
With her body waving and undulating like the quadroon man's snake a perfect Semiramis from the jungles of...
- P26: ...Africa. The baby was now totally transformed into a grown woman of 24 years of age, if not in mind. Confining herself to a spot not more than two feet in space, Tara began to sway on one and the other side.
This was a signal, for the whole assembly sprang forward and entered the dance wildly.
Under the passion of hours, the women tore off their garments, and entirely nude, continued dancing, as if they were snakes wriggling. Above all of this, the orgies would have become frightful for any outsiders. Brushing Tara's beautiful black hair, La Veanna stared at her chosen replacement from birth.
- (preteen as adult age disguise) Alexander McCall Smith, 1994. 12-year-old heroine looks so mature for her age that on her first day of high school she is mistaken for a teacher and left in charge of a class.
- (young adult to old age) Gary M. Whitmore, 2013, self-published.
Amy is a teenager who hates being around old people. When Dorreen the Voodoo lady picks up on this, she ages her into her 70s. Amy now has to live the life of an old lady and hang out with old aunt Wilma. She gets a lesson in life until the cause of her aging can be discovered and reversed.
- Kindle purchase link - Nook purchase link
- (coming of age) Trope.
Growing up can be confusing in many ways - a common type of puberty reaction clip-art
- (adult rejuv) by Countess Helene Magriska, 1937.
A mysterious ray can restore the health and appearance of those advancing in age. A romantic triangle between an aging Hollywood actor, the doctor who discovered the ray, and her daughter who is infatuated with the film star - (Jeffr_2bya, SF Encyclopedia)
- (slight AA FF age anomaly) Verkuilen, 2012.
Dream sequence/metaphors - text fragments
- (shapeshifter) Cassandra Clare, c2012.
The Infernal Devices, prequel series to The Mortal Instruments. The Shadowhunter Chronicles.
The series follows Tessa Gray, an orphaned teenage girl who discovers she has the power to shapeshift. She can transform at will into other persons. In Victorian London she discovers supernatural beings walk the streets.
- (UC scenes & glimpses) Paragraphs from books etc. - text - text
- (UC scenes, some FF) from various books - UC text
- (real life CBed) page scan
- (UC/growth-related text only) Various books, UC scenes paragraphs
(male) Ellen Stoll Walsh. One magical morning Theodore wakes up to discover that he has been transformed from a young boy into a grown-up man. At first Theodore is happy about being an adult but as the day progresses, he begins to have second thoughts. He doesn't feel so good after he gives away all his toys. Will Theodore be able to become a little boy again? male cover
(male AP, AR) Cornelia Funke. Happy to report it has 3 AR and 1 male AP. Old man and woman to children, one adult man into 5-year-old, and one boy into an adult. (2bya)
- (male old age stasis) Stephen Cole, 2006.
The ancient leader of a cult has lived in a trance-like state and pretty much looks like a living mummy. When the Big Bad tries to hold the cult leader's mouth closed for CPR, it just comes off "like a piece of soggy bread."
- (OA'd) Larry Richards, 2011, The Third Temple.
The prophet had been just as devastated by her sudden aging as Caesar, but she recovered quickly. I don't feel different inside, she realized. Her mind seemed...
(TF, slight ARed) Sharon Shinn. Kirra Danalustrous was born a mystic "shiftling" - a person with the ability to transform into virtually any other human or animal form. She takes the place of her younger sister Casserah who is unwilling to embark on an obligatory social tour. Kirra spends much of the book in the form of her sister, but also changes into animal forms (like dogs, cats and birds). She also occasionally impersonates men and women. Kirra's servant Donnal spends much of the book as a wolf or in bird form, but he also poses as a maid and mimics Kirra. Kirra has the ability not only to transform herself, but transform other people who aren't shiftlings... She uses this power to turn two people into dogs, one of whom needs to be cured of a disease as an animal. (metamorphose.org)
(body swap AR) Laurel Doud. Katharine, a neurotic middle-aged mother of two, dies in her sleep and wakes a year later in the body of a 22-year-old drug addict.
(excellent AP FF scene) Elizabeth Hollister Frost, 1942. Access highly restricted. Only a few text fragments could be extracted:
p 204
"...they stood by beginning to stretch and twist and sigh, growing upward and outward; the lower, thicker branches dropping off; the trunks extending and thickening; the thorns starting out of the trunk sides; lichens creeping up, poison oak swinging down; the high branchy boughs spreading and soughing; the gray moss..."
"...little-girl feet a-running the beautiful field, and her Now curls a-swing on her neck, and her hand touching Bertran's in the thorn lot: and she felt her thin body grow taller, bit by bit, and her legs lengthen as the thorn trees lengthened, and her little breasts round slow, and her arms soften..."
(AR, TG) 1993 Hoffman, Nina. One of a family of magicians so angers another that she changes him into a young girl.
- (YA maturation and beautification TF) Brant Williams.
At 16, smart and witty Madison is overweight with thick glasses and the social life of a Tibetan monk. The summer before her junior year her eyesight inexplicably corrects itself, and she begins to rapidly lose weight. However, her first kiss with the boy she has had a crush on for years triggers powers she can't control, almost killing him. She discovers she is a Berserker, chosen to guard the world from the Havocs.
- (male AP glimpse) Danny Simmons.
Very brief story-within-a-story snippets.
p113: ...least ten years old because I had grown so much taller.
My sneakers still fit...
By the time I saw the lights ahead I was taller and a few years older. My foot stopped hurting, but I was still hungry, hungrier than before.
- (slight reverse aging) Lewis Caroll, 1871.
The White Queen remembers the future because she is "living backwards".
- (dream sequence AA APed) Kevin Hogan, Mary Lee LaBay.
Julie was just a little girl and usually played alone.
She looked around her and saw that these young faces began to fade. In their stead, she saw a ... scene in which she found herself standing up and walking to a door.
As Julie took hold of the doorknob and turned it, she could feel herself growing taller and becoming older. As she walked through that door, she discovered that she perceived herself as an older, more mature person.
She now saw herself entering an auditorium, where many students....
(minor CB) David Skinner, 1999 anthology of 4 stories. Tales about junior high kids with amazing powers. Louise can grow and shrink to any size. Nina can transform into all other girls and has almost unlimited powers.
(TF, kinda AR) Burgess, Melvin. Mr Yung, the head of a Chinese gang, is after the Malham Tigers. He is particularly anxious to procure a young tigress called Lila, who is a rare 'Spirit Tiger'. When the poaching goes horribly wrong, there is a massacre of tigers and men, but, thanks to Lila, some of the tigers escape. With her supernatural powers, which include shape-changing into a young girl, Lila pursues everyone involved in the massacre.
- (TF, coming of age) Melvin Burgess, 1996. A boy comes of age through animal metamorphosis. Steve is still a child when he encounters Lila, a Spirit Tiger who transformed herself into a young girl to escape gangsters. Lila-the-girl cannot speak and triggers untamed, animal desires. At the close of the story, Steve follows her into the wilderness where he changes into a tiger, and they mate. In the morning, he wakes up remembering nothing, but Lila has made him an unimaginable, unaccountable gift.
- (time travel past/future selves, male coming of age FFed) Mary Downing Hahn, 1994.
1910-1990 soul swap between otherwise identical boys. At the end he meets adult present life personages he met back in time.
- (male adult age stasis) Mitch Albom, 2012.
The inventor of the first clock is forced to listen forever to the voices of those seeking more years. Eventually, Father Time must teach the true meaning of time to a teenage girl who is about to give up on life, and a wealthy old businessman who wants to live forever. Using an hourglass and the sands of time, each learns that leaving the world on their own terms, leaves those left behind to suffer.
- (repeated mind transfers to past self) AKA Groundhog Day Effect.
11 Birthdays
Wendy Mass, 2009.
- It's Amanda's 11th birthday and she is super excited, but from the start everything goes wrong. Worst of all, she and her best friend Leo are on the outs, and this will be the first birthday they haven't shared together. After Amanda turns in for the night, glad to have her birthday behind her, she wakes up happy for a new day. Or is it? Her birthday seems to be repeating iself. What is going on?! The two are stuck in this time loop together! Only time, friendship, and a little luck will tell.
Odessa Again
Dana Reinhardt, 2013.
- 4th-grader Odessa Green-Light retreats to her attic bedroom, angrily pounds her feet, and falls through the floor only to land back in her own room 24 hours earlier, wearing the clothes she did yesterday. With only a limited number of flashbacks, Odessa tries to "fix" all sorts of things like mistakes, embarrassing moments, and maybe even the situation with mom and dad. What Odessa learns along the way is what is most important in life.
- (mental flashback) Diana Wynne Jones, 1981.
Fantastic time slips. A teen ghost finds herself attracted to a boys' boarding school. The disembodied spirit concludes she traveled back 7 years. In the present day, university-age Sally is badly injured after a haunted doll god ritual.
- (time travel FF AA skip) Robert Asprin, 1995. Armstrong, Marcus, and his children run to Denver, then to London. They show up in London a few hours before they leave for Denver, 3 years older. Tragically Ianira has lost 3 years of her children's lives.
(male flashed forward to old age) John Peel. Based on Showtime's "The Outer Limits". 12-year-old Brandon gets the scare of his life when he looks into a mirror and sees a grizzled old man staring back at him. The old man steps out of the mirror, and introduces himself as Brandon Mooney age 92! He doesn't want to believe that this is how he will turn out - old, and gray.
- (discontinuous FF)
- "Tom's Midnight Garden", Philippa Pearce. The protagonist has dreamlike encounters at different points in time.
- "A Traveller in Time, Alison Uttley, 1939. Girl slips back to the period when Queen Elizabeth I of England imprisoned Mary, Queen of Scots.
- "Charlotte Sometimes", Penelope Farmer, 1969. Darker, more complex novel about the way time slips (in this case back to 1918) could threaten the main character's identity.
(flash forward) Jenny Randles. cover
- When he time travels, his clothes always disappear. He first appeared as a nude middle-aged man in front of his preteen future wife. However after growing up she first recognized his young adult self before he knew her.
c2023 "The Other Husband": The sequel will focus on Henry and Clare's daughter Alba as an adult. She finds herself in love with a normal man and a fellow time-traveler.
(male AR) 2003
- (male AR) Frank Asch, 2008.
Alex, genius creator of the first cardboard-box spaceship, has hit a snag. Due to Relativity, space travel will return them to Earth 50 years older than their friends and relatives. Alex creates a time machine to compensate, but accidentally transforms his pesky younger brother into a baby.
- (Entropic) ln - th
- (time shift FF) Shana Abe.
45: Surely it wasn't the same maiden as 2 weeks ago. She didn't look quite the same. She was older, for one thing. Her hair was longer. She stood taller. Yet she might have been that child's sister: same coppery mane...same long-lashed blue eyes...
107: Still a head taller than I...even though at last our ages were closely matched.
231: When she was 16, she'd vanished for an entire ten and a half months.
When she'd Woven home again she seemed sincerely astonished that it was now winter.
And why did her gowns no longer fit? Or her stockings or slippers?
(UC, coming of age) Valentine Kataev, Charles Malamuth, 1932. "Shura grew angry. She was always fighting with herself. She was growing up too fast. Her skirt had become exceedingly tight and short. The blue football sweater, washed until it was almost white, was tucked under her skirt and had split under the arms. Her arms were crawling out of the tight sleeves. The sleeves had to be rolled up. She was scarcely seventeen, but she appeared to be no less than twenty. And still she kept on growing. She was in despair. She did not know what to do with her hands, which were too large, with her legs, which were too long, with her blue eyes, which were too beautiful, with her voice, which was too pleasant. She was embarrassed by her high breasts, her thin waist, her white throat."
- (male reversed time) 1991 "reversed narrative" novel, Martin Amis.
The ex-Nazi narrator's spirit experiences time in reverse, as he becomes younger and younger during the novel. His secondary consciousness or conscience feels his feelings without accessing or controlling his thoughts. He simply accepts that people sit for an hour in a physician's waiting room after examinations, and relationships have stormy beginnings that slowly fade into pleasant romances.
Not only is chronology reversed (people become younger, and eventually become children, then babies, and then re-enter their mothers' wombs, where they cease to exist) but so is morality. Blows heal injuries after doctors cause them. Theft becomes donation, and vice versa. Doctors harm prostitutes while pimps give them money and heal them. When the protagonist reaches Auschwitz, however, the world starts to make sense. A whole new race is created. A few hours before Odilo's birth, he glimpses an arrow flying point first. This reveals the true nature of the arrow of time.
- (adult stasis) 2000. Edmund Lea is condemned to eternal youth until he determines how to lift his curse. Lea perpetually travels a phantom train. Time passes, but Edmund remains 17, unable to age, watching the world grow older. He tries to break the spell by way of love, repentance, suicide, muteness, and good causes - all in vain. When he accepts his fate he is finally freed. The tale spans 1970 through 2019.
- (TBTC) ln - th
(FF face) "Growth" 1
- (male age stasis) S. P. Somtow, 1984-.
Child vampire or "frozen age" theme. He'll steal your heart - and have it for breakfast! About a 2000 y.o. child vampire. Ancient, wise, and extremely powerful, he learned to become immune to common "anti-vampire" stuff. In the 80's he became a child pop star, so he is also famous and rich. Despite his powers he looks like a tween and is often treated as a child. In some ways he is super cool but in others the loneliest, most pathetic being you can imagine. The 3 books are a bit gory.
- (Maskedman)
(male age stasis) Günter Grass. Oskar deliberately stunts his growth at age 3 by hurling himself down the stairs, so that he can avoid being part of the horrific adult world. He shields himself further from adult horrors by drowning them out with his titular drum. In the end, a blow to the head ages him instantly.
- (accelerated growth) Jamie Sedgwick, 2012 fantasy.
4 y.o. Breeze grows into a woman (both emotionally and physically) in 6 months when dropped off at the tinkerer's house due to her mixed heritage.
(TF) Holly Black novel. 16-year-old Kaye Fierch is not human, but she doesn't know it. Sure, she knows she's interacted with faeries since she was little--but she never imagined she was one of them, her blond Asian human appearance only a magically crafted cover-up for her true, green-skinned pixie self. Kaye hooks up with childhood friend Janet and her gay brother, Corny Stone. The beautiful, mysterious knight Roiben, torn between worlds himself, falls in love with Kaye--the brave, clever changeling--against his better judgment.
- (adult to OA) Jackie Morse Kessler, 2014, juvenile.
The magic, unsettled on the mirror, leeched onto and into her mother, and Bromwyn had watched in horror as Jessamin's body began to age - slowly, at first...
- (adults made younger) Philip Jose Farmer, 1998. Book 1, Riverworld Saga.
About life after death. All of Earthly humanity has been resurrected on a strange planet, each with an indestructible container that provides three meals a day, cigarettes, alcoholic beverages, a lighter, and the odd tube of lipstick. But why? And by whom?
- (Jeffr_2bya) ln - th
- (AR) Taichi Yamada, 1985 novel. "I Haven't Dreamed of Flying for a While". Source for "I never had a flying dream", 1989 movie - (Jeffr_2bya)
(furry UC) Margaret Wild, 2000.
Mr. and Mrs. Panda's grown-up lives now include time for play, thanks to imaginative Tom and the ideas he brings home from school. Kindergarteners will squeal at the sight of parents bursting out of child-size dress-up clothes.
- (time travel past/future selves, slight coming of age) Philippa Pearce, 1959.
Tom comes downstairs to find a mysterious and wonderful garden. He finds Hattie, a girl from another time, with whom he establishes a close friendship. Time in the midnight garden moves differently than the time in Tom's "real" world -- it moves backward and forward and at different paces.
- (old age) The Tomb, by F. Paul Wilson, 1984. Repairman Jack #1, part of The Adversary Cycle.
After Kolabati Bahkti loses her anti-aging necklace, age starts catching up very quickly. Donning it again, however, returns the wearer to youth.
- (FF, coming of age) Ursula K. Le Guin, Earthsea, 1971. A Kargish child is taken from her family and dedicated as a high priestess at age 6. Arha's cave routine is dramatically disrupted by the arrival of Ged when she is 15 years old.
- (adults rejuved) King Arthur returns to England with the aid of a very young Merlin and his companions. Set in a nuclear winter where magic is staging a comeback. Merlin is in his late teens again as are his two companions. They are attempting to reunite the various duchies, kingdoms and principalities that England has become against Arthur's old enemy, Morgan Le Fay.
- (TBTC) ln - th
(UC) Feana Tu'akoi, Helena Hughes, 2001. Photographic sequential for emergent readers. What sounds like a good solution doesn't work when a big sister finds she's grown out of her clothes. Repetition of phrases: 'My ... is/are too small.", "Kate can have it/them, said Mum". Change of text pattern on final page. UC
- (UC glimpses, CoA theme) Media Matters, Sandy Lightly, 2022. Illustrated children's book. Lebo has outgrown her clothes, so mother gives them to Nomsa. They are too big for Nomsa - art
- (slight UC scene) Nina Bawden, 1990.
"She was growing out of her clothes but only length-wise. Her pyjama jacket barely covered her rib cage and the trousers were two-thirds up her smooth, white calves. She scratched at the bare flesh between jacket and trousers..."
(UC scene) Nina Bawden, 1963.
Snipet view "She was growing out of her clothes but only length-wise. Her pyjama jacket barely covered her rib cage and the trousers were two-thirds up her smooth,..."
- (serial mind transfer into bodies of different ages) Claire North, 2015. Protagonist becomes a frequent body switcher when his own body is murdered. He needs to touch a person to possess them - (Puddleglum, CJ)
- (male adult rejuvenation, planetwide rejuvenation) Keith Laumer, 1963.
Foster goes from an old man to a youth in the space of an evening, but loses his memory in the process. It turns out this happens to his entire species on Vallon on a regular basis.
(height increase) cover
(adult rejuvenation) "The Tramp", L. Ron Hubbard, 1937. Down-on-his-luck tramp Doughface Jack has the two halves of his brain stitched together, and his cranium sealed with a silver bowl. He acquires phenomenal mental powers: he can instantaneously heal or kill, or make the old young.
- (TG AR, ARed, RN AA AP) - Bill Doyle, 2007, "Crime Through Time #6"
It was as if someone had pressed a rewind button on Booth. His body began to shrink and his face to disintegrate. In his place, Asyla appeared once more.
But the disintegration didn't stop there. Suddenly, we were looking at a much younger Asyla...maybe six years old.
Then that Asyla was gone as well. In a long arc of streaming material, the nanobots flew across the room and straight into Judge's chest. She jerked slightly, and her body literally left the floor. She spun slowly as the whirlwind surrounded her.
Judge aged before our eyes. As she grew taller, her hair and clothes changed, and I could see decades flying by. Finally, the nanobots' food source ran out and they stopped swirling. When Judge came to rest, she looked to be about thirty years old.
She was gazing down at herself, so I couldn't see her expression. Was she okay?
She lifted her head. Her face broke out in a smile.
"You did it Otis," Judge said, her voice more mature again.
- (age stasis, male rejuv/AR) Toby Forward, 1992.
Mrs. May (who is much older than she seems) prepares a potion for Fanny's dying grandfather which makes him younger and younger and... ln - th
- (disguise APed) Orson Scott Card, 1996.
Mild-mannered millionaire meets and marries his ideal woman (who is as inexperienced as he is), but things about her are a bit odd. She admits actually being a witch, who used magic to turn herself into his dream girl. Much later it's revealed she's only TWELVE years old, and has been bluffing her way through an adult romantic and sexual relationship!
- (TF)
"...to grow taller. Their skin, which had looked rough anyway, began to grow little bumps. The bumps grew, and as they grew, they popped, forming bark. Little knobs grew out of their bodies and stretched in every direction. Their feet grew together and sank into the soil.
His eyes came back to Lisine. Her hands were at her sides now.
She began to stretch and grow like the Willowers.
"Nooooo ..." he heard himself scream, as he saw her change in front of him. In a matter of seconds she was transformed ... into the most beautiful tree he had ever seen.
He rushed to her and hugged her new form, his tears running down her trunk."
- (mental acceleration kinda like ARed baby) by Philip W. Kunz, 180p, 2012.
A super-human baby... A scientific experiment goes awry to change the life of a young man. Also an Old Hag in "The Hootenanny Massacres!".
- (young adult FF, coming of age) Robert A. Heinlein, 1955.
A technical glitch maroons teenagers on an alien planet. Several years later, the "kids" have settled in a defensible riverfront cave, have found clay deposits and are working on a pottery kiln, and are taking steps toward agriculture and irrigation. They are enjoying a deserved baby boom. Everybody agrees they'll never go back. Of course, when they're rescued, almost everybody except a recalcitrant Rod quickly decides to go home to Earth.
- (AR) Mostly about journey of 2 women as they get younger. Ends with them as teens.
- (reverse aging AR) Margaret Peterson Haddix, c.2000.
2 girls underwent an experimental treatment as old women which caused them to age backwards. As shrinking teens in the year 2085, they must prepare for a grim future. "I'll stop having to shave under my arms. Your hips will, uh, you know. Smooth out... My breasts will shrink. My pubic hair will disappear."
- (reverse lifespan) The teenagers Melly and Anny Beth have lived over 150 years each. Once residents of a nursing home, they agreed to be part of an experiment on "unaging." The plan was for senior citizens to age backwards, eventually remaining 25-30 years old indefinitely, but it didn't go as planned. Melly and Anny Beth find problems in getting younger, especially during the teenage years when they are trying to live independently. Searching for a family to adopt them before they become too young to care for themselves at all, they discover someone is searching for them... ln - th
(male CB, male coming of age) Lynda Durrant, 1999.
"At the end of the Strawberry moon, Bamaineo's toes burst through his moccasins. It was the only pair he had.
His feet were growing so fast that his toes had pushed against the insides, stretching the already thin leather to the breaking point. The thinning leather was further worn down on the outside...
"Do your feet hurt?" Glickihigan whispered when Bamaineo wriggled his bare toes."
- (AA accelerated growth) "Renesmee through the years" - fan art - (Ellaris)
- (age stasis) Despite their childish appearance, twins Jane and Alec are both several hundred years old.
- Renesmee is likely the author's idea of the perfect child. This would not be the first time in fiction that an eldritch abomination forced a vampire to reproduce when it was thought to be impossible, just so it could be born into our world with a super-powerful body.
- (height increase, UC glimpse) "The Twinkling", Jewel M. Scott, 2009.
I grew LARGER!
No, I didn't have an inkling of what was to come...my temper had been somewhat volatile over the past couple of months...I was trembling with rage...My head was pounding and my clothes felt too small. My jeans were suddenly too short. I GREW LARGER PEOPLE!
Peripherally, I could see three of the other officers had drawn their weapons. I guess you don't see people grow larger every day, huh?
Jade look at me please!
I did because he said please, and it was gone just like that! I was back to normal.
(excellent AP CB, accelerated growth, girl-to-woman age progression process micro-glimpse)
"A Novel by the Author of Ex Utero", Laurie Foos, 1999. P53.
- A tale about Maxi, Minnie, and a clone called Middle. Something goes horribly wrong: instead of delivering a healthy newborn, Maxi Dublin gives birth to herself... as a clone. In the medical world, Maxi becomes a cause celebre. Only a tiny fraction of the text could be extracted:
"...bangs hanging low over her eyes.
"Good god!" he yelled, as his hands grabbed handfuls of his gelled hair. "She's grown!
... a torn receiving blanket, her diaper ripped at the seams, exposing a juicy thigh.
...were open, and she gurgled a bit in her throat, the red tufts of hair now a full crown. In a matter of minutes she'd grown to the size of a six-month-old. For a moment...
- (adult FF degeneration sketch) "The Twits", Roald Dahl, 1980, ills.
Page Art - (Matt)
- (UC scene) Shirley Lim.
"Don't you girls have enough to wear? Why must you take clothes from each other?"
"Girls grow so fast, Peng. My goodness, Kim Yee's dresses are so short she doesn't look decent in them."
"Chinese New Year was only 3 months ago."
"But I've grown an inch since then!"
"And I've grown 3 inches in 1 year!" Kim Bee said.
"Your daughters are becoming women," Kim Li said, kicking her long legs rhythmically through the meal. She wore her blue school shorts which fitted tightly above the thighs and stretched across the bottom, flattening the weight which ballooned curiously around her tall skinny frame.
Her legs, like her chest, were skinny, almost fleshless. They were long and shapeless; the knees bumped out like rock-outcroppings, and the ankles rose to meet the backs of her knees with hardly a suggestion of calf. In the tight shorts she didn't appear feminine or provocative, merely unbalanced, as if the fat around the hips and bottom were merely a growth , a goiter draped on the lean trunk.
"How dare you come to the table like a half-naked slut!"
"What I wear is what you give me."
... "Maybe tomorrow we can go over the cost of some new clothes. The girls can shop for some cheap..."
- "Stations west: a novel" - Allison Amend, 2010.
"Her mother's dress is too small for her, Moshe notices; the arms sneak up past her wrists, and the front strains around her chest. She is constantly pulling at it. Moshe wishes he had the money to buy her a new one."
- "Kit's Story Collection" - Valerie Tripp, 2005.
"She kicked off her sandals, which, like all of her clothes, were too small. But freeing her feet did not cheer her up."
- "See you at the movies: the autobiography of Melvyn Douglas", 1986.
"As the picture proceeded the actress became larger and her clothes became tighter until, ultimately, Goldwyn had to have an entirely new wardrobe designed."
- (very rare outgrown/undersized clothing descriptions)
- "...The children's clothes were starting to fall apart, too; to fray, and simply ... into not-so-little Anne before our very eyes. She was simply bursting out of her clothes, and her body was changing shape as well. Her feet could no longer be squeezed into ..."
- "She was sitting with her legs bent in inverted V's, and when she leaned back on her arms to consider her arrangement, Sophie saw that the front of her dress strained slightly. Her breasts were growing, and Sophie wondered..."
- (coming of age FF themes, beautification/(de)maturation) by Scott Westerfeld. Titles: Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras. c2004+
Dystopian SF book series about the future life cycle:
- "Littlies" are young, cute, and innocent children who attend elementary school until age 12.
- "Uglies" endure the burgeoning physical developments of the early teen years. They live in monitored dorms to attend middle and high school, and call each other nicknames (Fatty, Skinny, Squint, or Zits).
- "New Pretties" underwent the massive Operation at age 16 that made them perfect in beauty and health. This includes brain lesions for compliance. They move into New Pretty Town to have fun and maintain an active social life in popular cliques such as the Swarm, the Hot Airs, and the Crims.
- "Middle Pretties" have picked their professions after a second, minor operation to look older and wiser but still beautiful. They move to the suburbs and are allowed to marry and have limited children.
- "Late Pretties" or "Crumblies" live in assisted homes and receive life extension surgery.
(ubosbiggirls, freelycat)
(UC scene) Sholem Asch, -1920.
"...was fourteen and a half years of age,..
Moreover, Masha was no longer a child. She straightened her long black braids, the sole adornment of her person, and one which ill became her short, outgrown dress. Her long red hands stuck far out of her short sleeves. She kept pulling her sleeves down over her wrists, but when one sleeve yielded the other would slide upwards, thus engaging her in a constant struggle.
The wind played havoc with Masha's braids and raised her short skirt high, revealing altogether too much of her shapely legs. Masha fought with the wind, now thrusting down her skirt to cover her legs, now pulling down her sleeves to warm her hands.
- (male UC scene) Andrew James.
Still wearing the clothes that he had on when he escaped, although they no longer fit. His pants were stretched and torn because he had grown a full four inches. He discarded his shoes a long time ago, and got used to hunting for food on his bare feet. The forest ground caused them to become callous and numb to any pain.
- (ghost AP dream sequence) "The Unnatural", Alan Nayes.
As she sang, Janine began to grow older. Her hair lengthened and a feminine shape appeared, taller and fuller, just as Julie would have envisioned a seven-year-old girl maturing into an adult woman.
"You let me die."
(UC scene) Andrew Michael Hurley, 2008.
"...the girl was the same age as me, coming up for sixteen. Her hair was wild and she was heavily built. Her clothes seemed too small for her, too childish, and the front of the flowery blouse she always seemed to have on was a line of oval gaps that showed her flesh and underwear."
(TF) Sheila Lavelle. Ursula is a little girl who can change into a bear. In this story Ursula goes on a school trip to a safari park.
- (coming of age, FF) cover
- (UC scene, coming of age) Sahitya Akademi, 1989. "...aged sixteen, who is growing so fast that her clothes keep bursting at the seams. I don't know whether to call it her body or a flower..."
- (AA size increase) Paige Schingen, 2013.
...could feel her body doing a complete transformation.
She grew taller. Her hair got lighter and longer. Her breasts and buttocks grew thinner and fuller. Her clothes were replaced...
- (AA) Paige Schingen, 2013, fantasy.
She grew taller. Her hair got lighter and longer. Her breasts and buttocks grew bigger and firmer, her skin tone got lighter, her nose and lips grew thinner and fuller. Her clothes were replaced with a black corset and short black shorts. Her legs...
- (CoA, FF) Jeffrey Brown, 2013.
Darth Vader is a put-upon father as he guides Leia from toddlerhood to adolescence, whether he's dropping her off at school in an AT-AT walker or forbidding her to go out in a gold bikini.
- (AR) 1974 Lin Carter. Edgar Rice Burroughs, Mars setting. An expedition goes to a valley where the fountain of youth exists. Various members AR to different ages. The heroine is sexually abused by brother. After exposure to the fountain she becomes a young virgin. (Time)
- (AR, male ARs, possible partial RN)
3 AR events are described in the book in some detail: 2 male and 1 female. One male (a corrupt priest) is returned to infancy, while a bandit who sexually attacks a young girl is regressed past birth to nothingness. The heroine who was sexually abused by her brother is regressed into a childish innocent after being touched by the waters. She runs off naked to play with the children of the valley, no longer feeling any guilt about sex or nudity. She returns later because of the hero's love, but has been changed into a young virgin girl by then. (Time)
(12 year flash forward, male age stasis) David Sosnowski, 2004. Undead Martin Kowalski is an 80-year-old man stuck in a 20-year-old body. A 3-foot blond obstacle is thrown in his path: 6-year-old human girl, Isuzu Trooper Cassidy. At first he thinks "midnight snack," but before the sun comes up, Isuzu is the one snacking on his prized cereal collection as she charms him into staying undead long enough to raise her in a world rife with danger and almost entirely populated by vampires yearning for the taste of real human blood. Unwilling to vamp her (child vampires, aka "screamers," tend to be disturbed individuals), Martin opts instead to provide a good home for the child until she attains adulthood. I'm not sure how much logic I can suspend to really let slide the fact that a child can be cooped up for nearly 12 years straight with only limited freaky television and a couple hours with her guardian for company and not end up utterly insane.
(age stasis) Anne Rice. Claudia remains a child.
- (UC scene) Maggie O'Farrell. Esme's blazer has become too small:
"Esme hooked both arms into it, and yanked it over her back. The effect was instantaneous. She could barely move, barely breathe. The felt of the blazer was stretched over her shoulders, pinioning her arms to her sides, nipping her armpits. The sleeves were too short, showing the bones of her wrists. ... It wouldn't close over her chest. A pair of younger girls stared at her as they passed."
(AR, AP, shrinking, growth, body elongation dream sequences) 1966. "Occasionally, body shrinkage is encountered as an aspect of regression to an infantile or even fetal state. With fetalization, there then may occur an experience of rebirth."
- (TF) Leif E. Green, 1998 Animorphs parody.
p55: "We'd better all get morphing soon."
Cary was busy pulling on a pair of my pants. "We're going to have to figure out what to do about clothes,..
p59: Our broccoli friend had clued me in to a lot of facts-the clothes thing for one.
p76: "Imagine how easy it will be to shrink down and sneak into the movies. If someone tries to stop us we'll start growing and talking and scare the living daylights out of them."
p99: I concentrated on becoming as gigantic a rutabaga as possible. My own height is five feet, five inches, which I think is okay for my age of 13. Besides, I've been growing like a weed.
- (FFed age increased) Mustafa Kemal Mirzeler, 1999. "She saw how the baby transformed herself into an adult and started grinding and cooking. The woman became frightened and said, "Ooi, I threw away my own baby for this one...."
- (male & female teen mind swap) Thorsten Nesch, Germany, 2012.
When Elizabeth and Frank come to after an electric shock in Physics class, the rich girl and loser boy are stuck in each other's bodies and must live each other's lives. Frank wonders why he should return since he now has direct access to Elizabeth's breasts! - (Metamorphose)
(old age, age stasis, AR) Nicholas Christopher. Leo meets Veronica, the beautiful, enigmatic daughter of an illusionist.
p242: With each passing second, Viola's youthful face grew paler. Her forehead narrowed. Wrinkles appeared: single, then multiple, grooves along her brow, crow's feet around her eyes, and spidery lines that fanned around her cheeks. As if we were watching decades of film footage condensed and sped up, Veronica and I saw her twin age fifty years in fifteen seconds.
And there was Alta lying before us, white-haired, with sunken cheeks, incongruously dressed in the blue and black polka-dot dress that swam on her bony frame. Her eyes - the opposite of Veronica's, the right one green, the left blue - were nearly washed of their color.
She parted her lips, and for the first and only time spoke, after ten mute years, in a small, high voice.
A moment later, I saw Viola's image, stark naked, rise up out of Alta's body and disappear into the eastern sky, trailing a line of gold vapor.
...As Veronica laid Alta's head down on the tiles, her body had shrunk even further, until she was no larger than a child.
"...the night of May 4th ten years ago and this moment - merged. She came around from two different directions and met herself in time."
"And as a result of her shuttling across what we consider zones of time, she has remained the same age for the last ten years. She may continue to do so for some time. Or the aging process may at any time accelerate - or reverse itself. What is clear is that her physiological chronology has been altered. As for Albin White, he may well come back a Methuselah, or an infant."
"Do you mean that the travel will affect me as it's affected her?" I said.
(FF growth) Phyllis Krasilovsky, Karen Gundersheimer, 1992. A very little girl gradually grows bigger--big enough to be a big sister to her new baby brother. Gundersheimer's full-color pictures replace the red-and-blue 1962 originals. The theme of a toddler's physical growth and mastery of simple tasks continues. The 1992 Very Little Girl is more robust and active than her 1953 counterpart. The earlier titles employed more imaginative typography to underscore contrasts in size. Both stories end with the child assuming the new role of older sibling.
- (APed) Greg Cox, Scott Peters, Rene Echevarria, 2008.
"4400" Tv-series novel.
- "Only a few months ago, she had been a little baby who couldn't even walk or talk yet, but then she literally grew up overnight, going from gurgling infant to full-grown woman in the blink of an eye. No one, not even Isabelle, ..."
- (male swap) F. Anstey, 1882. More info: father & son Paul and Dick Bultitude were swapped after a wish from a magic stone.
- (male) F. Anstey, 1882. A father and son are swapped. This may have inspired Mary Rodger's 1972 novel.
- (male old age stasis) Harry Turtledove series: Avshar.
- (reverse lifespan) and Fractal Mode Piers Anthony, 1991, 1992.
Provos, a strange older woman, remembers the future, but not the past.
- (male) Dan Gutman, 1999. Yip pulls Victor out of his computer. Victor morphed himself into a grown man and robbed a bank. Then he morphed himself into himself again and the police can't catch him. Yip finds out that Victor is going to Washington on the same day the president is making a speech. And Victor has the power to kidnap the president and take over!
- (male AR) Carlos Fuentes, 2012.
For a second, I didn't recognize him ... black and lustrous hair fell to his shoulders ... It was the hair of his youth - renewed, once again shiny and thick. I only recognized him by the shape of his face, by his chalky pallor ... he could choose his age at will, appear old, young, or even an age keeping with the natural progress of time.
- (cyborg age forms) Madeline Ashby, 2012.
"The First Machine Dynasty (The Machine Dynasty #1)"
- Little self-replicating robot girl is deliberately starved of her synthetic nutrients so she can remain a little girl and grow at the same rate as organic girls.
When her psychotic "grandmother" attacks, little Amy devours her to make herself grow up, stretching her jaws to fit the entire adult body inside her, and using her acidic robot saliva to pre-digest her: "Her granny tasted like Moore's Law made flesh."
Robots can split off a new baby, identical to the original. Some humans deliberately keep their girl robots little, so they can practice pedophilia without harming a real human. Javier reflects on the humans who used and discarded him over the years.
(growth, UC, dream sequence) Novel by Michael M. Michalak. "Her jeans refused to pull up over her thighs and her T-shirt seemed to have shrunk three sizes. The jeans barely reached midway down her calves and the shirt stopped two inches above her navel. How could she have grown six inches overnight [from 5' 2'' to 5' 8''] it just wasn't possible, half a foot taller for God's sake. Tess strode around the flat for a good twenty minutes, acquainting herself with the feel of having much longer legs. "I feel like a kid who got exactly what she wanted for Christmas even though she had not really expected to", Tess gloated to herself. To anyone who might have seen the gleeful look on her face she would have resembled that same child."
- (slow AR, AP) - Trudi Canavan.
Could a person change their physical age...
- p97: But you have not taught her immortality.
If she does, will you teach her to change her age?
Mirar says it is my innate Gift, and no other can learn it.
...able to change her age but not as well as you can - "fan art" mp4 rapid change study.
- (male AR) 2011 Scott Seegert kids' book.
Not terribly competent super-villain attempts to get in fighting shape by using a rejuvenation ray. Unfortunately, he overshoots and ends up a 12-year-old boy. Stuck at that size until he can repair the ray, he winds up having to attend junior high, where he discovers he's in the same class as arch nemesis Captain Valiant's son and plots a trap. Possible mental AR as well, since he has a crush on a girl in his class, so it'd BETTER be mental.
- Info video link - (Doctor Anguish, Jeffr_2bya)
- cover ad.
(CB) Nicholson Baker. 17 year old girl bursts out of last year's swimsuit.
- (male TF CBed) C.S. Lewis. In the case of the transformation of Eustace into a dragon, his articles of clothing are destroyed or lost when he wakes up.
- (AA TF age-up) 26 books based on the animated series.
Elizabeth Lenhard, Alice Alfonsi, 2004-
The power of five
- She was becoming the beautiful woman she'd seen in the bookshop window and in her bedroom mirror. She felt her limbs lengthening, her face changing, her muscles growing lean and strong. Will felt a calm suffuse her as she burst out of her...coiled position...
A different path
- It suffused her insides, making her feel warm and buoyant. The feeling shot down her legs, lengthening them and defining her muscles. Will felt her tousled hair settle into a shiny, neat style. She knew that her cheekbones were sharpening...
Illusions and Lies
- our powers." She looked at them knowingly. Will closed her eyes. Cornelia followed...She felt her arms and legs growing longer and stronger. Her hair was growing, too. And she knew her face was becoming more angular, more grown-up and more knowing. Best of all, her green...then she assumed her mother's grown-up voice and mimicked, "'Hello honey! I'll be back late again...
- So tonight, she wanted to look great for him - grown-up, cool, and glamorous...They grew taller, curvier, and more beautiful...Will's magical self was several inches taller...as tall and slim as a graceful tree...
- (male UC) Ifeoma Chinwuba, 2007.
He was clad in undersize shorts. His top was a patchwork of several baby clothes, bursting at the seams.
(male growth) 2000 Cynthia Zarin, Martin Matje. Wallace, a small boy who always wears a large fireman's hat, suddenly grows taller. But, as the author tells us: "HIS LEGS WERE GETTING LONGER BUT THE REST OF HIM WAS STAYING THE SAME SIZE." Before the readers' eyes, Wallace looks to be standing on ever-lengthening, stretchable stilts as the hero continues to "grow down."
- (age forms AA) 2012, Karen A. Wyle.
The situation in teen surfer Cassidy's neck of the world is not normal. The story revolves around Cassie and her mom meeting up again, following her mother’s accidental death.
- "Fifteen was a good age for confronting the ocean. That morning she had been five years old, playing happily in her sandbox; from sand to beach, from beach to ocean waves, seemed a natural progression.
Remembering, she let herself slip younger as she floated on the swells. But larger waves were coming, so she grew again, six, ten, sixteen; then caught a wave and rode it into shore.
Cassidy ran up the beach toward them. She slipped to eight years old as she reached them, so Grandpa Jack could pick her up and toss her in the air.
Cassidy felt herself getting smaller, small. She was two years old. She scrambled to her feet. "Mommy!"
- (AA fantasy curse TF appearances) by Brandon Sanderson, 2009.
Cosmere novel of two sister princesses. Azure first appears as 22 y.o. Vivenna, betrothed to the God King of enemy nation Hallandren. By stoking a fragment of divine Breath inside her, she could start glowing like a Returned, and change her age appearance, height (within reason), and body shape (to an extent). This takes practice.
(AP AA) Chapter 4
- (age disguised as younger, RNed) Sheri S. Tepper, 2010.
"Child! Why, you don't look like yourself!"
Xulai stared at a stranger. No. Not a stranger, just someone unfamiliar. It was herself, but she looked thinner and much less childish.
"Well, overnight you've grown up a bit."
"Overnight?" Xulai cried angrily. Change was one thing, but this was something else again. "People don't grow up overnight."
"...I think you have ordinarily appeared much younger than you really were."
"Nettie made your clothes, Xulai. She just took a piece of cord from your shoulder ... around your waist, around your chest - come to think of it, she just changed that one..."
"My chest?" Xulai put her hands inside the long striped coat to feel her chest, strangely soft. "I have... I have breasts?"
"...we were only allowed to see a little girl."
...stripped off the clothes... She had breasts. They were not large ... but they were definitely present. She raised her arms, felt of her groin. She had hair growing both places, dark and silky.
...she would have sworn yesterday that she had no breasts, no hair growing on her body.
She put her clothes back on, awkwardly mishandling the buttons with trembling fingers.
- (AR frag.) D.B. Clark 2002.
With his son comatose, Derek dreams of his Arthurian-age ancestors. He must enable an ancestor to survive in the past or he will cease to exist in the present.
...That diminishing infant began to sink and shrink, from newborn infant...to neonate...to a small frog-like creature, pink and smooth that continued...
- (Jeffr_2bya) ln - th
- (parents/offspring permanent mind exchanges) B.R.L. Coryn, 2016.
A Caribbean honeymoon cruise passes through the Bermuda Triangle. While they are having sex, Mr. and Mrs. Richards' minds are swapped with his 9 y.o. son and her 9 y.o. daughter.
Darker and edgier treatment inspired by the original Freaky Friday story. The book seriously examines the unsettling and far-reaching sexual implications of parent/child body swaps.
- (male AR illusion) Robert Rankin, 2001.
There is an extended AR scene from p166 to p178. The character 'Big Bob' enters a virtual reality complex by mistake and gets regressed into a 10 y.o.
- (Gamble) ln - th
- (UCed glimpse) Eleanor Brown, 2011.
Bean had bloomed late, Cordy early, both of them springing into their teenage bodies at the same time, and it did not fit her. The tiny pearl-sheen buttons gaped at the chest, the delicate sleeves strained when she reached her arms forward, the feminine collar choked her.
- (UC scene) Charlotte Agell.
My first morning in Small Cove, I run down to the sea.
"It's too cold, honey," says Mom.
I'm wearing last year's swimsuit, which is killing me. How could I ever have wanted anything this pink? Besides, it's way too small. I must have grown three inches. I let the straps slide off my shoulders. Nobody's watching anyway. I'm dying to swim.
... Thorne says it's because I have big feet, but I think he's just jealous.
(body swap) Franny Billingsley 1997. The main character is 11-year-old Nuria Magdelena. A wishing well made many children disappear. A wish backfires, and Nuria and Catty switch bodies.
- (adult FFed) Liane Moriarty, c2011.
Pregnant 29-year-old Alice Mary Love goes to the gym, passes out, and wakes up to find herself 10 years older with amnesia. The affecting tale of Alice's chance for a 10-year do-over.
- (UCed glimpse, coming of age)Margaret Bailey Jacobsen, 1977.
Debbie wanted the yellow dress, almost too small for her, instead of the blue one with the hem that could be let down later ... Soon, she had outgrown her dress. She couldn't get a new one because the money had been spent...
(flash forward documentary) Siri Hustvedt.
"There was a resolute, pitiless quality to the tapes, a dogged desire to look and look hard."
"The camera's focus remained close and tight as the children grew taller and more articulate."
"The longer I watched, the more mysterious I found the pictures in front of me."
"Above all, the tapes revealed the furious animation of children, the fact that when conscious they rarely stop moving. ...I said to myself that growing up really means slowing down."
"Bill dies before the children reached puberty. A few girls showed signs of breasts coming beneath their T-shirts or the blouses of their school uniforms, but most of the kids hadn't even started to change. I suspect that he had wanted to go on, that he wanted to film more and more children until a moment came when the figures on the screen could no longer be distinguished from adults."
"...I felt exhausted and a little raw from the parade of bodies and faces..."
- (teen/adult selves) Susan Dennard, c2011, ages 8-12 unpublished novel.
7th grade stinks like nothing on earth. When Zanny makes a desperate wish for a friend, she surprises herself by pulling her future self back in time. Roxy, Zanny's wise-cracking, experienced older self, is actually a ghost thrown headlong from a car wreck into her own past.
- (coming of age, FF) c1980s puberty info - art
- (puberty AP) cover
(puberty FF) 1975. Timelapse growth art sequences. Isn't it great to know that someday you too will grow up to be a frumpy looking woman with a hairy bush! Not to be outdone there's an equally ugly male version with a scary, misshapen penis.
- (AR, rejuv, AS) Robert Jordan, 1990- INFO PAGE - (JeffR_2bya)
- (adults rejuvenated) Siuan and Leane appear 25 years younger after having been stilled.
(age changes, AR) Robert Jordan novels, RPG. Lanfear's great beauty and strength in Saidar has given her enlarged ambitions. Lanfear's pride is strong enough to support a little age when it must - The Shadow Rising "The Traps of Rhuidean". Lanfear put on a Mask of Mirrors to make herself younger and closer to Rand's age. She resumed the disguise even after he knew what she really looked like in The Shadow Rising "The Stone Stands".
- (UCed, coming of age) Gian Dàuli, Bernard Miall, 1937.
P 45: "...except that our old shoes became too small and our sleeves and breeches too short. ... made me touch her to see how her breasts were growing."
- (cover scene looks like ARed) Grimes, Ladwig.
Poems and verses about prayer. A child learns from his father as from our Heavenly Father each day. ln - th
- (AA glimpse) Julian Powers, 2014.
She didn't recognise him, as he was six feet tall and looked like a 21 year old. I knew that would fool her, ... Megan changed from a girl into a woman and sat opposite Jack. She smiled sweetly and ordered the same as...
(mind transfer AR) C. S. Friedman. The evil protaganist feeds off the fear of others and can assume the form of their worst fear. A man who possesses other creatures' bodies also takes over a little girl.
(male adult bodyswap) Robert Rodi 2007. Rich but middle aged Harry McGann regrets the missed opportunities of youth he bypassed on his way to success. Attractive 20-something Corey Szaslow is barely getting by after kicking a meth habit. After Harry literally runs into Corey, the two men enter into an agreement to switch bodies and lives with the help of Francesca, a New Age "fusion witch". When the body swap spell actually works, the two men have to deal with the unexpected consequences of being each other. (kreplach, metamorphose.org)
(UC scene) Melda Gaskins.
"...this was Carlos' favorite dress.
The dress was tight and outlined all the curves in Heather's young maturing body. The dress was shorter than the dresses she usually wore only because she had grown taller in the past couple of months. The black stockings outlined her long slim muscular legs and she looked older with her hair pulled back.
"I think that dress is too short, too tight and too little."
(male AP flash forward, male AR) Hans Magnus Enzensberger, 1998 German novel. Robert, a lonely, only child, quite suddenly begins to drift through time. He has a series of 7 adventures in outlandish, rather unreal places and time zones, always drifting backwards in time. He finally returns to his own kitchen, a couple of years after his journey began. Won't he be a 16-year-old trapped inside a 14-year-old's body? Quote:" 2 years had passed since he first set off on his involuntary travels. He had shot up in height; he looked much older now. That was the crucial mistake. He must paint himself younger, 2 years younger, if he was to get home again exactly as he had been when he disappeared." link
- (AR, RN APed, TF)
Charles De Lint, 2006 urban fantasy, Newford universe.
- Del transforms Jilly and Lizzie into little girls, then picks Jilly up and takes her to a nearby house. With her martial arts skills, Lizzie beats up the priest. Jilly returns to the house where the dead Del is still lying, but he comes alive and transforms her once again into a child. In a moment of anger she manages to turn herself back into a full-grown woman and hit Del. He immediately changes her into a little girl again. With her newfound power, Jilly draws her sister Raylene into the croí baile, and she beats up Del. Jilly changes herself into her adult form. Confronting Del again, Jilly declares that anytime he thinks a dirty thought, he will shrink to half his size. Predictably, he immediately shrinks until he disappears. A cousin unknowingly plucked Odawa's eyes when Odawa was in fish form.
- Jilly Coppercorn: warmhearted painter who suffered abuse as a child.
- Joe Crazy Dog: can take the form of a dog.
- the crow girls: powerful beings who can take the form of humans or crows.
- Lizzie Mahone: spunky young fiddler who gets pulled into the conflict.
- Del: Jilly's abusive brother; the version in the croí baile is a manifestation of her memory of his younger self.
- Timony: a "doonie," magical little man who can transform into pony.
- (AR, RN) Charles de Lint.
...hug him as tightly as I can, my head pressed into his lower chest, because I'm still a child's size.
"This is weird," he says. "When I look at you, you're just a kid, but when I feel you, it's like you're an adult. You know, taller and everything."
"Geordie sees the illusion, but he can't feel it."
Maybe I'm just a little kid, but I only look like a little kid. I'm still the grown-up me inside this nine-year-old body.
In my present circumstances, he's at least twice my size and way stronger.
It's just a good old boy, and a priest and a cute little girl, holding her teddy bear.
"They're so old now," the priest said. "Why does the Good Lord let sweet little girls grow up, anyway?"
...too old for your tastes? Well you old perv, ... I can just make 'em younger.
I feel something happening...
"What the fuck?"
It's a little girl's voice. I glance at her, and see that she's small now. Younger. Eight, maybe nine years old. I lift my hands and they're a child's hands. I'm still the me I always was, but now I look like a little kid, just as Lizzie does. What has Del done to us?
"Fight this enchantment," the doonie says. "It's up to you how you appear in the otherworld - what shape you wear."
"He's just going to want to do dirty things with our little girls."
"Knock yourself out," he tells Father Cleary. "Me, I've got some unfinished business with little Jillian here."
He takes a step closer, and I cringe back against the trunk of the tree.
"I hear you've been telling tales," he says. "And you know what happens to little girls with big mouths, right?"
- (TF ability) "Volume 1", George R.R. Martin (editor), 1987-.
Sondra Falin fell victim to the wild card at an early age, gaining the ability to subconsciously transform. Succubus was a sexual empath, able to alter her appearance to fit the deepest sexual desires of those around her, appearing young or old as needed. The power worked through subconscious telepathy that sensed what her partners desired, and then her body molded to fit. She was able to prevent the transformations, and simply had to let go in order for them to begin.
(coming of age) H M E Clamp, 1935. African jungle setting for this female child brought up by lions.
- (dream AR) Elizabeth Cunningham, 1995.
Delicate relationship between Adam and Eva is nearly destroyed with the reappearance of his former wife.
"His face grew younger, harder, emptier. She recognized it as the face she had known. Then it grew younger still and softer. She had seen this face before. As she wondered at it, his body began to change, too, growing smaller, smoother, suppler. She glimpsed for a moment a child that looked very much like Fred. Then even the child dissolved. In the water she saw a tiny infant."
- (Jeffr_2bya) ln - th
- (age forms TFed) Octavia Butler, 1980.
When body-thief Doro nears death his consciousness steals another human host. Anyanwu's control of her body is perfect. She makes herself old or young, can repair any wound or illness, and change her shape.
- (TF forms) "Seeing it will make it more real to you. It isn't a hard thing to watch. I don't become ugly. Most of the changes happen inside me." She was undressing as she spoke. It was not necessary. She could shrug out of the clothing as she changed, shed it as a snake sheds its skin, but she wanted to move very slowly for this man. She did not expect her nudity to excite him. He had seen her unclothed the night before and gone to sleep... - cover
- Patternist series:
Emma Anyanwu has total control of her body at a cellular level. She can regenerate any injury, stop herself from aging, alter her DNA at will, and take the form of any creature. To become a truly accurate replica she has to ingest that organism's DNA.
- (age stasis) James Patrick Kelly, 1994.
Interconnected novellas about the Cage family over several generations and centuries. One person is 'twanked' to stay physically 12 years old.
- (possible minor anthro AR?) Bridges, Sweet, 1999, children's book.
- (Jeffr_2bya) ln - th
(male AP) Kat Barrett.
"I read about this in the book that Jade sent.
I was marveling at what a wonderful tale it was, but never dreamed that Amaz was one of them. He is! He is really alive and about three cycles old. His breed of magic is called the Gift of the Chancle.
Chancle stands for Changling.
From what the book documented, it is a rare occurrence that happens to children of power who are conceived under extreme conditions of stress. The child is birthed with the power to change their age and growth rate. He can mature at a rate of about one cycle for each sun. This is accomplished though a sleep state that resembles death. I read the line about the body appearing dead, but still retaining its glow of power.
"Amaz is really alive?"
..."Three suns ago, I put our apparently dead infant into that chest. He climbed out of the same chest, three cycles old, while you watched."
..."I screamed, scrambled away from him and then passed out."
"...How old are you?"
"Three. I want to be old enough to go out and play in the white. I was too little before."
"...You have been three suns without food or water. Are you hungry?"
"No. I'm sleepy. The cold woke me up too soon ... Mommy opened chest and the door blew open. Very cold air."
- (dragon was TFed into less powerful monster) Tui T. Sutherland. 10th book (info link), 5th book of 2nd arc, 2017.
Villain dragon Darkstalker (info link) reluctantly eats the strawberry Foeslayer offers him. Moon has a vision of a NightWing-RainWing dragonet. That hybrid creature is Darkstalker, with no more powers but a new life! The strawberry was enchanted to remove his memories and turn him into Peacemaker - (Jeffr_2bya)
(TF) Babette Cole illustrated book. A girl eats only carrots and changes into a horse. What is greatest, she refuses to change back at the end. (Inry)
- (flash forward, coming of age) by Lauren Myracle.
Young adult novel series about a normally growing girl.
- Titles:
"Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Thirteen Plus One".
- (male adult stasis or rejuv?) Pamela Service, 1985.
About Merlin's male adult 'affliction'? AKA "Tomorrow's Magic" - (TBTC)
- (adult rejuvenation/stasis) John Gloag, 1934.
Wish-fulfillment has dire consequences when longevity technology falls into the hands of corrupt politicians. Rejuvenation and consequent life-extension prove bad for the social fabric. The British Medical Association restricts access to elderly white males of distinction, but they turn into bloodthirsty sexual predators. The tale focuses on press manipulation of the mounting chaos - (Jeffr_2bya, SF Encyclopedia)
- (adult size decrease / size increase TF)
Gabi Stevens.
- p84: "Magical transformation is a right of passage. We all go through it, only usually we're a lot younger because it hurts less as a child. To change into another form requires the bending of bones, the stretching of skin, the growing of hair or gills or whatever. Children are more resilient-so the first transformation usually occurs then. Unfortunately you're an adult."
"Unless you're a ballet dancer and incredibly flexible, it will hurt."
"But I'm shrinking, not transforming." Her skin popped as the wing buds pierced her skin. She winced and rolled her shoulders.
...as a fairy godmother you can't always serve your charges at your full size...
"I'm getting small, like Callie?"
All fairies can be as large as a human, but they also have the need to be small.
He hated to admit it, but she looked shorter. He took her hand. "This first time is nature taking control, helping your body accept the
- p85: change.
"So, ibuprofen?"
He went into the bathroom and retrieved two caplets and a glass of water.
"Here. Take these before they become too big."
"Right" She snatched them out of his hand and swallowed quickly. "How long does this change thing last?"
...Around six to eight hours. And you won't feel like doing much afterward. Transfiguration is exhausting. Especially the first time. ..."
"Thanks for the news flash." She looked up at the ceiling. "It hasn't been that far away since I was ten."
- p337: She didn't know how much longer she could hold the transfiguration.
The problem was if she tried to conserve her energy by changing back to her full size, she'd have no clothes. Okay, that wasn't a real problem, but she didn't need to make Jake more uncomfortable than he already was. Not to mention how much harder escaping the attention of the bad guys would become if she were full-size. But if she weighed how much less energy she'd expend against staying small, the option seemed clear.
"I need the sheet from the bed. Can you get it for me?"
"Can you hold it up above your head and keep it there until I take it from you?"
"Perfect. Now, no peeking. I'm going to get big again." She landed on the floor and waved her wand
- p338: over herself. A moment later the first popping of her bones announced her transformation. As fast as she could, she peeled off the tiny dress already beginning to constrict her. She hoped she had taken enough ibuprofen.
"My arms are getting tired," said Jake.
"Just a little bit more," she said. "Hang in there."
A minute later she grabbed the sheet and wrapped it loosely around her.
"Wow, you're bigger." Jake watched her.
"And I'm not done yet." She attempted a smile through the pain. She adjusted the sheet around herself as she grew taller.
Three minutes later the transformation had finished. The sheet hung like a loose toga around her. She tugged on a corner and found another corner to tie it to. Not the most comfortable, but it would suffice. Her breath was labored and her legs wobbled beneath her, but the constant drain on her power vanished.
..."Boy, you were thirsty," Jake said...
"Jake, I need to sit just for a little while. Just to catch my breath."
- (UC glimpse) James Livingston, 2002.
He saw children who had outgrown their clothes many years ago, yet continued to wear them. He looked down at their feet. They had shoes, but...
(AP) James Clemens, 2000. Book 3 in "The Banned and the Banished" novel series.
Elena is a 13 year old daydreaming girl. One day in the apple orchard, her hand turns blood red. Destined to ripen into the heritage of lost power, she goes on a journey to defeat the Dark Lord. An og're, 2 shapeshifting brothers, an el'vin and his moon'falcon head on separate quests toward Elena. After suddenly growing up, she can finally consummate her relationship. Only a few fragments could be extracted from Amazon:
"Elena ... She's gone!" he said, his cheeks red with panic. "I found her clothes ... and ... and this!" Joach held forth a handful of bloody bandages. Er'ril took a deep breath, his fist...
Yet her weak pallor was not what trapped Joach's breath. His sister's hair, once cropped short, now lay like a thick pillow of fiery curls under her head. Only the very tips still...
Joach scrambled toward her, too stunned to call to the others. As he neared, he saw that even the nails of her fingers and toes showed the same miraculous growth. Her fingernails had spread into twisted corkscrews across her palms.
Yet her hair and nails were not all that had grown out. Joach tried not to stare at her naked form, but the changes were too shocking to look away.
Elena no longer bore the physique of a young girl whose womanhood beckoned. Her figure had blossomed and stretched into the full curves of a beautiful maiden. It was as if four winters of age had swept over her.
Joach quickly shrugged out of his shirt and wrapped her nakedness in the thick wool. It barely covered her. She must now be a good head taller than him. The motion stirred her.
"J-Joach?" she mumbled. Her eyelids fluttered with fatigue.
He finally spotted Elena seated by the starboard rail. She sat with her knees pulled up, hugging her legs, her face buried in her arms. From her quaking shoulders, he knew she was weeping. He crossed to her with...
...drew Joach's shirt tighter around her physique. "What's happened to me?
"Years were stolen from you and given to the staff. You've aged, Elena. In the moment it took you to create Joach's blood stag I estimate that you've aged at least four...
Her hands fumbled to her face, as if she wanted to feel the truth of his words, but her long nails made it difficult. "My hair ... my nails...
"It's as if you've slept for four winters and just ..."
She seemed wobbly on her legs. Er'ril was not sure how much was due to exhaustion and how much was due to the sudden increase in height. She would have to grow accustomed to her longer limbs and new physique...
Joach eyed his sister's height, then took her arm. He now had to glance up at his sister, where before it had been the opposite...
Elena had trimmed her overgrown hair and nails and donned a set of Er'ril's clothes. With the change in her body, she could no longer pose as a...
...he suddenly felt very conscious of the changes in her body. The fullness in hips and chest, the length and curl of her hair. Even her responses to him were no longer the same...
She remembered his father and the joy they once shared, and her body still continued to transform. The rip of cloth and leather whispered in her ears. She ignored it, unashamed.
Elena had grown a head taller and fuller of figure. She was not the same girl who had combed and curried the mare since she..."
- (OA, young adult RN, possible APed?) - Denise Little.
- p48: ...Mr. Selenium approached. He looked young-maybe in his mid-thirties-but with witches that was hard to tell. Glamour was an easy spell and used often. So a witch's true age could only be seen when they slept.
- p206: "Um. I hate to trouble you, but can you unravel their aging spell?"
- p214: "It really started with Bella's aging spell. Like I aged into the Sight, or something.
- p222: He touched a withering-cold hand to each girl's cheek. This time it did not terrify Maria to feel herself aging.
- p223: She saw Holly, too, going gray and bent, her blue eyes brighter in a nest of worry lines and laugh lines.
"Come, my brave queens. I have much to teach you before the kiss of spring restores your youth."
(AP) Barnes, Megan. 1989. Sarah is a witch who's a little jealous of her "perfect" older sister. So when her sister is away she turns herself into her. But she can't control it and soon finds herself in love with her sister's boyfriend and turning into her sister at times she doesn't want to.
- (body swap like ARed) Anne Harler, 1987. Wendy uses her magic powers to change places with her baby sister.
- (AR, AP) multiple books with this title and theme. Sisters swap ages.
Witch Switch
Witch Switch
- (mind transfer?) Anne Harler, 1987.
Grade-schooler Wendy envies her baby sister, who gets so much attention and has no chores or responsibilities. She takes the baby aside and casts a bodyswap spell, and presto! Now Wendy is the baby! The former baby sure takes aging to school age in stride. Wendy enjoys having her mom give her a bath, but reality sinks in, and Wendy wants to be older again. But now her magic is too weak to cast a spell to switch them back! - (Cobe)
Sorceress of Karres, The
(unseen AP/age shifting possibility) Eric Flint, Dave Freer, 2010. Goth vows she will marry Captain Pausert when she grows up.
"Yet... the witches did have some other avenues open to them. He knew that Threbus must be at least eighty years old by now. Yet he looked to be no more than in his mid-thirties. He also knew from what they had learned on Uldune that Toll too could change her age at will. Pausert cleared his throat and braced himself to ask, "Er. Toll. About age shifts..."
Toll turned back and raised one eyebrow at him, with a quizzical half-amused, half-dangerous expression on her face. "What?" she said, in a way that would have made most men say "oh nothing. Nothing at all." But Pausert was quite brave. Or quite stupid. He was not too sure which of the two he was being right now.
"I was wondering," he said, "about, well, the age shift thing."
Toll smiled. "Oddly enough, Goth's been raising the same subject lately. The answer is 'no,' Captain Pausert. Compared to Nikkeldepain our way of raising children may seem a little strange to you. Karres children are very independent. They have to be. But, captain, they are still children, and need to go through stages of development, just like any other child. There are a number of important formative experiences Goth still has to go through. We did not let our children go with you lightly, Captain Pausert. We have ways of knowing that you are absolutely trustworthy. And anyway, because of the parent-pattern in their heads, we're around in a way, even when we're not."
"I've always done my best for them all," he said. "And if you think that is best for Goth, then we will just have to let it all happen at its own speed."
Toll patted his shoulder. "And it will. Take a step back from it, if you can. Age shift is one of the things we don't teach the young witches. Every single child among them wants to be grown up instantly. What child doesn't? Well, we found that although they can cope very easily with the physical changes in their bodies, it's not the same with their minds. Only time seems to achieve that properly." She cocked her head slightly and smiled. "See, it wouldn't just be an older Goth... my middle daughter is quite an old soul in a young body sometimes. But can you imagine what it would be like if the Leewit could suddenly choose to be grown up, or at least have a grown-up body?"
(no AR/AP) 1966, 2004.
Captain Pausert liberates 3 powerful preteen witches from slavery on the Imperial planet. Age shift ability is mentioned. The middle witch sister stows away on the ship.
Wizard of Karres, The
"Got to do that to yourself." Goth shook her head regretfully. "It's too bad I can't do an age-shift yet, like Toll and Threbus ... could you do a shape-change that imitates an age-shift? ... I think so. ... the Leewit looked to be a little blonde girl of somewhere between three and four."
- (could be seen as kinda like male mental ARed or male AA APed, also ghost mind transfer)
Anne Rice, from chapter 20 - text extract - (Otaru)
- (male TF AP) Anne Rice, 1990.
Lasher is born, and with Rowan's help, the infant grows into a man within seconds of his birth. Rowan drags the creature away, and they run off together.
- (male adults "rejuvenated") AKA The Big Pink Job real-person fan fic by Aviva Rothschild, 2009.
The four ex-Beatles awaken on a strange planet terrified out of their minds, looking like 20-somethings again, their 1980 minds in 1964 bodies. They think they've been genuinely de-aged but find out they're in cloned bodies. The Fans wanted to give them fresh new bodies as payment for all the hassle; they were going to re-age them later. Because the Earth universe has no magic, the four had to be transferred back to their original bodies to return home.
(coming of age) Donald Harington, 2004. 8-year-old girl survives on a mountain with animal companions and ghost thing. Her efforts to escape prove futile, and she adapts to a hardscrabble backwoods existence. Wary of civilization, Robin chooses to stay on the mountain even when she has the opportunity to leave. Robin discovers her own ingenuity and sexuality as she matures into a self-possessed woman. Love comes in the form of a middle-aged winemaker.
(accelerated growth AP, preteen TF abilities) John Passarella.
Karen Glazer sat in an uncomfortable hospital chair, staring at her amazing little daughter, too big and yet too small all at the same time.
...one would never know what she'd been through in the two-plus years since her birth.
"...they'll never find anything Art. What's the point?
Science and medicine haven't caught up...
Of course she was talking about Hannah's rapid aging and physical development...
I visualize Hannah shining a supernatural mirror back on her future self and the Crone is the image that bounces back to our time.
While not overly modest about nudity, Abby was embarrassed by the idea of anyone watching her transform from wolf to girl or vice versa. No doubt she remembered his disturbed reaction when he'd witnessed a partial change - hand to paw. With his back turned, he heard the unsettling array of sounds involved in her transformation without any visual context, which was enough to open a dark door in his imagination. After a few moments of squishing, cracking, and muffled crunching, combined with Abby's short moans and grunts of effort, the sheriff squeezed his eyes shut, as if that could somehow lessen the enormity of what was happening a few yards behind him.
"All done," she said. "You can toss me my clothes now."
The sheriff turned a bit, enough to see her squatting with the blanket wrapped around her naked, shivering body, clutched to her throat. He tossed the plastic bag of clothes at her feet and averted his gaze while she dressed herself.
Without the insulating wolf fur, she was vulnerable to cold, just like a normal girl.
...this reactivated spell somehow affected Hannah and Kyla?
By the calendar, Hannah was just over two years old, but physically and mentally she seemed ready for second grade.
Other children just wouldn't understand or accept Hannah, for...
...whom the phrase "growth spurt" was an understatement.
Sometimes it seemed to Karen that she could measure Hannah's height before breakfast and by bedtime detect a noticeable change. Her child's mental development was as impressive. Whatever class she was placed in would soon fall behind her. A teacher in a busy classroom would never give Hannah all the attention she required to stay interested. Yet new clothes and new lessons were minor problems.
Life would be so much simpler if they could just slow Hannah down to normal. Though medical science was unable to stop Hannah's accelerated growth, Karen hoped that Wendy would someday find the secret spell Rebecca Hutchins had placed...
Alex was accustomed to keeping Wendy's and Windale's secrets. Abby's secret shape-shifting life probably seemed one more aspect of that.
Abby looked like a girl trying on her mother's clothes, pretending to be a grown-up. Would a ten-year-old girl who can turn into a wolf or a hawk have the slightest fascination with high heels and lipstick?
"You won't think I'm a freak, like the kids at my school would, if they knew."
"I've been trying to shift into a bird for like, forever," Abby said, with an appropriate but unconscious flapping of her big sleeved arms to accompany her enthusiasm. "First, I tried forcing the change, making wings and feathers. Ugh, what a mess! Almost turned myself into a pretzel, instead of a bird."
(accelerated growth) John Passarella 2003. "To look at her walking confidently and learning to count, one would think the little girl was 3 years old. Karen knew better. Hannah Nicole Glazer was less than 7 months old. Other than her accelerated development, the doctors could find nothing wrong with her, pronounced her perfectly healthy."
Feline Wizard, The
- (ARed) Christopher Stasheff, 2000.
A woman is changed into a baby by brownies to be cared for by a pair of woodcutters. "She changed back into a baby".
- (Jeffr_2bya) - ln - th
Her Majesty's Wizard
- (female/male age increase) Christopher Stasheff, 2001.
Matt read the runes, and found himself on a world where reciting poetry works magic. His first effort got him locked in a dungeon. Trying for light, he brought forth a fire-breathing, drunken dragon, who told him about beautiful young Princess Alisande. Naturally, he had to free them using poetry lifted from Shakespeare. He swore to serve as her wizard, and overcome the dark magic and armies of Malingo! The addition of a lust-witch and a werewolf priest didn't seem much help. Matt had got himself into quite a predicament. Wizards sometimes use magic spells for aging people - (Jeffr_2bya)
- (male reborn) Rick Cook, 1989-. In the end, the enemy hacker programmer thought by all to be destroyed instead finds himself reincarnated - (Jeffr_2bya)
- (flash forward, coming of age, some UC depictions) Patrice Kindl.
Terrified of second grade, shy little Anna retreats within the walls of her family's enormous house, and builds a world of passageways and hidden rooms. As the years go by, people forget she ever existed... but she can't stop time! A mysterious note is thrust through a crack in the wall.
"And I was growing taller and bigger every day. Twice I got stuck in the bend of the passageway that led to the attic."
"...little pink bumps on my chest and hundreds of big red bumps on my face. I gained weight in unexpected places. Hair grew where no hair should grow,.."
"Then I climbed into a clean nightgown Kirsty had outgrown. All of my own clothes had shrunk mysteriously. They were painfully tight around the chest, and the bottoms of the leggings had climbed halfway up my shins."
"On the contrary, I had to let out the seams of my first suit of new clothes while I was still working on the last. I could no longer reach the old..."
"She stands sideways in front of the mirror in the hall, studying her chest. And sure enough, there are two little bumps there..."
"...and had dragged it downstairs for dressup. They took turns trying and failing to cram their huge feet and waists into the tiny shoes and gowns."
- cover
- (UC scene, FF novel, coming of age) Barbara Taylor Bradford
...Emma ... had patiently darned the holes and lengthened the hem and sewn on new buttons. She had outgrown it all too quickly, and it stretched across her back tightly and the sleeves were too short and her thin arms poked out pathetically in scarecrow fashion, exposing childish wrists to the elements.
- (male reincarnations) Edwin Lester Arnold, c1890.
Adventures of a man in England reborn through many incarnations, from the time of Caesar to Elizabethan England.
- (Jeffr_2bya) ln - th
(TF's) Allan Ahlberg. One morning, for no apparent reason, 10-year-old Eric Banks turns into a Norfolk terrier. This causes no end of problems for Eric, as his parents shoo him out of the house and he must fend for himself on the streets. Fortunately, the change is only temporary; he soon turns back into a boy, but he never knows when or where he will change into a dog again. (TF) cover
(UC scene dream sequence APed) Jean Rouaud.
"She is still wearing her navy blue skirt and pale blue blouse.
Soon ... I shall take advantage of it to swell her budding breasts a little but without changing her blouse, and this will make a bit of a bulge between the third and fourth buttons. She was losing the childlike roundness of her face and throat. Her cheekbones seemed higher, her chin and nose more tapered."
- (adult stasis) Philip Jose Farmer, 1965+. 7 books. Conditions in pocket universes can prevent adult aging. Robert regains his adult youth and health - (SFencyclopedia, JeffR)
- (male adult rejuvenation) Larry Niven. Aging is dependent on cellular poisons that can be removed. However, people who have them removed don't instantly turn young, but gradually improve as their younger cells repair the body.
- (adult acceleration power) 2013 superhero web serial novel. Khonsu can manipulate space and time. He has sped and slowed time immensely in the circular fields that orbit him. People caught within are reduced to skeletons.
- (adult rapid size and height increase)
"Angela bolted the door. Satisfied, she stripped to her panties. Her small breasts looked like milk chocolate. Dark nipples tipped with heads of black.
"I must change, too."
"Stand by for a surprise," Charles said.
Angela grasped both her breasts and squeezed the tips. The effect was instantaneous. No longer a tiny brown Nubian, she grew ten inches taller, transfigured into a buxom brunette with rosy cheeks.
"Honey, when you change," Charles said admiringly, "You really change."
"You two were lovers?"
- (male accelerated development) Orson Scott Card 1987.
A baby boy is born and then grows up too fast and dies at the end of the book. This part was NOT shown in the comic book series.
- (Jeffr_2bya) ln - th
(male AP) 1987, Orson Scott Card. 13 y.o. Patience learns she is destined to give birth to Kristos, first of a superior human race. Baby boy grows up fast. (2BYA)
- (multiple age related fantasy TFs) Piers Anthony novel series.
- INFO PAGE - (JeffR_2bya)
- (FF, mind transfer rejuvenation) The Sea Hag has lived hundreds of years by stealing the bodies of young women. She can't do it if her target knows what she's doing, but she raises them herself to make sure they don't.
Dastard, The
(APed, ARing) Magic of Xanth Series #24. by Piers Anthony.
Young man Anomy can step back in time to alter key events, making people miserable by undoing joyous events in their lives. 4-year-old princesses Melody, Harmony, and Rhythm want to stop the Dastard, and travel to an alternate world to switch themselves with their adult versions. Becka, a girl who can transform into a dragon, becomes the Dastard's travelling companion. The Sea Hag steals adult Melody's body, and gains Melody's reality-altering powers.
"They turned out to be age nineteen, but were a decade downtime from him, so as they traveled east they grew younger. When each passed twelve, her large bare breasts faded out and her body became spare.
When they cantered up to his house they ranged from age nine for Cheline down to age six for Chel."
... suddenly they were twenty years old, full grown. They gazed at each other, awed. "We're beautiful," Melody said.
"Lovely," Harmony agreed.
"Phenomenal," Rhythm concluded.
"And I'm huge," Sim peeped.
Two to the Fifth
(AP, RN) Piers Anthony.
- p104 - ...a person one decade, for an hour."
- (APed to age 17) She adjusted her dress, which fit her somewhat tightly now. In fact rather more bosom showed than was usual, as it strained at the girl-sized bodice lacing.
- p110 - "I [would be] old enough at seventeen to understand my feeling. I'd do anything you wanted me to, even if I don't understand it, age no barrier."
She made a little gesture, as of opening her shirt. "Please, Cyrus, take me. My body isn't quite there yet, but my spirit is." Her blush had become furious; she knew she was making a forbidden offer.
He was appalled. "But you're a child!"
"Are you rejecting me, after I bared my secret heart at you?"
"Of course I am. I would never touch a child. The Adult Conspiracy forbids it."
"Even though you now know I'm really more like seventeen?"
"You would have to be seventeen in mind and body to have any right to do what you ask."
...any woman spurned was dangerous, and a sorceress especially so, regardless of her age.
Then the vapor cleared. Rhythm had activated another decade spell. Now she was 22, lovely and wild-haired. "Oh, my," Cyrus breathed, awed by the transformation.
"I'm not a child anymore," she said. "Am I?"
"N-No. But-"
"Now I have much the same body I had at 17. This dress is way too tight," she said. She ripped it open and dropped it on the ground. Her bra and panties were splitting at the seams, and she ripped them off too, letting her abruptly mature body spring to its full unfettered dimensions. It wasn't just her flaming red hair that was wild; it was her whole personality.
She stood resplendently, defiantly nude.
Cyrus freaked out. He stood immobile, unable to rip his gaze from her remarkable body. It might exist only for an hour, but it overwhelmed him. This was the very image of his Perfect Woman. Doubly dangerous because he knew she was really a child, despite what she said.
- p144 - She must have invoked the Decade spell... Why?
"So they don't separate us, dear," Rhythm replied to his thought, squeezing his hand...
- p157 - She brought out the Decade spell and invoked it before he could protest. Her loose dress became tight in places before she remembered and changed its size.
- p184 - "But you know she has that Decade spell, that can age a person 10 years, for an hour."
"I know. I tried it, remember. Otherwise I might be jealous."
- "Suppose it is somehow accelerating? So that it didn't stop at a decade." He hesitated. "Rhythm, you're still beautiful, but you look older."
She fetched a small mirror from somewhere. It couldn't have been a pocket, because she remained beautifully nude. "Oh, my! I am old! I look 23 or 24!"
Or 25 or 26. "If time is moving faster, it would mean that maybe the stork did take 9 months to deliver the baby, and now she's a year or so older."
Rhythm went to lift Kadence out of the basket, but the child was already crawling over the rim on her own. She went on hands and knees, then got tired of that, and lifted unsteadily to her feet. She was walking!
As they watched, the child became steadier on her feet, visibly growing. She was now a toddler, 2 or 3 years old. She was wearing a little dress. Had that been in the basket too?
"You're locked into adulthood," Cyrus said. "I love that, but it's dangerous. At this rate you'll soon grow too old for me."
"I'll never be that!" But she looked worried.
- He picked her up. She was now 3 or 4 years old, a healthy child.
(adult age stasis effect) Earlier novels feature Iris, a sorceress who uses illusions to maintain her aura of beauty.
- Novels by Piers Anthony, AR/AP in following titles: (Jeffr_2bya)
Faun & Games
Swell Foop
Zombie Lover
(AR/AP) Brassy 15-year-old Breanna needs help to escape the unwelcome attentions of King Xeth of the Zombies, who tries to make her his queen.
Harpy Thyme
(growth CB, male rejuvenated magician) Piers Anthony. Xanth novel. P 267: "...and the man began to grow, enormously. He grew right out of his clothing, which was embarrassing; in fact his bare bottom was blushing. "Do not be concerned ... They would make do. So the Magician made the rest of them large. There was much blushing as they burst out of their clothes, and some glances of admiration before they faded out, and finally all of them, even the children, were huge..."
(AP, RN) Two to the Fifth, Piers Anthony, 10/2008.
Princess Rhythm, age 12, confesses to having a crush on Cyrus Cyborg, a playwright dating several lovely actresses. He refuses to take her seriously. Bad mistake; never antagonize a Sorceress of any age. She enchants herself to be 10 years older, hauls him into a love spring... And reverts to her normal age after an hour, leaving him hopelessly in love with a woman who won't exist for another decade. The stork, having received the signal, brings a baby.
(old age) Piers Anthony. Electra is technically 800 years older than she looks. Whenever she visits non-magical Mundania, she starts aging rapidly.
Man from Mundania
"...Electra here is aging and we have to get her back. She's actually fifteen years old, in Xanth..."
"She was older emotionally, too. She was aging in every way."
- (male teen accelerated growth) Scott Brown, 2019 YA.
Only 4' 11" tall on his 16th birthday, Will begins to grow astonishingly fast for unknown reasons: "...my shoes still felt strangely tight." For the first time, Will is happy with his stature. People see him differently; more important, he sees himself differently. He's 7' 1" and still growing a year later. But the highest heights come with some low, low lows, and his most precious relationships suffer excruciating growing pains. Monitored at a clinic, he's always the object of special attention by the other patients in the waiting room.
(age stasis) 2004, Walter Greatshell. 17-year-old Louise "Lulu" Pangloss suffers from a condition that slows her body's growth. A virus known as Maenad Cytosis, Agent X for short, is sweeping the country and turning people, especially women whose bodies have started menstruation, into raging zombie killers.
- (male adult face FF) male cover - beard
- (male AP, AR report?) by Sean Platt, David Wright, 2011+.
Humanity has gone missing. Scattered survivors wake to find the world almost empty. But a new threat emerges. Their only hope is to unite, and face the oncoming darkness.
Season 2: 8 y.o. Luca Harding discovered that he could heal people, but he aged each time he did this, becoming a mental boy in a man's body:
"...pulled out a black hoodie and some dark blue jeans. Both looked like they belonged to a college kid. They looked too large and baggy, but it was better than a shirt that made him look like the Incredible Hulk without the big green muscles. He stripped from the shredded apparel and couldn't help notice that among the areas to grow - both size and hair - was downstairs. Luca felt a flush of embarrassment..."
- c12 y.o. Paola Olson reportedly also became a healer and aged? - (Jeffr_2bya)
(UC, coming of age) Pat Hutchins. A little girl named Titch has outgrown her clothes. Titch discovers that she no longer fits her pants. Her brother offers Titch some of his old pants that he has outgrown. Right now her brothers pants are too big, but he tells her "You'll soon grow into them, Titch!" Her sister then offers her an old sweater that she no longer fits in. The sweater is also too big for Titch but she is told that she will eventually grow into it. Titch's older siblings even offer her socks that they no longer fit into. Now with clothes that are too big, and clothes that are too small, Titchs parents take her to the store and purchase her clothing that fits her perfectly. Titch offers the baby some of her old clothes. "He'll soon grow into them".
(AP) Waber, Bernard. Houghton Mifflin, 1980, 48 pages. Octavia Blisswink, age 7 is granted every child's favorite wish to grow up fast! At least it was until her wish actually comes true and she finds her 7 year old self in a 39 year old body! cover
- (AA FF projects) Ze Frank, photo book, 2011.
People posed in recreated photographs from their past.
- (ad.rejuv/stas/OA/ar?) Matthew Phipps Shiel, 1937. Spaceman returns with "elixir of youth" - (Jeffr_2bya)
(growth, coming of age) The main character, Nita who's 13, has a T-shirt that reads "Watch This Space For Further Developments". Her sister thinks it's tacky, but she apparently likes it.
- (rejuvenation) Judith Sulzberger, 2003.
48 y.o. Congo River virologist Connie and 37 y.o. geneticist Peter secretly get together at the lab. Connie feels self conscious about their age difference and decides to take things slowly. Her studies reveal the region of the brain that controls aging, while Peter has identified the factor that causes aging. Connie sees Peter with his young assistant and believes (wrongly) the worst. In a moment of depression, under the influence of some medication, Connie takes a dose of their viral preparation. But the lab mice begin to have serious problems.
- ln - th - (Jeffr_2bya)
(AR) Pamela Redmond Satran. A 44 year old woman tries and succeeds in passing herself off as a 22 year old woman, and that's when the trouble begins. (Agemagic)
- (FF coming of age info) - AA cover
(coming of age transitions) AKA Show Me! 1970s, West-Germany. Peter Hammer Verlag. 72 pictures, contains Nudity.
Photographer: Will McBride. Text: Helga Fleischhauer-Hardt.
Banned sex-ed photo book, access restricted to law enforcement personnel. Withdrawn by publisher after court cases, the book focuses on the emotional intensity that should surely be highlighted. The captions represent the photographed children and their parents.
Boy: When I touch your breasts my penis gets all stiff. Whenever I see a girl's breasts I become HAPPY and EXCITED.
Girl: It's fun holding on to your penis.
Boy: I think it's FUN too.
- (FF UC) Isabel Allende.
He had watched Juliana toddle...when she was small...had watched her shoot up in a spurt...then one day she stood before him with little-girl curls and a woman's body, her dress bursting at the seams...he ordered Nuria to have a proper wardrobe made for her.books: A to B - C to F - G to K - L to N - O to S - T to Z
AP: age progression
AR: age regression
CB: clothes burst or rip
UC: undersized clothing
AA: age-appropriate clothing or clothes grow too
RN: return to normal