1nesmanga: A-B C-F G-K L-N O-S T-Z | movies: A-C D-J K-R S-Z | UC/CB | timelapse | ads: A-L M-Z |
books: A-B C-F G-K L-N O-S T-Z | comics: A-C D-L M-S T-Z shorts fetish | software: A-L M-Z |
T.v.: A-B C-G H-O P-S T-Z | legends | toon: A-F G-P Q-Z shorts fetish | 2BYA classic AR/AP |
links: MAIN AR OA MALE FF | fan character | music vids | short story fetish | videos | mail |
words | documentaries | photography | stage | media | misc | short films fetish | | update |
- (puberty AP growth) CGI animations.
- abdomen - detailed line-up - full body line-up
5 Girls
- (coming of age, FF) 2001, Kartemquin, 120 min.
For 2 years, Maria Finitzo followed 5 strong young women between the ages of 13 and 17 as they navigated adolescence, focusing on the positive ways girls can adapt to challenges in their lives.
5000 Days Project, The
- (AA FF, CoA) Rick Stevenson documentaries.
A "personal time capsule" for children 5-18, the idea is to chronicle their lives for 5000 days. The child/adult transition through everyday footage.
He screened hundreds of kids near Shoreline, WA in 2001. The project went from 60 kids to participants in over 10 countries.
- Documentary film "Two Brothers", 2011.
- BYUtv episodes centering on one participant each, 2012.
- Plans for online "video journal" project - link
52 procent
- (CoA) 52 percent, 52 szazalek. Poland, Rafal Skalski. 20 mins, 2007.
Alla wants to become a ballet dancer very much, but entrance exams are extremely hard. She needs to practice additionally to lengthen her legs since her proportions are not correct. 52% is the ideal ratio of legs to height.
Adolescence - Body Changes in Puberty
- (FF) CGI 1
Adolescencia: Cambios en su cuerpo
- (coming of age) FF
Adolescent Period: a pictorial atlas, The
- (growth AP FF) Frank Kayley Shuttleworth, 1951, access highly restricted. Child development publication shows the growth process. See content on photography page.
age disguises (themes)
- (breast shame, CoA issue) Tendency of girls to want to look older (more mature) or younger (less developed) to fit in with their peers. They do this by attempting to "bind" their breasts to make them seem less full, or by "stuffing" their clothing - caps
Always Changing: Boys
- (male AA TF AP, RN AR) c1997? Info was destroyed - screencaps
Always Changing: Girls
- (AA AP, RN, FF, coming of age) 22 mins, P&G.
Screencaps - AA AP RN scene - puberty outline.
The AP clip link - full video AP starts at 12:30:
Am I Normal? (Girls and Puberty)
- (AA FF) - 2014 animated caps
Amaze.org: That's how the boner grows
- (male coming of age issue, PE animations) 2016.
If you're a boy going through puberty, you've probably experienced getting a boner. Don't worry, it's normal!
- Toon link - screencaps
- (CoA, AA AP) 2016 animated shorts.
"Boobs and More" link
"Top Signs Girls are in Puberty" link The secret journey to womanhood.
"Top Signs Boys are in Puberty" link
- Extract page
- (growing body measurements, BE'd) caution Nude - more developed
- (time lapse growth) posture photos.
Medical records of the human growth stages - female - male
Avi Zev Weider
- (slight FF TL) c2012, "YEAR ONE", "YEAR TWO".
Triplets imagery personal project. You will literally watch the kids grow before your eyes through thousands of rapidly sequenced photographs.
"Welcome To The Machine" documentary.
- (Very slight FF, coming of age) 2010. A year in the life of babies growing up in 4 different corners of the world. Rated "aww" for extreme cuteness.
- (flash forward) "Rafters", 2002, Bosch, Domenech, Catalonia Tv project. Quilt of stories about Cuban refugees. Filmed over 7 years, one rafter's little daughter "grows" up in "time-lapse".
Becoming a teen
- (CoA, FF) UK, c2013, puberty changes.
Video link - screencaps
Becoming a Woman: What's Happening to My Body?
Video Librarian
Bien dans sa peau - Le Syndrome 'P'
- (FF anim, CoA) Sheila Murphy, 1995, 17min. The film investigates puberty like a police procedural.
Biography for Kids
- (adult rejuv?) Educational Tv series - "Ponce De Leon" - (Jeffr_2bya)
Postural analysis software. Pediatric BioPrint allows you to visually document young childrens' posture and track their development as they grow. Takes snapshots of your pediatric patients' posture in different views with angles and distances from vertical and horizontal plumb lines. Allows parents to "see" how their children's posture changes over time. 1
boys - girls
Body Human, The
- (AP time lapse growth and aging scene) CBS documentary from late 70s or early 80s. 1 episode showed a young girl time lapsed to old age. (Seadream)
body image
- (mental weight change) - Tv self-image visualization - preteen Alana
- (teen mental expansion belief, self perception illusion) anorexia size issues.
Body Story
- (slight UC) "Teen Dreams" Ch. 4. Darren and Natalie are two young teenagers standing at the brink of puberty. Body Story joins them on a 3-month rollercoaster ride fuelled by a cocktail of strange and powerful hormones. Includes a fake 3 year timelapse of Darren sleeping. After 2nd spurt his pajama pants are too short. 1 2 3 4 - male AP
Directed by Simon Pummell. link link This film fits over 500 clips in 85 minutes. The theme is the human body, an overview of the human condition. The film starts with sperm chasing an egg, getting in, cell division, embryos, and pretty quickly we get to see some births, growths, deaths and dreams. The visceral, bloody, nauseating sight of dozens of babies popping out in quick succession lets you know that this is not a shy film. Graphic sex (hetero and homo) and horrific images of corpses and murders. A furious kaleidoscope of humanity passes by - each tiny clip represents at least a whole human life and often so much more.
- (coming of age) 1981 Netherlands, Ikon. Surreal documentary follows 12 y.o. girl worried about growing breasts. 1
Boy to Man
- (male FF AA puberty AP) 1962 Sex Ed Film.
Part 1: intro video link - Part 2: male FF video link - male screencaps
brace faces
- (face FF morphs) change - change
brace faces
- (face FF) progressions
breast arousal
- (nipple expansion) - gif
breast arousal
- (normal nipple increase) This only takes a few seconds.
- screencaps - screencaps
breast arousal
- (normal shape changes) - Topless comparison
breast arousal
- (unintentional BE/nipple expansion) The normal changes of the female body are not normally photographed.
Size increase Gif - Gif
Anime or real life? Dedicated "fan service" scenes are not always completely accurate - Gifs
breast arousal
- nude gif
breast changes
- (adult BE-like nipple effects) Part of the normal arousal process and others.
- change - change - change - change - gif
breast changes
- nipple gif - screencaps
breast development
- (FF AP BE) educational comic - growth
- (FF BE) puberty growth CGI
- (older teen FF) some changes
- (puberty CGI FF BE AP) info video with BE at end.
Video link - caps
- BE lineup gif years.
breast development
- (FF) - art stages
breast expansion
- (nipple) - screencaps
breast expansion
- Deleted 2014 Vine video. She makes her nipples erect but it's hard to see through the thick shirt - Some Nudity screencaps
breast expansions
- (female size increase) During the arousal process the nipple erects but the areola contracts - gif
breast expansions
- The nipple becomes larger and harder - gif
breast swelling (process)
- (real life BE) As we know, the process of female breast swelling during sexual arousal has never been filmed or photographed. The reason is very simple: this size increase is most pronounced in young women under the age of 18. So you will understand why it can never be recorded and we can't see it. Sorry, it just can't be done (the only exception is maybe by accident in some public setting where the camera person doesn't even notice it's happening). Breast swelling is inherently sexual, even more so than the process of breasts growing. Their size increases with each heartbeat. We can only hope for secondhand reminiscences or crude simulated depictions
breast swelling
- (BE nipple) The normal female arousal process has never been deliberately filmed.
Warning Adult Nudity: before & after
breast swelling
- (nipple erecting process) This kind of thing is not usually filmed - gif - gif
Breasts: A Documentary
- (coming of age FF themes) 1996, contains Nudity. Ch2: Growing Up.
Interviews with 22 women - aged 6 to 84-years-old - interwoven with segments of sometimes racy breasts-related archival footage.
Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development, The
- (growth) Stanley J. Ulijaszek, Francis E. Johnston, Michael A. Preece. 06/15/98, Cambridge University Press, ISBN: 0521560462. The heavily illustrated chapters often include sidebars to clarify terms, processes, and ideas.
Child of Our Time
- (AP flash forward, in production) 2001, 2020. Little Charlotte Goldsmith will be part of a 20-year BBC documentary which will allow the nation to watch her grow up before its very eyes. She was one of 25 babies born at the start of the new millennium chosen to be part of a ground-breaking study into what influences the development of children. Leading fertility expert Lord Robert Winston, who previously presented The Human Body, will be keeping tabs on the children into adulthood to find out what really affects a baby's personality. Charlotte's mum Emma Goldsmith, 25, said: "The study will follow Charlotte as she grows up into an infant and over the next 20 years. They can take a photographic image of Charlotte and alter it so I can see what she might look like when she is my age. The team comes around once a month for the day."
child to adult
- (AP FF) - Toon "visualizations" of human growth process.
Clips: FF - FF - (Process)
coming of age (documentary memes)
- (FF stages) Some medical illustrations. Change can be challenging - screencaps & extracts gallery
coming of age
- (BE) c'15. The changes can happen fast. Growing up is very awkward - toon gif
Critical Periods of Breast Development
- (FF AP) Medical information video.
- clothed girl age increase morph - puberty CGI
- (male flash forward to middle age, male face close-ups) Jim Minton experimental film, timelapse looks like morph effect. ("Birthdays" in Spanish) "The trick was taking 52 years of photographs of my own face and aligning them one over another. Even though it gives my Mom and girlfriend the creeps, you can see the interesting results I achieved."
Curiosity - Can I Live Forever
- (male adult FFed to OA, adult age stasis) 2011 Discovery. A 1000-year-old Adam Savage explores future life extension technology - aged
dance of age (theme)
- (AA "FF") c2010 documentary trope.
"Stretch-out" video edit - screencaps
Dear Diary
- (coming of age themes) Documentary about the emotional changes that may occur during puberty - 1
- (adult BE method) It was an experimental medical technique. Due to privacy considerations, no active linking at this time.
(JP source) - minamic.com/mmia/wprpf/wprpf_26.html
(JP/EN translation) - translate.google.com/translate?sl=ja&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=ja&ie=UTF-8&u=http%3A%2F%2Fminamic.com%2Fmmia%2Fwprpf%2Fwprpf_26.html&edit-text=
- (Legion Blaze)
- (slight adult maturation, enhanced definition TL) 2011.
Not sure what this is. Looks like a Japanese hypnosis/placebo experiment to add curves and posture to a woman's body. Clearly this technique has its limitations. Like you probably couldn't use it to turn Ariana Grande into a WNBA All-Star overnight or something like that - gif page
Die Sexualitat des Menschen
- (CoA) caps
Doctors, The
- (FF AP glimpse) "The Doctors" AKA "The Drs". How the female body develops - c2011 puberty growth info caps
Doctors, The
- (preteen sudden BE) "The Doctors", "The Drs".
- "Young Girl's Rare Breast Condition" in 4th grade/age 9, 2015.
"Overnight I developed very large breasts. I went to show my Mom and she was shocked."
"She raised her blouse and said 'Mommy look' and I said 'What the...' She went to bed flat and that morning she was a 38C."
- Channel link - screencaps
Documentary Now!
- (male shrunken "adult babies") S1Ep6 "Gentle and Soft: The Story of the Blue Jean Committee Part 2" 2015.
Mockumentary series traces the rise and fall of the legendary band through the use of faux footage. 1978 "Reborn" after the break-up album cover
- (real life BE) During normal arousal the breasts expand by 25%. This phenomenon has never been deliberately filmed or photographed.
- Authenticity could not be verified - 1 - 2
- (real life BE) breast swelling info - unseen "arousal" stock footage cap
- (real life BE) The "other great taboo" (next to human growth), the expansion of the breast during arousal has never been directly recorded.
- Low quality gif - nipple - 3 - diagram.
E! True Hollywood Story
"Jenna Jameson" Jenna discusses her sudden growth spurt at 15.
- 01 - info link
El Viaje de Eva
- (FF AP AA to old age) c2008? Eva progresses through her allotted lifespan.
Video links:
part 1 - part 2 - part 3
Embarrassing Teenage Bodies
- (adult OA morphed) - aged
face aging
- (adult face FF to OA morphed) aging decades
forensic progression
- (FF) Expert age progression simulations used in court cases - future prediction.
genital development
- (male puberty stages) - growth stages diagrams
- (coming of age) 2001. 6 feet tall 15 year old girl discusses problems of finding shoes and clothes that fit - 1
Girl Rising
- (CoA) c2013. Follows 9 girls around the world who overcome wretched obstacles through education.
Girl to Woman
- (AA FF AP) 1965 animated puberty stages.
intro sleepover - girl rapid body changes.
2 girls grow up at different speeds.
girl & boy grow up side by side.
Video link
Girls' Talk
- (puberty slight FF AA info) - c'22 animated caps
Going On 13
- (9 to 13 flash forward) 2008. Watch as Ariana, Isha, Rosie, and Esme let go of childhood and fumble - or sprint - toward an uncertain future in California's Bay Area. A mix of intimate interviews, cinema vérité, and stop-motion animation chronicles the girls' coming of age: their blossoming desires and growing sense of responsibility. This is puberty and for each of these girls of color, it's a whirlwind of change and new choices, as they negotiate the precious, precarious moments between being a little girl and becoming a young woman.
- (coming of age FFed) Face close-ups FFed
Gracious Curves
- (coming of age) 1996 short film, Kiti Luostarinen. info
Growing Girls
- (coming of age info) b&w puberty girls documentary.
- (banned unseen FF BE AP puberty documentary) 1981, 45 min.
When Emma Tamburlini was 11, her artist father Larry Rivers began to make a film about her growing breasts. He filmed and videotaped his two adolescent daughters naked every 6 months over 5 years. Rivers told the girls to take off their clothes and then zoomed in on their emerging breasts from various angles. He interviewed them about how they felt about their breasts and whether boys had started noticing them, filmed their genitals, and commented and asked questions about their bodies.
Rivers' primary motive was to be shocking in a clinical way, and he called his children's objections "middle class". He made the film in spite of "the raised eyebrows of society in general and specific friends and even my daughters - they kept sort of complaining. Much to the confusion of my children and family, I continued."
On screen both girls appeared self-conscious as they grew, and Emma hardly spoke. For the final session Rivers used two monitors that showed footage from the previous years, and had Gwynne and Emma, around 17 and 15, react to it while topless. The girls' mother has permanently blocked release of the film.
In the early 1990s, Emma staged an art installation at Peter Marcelle's gallery addressing "The six-year video series father made of our breasts growing." Rivers' youngest daughter has spent several years in therapy, and the filming contributed to her becoming anorexic at 16. Gwynne struggled with bulimia and drank to excess. Emma demands all materials be turned over to be destroyed.
Growth diagnosis
- (AP) 1959, 1977 book. Leona M. Bayer, Nancy Bayley. Detailed infancy to maturity photo time lapses.
- 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - boy
growth spurt
- (male) c2012, bed growth animated caps
growth stages (female)
- (female FF to adult) Nils Henning Deitmers animation, c2019.
Nude/hairless - CGI female growth process gif
Growth study of Johnny and Jimmy
- (male slight FF, baby to toddler) b&w motion studies - Vid link - (CreativeCommonsTV)
- (AA FF AP) - screencaps
Hamasa Hamufla El Guf Ha'adam
Israel, Center for Educational Technology, 2000. "The Wonderful Journey to the Human Body" CD-ROM. Watch a child's milk teeth fall out and be replaced by his permanent set; the x-ray of a baby's hand turn into an adult one; and fingernails grow. See a little girl's face morph gradually into that of an old woman wearing glasses.
Hansel y Gretel conocen la pubertad
- (excellent very short AP glimpse) 2013 web short, video educativo.
Short documentary about puberty.
- Male @ 3mins: Vid link - Female @ 4mins 40 sec: Vid link
- Gif screencaps: Male gif - Female gif - (Ilse Tlahuextl)
Harpenden Growth Study (females)
- (girl to woman non-clothed growth lineup studies) The female section of the scanned book had been more perused, which is understandable given the comparatively greater importance placed on female physical conformity to some imagined ideal shape ratio. From an economic standpoint, these studies make clear that clothing manufacturers could especially increase their profits by marketing to the teen transition age group, as any apparel sold at that age must become very quickly outgrown and will have to be replaced.
- Female photographic time-lapse Gallery
Harpenden Growth Study (male subjects)
- (male FF AP time-lapse growth photo series) - Today we will study the male growth process. The introduction of "Atlas of Children's Growth: Normal Variation and Growth Disorders" (Tanner & Whitehouse, 1982) mentions their study subjects were photographed unclothed every 6 months (every 3 months during puberty, when the growth speed accelerated). Due to printing space, only some of the photos were included in the book, but perhaps they exist somewhere still.
Subjects 1 and 53 were used in the previously mentioned "Kroppen" documentary (full episode link @07:50). You can compare those images and see full sequences were used in the documentary. The other full sequences, who knows if we'll ever see them.
- Male growth Gallery
Harpenden Growth Study
J.M. Tanner: 1948. Long-term longitudinal study of the growth of children in Harpenden. We began measuring and photographing the children every 6 months, or every 3 months during the pubertal growth spurt. We established a full-scale Department of Growth and Development. The majority of the Harpenden children were studied over part or all of the age range 5 to 16 years, so that our material was particularly rich over puberty. Indeed, this had been the reason for my writing "Growth at Adolescence" (first edition 1955). By the late 1960s Marshall and I set ourselves to analyse the data in two papers, one for girls and one for boys (1970). I think the paper has been so frequently cited because it was a normative study of what happens in healthy adolescent girls.
There was an excellent normative study before, made by Earle Reynolds and Janet Wines at the Fels Research Institute, who took their descriptions from the German literature of the 1930s and earlier, and excellent studies since, both in Zurich and in Stockholm, but ours was the only one in the period 1950-1980.
Our photographs were of better quality than others, which led to our photos of the stages of pubertal development in breasts and pubic hair being widely reproduced and adopted. Marshall remained particularly interested in growth and was engaged in a detailed study of the growth of immigrants to the UK.
Marshall W A & Tanner J M. "Variations in pattern of pubertal changes in girls" Arch Dig. Child. 1969. Department of Growth and Development, Institute of Child Health, University of London. This paper reported a mixed longitudinal study of the physical changes of puberty in 192 healthy girls of the Harpenden Growth Study. Pictorial standards for stages of breasts and pubic hair were given and the variations and interrelationships between the various events were described.
Atlas of Children's Growth: Normal Variation and Growth Disorders
- (growth) J. Tanner, R.H. Whitehouse, 1982, ISBN: 0126833400. Photos illustrate how well the somatotypes of children match their adult somatotypes, the constancy of size and shape during childhood, series of twins that tracks their development from childhood to maturity.
Grow Up Timelapse growth sequence, Harpenden.
Timelapse Growth
Heart of the Game, The
- (flash forward) Girl high school basketball documentary filmed over 7 seasons.
height comparisons
- (wall poses) sisters & friends - measurements
Here Comes Puberty
- (CoA FF) 2018, EBSLanguage, Korea.
Toon link - screencaps - gif
High School Confidential
- (young adult flashed forward) 2008, WE tv. 12 Kansas high school girls were followed for 4 years.
Honey we're Killing the Kids
- (mostly male AA APed face close-up CGI morphs) 2005 BBC series, Kris Murrin. Experts use "cutting-edge technology" to show parents how their children will look at 40 if they don't change lifestyles. At the end viewers see an alternative morph image of the children if they stick to Kris's new regime - (Greg)
Using "state-of-the-art" computer imaging and certified assessments based on measurements and statistics, TLC will transform 13 families. The children's eating habits have spiraled out of control into nonstop junk food. Dr. Hark gives Mom & Dad a frightening look at the future faces of their male children - and a dramatic reality check - (Derydan)
- TLC Network promo. A woman is in a grocery store buying junk food for her son. He's overweight but she thinks it's just a phase. Suddenly he AA's into a fat adult - (thesaint137)
A male AA-"grows up" in checkout aisle as mom watches - link TLC promo screencaps - (O)
Hormone - Emails des Korpers II
- (FF AP) 2010, "Thema Pubertat" 3D CGI.
Video link at 01:25 - screencaps
Horrible Histories
- (adult face FFed to old) "Albert & Victoria - A Love Story" BBC, 2012/04.
Comic live-action historical documentaries. Not based on looks? Albert was quite attractive when young. Tall, lean, and looked good in uniform. Victoria was VERY physically attracted to him, she talked about that in her diaries.
- Segment link - screencaps - (Kappa)
How a baby grows
- (FF) A story in pictures, Arnold Gesell. Over 800 photographs arranged and interpreted with the assistance of Katherine Gesell Walden.
How Do You Measure a Year? - (FF AA) 2023. Oscar-nominated filmmaker Jay Rosenblatt captures his daughter Ella's entire childhood, from precocious toddler to college-bound senior, in a mere 28 minutes. She sat on the couch for interviews on every birthday from age 2 to 18 - trailer link
How to Build a Human
- (old age morphs) Documentary. 1 - old age - male old age rejuvenation
How To Fall In Love
- (flash forward, coming of age) 2006, Channel 4 "controversial" fly-on-the-wall documentary spent 2 years following primary school pupils as they discovered the opposite sex. Prompted debate about ethics of using potentially vulnerable children as documentary subjects.
How to Live Forever
- (adult face aging pics) 2009. They did a photoshop manipulation of Suzanne Somers through the various stages of old age - (Chronoeclipse)
How To Tell Your Child
- (slight female height growth glimpse, male furry CB AP)
2014 animated puberty clips.
- "Puberty In Girls - Knick Knack Knock":
Video link - screencaps
- "Puberty In Boys":
Video link - screencaps
Human Animal: The Biology of Love, The
Human "love/relationships". The "physiology" of a couple "having sex". It supposedly explores how almost EVERY part of the body transforms during arousal/orgasm, though it concentrates more on the female.
Human Body, The
- (AA "AP") Video link - screencaps - (Bob Pringle)
Human Body, The
- (chaste coming of age "drama" - bedroom, line-up, X-ray, photo-booth, blurry "nude" and park bench "timelapses") Middlebrow "documentary" series.
"Line of age." Each segment opens with a slow pan of a long line of artfully posed humans, each representing a year of life from the ages of 1 to 102. A nude, pregnant woman was filmed in profile at 3-week intervals for 9 months, so that, through time-lapse morphing, we see her swelling like a human soap bubble.
- "Raging Teens". Conformist pseudo-titillation episode "looks at the boiling hormonal stew" of puberty through the eyes of Beatrice, a young Brit who wishes she could just grow up overnight. Teen males given ample time for mugging and posing.
- ("FF") "Raging Teens", BBC mass public "popular science" edutainment.
- introduction clip (10 MB) photo booth - role of hormones in breast growth clip (11 MB) - Beatrice's "AP" line-up clip (8 MB)
- bedroom changes through the years clip (6 MB) - park bench through the years clip (7 MB).
Superhuman - The Awesome Power Within Robert Winston performance.
- ABC series from conception to decay, using effects and techniques to "visualize" the operation of the body.
- Screencaps - 01 - 02
Human Body, The
- (coming of age, pregnancy morph) IMAX film. Timelapse photography shows a face aging and hair growing. Rapidly dividing cells fill the giant screen like a crowd filling a stadium. Young girls say they'd rather not get breasts and hips any time soon. We see the progress of Heather's pregnancy through the narrative of the film, which ends with the birth of her son. In one scene Heather walks on a treadmill, wearing the same sleeveless dress, but shown over the last 7 months of her pregnancy. The photography is seamless as her body remains in the same position while walking, but her stomach, breasts, arms and face change shape from month to month.
Human Body, The
- (flashback) - X-Rays
The Learning Channel, BBC. A little girl AA "morphed" into her grandmother.
Human Growth and Development Education
- (excellent toon AP CB spurt) "Jack and Jill", c2018.
The Health Education Center of Akron, puberty education video series, Red Point Digital.
- Puberty starts without warning. First, fast-growing hair squeezes through her hairbands. The height spurt is so rapid she almost loses her balance. Her shoes briefly survive being stretched beyond reason, until her flexing toes burst through the front. Breasts develop slightly slower under her overstretched dress, but it still only takes seconds. A tightly pinched waist-band breaks off, and is flung to the floor. Then she is ready to assume a more assertive attitude.
- Video link @01:25 - gif - screencaps - (Cassandra Yee)
Human Growth: Second Edition
- (male AA AP, female CoA) 1962, first version 1947. Animated segment.
The boy suddenly "grows up" through puberty at a school ball. The teen girl also matures, but of course she does not grow.
- Video link @10 mins - screencaps
Human Growth
- (AP FF) book cover
Human Instinct
- (AP puberty growth morphing)
"Deepest Desires" screencaps - 4 young girls demonstrate the power of the puberty process by lining up, and simultaneously making themselves grow older.
- Girl to woman body growth scenes.
- line-up progression height growth.
- before and after comparisons.
Human Instinct
- (live action AP scenes) "Deepest Desires" documentary. This shows girls stretching and swelling into women with great sound effects. Their spandex leotards are able to withstand the pressure of the growth.
- (male adult muscle TF morph) Overweight man suddenly turns muscular on a diving board, drawing the attention of 3 females who previously ignored him - male - (O')
I Am Shauna Rae
- (adult age stasis effect) TLC, 2022.
"The Woman Stuck Inside the Body of an 8-Year-Old" - She may look like a child but desperately wants to be treated adult. Shauna Rae navigates the extraordinary challenge of trying to live a normal life. The chemotherapy deactivated her pituitary, leaving Shauna with a childlike appearance at only 3'10" - the average size of an 8 y.o. Except, Shauna is 22 - Video link
What a curious story... reminds me of the chick from Invincible who gets younger every time she uses her power - (Tights)
Inside Story with Slim Goodbody, The
- (excellent AP glimpse) Little girl posing before blackboard begins to grow taller at the behest of her pituitary. With a final poof fade she turns into a teen. Her coveralls became a bit snug but they will hold for now.
- Video link - it begins @ 2m20s - short gif - caps
Inside Story with Slim Goodbody
- (AP cut) Ep 7 "The little giant: the inside story of your glands" Girl walks toward camera and is replaced by older girl, still wearing similar costume.
Inside the Living Body
- (AP, upper body and face close-ups to old age, 3D morphs) 9/16/07 National Geographic Channel 2-hr documentary chronicles the physical inner and outer changes of a woman from the second she is born to age 80 (played by different actresses). They show her aging from 5 to 9, then 9 to 17. Then they skip to when she is 29, then they show her in reverse using some of the old shots, and going back from age 2 to 9 months, then an image of her birth. Then they show her age from 29 to 40, from 50 to 70, and then they show her as an 80 year old celebrating her birthday with family. In the end she walks out of the building, and grows younger from 85. Very good animations. (Tazz)
A female slowly gets older while riding the elevator. Girl grows bigger in stroller, but not enough to burst the restraints or tear clothes. Tv commercial features a vocal AP of a girl talking from childhood through young adulthood, middle-age and into her 80s. At the end of the commercial, girl's rotating head against dark background rapidly ages to 80. (Pikachu)
- AP, old age
Inside the Living Body
- (face FF rotation) - 2
- (FF AP AA) - legs lengthening - face change - intro
Just Around the Corner
- (FF) "For Girls", c2014 puberty animation - caps
Kay Kay: The Girl from Guangzhou
- (some FF, CoA) 2012.
She was filmed since her 1992 birth up to age 20, and the resulting film offers an engaging insight into modern China - link - cap
Kids Grow Up, The
- (FF, coming of age) 2010.
Doug Block has seemingly captured his daughter Lucy's entire life on camera. He tries to document her every move during her senior year of high school, a turn of events that alienates her in ways he didn't expect. Now his only child is turning 18 and soon she'll be leaving home for college. A humorous and deeply moving first-person look at father-daughter relationships, modern-day parenting, and the looming empty nest - info link - caps
Kids Growing Up in a Big City
- (4 year flash forward) "Kinder von St. Georg", by Herdolor Lorenz, Hamburg. 5 kids filmed for 16 years since 1999 - screencaps
- (flash forward) Germany 2006 documentary. Very brief 4 year flash forward at end of trailer - link
- (excellent AP FF glimpse, male and female time-lapse growth)
AKA "Body". Amazing real-life age progression short video scene shows colorized boy and girl growing up side by side.
The only info is that it is from a Norwegian program. Extract from Harpenden growth study. This scene is a VHS rip of part of episode 11.
- Full episode link - scene link - child to adult AP.
- Girl to Woman growup scene screencaps - long version - short version.
- Boy into Man grow-up scene screencaps - long version - short version.
- (70Alive)
La puberté des filles
- (puberty AP) 2009, Bonjour-docteur. French documentary shorts. CGI girl who earlier removed all her clothes maintains the same pose as her body grows to full femininity.
- Part 2 "un corps en changement"
- video link
La puberte
- (CoA, FF AP) 1995 line sketch pub. animation.
Video link @ 03m50s - screencaps
La Puberte
- (FF, coming of age AP) Normal development folders: female - male
Leaps and Bounds
- (girl to woman flash forward photo series)
Grow Up Time-Lapse Gallery
Let's Talk Puberty for Girls
- (FF, coming of age) Animated girls
- (male) side profile reference clip-art - face decades
line of age
- (common FF grow up stages depiction) diagram - stages
- (AP flash forward growth stages) - c100 images.
Drawings and CGI diagrams of growing people shown at increasing ages.
Clip Art of posture poses and puberty progressions.
- LineUp Gallery - growth & aging timelines -
Living and growing: Girls at puberty
1995 Cataloging physical and emotional transitions. A group of 11 to 16 year old girls show how they have developed physically and discuss the emotional changes.
Living Body Series: Cell Duplication - Growth and Change
1991 documentary video, 28 mins. How cells divide and multiply, how bones are continually being built and destroyed, and spectacular time-lapse photography of a tooth growing.
Living Body:, The
BBC documentaries on the physical changes that take place after age 11.
Looking Younger, Living Longer
- (female adult face) "What every woman wants to know" c2005 ABC News special, Dr. Nancy Snyderman - old age rejuv
Losing Layla
(pregnancy) 2001. Video diary exploring the impact of writer/director/producer Vanesesa Gorman's decision to have a child. We watch Vanessa's stomach grow in time lapse.
- (CoA, slight FFed) Ep "Mit Liebe gemacht" c2015, Germany.
Animated short about puberty and "love" for the ZDF Tv show explains in a child friendly and charming manner the changes that happen to your body when you hit puberty and how babies are actually conceived - caps
male puberty (tropes)
- (male height increased) - caps
male puberty
- (coming of age changes) diagrams
- (FF, UCed) - testosterone - adolescence
- (FF) diagrams
male time-lapse
- (male slight FF) - gif
Marina Experiment, The
- (CoA recollections, slight unintentional FF glimpsed) 2009.
Over 10,000 photographs, almost incestuously intimate super 8 "home movies", and reel to reel audiotape interrogations. Director Marina Lutz's father recorded her evolution during her upper class upbringing in 1960s and 1970s Manhattan. An eerie and fascinating archive that she has privately sorted and reassembled. Her father's transgressive voyeurism is now turned against himself in a family expose about the right to not be seen.
- Video link - screencaps
Martin Creed
- (expansions)
Work No. 1177:
- The film centers on a woman’s breast, whose nipple goes from its usual state to an erect state after a hand tweaks it.
Work No. 1071, 2011:
- "Up and down" shows an erection in profile. To audience laughter, he plays an ascending scale as the penis goes up, a descending one as it comes back down.
Medical Aid Films
- (FF toon pub. AP) c2012, French version of "Understanding your body: How Babies are made"
Video link - screencaps
Meisjes Van 13
ca. 2003 Dutch documentary. They started interviewing 4 girls 10 years ago. 4 years later they did it again. And this year again, when they were 23-24. The two moviestreams are 2 programs of half an hour. link (Accafeet)
- (flash forward, coming of age) Russian documentary. Father tapes daughter's mental development.
Miracle Grow
- (male flash forward) 1998 short film, Vincent Grenier, Etienne Z. Grenier, Mary Zebell. Inventory of a growing baby as he struggles to gain mastery of his limbs. As the father the filmmaker attempts to insert himself within this well worn and taboo subject and redefine it.
- (slight UC) Teen weight loss documentary - 1 - 2
Mundo Nosotras
- (pseudo UCed) - c'16 coming of age/puberty documentary starts with a "magic overalls" fake growth spurt AA-aftermath scene - screencaps
National Children's Study
- (flash forward) Canceled in 2014 after one year after half the money was spent. "In all, 100,000 children and their parents will be enrolled in the largest ever study of youngsters. It will be a 21-year odyssey of discovery, following children from the uterus to the threshold of adulthood. 3 to 8 sites will each enroll 250 newborns a year for 5 years, and eventually 96 locations will be chosen, with a price tag that could go as high as $2.7 billion."
Nemo Science Center
- (exc. toon AP CB glimpse) - 02
Newton - om pubertet?
- (CoA pseudo "FF" graphics) NRK Skole - puberty stage caps
Newton - om pubertet
- (CoA) NRK Skole, 2006.
"Funny" scenes where a boy walks out of a school shower and a "superhero" with a "P" sign makes the boy grow body hair. It ends with the boys head on a "man's body". Also "BE"-like scene.
- male link - fem link - 1 - (Provider)
Normal Dento-Facial Growth
Bolton Brush Growth Study center
Odyssey of Life
Lennart Nilsson. "The Ultimate Journey" (AA AP)
old age makeup (methods and techniques)
- (adult to elderly, face disguise prosthetics)
Various materials applied to the face plus wigs and voice/posture changes to give a more elderly appearance:
- "Old age Makeup Tutorial | FX Makeup Tutorial" 2018. 180 year old female makeup.
Youtube video link - (SchminkenGrime, Keith943)
- "Old Age Latex Stipple Makeup Tutorial" 2014. Detailed face application process.
Youtube video link - (Glam&Gore)
- "Magnet", 2018 concept "Betrayal Shigeki".
Yumi Adachi (37) "transforms into" funky and cool "Shigeki" grandmother dressed in street fashion at Shibuya spots where culture was born.
She expresses reborn Shigeki by combining things betraying existing images - Vid link - caps - (Box0783)
- "100 Years of Beauty: Aging | Cut Has A Field Day" 2015 - "Field Day" short films channel.
Couple in increasingly old age makeup - link - caps - (Lunkpil)
old age prosthetics & make up
- (adult to older adult disguising) "Young to old. Special make up effects by Odd Studio." 2014 short film.
The making of "A Place To Call Home" commercial. OA appearance by Odd Studio of actress Marta Dusseldorp.
- Video link - screencaps
old age
- (adult FF, face close-ups) - adult years
Operation Ouch!
- (toon comic growth spurts, slight implied UC) S04ep10 "Don't Panic About Puberty" 2016, BBC.
Full episode link - gif page
Operation Puberty
- (AA CoA "comedic" FF) "Sex: A Tell-all Exhibition!" c2010, Montreal Science Centre.
Animated nude boy and girl "grow up fast". This was supposed to be "funny" but becomes unbearably irritating? Type 01 & 12 AA curses. There really is nothing worse than when they symbolize puberty by having them be naked for no reason.
Video Link - "child to adult" AA.
- Girl to Woman pseudo-"growup scene" screencaps - long version - short version.
- Boy into Man pseudo-"grow-up scene" screencaps - long version - short version.
- (PE scene) male info.
Orientacion Sexual Para Ninos y Ninas
- (CoA FF) Animated, c1990s - gif
Painted Babies at 17
- (FF, coming of age) 2008, 60 min.
About child pageant girls who grew up. A follow-up to Jane Treays' 1995 film "Painted Babies". There are many flashbacks and before/after comparisons.
- FF at 0:50: video link - caps - 2 - (Acca)
- (male expansion) - CGI gif
Personal Story, A
- (BE'd coming of age) TLC.
A young teen was 5'3", 120 lbs and 36 DDD if professionally fitted. At the mall her less well endowed friends gleefully tried on clothes as she sheepishly stretched out a sweater. Then family photos of her growing up and out, and how she was "robbed of her childhood" by a world of men who looked at her as a grown woman, her huge curves swelling under her white t-shirt.
Personal Story, A
- (teen weight loss) 7
- (weight loss) Brooke Bates 5 - 6
Personal Story, A
- 2003 overdeveloped - (overdeveloped BE) - BE'd
(BE'd) Documentaries about overdeveloped teens and young adults. 3
Photography in the Study of Child Growth
- (flash forward) 1965 Nilsson B. Med Radiogr Photogr.
posture photos
- (male FF, growth and body development) - Medical growth stages comparison - male
Progression of a Child Prodigy
- (FF) Warren Dock, 2007, 1:45
How a child develops through her musical performances from the age of 4 1/2 to somewhat older. Experience Chelsea's progression as you view her performances chronologically. This documentary will help encourage young students into believing that it is possible to achieve musical excellence at a young age.
puberdade (feminina)
- (BE FF) CGI vid link - caps
pubertad (documentaries)
- (CoA) 1990s.
Enciclopedia educacion sexual.
Escuela de padres - la sexualidad humana.
La pubertad en las mujeres.
La pubertad en los hombres.
- Unsorted screencaps - gif page
Pubertad (series)
- (coming of age) cover
- (lo-qual) Cuba, 2008. Mariela Castro. Worst documentary ever? Poorly animated series that avoids actually showing the changes that occur during adolescence.
- (CoA) tropes
- (coming of age, FF) themes, tropes, reactions, mirror scene & boner problems - CAUTION medical nudity image page - (Roberto, L'informateur)
pubertal changes
- (CoA) c2015 - gif
puberte (educational vids)
- (CoA, FF) - caps
- (CGI FF) - gif - gif
- (FF BE'd) c2011 development - outline
puberty acceleration
- (subconscious growth control) Girls who live in family situations with absent fathers start puberty earlier. When their father is present, breast development is delayed. Studies suggest weak maternal bonding is also a risk factor for early puberty - info link
- Journal of Adolescent Health, "Father Absence, BMI, and Pubertal Timing in Girls: Differential Effects by Family Income and Ethnicity", Deardorff/Ekwaru et al, 9/17/2010.
puberty and growth
- (puberty AP, male and female) A boy and a girl wearing stretch leotards stand on rotating pillars as they smoothly transform into a series of older models until they are fully grown and facing each other.
- Age transformation scene - puberty progression growup
- Video link
Puberty and Menstruation Education For Girls Aged 8-15
- (FF glimpse, coming of age) Line animation caps
puberty animations (subgenre)
- (FF AP) There are many different kinds. Most are low-detail, minimalist line animations - morph test - morph
Puberty CGI
- (AP, normal development) Accelerated girl to woman - height growth - bust/hip enlargement (70Alive)
puberty clip-art
- (FF AA AP) Random unsorted puberty clip art found online may contain Nudity - AP - AP - AP - AP
- (FF AA APed) - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15
- 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
puberty clipart
- (coming of age FF) changing - changing
- Diagrams & Tv tropes
puberty diagrams
- (FF) - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06
- (unsorted CoA stages) - ff - ff - ff
puberty diagrams
- (FF) 2023/06. AI attempts to create simulated AP timeline puberty development stages diagrams. The images have to be cropped and edited to make them seem more realistic. There is still a long way to go.
puberty documentaries (outgrown clothes trope)
- (FFed, slight UC glimpse) She outgrew her jeans
- (last year's clothes) Caps: female - male
- (UC glimpse, CoA) 2013. Girls grow so fast their old jeans won't slide over their hips anymore.
Video link @2:20 - screencaps
puberty documentaries
- (CoA BE & FF tropes) - c2020. Proposed CGI breast development gif - line and animation art
puberty documentaries
- (CoA, some FF) Common tropes to discuss such a sensitive subject. Growth stages typically animated using sanitized line-art.
Pubertat was ist das?
P&G - Always, Crest, Tampax.
Understanding Ourselves - Human Growth.
- Caution contains some medical nudity - gif page
puberty documentaries
- (CoA) - CGI intro.
- (coming of age FF)
- ages & stages line art
- tropes "Puberty for Girls", 2012 VisualEduc.
Puberty for Girls: Amazing Changes Inside and Out
- (FF AP) 2001, 25min. Marlin Motion Pictures, grades 4-8. This video helps students understand what will soon be happening to their bodies, as well as their feelings and thoughts. A doctor explains how hormones trigger rapid growth and development, while animation shows the growing body?
puberty gifs
- (CoA FF) - medical illustration gifs
puberty process
- (CoA) Vid link - caps - diagram - toon caps
puberty stages
- (FF AP) - 2015 toon gif
puberty tropes
- (FF, coming of age) Common scenes depicting the "grow-up" process - c2011 - male - female
- (animated FF) Info - screencaps - screencaps
- (coming of age info) animated
- (ff, coa) c2014 animated vid link - caps - caps - nude caps
- (FF) - screencaps
- (FF) graphics - graphics
- (FF) CGI caps
- (FF) hip widening gif
- (timelines, CoA) - Random unsorted Sex-Ed screencaps
- (FF) - simple graphics - tropes
- (ff) cgi lifecycle gif
Punam Tamang (series)
- (CoA FF) Muntean, Giske.
Over 10 years we follow the life and hopes of a young girl from Bhaktapur, Nepal. At 9 y.o. in 2005 she took care of younger siblings while father worked three jobs. As Punam grows up, we watch the challenges and joys she will face as an outgoing, beautiful woman.
Put the Camera on Me
- (CoA FF) Darren Stein, 2003. True-life chronicle about a group of kids growing up in the California suburbs in the 1980s. A peek into the power structure of kids between 7 and 15.
Quarks & Co
- (nude body diagram FF AP) c2009 German educational program.
- Puberty Toon video link
- Screencaps - female - male
real life BE
- (breast swelling, nipple erection) c1994 documentary. The only time something like that was ever filmed - gifs
Ripley's Believe it or Not
About Gerren Taylor, a 12 year old, highly developed, almost 6 foot tall model, who's still growing.
- Gerren - growing
Rutgers WPF
- (excellent sketch AP CB glimpse) The importance of population control. 2015 animated, related to previously posted "SchoolTV" clips.
"Spring Fever- Puberty and girls".
- Video link - screencaps
"Spring Fever- Puberty and boys".
- Video link - screencaps
Say hello to the Brand-New You!
- (male FF AP) (Boys' Edition) animated puberty stages
Sayo: Daughter's Photography Birth to Adult
- (AA, some completely unintentional FF glimpses & nudity) 1996 art photo book by Suzuki Sadahiro of his daughter Suzuki Sayo in various situations and poses - Caution artistic partial topless extract
Schul Filme
- (CoA, puberty info) c2014, German - caps
Science of Sex Appeal, The
- (face FF AA morph) Discovery Channel, 2009.
Scene link @01:50 - gif - (Lunkpil)
Science of the Sexes
- (AA crAP) Very low quality 2003 documentary. Typical vagueness and blurring. Boys asked to stand as close as they feel comfortable to a girl the same age at 3 ages from 5-12. Girls gather at a 12-year-old's birthday party. What changes at puberty? Changes of the teen body.
- 01 - 02 - AA - AA - AA
- (FF) medical problem years
Secret Life of Breasts, The
- (slight adult rejuv glimpsed) Genepool Productions, 2014.
Nothing good in this documentary, but there was one fake reverse timeline transition - gif
Seventeen Seconds to Sophie
- (pioneering pregnancy timelapse) Bill Cote uses stop motion to capture the changes of his pregnant wife's body and the final product, newborn Sophie, who does not grow further. Best Experimental Film at Shorts International Film Festival, 1998. Clip used in the movie Amelie. link
sex ed
- (CoA, FF) outline diagrams
- (puberty info) stages
Sex Files, The
- (toon puberty FF AP) - growth spurt scene.
- (FF AP) - stages - years
Sexual Maturation
- (AA FF)
Homework clip link - cap - (MrJustme9999)
Sexual-Atlas fur Erwachsene
- (nude "FF stages") photo book by Gunther Hunold, 1971.
I think those are all different girls though. Documentary pics "growth" - (Accafeet)
Sexualidad con todas sus letras
- (exc. toon APed glimpse) Ep04, "Television Educativa", c2014.
Video link - screencaps
Sexy Baby
- (mental FF AA) 2012. The documentary follows female adolescent from age 12 to 15 as she mentally "grows up" fast.
Winnifred's adolescence and delving into the world of porn before puberty - info link
silhouette progression (trope)
- (outline FF AA) - gif
- (body growth measurements) Height/size measuring device clip-art - sizes - sizes
Stealing time
- (AP morph) PBS documentary on aging. Male animation (250K) link
- (male FF AA face close-up) male morph
Story of Time, The
- (flash forward to old age) Found footage. Exhibition with objects garnered from more than 100 public and private collections. A couple adopted the same pose every year for 45 years, showing the changes to their bodies and to the times through which they lived.
Super Planet Dolan
- (male ar poof) Is It Possible To Drink TOO Much Water? + 9 More Body Mysteries, 2015.
Man into baby @03:00 - Vid link - cap - (Tazz)
Super Planet Dolan
- (toon poof "ARed") 2017. Dolan Life Mysteries: What If Earth Fell Into A Black Hole?
Man into elderly, then to infant then newborn (@4:00) - Episode link - youtu.be/6Blxo4rs10c - caps - (Tazz)
Super Size Me
- (male flash forward AP) 2004 movie. A man goes on a 30 day McDonald's diet for breakfast, lunch and dinner to prove how fattening it is. They showed a 14 year old and a 19 year old who sued McDonald's because they were fat, and they showed a cartoon of them aging from 2 and 4 to their true ages to show how fast they got fat.
super tall
- (AA female height growth aftermath)
- 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 Gwen Bachman.
- 05 - 06 - 07 - 08 - 09 - 10 - 11 - 12
- 12 years old - 6 1/2 foot tall.
(stillgrowing and deleted Yahoo Groups)
super tall
- (AA grown females, height comparisons)
- 14 - 15 - 16
- 17 - 18 - 19
- super-tall - 21 (Yahoo Groups deleted without notice)
super tall
- (height grown) - Elisany Silva (c1996) teen & pics link
Supersize Kids: Britain's Tallest Teens
- (super tall preteen) 2007, ITV.
"I'm six feet tall and I'm aged just 12"
What it's like to be the tallest in not just her class, but the whole school.
While parents and friends say 6'1" Tara has grown up well adjusted, they admit there are problems ... she is determined to lead a normal life despite her height. She will grow for at least 4 more years.
"If you didn't know her you would assume she's 17 or 18. But she's still a little girl who loves what little girls do."
Tanner Stages
- (AP BE timelapse) normal development
- (FF) Stages of growth AP
- (AP flash forward growth BE) Medical photography of normal development AP BE
Tanner Stages
- (CoA, puberty changes, aftermaths) - c.2000s Informational pics page
Tanner Stages
- (FF AP) Medical stages, normal development of secondary characteristics - 13 - (teen FF) case 14 - (bust FF) 15
Tanner Stages
- (puberty FF) Caution medical nudity. Clip/line art clinical development
- (timelapse FF glimpse) Harpenden study, 1960s. Age 12 to age 13 1/2: female growth stages
- (puberty FF timelapse) Medical research photos - developing
- (minor male flash forward, coming of age) 2004 Jonathan Caouette 20-year autobiographical documentary. He started making home movies of himself at age 11.
TED-Ed (info toons)
- (adult FF to OA) "The princess who rewrote history - Leonora Neville", 2018.
Short animation about historical figure - link @00:50 - caps - (Deleted)
TED-Ed: A day in the life of an ancient Babylonian business mogul
- (FFed to OA) animated short, 2021.
Stylewise, it's not the best adult FF to OA animation at the end, but an interesting story nonetheless - link - (Kappa)
TED-Ed: Einstein's twin paradox explained
- (adult age differential) Carefully curated video lessons. Amber Stuver, 2019.
Space travel causing age gaps between sisters couldn't be more a turn on. Astronaut explores Einstein's relativity through the Twin Paradox experiment.
- Cartoon video link - screencaps - (Kappa)
teen months
- (rapid teen development FF) If someone were to start a dedicated photo project during this period of transition they might notice major changes in a relatively short time.
- Months - during & just after my braces - Months
Teen Species
- (growth AA FF effects, coming of age) 2002 BBC documentary. Vague/restrained.
- male - male - male - male - male - male - male
- female 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - Beatrice! - 06 - dress-up - link
- (coming of age puberty info) "Puberdade Masculina" "Puberdade Feminina"
intro - clay animation - mirror scene - mother/daughter discussion.
That's Puberty
- (AA TF FF, pseudo "growth" spurts) Oncofertility Consortium, 2017.
- Toon link - link - extracted gif
through the years (photo compilations)
- (unintentional FF, AA) When personal photos of growing children are arranged in timelines, the growth will be very difficult to see, due to changing poses, camera angles, clothing, backgrounds, and the "Zoom-Out Effect" among others.
- (FF AA) Typical depictions of portions of the human lifespan - timelines
Time-Life books
- (AP flash forward) "Growth"
Toi Qui Changes
- (coming of age) 1993 France. Girls talk about how they feel about getting older - caps
Twin Paradox, The
- (male FF) Time dilation explained by Neil Degrasse Tyson, c2012 - link - youtu.be/n2s1-RHuljo - (Jeff 2bya)
Twins Are Individuals From Infancy to Adolescence
- (FF, CoA) 1946 - Vid link - screencaps
Ultimate Human Body, The
- (AP normal development, puberty stages) - line-art girl height growth (70Alive)
- (male AP) Scandinavian documentary. Clip at jodysplace: http://www.videospace2.net/video_gallery.htm. Scroll down to June updates and look for "Hair Growth". In the clip a boy comes out of the school shower. An actor wearing a superhero costume with a "P" sprinkles some "magic" on the boy which causes him to become hairy. At the end of the clip the boy has an adult body but his face remains the same - (derydan)
Up Series
- (flash forward, CoA) AKA "7 Up". Michael Apted filmed same group of people every 7 years since 1963 - info
- (coming of age AA)
56 Up: 2012 - 49 Up: 2005 - 42 Up: 1998 - 35 Up: 1991 - 28 Up: 1984 - 21 Up: 1977 - 7 Plus Seven: 1970 - Seven Up!: 1964 - Art
Up Series
(and related or similar international documentary series)
- (AA CoA, slight possibility of FF comparisons or growth visualizations?)
- Gillian Armstrong.
Smokes and Lollies (1975).
14's Good, 18's Better (1980).
Bingo, Bridesmaids & Braces (1988).
Not Fourteen Again (1996).
Love, Lust & Lies (2009).
- 2-part documentary by Paul Jambers about secondary school students in Kapellen.
Jambers, 1980-1990.
- Lundman, Mitchell.
Talk 16 (1991) and Talk 19 (1993).
Czech Republic
- Trestikova.
Rene (A single episode portrait of a man over 20 years, starting in the late 1980s).
- 60+ ep. series following Mathilde, Rachel, Stephanie, Christian, and Emma, all born in 2000.
Årgang 0, 2001-2018?
- Michel Fresnel, 1984 to 1996.
Que deviendront-ils? (What Will They Become).
- Die Kinder von Golzow (The Children of Golzow, 1961 to 2006). Winfried Junge, East Germany to unified Germany.
- Berlin - Ecke Bundesplatz (1985). Gumm, Ullrich series follows many individuals
...with further sequel series in 1999, 2001, 2004, 2009.
- Follows 13 children in different prefectures.
7 Up Japan (1992) to 28 Up Japan (2013).
- Follows a group of 17-18-year-olds.
Bijna volwassen (Almost Grown-up, 1982).
Bijna 30 (Almost 30, 1994).
Bijna 40 (Almost 40, 2005).
South Africa
- Angus Gibson.
7 Up in South Africa (1992) to 28 Up South Africa (2013).
- Rainer Hartleb followed a group of children from Jordbro.
Fran en barndomsvarld (From a Childhood World, 1973).
Barnen fran Jordbro (Children from Jordbro, 1982).
Tillbaka till Jordbro (Jordbro Revisited, 1988).
Det var en gang... en liten flicka (Once Upon a Time...there was a Little Girl, 1992).
En pizza i Jordbro (A Pizza in Jordbro, 1994).
Nya barn i Jordbro (New Children in Jordbro, 2001).
Alla mar bra (All are doing Well, 2006).
- A new version of the Up Series was started in 2000.
7Up 2000, 14 Up 2000 in 2007, 21 Up: New Generation in 2014.
- Joanou, Quinn, Westphal.
Age 7 in America (1991).
14 Up in America (1998).
21 Up in America (2006).
All's Well and Fair (2012).
Married in America (2002).
- Miroshnichenko, Jupp.
Age 7 in the USSR (1991).
14 Up Born in the USSR (1998).
Born in the USSR: 21 Up (2005).
Born in the USSR: 28 Up (2012).
- (Acca, wiki data)
- (some FF glimpses) Japanese lingerie corporation has conducted a fascinating project tracking changes in the female body since 1964.
Only limited info/imagery is available at this time - wacoal.jp/hsrc/about/index.html - gigazine.net/news/20100415_wacoal_research
- youtu.be/t_wJ6NO9qTo - youtu.be/SvkB199elSU - screencaps
walk of age
- (male FF AA) stock footage scene
weight gain
- (male FF) timeline.
weight loss
- (adult slight FF reduction) - 20: amazing girl loses 50kg. - 21
- (FF AP info) 2013.
Animated puberty documentaries with comic growth animations.
- Videos: Puberty link - Male link - Female link
- Screencaps: male - female - female - female
What Kids Want To Know About Sex and Growing Up
- (coming of age) About the social and emotional changes of puberty - screencaps
What Kids Want To Know About Sex
- (preteen FF AP) Bob Selverstone, Rhonda Wise.
- Animated growth
What's Happening To Me?
- (FF, CoA) animated changes
Who Am I Now
- (AA future selves interaction, male & female dream sequences, coming of age)
Puberty documentary. Young teens wonder who they're turning into.
Video link
- Screencaps - female - male - mix
- (puberty development) info drawings
- (puberty FF) - info art
- (CoA FF) Tell if you have started puberty for girls - pics
WIRED: The Science of Slowing Down Aging
- (adult face morph to OA) 8.5 mins, 2022. Aging is inevitable, but what if it wasn't? Might it be possible to slow down? Perhaps, perhaps. Can absolutely imagine that she successfully restored her adult youth by stealing it off someone else - Video link - (Cousinkevin)
Y ahora que?
- (excellent slight puberty AP growth spurt glimpse) Pakapaka, Argentina. 13 eps. c2014.
Animated series about the various aspects of growing up. Most of the growth spurts had their clothes growing right along with them. There was one very brief blurry AP micro scene, where it looked like a young girl really went through puberty all at once. Her sketched outfit became somewhat tighter.
- First episode link @17:14 - screencaps page
young to old
- (male face FF lineup) lifetime
Your Body During Adolescence
- ("FF", coming of age puberty info) 1950s.
As it was such a sensitive subject, the animation was drawn with the greatest discretion - 01 - 02
Zeit Der Wunder
- (FF AA) cover
- (flash forward through puberty, coming of age, male timelapse lineup) Germany, 2/29/2007, ZDF Tv, 3 parts, 3-year Docu-Project.
4 children were selected with permission from their parents to be accompanied on a highly personal adventure to bring more openness to a sensitive development. Limits were set in consultation. In the males cases, their physical transformation was recorded to a slight extent.
It's when parents become aliens. 11 year old Susanne is almost 18 months younger than Rebecca. At first the age difference doesn't affect their friendship. Then Rebecca begins to neglect her Latin and math, and transforms into Miss Popular. Her new hobby is flirting. Alcohol and boys on her 15th birthday? The first affairs are coming.
Benny fears he'll stay short because he's addicted to smoking. Renke is a head taller than his friends, but still a boy inside. He neglects his household tasks.
Accompanying picture book: "Zeit der Wunder - Wenn Kinder in die Pubertät kommen", Susanne Becker.
- (male FF AP) male growth
Zeit Der Wunder
- (FF) Before/After poses.
- (male FF) year
AP: age progression
AR: age regression
CB: clothes burst or rip
UC: undersized clothing
AA: age-appropriate clothing or clothes grow too
RN: return to normal