Our deepest apologies if you were looking for real-life female UC/AP, CB/AP, puberty AP, time-lapse AP, or Ageshifter UC/CB AP links. There is almost nothing good in those categories. Truly this is a dark age for actual girl to woman clothes tightening.manga: A-B C-F G-K L-N O-S T-Z | movies: A-C D-J K-R S-Z | UC/CB | timelapse | ads: A-L M-Z |
books: A-B C-F G-K L-N O-S T-Z | comics: A-C D-L M-S T-Z shorts fetish | software: A-L M-Z |
T.v.: A-B C-G H-O P-S T-Z | legends | toon: A-F G-P Q-Z shorts fetish | 2BYA classic AR/AP |
links: MAIN AR OA MALE FF | fan character | music vids | short story fetish | videos | mail |
words | documentaries | photography | stage | media | misc | short films fetish | | update |
link page: AA FF
(younger/older selves, actor portrayals) kidcasting
(girl to woman accelerated growth) sudden AP & UC--alternate
Time Lapse Girls
- (AP videos) - 2007-2010, 230 members.
Deleted Youtube Group featuring almost 1000 videos, all about girls growing into women. It was taken down.
- Archived Youtube Link Page
- (FF effect) - warning: Lensa could turn kid pics into adult
- (FF AA) - AI vid
- (FF years) - birthdays comics panels.
- (FF) - AI
- (FF) - Maddie Ziegler dance years
- (FFed) - Ariana Richards then/now
- (FFed) - Brooke Shields documentary then/now
- (FFed) - starlet now
- (AA AI FF) - AI Aging Test, '23. I asked the AI to draw same girl from 2 to 95
- (AA AI FF) - 13 to 82 - 8 to 80 - 3 to 80
- (AA FF ) - AI years.
- (AA FF couple, 0 to 80) - 2023. I asked an AI to paint our whole life together
- (AA FF) - AI years
- (AA FF) - AI art
- (AA FF) - 2023. Midjourney RunwayML - blue shirt girl's lifetime
- (AA FF) - Taylor Swift AI art
- (AA FF) - zoom out effect AI years - (AA FF) - AI years - (Tej2506)
manga Mahou no Tenshi Creamy Mami
- (AP) 40th Anniversary! Ep1 "Feather Star Ship" 1983/07/01, Studio Pierrot.
The first TF scene of the Magical Angel, and still one of the best - Blocked link - scene link - (Akira)>
- (AA toon FF) - Total Drama Island Leshawna
- (accel. FF) - animated true story about girl who aged faster than normal.
- (AI AA FFs) - years - years
- (APed glimpsed) - scene from "Old"
- (BE growth spurt) - Imagine it's your little sister or childhood friend growing up right in front of you.
From what age to what age? Pretty sure that's up to your imagination.
Anyone who wants to talk with me about this scene or any growth can add me on kik, username is Iconicjam - (Lexxi Con)
- (clothed preteen "baby burstout") - Walk the Prank - "Baby", Disney XD, 2016. Nursing assistant at a strange pregnancy prank
- (dedicated AA AP) - manga heroine age paintings
- (dedicated demon growth "UCed") - Elf Outgrew Her Clothes...?! story
- (dedicated mind/body swaps with some age differences) - BE interactive story
- (dedicated TF analysis) - There She Grows - Giantess Porn
- (furry TF AP) - Tokyo Ravens Ep24 - alt scenes
- (shoujos posing FF) - AI years
- (slight FF) - vintage photos
- (super tall women) - short men height worship
- (teen age disguise) - AnUthessslayer, c'24. Makeup acting transition. A "small girl" "grows up" to be a mighty warrior
- (teen to adult FFed) - former teen starlet boudoir pics
- (face FF editing) - Agemod software
- (face FF) - AI years
- (face FF) - MeggieR 10 years daily photos
- (face FFed) - Heather O'Rourke older
- (preteen & FFed adult, boar TF CBs) - unknown movie plot
- (TF videos) - The Transformation Channel
- (thin/height fetish) - real girls
- (young adult faces) - Aging Filter aged
- (young adult pseudo "UC" glimpse) - Modern Family "old costume" still fits!
- ("growth spurts" stretch AA) - POV - POV
- (3 year) - AA FF
- (AA "cloning" poofs) - The tennis girls start AA-TFing into Serena Williams as they hit the ball - commercial - (DjKhaled)
- (AA APed) - "Kamen Rider Black RX" Ep16 Queen Garonia blocked - (Akira)
- (AA size increase) - Kinda slightly like "APed". pseudo doll-like witch girl AAs to normal size Hiccups
@00:13 her witch hat flies off, as it didn't grow with her enlarging head, unlike the rest of her clothing which did grow with.
- (AA TF AP) - Magical Emi transformation scenes - (Akira)
- (AA TF) - Magicians Dead Next Blazing - "Tam" steals energy from opponents to turn from age 5 to 19 - link
The game is coming back for PS4 along with that character - link - (Boi)
- (FF) - 9 years in the life - (FF) - years
- (slight ff) - everyday 4th grade
- (teen FFed face) - Eilish 5th year - (teen FFed) - Carly Rose Sonenclar evolution
- (toon "ff") - girl "puberty" 15 sec AA
- (FF/FB) - then/now - (FF/FB) - recreated snaps.
- (female height) - 6'2" supermodel Karlie Kloss tried to halt her growth by putting weights on her head, but it was simply unstoppable - story
Henry Danger
- (flash forward cuts, AA) 2014-2020 kids sitcom.
- link - Young Charlotte Vs. Old Charlotte! Ft. Riele Downs
- link - Every Time Charlotte Gives 'The Look'
- link - The "CHENRY" Relationship Timeline
- link - Young Henry Vs Older Henry
- link - 1 Henry Moment From EVERY Episode
- link - Jace Norman + Ella Anderson THEN & NOW
- link - Jace Norman's Fashion Through The Years
- link - Piper Hart Through The Years
- link - Piper 'Breaking The Law' Through The Years
- link - Piper's Fashion Through The Years
- link - 1 Piper Moment From EVERY Episode
- (FF AA stages) RPG, 2020. 7-step .webp cut-sequence of the deuteragonist Aubrey through the years.
(Contains spoilers) Happy Birthday! - (NightElf37)
- (AA) - "Teen Girl GROWING UP EVOLUTION", 2021. Stop-motion papercut animation
- (AA) - age-up wish "La nina que queria crecer" - she wants to be like her older sister for a day.
- (AA) - toon FF lineup
- (FFed) - Memba her? The actress who played 13 y.o. Jennifer Garner in the AA-amnesia movie "13 Going On 30" is really 30 now
- (furry blurry AA poof upgr.) - Eto Ranger - Ep33 Alt. scene
- (mahou art upgrades) - FuPoo c2013+ furry AA - AA sprite - Mika muscling - AA self-image
- (ff AA cut) - age-up poof.
- (female puberty) - depiction toon Every girl has to go through this but it's not all bad.
- (CGI AA FFs) - Sims 3 Generations Trailer - (Lunkpil)
- (dedicated AA AP) - 2022/04 new animation preview link - (Apfan101)
- (dedicated demon TF AP form) - fetish story
- (face "FF") - drawing - (Kappa)
- (face morphing) - YoungToOld Channel, c2020.
5 years To 100 years - 0 - 100 Years Old - (Kappa)
- (fantasy TFs in mainstream media)
Folder for all the age videos I will be uploading from now on - (Apfan101, TGManiac)
- (female AR/AP/TF) - YouTube playlist channel
Download videos - (TGManiac)
- (height comparison "ff") - 2020 taller - sister - meme
- (adults rejuved, slight AP mentions) - Writing Prompt, 2020/11: One morning everyone wakes up in their 18 y.o body, memories intact. Society tries to continue as normal, but a world full of energetic adolescents certainly has its quirks - stories
- (mother/daughter height comparison) - Jessica Alba vs. 12 y.o. daughter who is taller
- (teen CoA) - Last of Us "Ellie" CGI character evolution story
- (FF AA) - Kiernan Shipka still fits in old dress
Blue Lagoon, The
- (AA FFed cutaway) 1949.
Boy & girl grew up alone on an island - Full movie link FFed cut @35:00 - (Akira)
- (FF) - You see the mom, but dad is the focus. That said, I totally get why this fictional woman married him.
2018 Bouygues Christmas commercial - (Kappa)
- (face FF 0 to 10) - Dustin Bowen took face portraits of his daughter Julie every day
- (low qual AA pseudo "ap"ed) - replacement poof maybe @2:15?
- (overnight age up) - mentioned in passing story
- (skeleton bone ff) - pelvis
- (puberty AA FF info) - cgi docu
- (special effects AA) - How they did it: Renesmee's simulated accelerated growth glimpse.
- (AA curse) - get "older"
- (CoA info) - How to know if you're growing
- (face) - FF
- (flash forward) - kids rooms
- (pub.) - toon pseudo ff
- (teen FFed) - Eilish 3 years interview
- (FFed) - "Halloween Kills" (2020 movie): Former 8 y.o. child actress will reprise her role in "Halloween" (1978) as an adult. She already appeared 3 years older in "Halloween 2" (1981).
- (classic AP/AR anime) Marvelous Melmo - AKA "Fushigi na Merumo".
1971-72 pioneer series (10 hrs.) - Episodes compilation - Episodes compilation - (Akira)
- (dedicated classic AR stories) - Dive into the old php-nuke version of the Archive from 15 years ago!
The formatting is minimal and the stories from 2002-2005 are alphabetical by title: List - (Heidegger)
- (young adult) - FF - (AA'd to 16) - story
- (16 to 26 young adult decade, no height increase) - Kelly Bundy - gfycat.com/pitifulshimmeringgoldeneye
- (morph ability briefly mentioned) - Teleporting etc incomplete story
"I took off my shirt and put it on the hanger on the back of the stall door. From my past experience when I Morphed, my shirt ripped because I had gotten a lot taller at 20 from 9."
- (age TFs) - story - (tall girls) - commercials
- (fantasy APed) - Alice story scene.
- (FFed pic) - child starlet
- (young adult face) - 2013, MeliVel - 18 to 34 FF
- (demon TF) - anime vampire upgrade.
- (dedic. AA?) - Insanejournal character
- (15 to 16 FF split/screen) - musician Billie Eilish: same interview, 1 year apart
- ("face stasis" FF) - child stars
- (FF) - first day of school vids 12 yrs
- (y.a. FF) - photo every day high school - (AA ff amnesia) - Don't wish to be older... time skip
- (face FF) - 6 yrs. - (face FF) - high school 4 yrs.
- (banned FF photo project) - Larry Rivers daughters
- (AA ff) - grl. yrs. drawings
- (age forms) - "Ran and the Gray World" magic shoes transl. manga - AKA "Ran to Haiiro no Sekai".
- (young adult) - 89kg to 50kg weight loss
- (dedicated TF APs) - A large list. I think some are notable enough to deserve their own entries.
Deviant Art Sequences - (NightElf37)
- (FF face 0 to 5) - Timelapse Kid Ada 2013-17
- (FF) - 1st year - (FFace) - shrink illusion sibling years pencil art
- (young adult face) - FF
- (then/now) - celebs self-reunion - (face flashback/FF) - "10 Year Challenge" purpose
- (AA FFed) Junior Eurosong contesters reunite at kids channel Ketnet 20 years anniversary.
Most contesters had quit public singing, but will do it one more time for this reunion - stage - (Acca)
- (age disguise) - 13 or 30? - (F5)
- (dedicated AP) - shoujo
- (FF) - news story - (adult face) - FF
- (age delusion) - birthday belief - (F5)
- (adult 25 yr FFed) - Alicia
- (adult/young adult body swap) - Disney "Freaky Friday" musical movie trailer
- (FFed AA) - Photographer Josephine Sittenfield took friend photos in 2000 and in 2017 - then/now
- (adult slight ff) - class reunion
- (first 4 years) - FF pose
- (FF) - face - (FF?) - CM
- (adult hair) - growth
- (CoA nostalgia) - 2000s starter pack fashion list
- (CoA nostalgia) - Animorphs article - (info) - on daughters
- (height) - article
- (FFed) - You literally will not believe how good puberty has been to them tbh. 20 YouTubers
- (preschool) - FF - FF - FF
- (young adult face) - FF - FF
- (ff toon ) - characters
- (face ff) - daily 4 years teen - (male face) - ff - (face) - ff - face
- (FFed AA "APed") - over-18 Peanuts comics fan strip
- (simulated FF AA stages, CoA) - "As she grew" - '17 photo story
- (AA age upgrade) - Direct link to the "Ageless" (short film) replacement-cutaway TF scene! - (Super Man)
- (TF APed???) - Choujin Barom-1, 1972 Toei tokusatsu - blocked link Japan only - (Akira)
- (face edit) - FF
- (fake face FF) - then/now
- (presumed AA) - Due to a fantasy curse, a combat witch can appear at different ages? story
- (face FF morph AA) - "Age Progression" video - (Super man)
- (young adult) - face
- (AA) - magic trick
- (dedicated demon/fur/shoujo) - Tojo Naoto animations
- (FF) - "Encourage the artist" comic - (F5)
- (demon AA) - shoujo form
- (AA AR/AP vids) - super man Channel includes "Orlando: A kid again" CMs - (Akira)
- (mostly AA TF AP) Higher resolution scenes from previously posted live-action content - Apple pen Channel
- (AA COA) - "An achromatic child" short film
A child who was forced to see only achromatic colors grows up as she regains her long deprived colors - (Super Man)
- (AA poof) - "AP"
- (AA TF age forms) - "Muteking, The Dashing Warrior" anime episode - (Akira)
- (AA) - Coco DelVecchio. Expressing changes from child to teen years short film
- (adult height) - tallest Hollywood women
- (FF) - Christina Ricci - (Matt)
- (height) - article - (height) - article
- (dedicated AA CGI stages) - Two Girls
- (FF) - 8 to 11
- (FF) - chair years - (FF) - TL years
- (pseudo FF) - Evolution of Girls' Halloween Costumes - (Matt)
- (some info) - mostly inanimate timelapse themes
- (excellent gag panel) - puberty
- (adult nipple/areola arousal) - "soft to hard" unintentional side-by-side comparisons
- (dedicated CGI AA AP) - new story preview scene - (Areg)
- (dedicated face) - age blog
- (face ff) - 15 to 18
- (face ff) - ap morph
- Previously capped 2005 Kool Aid CM in a block of ads (02:26).
Young girl turns into mom while drinking Kool Aid. Her clothes morph with as she ages. "The same Kool Aid you loved as a kid you can love even more as a mom" - (Brendan)
- (BE'd report) - "StoryTime: My Breast Development", '15, a timeline of my breast size - purchase - (DestinyDiaz)
- (dedicated AP) - patron CGI - (Areg)
- (celebs) - FF
- (AA fusion TF age forms) - Brave Beats
I definitely wouldn't mind a "pumpier" butt expansion age-up TF, since Kotone's feels a bit too smooth.
We might get another version of Kotone's TF if they switch fusion partners - (Akira, Chriskim019)
- (FF avatar) - Life: The Game review - (AA poof) - gain
- (ff toon) - 5sec
- (FFed) - vine
- (celeb theories) - xkcd - (celeb ffed) - theory
- (persons AA FFed) - slides - slides - slides - slides - vanished celebs
- ("puberty") - warp
- (young adult face) - FF
- Unverified AA links: (sibling power) - toon - (ff) - foster - (aa ffed) - costumes - (aa movie) - scenes - (age progression) - specialist
- (14 to 20 meme) - post-growth female
- (14 to 20) - face
- (AA FF) - growing kids in adult clothes project
- (APed) - Neko no Kami-sama "The Cat God" Kerorin (Pink Trash) - previously posted hentai
- (arm) - growth
- (FF) - Ivanka
- (CoA period) - Girl forced to grow up in colorless room confronts crisis - short film
- (CoA puberty info) - Norwegian documentary 01 - 02 - list
- (CoA) - transition
- (dedicated AP) - manga art
Closeup Express
- (FF) c2014 - Video Page.
Online collection of timelapse and age progression video portraits by individuals to leave a visual record of their daily appearance. View a montage of closeup portraits over a progression of time accelerated. Watch a person's physical appearance transform as they age in their journey through life.
- (dedicated APed glimpse) - chapter
- (dedicated age-related TF story) - "The Long Sweat" still-in-progress story prologue - (Alessi)
- (coa) - ffed
- (dedicated AA age TF) - Cluedog commission - (Theregressed, Entropic)
- (baby grows) - CM
- (BE) - gifs teen - gifs misc - (Matt)
- ch14 - ch16
- (FF face) - morph
- (FF media) - life talk - (Matt)
- (FF) - "Imagine" short film dancer
- (FF) - (doll "AP") - Skipper
- (ff) - 14 to 19 face - aa
- (FF) - 2003-2014 years
- (ff) - vw cm
- (FFed) - former baby
- (life) - "ff" - AA story - story
- (fungal) - burstout - (Matt)
- ("future" Dora FFed) - toon
- ("puberty") - 7 sec gag - AA story - AA story
- (AA) - slight ap story
- (ages) - pokemon - photobook
- (dedicated Poser parody) - "puberty" adult BE scene
- (dedicated TF AP RN) - Yukiko's Sequences - (Chriskim019)
- (dedicated) - TFAP art - (swing AP) - CM
- (face AP) - Danielle morph
- (face ff) - 14 to 20
- (face) - ff - ff
- (face) - ff - lo-qual fade
- (known APed) - list
- (grow) - height
- (height) - comp
- (mother/daughter) - same clothes
- (not ffed) - fake
- (overnight BE) - 2015 news story
- (school) - photos - (Matt)
- (she hulk) - parody 10m35s
- (stars) - FFaces
- (TF AA age cut-away) - "Baby Mystique" 2014 parody
- (TF AP) - story
- (tf) - scene - aa curse
- (6 to 11) - "how dreams change" ffed
- (AA age swap aftermath) - Sailor Moon/Chibi Moon Cosplay - (Block)
- (AA AP) - Chapter 20
- (aa ff cm) - dance cut at 30s.
- (AA FF) - "Aging Seasons" 2015 toon
- (aa ff) - cm
- (aa ff) - Japanese car commercial
- (AA TF) - ar
- (AA TFAP) - Brave Beats. Clothes change before the expansion of the body.
Info - Info - Info
When he transformed himself, the muscles rose, and the voice also deepened into a man's from a boy - link - (Akira)
- (AA version) - of Nemo puberty toon - (Louise)
- (aa) - ch15 - ch17 - Ch18 - Ch19
- (aa) - story
- (AA) - vid - toon - vid
- (aa) - ff - ff
- (AA) - AA - cut-away @05:50.
- (ff) - Lucy
- back-up - back-up
- (failed wish voice alt) - I want to be a grown up! gag
- (failed wish) - growing is pain gag
- (CoA FF) - Claymation puberty age
- (CoA FFed) - teen comment
- (offspring pose recreations) - mother/daughter compare - father/son 29 years
- (out of continuity FFed) - "Raiders" film remake proposal
- (dance) - 100 days
- (AA FF) - 15 years later
- (AA FF) - photos
- (AA FFed to adults) - Powerpuff Girls cover controversy
- (AA photo) - older & taller edit
- Sokora Refugees Episode - (The Ap Master)
- (slight teen FF) - change
- (AA) - AA - AA - AA - AA
- (AA) - AA - AA - AA - AA
- (AA) - daughter's clothes fit
- (body double) - 12yo Jodie & 19yo Connie (Taxi)
(Links were provided by O'Melissokomos)
- (AP AA) - story
- (16 to 18) - she started when she stopped growing AA
- ("ff") - some puberty BE info
- (AA curse) - AA glimpse @ 5:40 age-up
- (AA) - AA - AA - AA - AA - AA - AA - AA - AA - (various)
- (AA) - COA - canine - "growth" info - ff
- (AA) - ff size theme AA - ff face AA - puberty circus toon AA - FF CM AA
- (version of Nemo AP) - Chinese puberty
- (ages) - character - celebs
- (clay figure CoA) - metamorphosis
- (CoA documentary) - Tampax
- (coa) - Disney '46 Menstruation
- (face aging) - 10 years isaBelle
- (face FF) - 12 to 13
- (face FF) - Miley gif
- (face photo ages) - Photoshop rejuv edit - oa edit
- (fast FF) - renesmee
- (FF AA "ghost") - story - (Matt)
- (FF) - Ariel Winter 2010-2015 - (Acca)
- (FF) - toddler time
- (FFed BE) - Jinsei development anime scene
- (FFed) - HBO Powerpuff Girls parody
- (ffed) Child dancer Alyson Stoner grew up. Tribute - vid - vid
- (first 10 years only) - poses
- (AA) - magic mirror AA - face AA - FF toon AA - obesity AA
- (AA) - McDonald's ff AA - adult oa toon AA
- (AA) - reflection AA - voice ff AA - male face ff AA
- (AA) - Sakura AA - "gerontokinesis" (no content) AA - age-shifter story
- (AA) - Wordgirl toon AA - male mental (no change) AA
- (age anomaly AA glimpse) - French train girl
- (age forms) - anime previously posted - (Reebok)
- (age shifter) - story - fem/male Ch.12
- (FF AA) - badass classic pic - anniversary redo
- (FF AA) - daughter change
- (FF AP) - 0 to 18
- (FF comic lineups) - Jeff Victor fan art: Evolution of Actors and their roles
- (FF predator) - Comic: Evolution can be a bitch reversal
- (FF recursion) - Adam Savage & Silvia: 5 years
- (embryo FF) - How baby is made: gif
- (dedicated TF fantasy genre) - Sephzero on deviantART has a lot more characters and TF sequences, mainly BE and some AP (one of them being "Night of the Goddess" under AP text fragments). Site registration is required to view content - (Nightelf37)
- (plant growth) - TL vids
- (FF to oa) - anime face
- (FF, CoA) - "Raging Teens" - "Puberty" documentary video - (Brian)
- (FF?) - I can't believe I never noticed! "Magic School Bus" into "Captain Planet" The Cast
- (FF) - "Matilda" cast - sister
- (FF) - gif
- (FF) - Twenty years - 20 years
- (FF) - 21 years - first and last - Band reunion
- (FF) - siblings
- (FF) - celebrities
- (adult recreations) - workers lunch - "The Sandlot" kids - resemblance - "Bogtrotter" reenactment
- (adult TL) - pubic
- (FF) - face
- (FF) - change
- (FF) - Time
- (FF) - 1 year older - (Matt)
- (FF) - 9 years later
- (FF) - A 12-page calendar of recreated photos
- (FF) - AA PJs - daughter/father Astins - 1981 Lego ad girl Now
- (FF) - Christmas Family Photos 3 years
- (face age) - morph
- (tall preteen age disguise) - 10 y.o. looks older
- (growing) - doll
- (GTS) - comics
- (Jumanji toon AP) - @5:49 alternate - (Wolf9Guard)
- (life toon) - ff
- (puberty) - toon
- (puberty) - info diagram @ 2:35.
- (slight dance) - AA FF
- (slight FFed) - learning to walk
- (FF) - Family photo reenactment success
- (FF) - my sister and I then & now
- (FF) - Octogenarian triplets
- (FF) - old picture same clothes
- (FF) - Schwarzenegger/Milano 28 years apart
- (FF) - wife, mother, brother: 1994 and 2014
- (FF) My husband and I - Then - Now
- (FFed aftermath) - old uniform
- (FFed talk) - 13 Going On 30 scene "boobs"
- (FFed) - 'Wonder Years' cast reunited
- (FFed) - "The Shining" movie Twins - (Matt)
- (FFed) - celebs
- (FFed) - sisters
- (FFed) - After the Harry Potter books: Fan art
- (FFed) - Baby Mary From '3 Men And A Baby' Is All Grown Up
- (FFed) - Badass Childhood (tohad.deviantart.com) famous characters Fan Art
- (FFed) - Gerber baby is 85yo Great-Grandmother
- (flash forwards) - Time - Time - Time
- (doll AP) - short film Sharony
- (face FF) - morph
- (face FF) - morph
- (face FF) - daily photo
- (future selves?) - "The Bunker" comic info
- (house shrinking) - confined Alice Group
- (BE) - parody
- (AA AP dress) - poof - (Matt)
- (AA) - AA - AA - AA
- (CGI age TF) - future comic project info - info
- (flash forward AA) - Lifetime Gif - Green Arrow V2#25 Comic - Harry Potter Comic
- (adult reunions) - School of Rock - Boy Meets World: Then - Now - That 70's Show: Now - Now - Then
(By O'Melissokomos)
- (AA FFed wish) - Young girl dreams of being a dancing queen - music video
- (baby FF) - Time
- (AA age forms) - Alice young/old clips.
- (coming of age) - novels
- (dedicated Amazon expansion types) - $8, 190p. "Colonial cousins" CGI story - prequel to "Starship Bloopers."
- (dedicated CGI TF AP) - TF scene
- (face AA fake TL) - aging
- (fake FF) - Instant Recognition: Change
- (female FF AP) - blink toon
- (female genitalia info, CoA reactions) - The Clitoris - (Brian)
- (flash forward) - Stanley Colors: Papa Tom-Captain Obvious Comic - No Matter What... Comic
- (future coming of age) - "Kids 20 years from now" short animation
- (grow-up doll) - commercial
- (historical FF CoA project) - Create your ideal wife
- (teen FF) - Alizee "Moi Lolita" performances from 15 to 19: Video
- (teen FF) - Maeby Funke 14 to 17
- (TF AP) - Youtube Age Progression Zone anime - (PowerChan)
- (unseen BE, adult body control) - breast hypnosis - (newsbot)
- (AA TF) - anime Full Moon
- (coming of age milestone) - Over 53,000 people tell us how they lost their virginity, many between 13 to 17.
You could keep reading for the rest of your life, since stories are added as fast as you can read them - My First Time - (Brian)
- (some dedicated TF AA AP art) - Chicken-Yuki Deviantart
- (very slight face FF) - months
- (FFed to adults) - "Charlie Brown Louis CK Mashup" 2012 "Animation Domination"
Charlie Brown returns home after years in New York to reconnect with old friends. This will ruin your childhood - Reunion
- (anime TF) - Merumo age pills
- (AP glimpse) - fragment
- (puberty BE) - breast CGI - (Nibiru)
- (unseen "age swap") - 2013. "7 cool teens" wish to be "7 cool tweens".
AA miniseries: Part 01 - 02 - 03 - 04 - 05 - 06 - 07
- (face FF) - Kristen
- (face FF) - 2012 Sprint commercial - updated source
- (face FF) - female after age 14: Change
- (FF AA silhouette) - cycle of life
- (FF AA) - detergent commercial
- (FF AA) - my dad, my brother and I attempted to re-create an old photo for my mom 18 years later
- (FF AA) - People seem to like re-made photos. My dad sure does: Time
- (FF face morph) - ages
- (FF manga) - Evolution of a family
- (FF parody) - A public service announcement from Durmstrang Institute: Change
- (FF photo every day) - baby to teen: Life
- (FF simulated) - "kid casting" actors
- (FF slides) - celebs - (Matt)
- (FF stages) - Life...
- (FF stages) - Some things never change.
- (FF stages) - 4 y.o. "Couple" Still Going Strong at 91: Time
- (FF swap) - Twenty years later.... - (O')
- (FF) - "The Sandlot" 1993 & 2013 - Squints & Ham: Time
- (FF) - 17 years, and a hair shift - (O')
- (FF) - Child stars: Where are they now? - (O')
- (FF) - child actors grown up.
- (FF) - Child Stars: Where Are They Now? (People Magazine) - (O')
- (FF) - toon
- (FF) - After years of being bullied for my weight and looks, suck it. Changes - (O')
- (FF) - Best Friends Since 1997: Changes
- (FF) - Brady Bunch cast
- (FF) - Catching up with 'Family Ties' cast slideshow
- (FF) - Christmas Movie Cuties Then and Now - (O')
- (FF) - Disney's 2013 "Flash Forward" Weekend - new episodes info
- (FF) - I told my sister she was crazy to get a puppy when she had her baby. I was wrong: Months - (O')
- (FF) - Jurassic Park, then and now - (O')
- (FF) - Me when my sister graduated, then when I graduated. (My sis is 6'2") Time
- (FF) - My dad's graduation vs. mine - (O')
- (FF) - My sister was adopted from Addis Ababa, Ethiopia about 4 years ago. It's amazing how much she has changed!! Stages - (O')
- (FF) - Nearly 13 years cancer free.
- (FF) - Photo recreation done right! Pose
- (FF) - shadow toon mother/daughter
- (FF) - Then & Now: Matilda
- (FF) - What My Inlaws Do At Disney: Time
- (FF) - Younger sis and I graduating eight years apart: Time
- (FFed) - Arrested Development: amazing how different some look now.
- (FFed) - height increased.
- (FFed) - Mackenzie - Amanda
- (puberty FF) - female
- (slow FF documentary series) - "Child of Our Time" new episode? info - (Acca)
- (singer FF) - voice evolution.
- (site archive) - Google image search - (Brian)
- (size) - Everyone said my daughter would be tall like me but this is getting ridiculous: parody - (O')
- (slight 15 to 20 APed story) - wish fulfillment fan fic.
- (slight adult face FF) - Annual Photo Project.
- (slight APed glimpse) - story
- (FF 14 to 15) - face time
- (FF 14 to 16) - post-growth daily photo
- (FF AA) - Malia
- (FF AA) - Christmas Cards Past and Present - (O')
- (FF AA) - My Family Christmas Photo Recreated 20 Years Later! - (O')
- (FF AA) - Wilma Hurskainen: more info - (Matt)
- (drawing FF) - time
- (face FF) - 5 years
- (face FF) - years
- (face FF) - Looking good, Beans, looking good - (Even Stevens) Cast - (O')
- (face FF) - Remember my awkward childhood friend? She let me post a current pic. It was just a phase! years - (O')
- (face FFed) - 01 - 02
- (face FFed) - Roseanne cast
- ("real" FF BE stages) - breast info
- (3 months FF) - daily poses
- (FF face) - 0 to 4
- (FF stages parody) - I heard you like evolution - (O')
- (FF TL) - "Kroppen" puberty development full movie - (Goofy)
- (FF) - 21 years and same place. I love her more than ever - (O')
- (FF) - face alignment.
- (FF) - 2012 Volkswagen Polo CM, poignant story of protective father - girl years
- (FF) - Almost 18 years and not much has changed - (O')
- (FF) - Bindi Irwin Then - Now - (O')
- (FF) - Cast Then and Now: A Christmas Story - (O')
- (FF) - Dallas Cowboys DeMarcus Ware with his adopted daughter Marley 01 - 02 - (O')
- (FF) - Jamie Foxx and his daughter Corinne, Then and Now - (O')
- (FF) - Like A Fine Wine, Women Only Get Better With Age: Gillian Anderson - (O')
- (FF) - Stages: 8 years of shopped family Christmas cards - (O')
- (FF) - what a difference a year makes - (O')
- (FF/feline) - My cat Mischief turned 20. Here we are together young and old - (O')
- (FFed info) - former Spy Kid - (Matt)
- (FFed parody) - Dora the Explorer: Part One - original Trailer
With Ariel Winter as Dora & Adrian Gonzalez as Diego - (O')
- (FFed to adults) - What They Look Like Now: Child Actors You Completely Forgot About Edition - (O') - 2
- (FFed to teen) - older Dora 3-part parody series - (Matt)
- (FFed) - "Curly Sue" star then and now
- (FFed) - Avatar the Last Airbender fan art - (O')
- (FFed) - Silver Spoons cast
- (FFed) - Tv: Grown-up Hansel returns to find Gretel as the witch's protege: Witchslayer Gretl - (O')
- (future AP, AR, TG, furry TF) - "Book of little Helpers, Part 1" 2013 magical story.
A helpful book can be very dangerous in the wrong hands - Mature Sign-In Page - (KittyCat0911)
- (lifetime stages) - infographic
- (adultimizer theme) - "Little Einsteins" fan fic - search - (Matt)
- (before/after FF) - My gf has the best ugly ducking pictures - (O')
- (clothes expansion) - fabric increase story
- (coming of age) - teen parody
- (daughter slight face FF) - months
- (student ID meme FF) - I've changed a lot throughout high school - (O')
- (teen AA FF) - The trio's signature colors, how did I not see this before? 2004 & 2011 - (O')
- (teen slight FF) - 2 years older before/after pics - (Acca)
- (unseen age-up TF) - "V: The Series" cocoon hidden process start.
- (unwritten teen age changer story) - concept intro
- (unwritten teen age stasis story) - 8th grade day loop
- (young adult face FF) - 1 year - (Matt)
- (young adult face FF) - 1 year - (Matt)
- (young adult face FF) - 2 years - (Matt)
- (young adult FF) - Stars who went to High School together - (O')
- (AA AP dream sequence) - Brigadoon anime TF.
- (AA APed, AA RN AR) - viewable from Japan only - Black RX - (Akira)
- (AA BE, size/weight changes) - adjustable body manga stars - Ritsu - (Jan110)
- (AA TF APed) - Magical Princess Minky Momo Opening/Ending 2nd series new character looked the same - (No-name)
- (AA) - SORAS fan fiction
- (AP) DeviantArt story
- (AP?) - video only viewable from Japanese territory due to IP restrictions. Does anyone know a Japanese web proxy? - (Akira)
- (dedicated TF AP) - manga style artworks
- (TF APed) - Nurarihyon alien shrunk and mutated into a girl that grew into a woman in seconds - Gantz manga.
- (AA TF AP disguises) 10 y.o. girl transforms into irresistible woman by putting on the Mask of Loki - in progress - (Christopher)
- (AA) - "Flossie Teacake" plot recap.
- (stymied age wish) - Young girls wish to magically turn older but it's impossible, it can't be done! video
- (TF AA AP) - Minky Momo anime sequence
- (time shifts) - Motel 6 Metamorphosis - (Jake)
- (doll AA APed) - art story.
- (political FF) - A female relies on services throughout her lifetime: Life of Julia 2012 campaign web ad.
- (age gun) - Keroro Gunso anime.
- (age wish) - Finally. You Can Buy Your Very Own Zoltar Machine for $9,000 - Movie prop from "Big" - (O')
- (CGI toon face FF) - web anim. clip
- (age forms) - 1 sec line doodle
- (slight FFed) - A bit older versions of characters: Powerpuff Girls Doujinshi - Cartoon Network characters crossover with Nickelodeon's - (O')
- (animated young adult FFed) - Young Justice Season 2 - Five years later - episode list - (O')
- (1 year face FF) - 16 y.o. daily photo
- (1 year face FF) - teen daily photo
- (AA FF annual photo projects) - first day of school years - 13 to 19 years
- (AA FF) - teddy years.
- (AA FF) - more "young me, now me" pics - blog
- (AA morph) - 3 sec "growup"
- (AA morph) - 2 sec FF
- (baby FF) - 18 months
- (bovine FF) - faces She's bigger, older but no more mature - (O')
- (canine FF) - 6 months in dog years = Very big puppy! - (O')
- (canine FF) - Exactly 1 year later - (O')
- (canine FF) - I've only had this guy 2 months - (O')
- (canine FF) - My greeter, he hasn't missed a day in two years - (O')
- (canine FF) - stages: Growin' Up gif - (O')
- (cast FFed to full adults) - Parting Shot: Fan Made 'Captain Planet' Trailer Think Twice About Dropping That Can On The Floor - (O')
- (cast FFed) - Avatar: The Last Airbender (Legend of Aang)
Older Gaang from SDCC poster! - fan art
Younger GAang Meets Older GAang - fan art - (O')
- (coming of age AA) - Jessica Maria Manley's younger sister Melissa: art photos
- (coming of age confusion) - "Keep her in the game" commercial: gender expectations change with age.
- (coming of age FF) - The Jennifer Diaries tale of a teen girl through the years.
- (coming of age wish, in pre-production) - "BLOOMERS - A Short Film" 2013 info
15 y.o. Stella attempts to fit in by fast tracking her way to womanhood. But Stella doesn't realise that growing up takes time, and when puberty creeps up on you, it's not all that it's cracked up to be - (Corrie)
- (coming of age wishes) - Nike commercial: girls with womanly voices discuss their aspirations.
- (coming of age) - 14 year old refuses to get a boob job - news story - (Acca)
- (coming of age) - larger images "Now That You're Big" direct link - (Thomas)
- (coming of age, "FF") - Human Body "Raging Teens" full documentary - (Phil)
- (coming of age, FF theme) - Your Life's Supervillains - (Matt)
- (daily photo FF) - First years commercial - (Edd)
- (dedicated AA FF) - adults reenacting their baby photos - trend - (Matt)
- (face FF) - Dakota - (Acca)
- (face FF) - Lindsay - morph video
- (face ff) - pencil art
- (face FF) - age 0 to 3
- (face FF) - daughter age 1 to 8 photos: years - years
- (face FF) - I found out I'm dating the girl on the box-cover of a favorite kid toy. The 'Magic Hat' girl... and the girl of my dreams - (O')
- (face FF) - Skarsgard Children - Stellan Skarsgard - (O')
- (face FF) Morph of woman 2 to 52 - Time video - (Acca)
- (face flash forwards) - Watched The Little Rascals recently and was curious... the actors then/now (Little Wom's "adult" pic is wrong.) - Jordan "Froggy" Warkol - (O')
- (face morph FF) - braces
- (face morph FF) - ages
- (family FF) - Grandpa & Mom - Gramps & Me c. 1959-1989
- (FB, FF) - Before You Were Hot - (Tierra)
- (FB/FF) - From Demi Moore to Julia Roberts, the unlikely ugly ducklings who blossomed into stunning celebrity swans: before/after - (O')
- (FF + Canine) - My dog and I, 1998 and 2012 - (O')
- (FF + Feline) - Then & now: same oversized shirt progression glimpse (13 years later) - (O')
- (FF AA AP) - 5 second animation - (Matt)
- (FF AA) - starlets
- (FF AA) - starlets
- (FF AA) - Happy Mother's Day: 21 years later - (O')
- (FF AA) - My beautiful sister living her dream as Belle in the national traveling tour of Beauty and the Beast: costumes - (O')
- (FF AP) - Future AP Forum - coming soon - contributors will be needed - (Acca)
- (FF baby) - 1st year
- (FF baby) - 1st year
- (FF BE CoA?) - Disney sitcom in pre-production Girl meets world
- (FF BE) - Jodie Sweetin ("Full House"'s Stephanie Tanner) - teens - twenties - gallery - (O')
- (FF commercial) - VW daughter
- (FF face 0 to 12) - Lotte
- (FF face) - Miley
- (FF face) - child stars - (Acca)
- (FF face) - years
- (FF problem) - Game of Thrones kid actors are growing too fast for the production schedule.
- (FF) - "Oh My Darling" short animation - (Trunks)
- (FF) - Emma
- (FF) - Fifteen years later and not too much has changed.
- (FF) - 13 years later and I finally graduated high school today.
- (FF) - 9 years and we're still best friends - (O')
- (FF) - Ten years and a new stadium later...
- (FF) - 6 years later and they haven't changed a bit...
- (FF) - 10 Years Later, Still the Best of Friends - (O')
- (FF) - celeb kids
- (FF) - how celebrities change - (Acca)
- (FF) - Malia
- (FF) - Drew
- (FF) - 30 Child actors who live or lived normal scandal free lives - (O')
- (FF) - Chloë Grace Moretz: Child acting's new golden age - (O')
- (FF) - child stars
- (FF) - face
- (FF) - pics art project.
- (FF) - morph years.
- (FF) - 20 years ago, when grandma turned 70, we gave her a pic of her 6 grandchildren, including me. 20 years later, we did it again. - (O')
- (FF) - After 15 years, not much has changed - (O')
- (FF) - Alexa Vega years
- (FF) - Almost 17 years later they're still cute.
- (FF) - Bella Thorne years
- (FF) - Celebrities: Before & After - (O')
- (FF) - changes of my face as seen in old schoolpix - video presentation
- (FF) - comparison years
- (FF) - Daughter's 22nd bday, friend for 23 years - poses - (O')
- (FF) - Every year, our dad would tape us coming down the stairs.
Relatives and pets grow up and disappear, and new extended family members appear in their place: 25 Years of Christmas - (O')
- (FF) - Family is always there for you 1995 - 2012 - (O')
- (FF) - Father's Day: 18 years later
- (FF) - first 5 years
- (FF) - first day of preschool and first day of last semester of college! poses - (O')
- (FF) - from tweens to teens: performance videos - (Acca)
- (FF) - Growing up with her turtle bigger - (O')
- (FF) - ITAP of my daughter, twice: 6 months time lapse - (O')
- (FF) - it's 40 years since one of the most iconic pictures of the 20th century was taken. This is her, then and now - info - (O')
- (FF) - Just my Mom and me in a photobooth... Happy Mother's day Mom :) 1970 - 42 years later - (O')
- (FF) - Leda Muir 8 year difference - (O')
- (FF) - Little Rascals: Remember them ?! then and now - (O')
- (FF) - Me + Brother + Video games in 1991, 1999, and 2012 - (O')
- (FF) - Mother's Day animation
- (FF) - My cousin and I 20 years later
- (FF) - My friend's parents took this picture of her 20 years later
- (FF) - My girlfriend and her sister attempted an easter themed "Then and now" photo: 1994 vs 2012 - (O')
- (FF) - My Mom helping me through a hard level in Super Mario Land on the day Nintendo Gameboy was released.
Us then - Mom now - Boy in blue now - Girl now (with her husband) - (O')
- (FF) - My twin and I 13 years later
- (FF) - Our childhood fort 13 years later
- (FF) - photo booth life - gif
- (FF) - Photos: Former child stars then and now - (O')
- (FF) - pubic hair info - (AgeProgression)
- (FF) - Sibling photo Then and Now 10 Years later
- (FF) - 'The Brady Bunch': Where are they now? cast - (O')
- (FF) - The college grad photo I chose to send to all my friends and relatives: 1992 vs 2012 beach pose - (O')
- (FF) - Time-Lapse of braces correcting teeth. Also has before and after of the girl smiling: gif - (O')
- (FF) - Today was my last day of school ever, so I did this. Left: 4 y.o. 1st day of JK - Right: 22 y.o. last day of nursing school: then & now - (O')
- (FF) - Twenty years later and my mum is still taking me to see the big diggers... then/now - (O')
- (FF) - Us 9 years ago, and us today - friends - (O')
- (FF) - Visiting my hometown in Russia, 19 years later - (O')
- (FF) - Zooey Deschanel and Rashida Jones years - (O')
- (FF, 10-year zoom-in effect) - Suman birth to 16 daily photo project.
- (FFed AA to adult) - Dora the Explorer "The Movie" parody - (Acca)
- (FFed AA) - "Magic School Bus" fan art
- (FFed to OA parody) - Britney Spears, Rihanna and Lady Gaga in 2045 - (O')
- (FFed) - "A Simple Wish" with Mara Wilson - movie review - after a 19 minute rant the tables were turned.
- (FFed) - "Full House" cast reunion minus the twins. Still cool though - (O')
- (FFed) - "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters" 2013 trailer - info
15 years after their traumatic gingerbread-house incident, siblings Hansel and Gretel have become a formidable team of witch hunters - (O')
- (FFed) - How They Look Now blog.
- (FFed) - child stars
- (FFed) - Kimmy Gibler from "Full House": 'Memba Her?!
- (FFed) - 5 y.o. Eileen Foley celebrated Memorial Bridge's opening in 1923. Foley, 93, joined in a ceremonious closing of the span: then/now - (O')
- (FFed) - 6 years after her father's tragic death it's pretty cool to see Bindi Irwin following in her father's footsteps - (O')
- (FFed) - Airbending kids by ~ankalime on deviantART - Fan art - (O')
- (FFed) - Arnold and Helga: All grown up - Hey Arnold! fan art - (O')
- (FFed) - ATLA Couples: Grown Up by ~GoldenValentine on deviantART - Fan art pairings - (O')
- (FFed) - Calvin & Hobbes & Susie: All Grown Up fan art - (O')
- (FFed) - CCOKC - Child Celebrities Opposing Kirk Cameron: video - (O')
- (FFed) - Cosby Show all grown up: cast pic now - (O')
- (FFed) - Famous fictional persons as grown-ups
- (FFed) - former "Spy Kid" Alexa Vega - (Matt)
- (FFed) - Full House cast
- (FFed) - Live action parody: Charlie Brown: Blockhead's Revenge - (O')
- (FFed) - Pants Are Overrated presents: Hobbes and Bacon - Comic Page 3 - Page 4 - (O')
- (FFed) - Sony Handycam commercial - (F5)
- (FFed) - The Cosby Show family actors today.
- (FFed) - The original Gerber baby now... in her 80's - (O')
- (FFed) - Willy Wonka cast then and now... - (O')
- (FFed) - Wonka kids
- (FFed?) - creepy twins from the movie The Shining grown up - (O')
- (flash forward) - My sister and I remade an old photo for my parents 30th anniversary/Christmas. Do you like? Sailor Suit now & then - (O')
- (flashed forward) - "Fresh Prince" 2011 Holiday Reunion - cast - (O')
- (head swapped FF) - Hermione - (Acca)
- (slight face FF) - first years
- (slight young adult FF glimpse) - 15 to 25 documentary - (F5)
- (teen face photo a day) - post-"Forbidden Zone" daily TL project - (F5)
- (teen FFed) - Battle of the Beckys ("Roseanne" reunion) Lecy Goranson v. Sarah Chalke - (O')
- (teen to young adult face FF) - 14 to 18 daily photos.
- (young adult daily face FF) - Clickflashwhirr 5.5 years
- (young adult face FF) - 17 to 20
- (young adult face FF) - Acne-ridden teen who made video about hiding spots lands model career at NY Fashion Week: Cassandra Bankson - (O')
- (young adult FFed) - 15 y.o. Bonnie Burton from MTV's "True Life: I'm a Professional Gamer" is all grown up: now - then glimpse - (O')
- (AA FF) 2014 Disney 3D retelling of "Sleeping Beauty"
Angelina Jolie's 4 y.o. daughter Vivienne Jolie-Pitt will appear as the young version of Princess Aurora, the daughter of Angelina's evil queen character. Elle Fanning is cast as the older version of Princess A - info link
- (dedicated TF comics & manga cartoons, body size increase/AP artworks) -
Featuring original and syndicated animated characters.
- NightElf37's DeviantArt Heroine AP/Transformation Art Link Page
Notice: you will have to sign up for a DA account to be able to view some of the artworks.
- (TF AA size changes) - Alice Big and Small
- (teen face FF) - daily photos
- (teen maturity disguise) - Courtney Stodden unrecognizable in photos from years before turning into Doug Hutchison's 16 y.o. bride: Before & After - (O')
- (flash forward AP) - My father and I attempting a birthday gift for my mother... hey we tried - age poses - (O')
- (flash forward) - 8 years later... - (O')
- (flash forward) - Chelsea Clinton through the years - from first daughter to NBC correspondent: years - (O')
- (flash forward) "Adventure Time" animation Fan Art source
Finn and Jake: before - after
Fionna and Cake: teen before - adult after - (O')
- (height increased) - tall preteen.
- (face FF) - 5 yrs ago today, my mom died. I still see her when I look in the mirror: 1983-2011 - (O')
- (face FF) - Clickflashwhirr/MadAndCrazyChild news article
- (face FF) - photo per day: 2 years
- (face FF) - There are no female timelapse projects taken during the "forbidden zone" between the ages of 10 to 14. Before that time parents sometimes take regular photos in similar poses. After that age a few teens start their own face photo series - Daily Photo Ageing Project : 2 years
- (FF face) - She takes a photo everyday for 4 years. Began: age 14 - 5395 days old - Last photo here: age 18 - 6856 days old - teen years - (beckie0)
- (FF family) - Christmas Cards - (O')
- (FF parody) - Luna Lovegood... 10 years later: stages - she didn't get much bigger though - (O')
- (FF) - photo series - You don't find a collection like this too often. The same young lady, born around the end of World War 1, in similar poses, taken over a period of twenty years. In order: 1922, 1928, 1929, 1931, 1932, 1934, 1935, 1937 (2), 1938, 1940 (2), and 1942.
- (FF) - 16 Years Later. Thanks Disney! Lion King reunion - (O')
- (FF) - 20 years later, i still play ninja turtles. Costume time - (O')
- (FF) - Cousins, 14 years later. Nothing has changed... time poses - (O')
- (FF) - Even though we all live around the world now, we get together every once in a while to catch up and reminisce - 2003-2011 - (O')
- (FF) - front page kids years
- (FF) - growing child model Kionna - (Acca)
- (FF) - She still looks pretty creepy (Disaster Girl) then/now - info behind the original picture - (O')
- (FF) - siblings monthly photos.
- (FF) - Tomorrow I leave for college and leave the girl who has been my best friend for the last 16 years. This is us then and now: poses - (O')
- (FFed) - Parody fan film: Pokemon Apokelypse: Live Action Trailer
Dark and gritty reboot. Celadon City hasn't been the same since the Gyms closed down and Pokemon fighting went underground. Ash, Misty, and Brock have been forced deep into the city's seedy underbelly. Now, Ash must choose to either become a master in the grim world of illegal Pokemon fighting, or make a desperate stand to free them all from the criminal grip of Rocket Industries.
- Interview - (O')
- (FFed) - updated celebrities then/now.
- (FFed, BE glimpse) - You're Entering Puberty, Charlie Brown! (Parody) teen cast
- (AP TF) - Mahou Shoujo power transformation scene - video - video - Mystical heroine Sasami AKA Pretty Samy was aged up by Washuu - (Nightelf37)
- (AP wish) - aging spell question
- (AP/AR) - "Pura-Tina Plus" manga - Chapter 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 - (NeoValkyrion)
- (teen face age disguise) - she wanted to look older - change
- (slight FF) - Maya a day months
- (AA toon character FFed) - Rainbow Brite in "Reprise" - Penny Arcade webcomic - (O')
- (face FF) - Ellora daily girl info
- (FF AA) - "How we look when we grow up" - old photos recreated in the present day.
- (FF) - "breast stages" info
- (FF) - celebs in high school.
- (FF) - celebs before & after.
- (FF) - Madeline Zima - former child actress from "The Nanny" grew to almost 5'9" in height - media - (O')
- (FF) - 9 years of Potter premieres
- (FF) - Babes of the 80s then & now
- (FF) - celebs then and now - changes
- (FF) - Former child actors in adult roles - then/now
- (FF) - Harry Potter animated GIF: "I'm gonna miss them so much" - years - (O')
- (FF) - Harry Potter stars through the years - (O')
- (FF) - Taylor Momsen: the little girl from "Grinch" is all grown up - gallery - (O')
- (flash forward AA photo projects) - The difference a few years makes: Young Me, Now Me - update blog - (O')
- (flash forward photos) - Another couple seen at 2, 8, and 28 years old - (O')
- (flash forward photos) - Have you met my future wife? - Then (2yo) to Now (around 25yo) - (O')
- (flash forward photos) - Where are they now: the cast of "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" - Then and Now - (O')
- (flash forward) - Harry Potter actors through the years: Emma Watson - Rupert Grint - Daniel Radcliffe - (O')
- (flash forward) - The Sad Life Story of The Spy (Webcomic by KC Green) - lifetime - Source: http://kcgreendotcom.com/ - (O')
- (flashed forward) - Where Are They Now? The Cast of The Neverending Story - (O')
(growth and age change themes)
The chat room is now open at all times. Also a place for age progression writers (child to young adult AP) to chat, if they need help with a story they're writing.
- Password: giantess
- (transformations) - animanga Japanese TF blog
- (flash forward, side-by-side age form comparisons) - befter.net - Before and After
- (timelapse growth) - the growing film - higher quality version - years
- (young adult weight loss) - Former child actress Renee Olstead (b.6/18/89) has changed amazingly at the Golden Globes awards (breasts and body):
- super-thin - (acca)
- (tall) - height problem.
- (teen height) - super tall 16 y.o. still growing.
- (TG AA TF AP morph) - Phil of the Future: teens transform into parents to trick a teacher scene
- (14 to 17 face FF) - She takes a photo everyday for 3 years
- (6 to 11 FF) - photo controversy pose
- (AA TF AP) - doremi fan anime TF scene.
- (APed) - MM! anime scene TF
- (APed) - Rosario Vampire anime fan-art - Yukari vid
- (face FF) - Harry Potter trailer
- (face FFed) - celebs
- (FF 1st year only) - A picture of their baby every day for the first year - photo progression.
- (FF AP) - ABC news item about the 10-year Natalie Time Lapse project.
- (FF face morph) - Allison
- (FF years) - Age progression morph
- (FF) - Dakota Fanning through the years
- (FF, before/after) - actresses
- (FF, before/after) - listal.com - actresses
- (FFed) - growing kids.
- (flash forward) - celebs through the years - Where Are They Now? - (O')
- (flash forward) - 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows': Where are they now? - (O')
- (possible AR/AP?) - Free comics site - you can download or just read them - digital comic museum - (Tazz)
- (puberty) - documentary alternate link
- (slight AP, rejuv) - fantasy story fragment
- (slight face FF) - first years
- (slight face FF) - Alice from birth to 3 years.
- (dedicated TG AP) - Bamtfartist DA art gallery.
- (dedicated TG kinda like APed) - "The Magic Stone" in the TF section - Arania commissions - (Process Forum)
- (flashed forward, face) - Woman Abducted as Infant in 1987 Meets Family - reunion - (O')
- (kinda like AA FF APed) - Destiny Morphed Into Christina.
(coming of age movie, FFed) - childhood to early teen "Flipped" movie trailer 2010 - (O')
(coming of age) puberty info only, NHS docu
(dedicated BE TF AP story) When anti-puberty hormones are withheld, a girl's body will immediately catch up with the delayed growth - teen star size increase - (trickbind)
(dedicated TF story includes AP) Warning you must sign up for Deviantart before you will be permitted to read content - Sexual Fantasy tale
(face FF) "Lost" morph - morph - morph - morph
(12/13 to 15 face flash forward morphs)
Morphing Year-7 class photos into Year-10 photos - The end of the growing up process.
- Middle School years morphing compilation video - (Acca)
(AA FF AP morph) morph
(AA FF characters) Toon timelines of Neji, Tenten and Rock Lee from Naruto by ode2sokka:
- Neji - Tenten - Rock Lee - (O')
(AA FF) 'Harry Potter' Stars Then and Now - years - (O')
(AA, flashback/flash forward) child actors who played adult characters - ages
(adult clothes swap, slight UC) - kinda looks like adult TF - switcheroo
Meisjes van 13. 10 jaar later
- (coming of age, flashed forward 13 to 23)
1-hour Dutch documentary, 1992-2002.
Formerly 13-year-old girls Mariska, Esther, Swaan, and Linda were interviewed as 20-something adults to explain how their lives and expectations have changed.
- Part 1 - Part 2 - (acca)
(adult height) tall, gawky Ann Ward (6'2" 98 lb) appeared on America's Next Top Model - size - waist
(female ageshifter story) serial novella was in progress - part 4 - part 2 has an age change.
(FF AA face morph) Emma older.
(FF) 0 to 4 face.
(FF) child stars: where are they now? - years
(FF) grown up child stars
(FF) teen idols before & now.
(FF'd AA, grown-up forms) Awesome Fan Reimaginings Of Popular Characters! In particular the Eds, Dora, and Link - (O')
(flash forward) - Non-Tragic Child Stars - (O'Melissokomos)
(flash forward)
Child actors grown up on IMDB.com.
- Bug Hall - Dakota Fanning - Jake T. Austin
- Kevin Zegers - Max Thieriot - Nicholas Hoult
- Spencer Breslin - Amanda Bynes - Jamie Lynn Spears
- Melissa Joan Hart - Miranda Cosgrove - Tatyana Ali
(flashed forward)
10 Child Stars who Grew Up To Be Morons.
- celebrities
(giant preteen) 12 y.o. super model looks older.
(hair timelapse) face comparison
Transformers Animated
(AA TF AP) 28 "SALI transforms"
Sali who is the Transformers' friend learns she is not a human but a thing. Facing her true colors as a robot, she determines they should fight together, and transforms for the first time. Her hands and feet expand and her face changes into the shape of a machine too. She increases in stature, and has been brought closer to an adult woman.
- Screencaps Gallery - (Akira)
(some AA FF) "like mom like dad" old photos recreated by the next generation - years
(tall 14 y.o.) giant teen
(TF AA AP, RN) Hime-chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri
Anime info - episode video - video
- (Akira)
(young adult to OA face collages) posters
New Mutants Annual#2
(AA AP) "Bratpack"
Additional pictures - (O')
(AA TF AP) As they keep getting deleted, here are the download links for the Hime chen Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri videos - also several other transformation scenes - (NightElf37)
(AA TF AP) Hime-chen! Otogi Chikku Idol Lilpri - TF scene video (NightElf37)
(age character) goddess art
(age collages AA) - (from fadingbeauties.blogspot.com) - faces collages (acca)
(age shifting) info
(AP UC) "Let's Nupu Nupu" anime - crime fighting grade schooler often takes pills to grow up promptly - age shifter heroine parody (NightElf37)
(AP videos and media content) Very unfortunately, both the ragnacrap and AGReborn accounts have been removed. "Most" of the videos have been recovered to the following new account:
rRecoveryProd - (Nightelf37)
(AP) Chu Chu Chu - the first AP scene - her dress became a mini-dress after the body elongation.
(unseen AA APed, before/after AA age forms, AA RN ARed scene) Kamen Rider Black RX - Abducted 10 y.o. girl was transformed into adult combat princess by magical waters. The unseen AP TF occurred in ep16.
Subtitled episode 17 part 2 video - the AA RN scene is near the end of the clip - (Akira)
(puberty AP) The Youtube girl to woman account has been deleted without notice. However, some more videos have been uploaded to the Dailymotion account. To be able to see the 10 blocked videos or their thumbnails, you must first sign in with Dailymotion. (70Alive)
(puberty medical information) - Another edit of the 1980 Kroppen documentary. The short clip shows close-up glimpses of the primary and secondary sexual characteristics of several different females and several different males, to give an idea of the stages that can be expected. To protect their privacy, only a small area could be shown.
There is also a gathering of many differently aged adult males and females of various races and body types, lined up in chronological order, some of them unclothed.
Warning: large file (31 MB)
.rar file format will convert into .wmv video.
The Password needed to unlock the video: puberty
(child and adult AA age forms) CGI video dancing.
(coming of age) Toy Story prediction.
(coming of age, FF BE) - source of the Tanner Stage gif - puberty info page (acca)
(excellent CB glimpse) the trauma of rapid growth line drawing.
(excellent potential character) - AgeShifter pt.3 - story in progress.
(FF AA) Harry Potter movie cast - years
(FF face close-ups) child stars Then and Now.
(FF teeth development, before/after face close-up) braces timelapse
(FF) Brooke through the years.
(flash forward APed AA) - All Grown Up: The 23 Hottest Former Child Stars (O'Melissokomos)
(flash forward) Chelsea Clinton: Then and Now - photo montage - (O')
(face APed) Image shows what missing tot Madeleine McCann may look like today link (O')
(face morphing) FF then and now.
(female transformation source) blog
(FF AA) 'Memba Them?! TMZ photo galleries (O')
gallery 1
gallery 2
gallery 3
gallery 4
(FF actresses) time
(FF AP puberty progression) 3vertex CGI clips showing the girl to woman development process.
- ages & stages
(FF silhouette) lifetime female beauty products costs
(FF) celebs grew up.
(FFed) Former child star hotties
(flash back/forward) The Time Traveler's Wife. Man with genetic defect bounces around in time and meets his wife at different ages. movie info. (O')
(flash forward AA) Time Lapse yourself.
(flash forward AA) TL photography
(flash forward AA) Flickr 2 group
(flash forward AA) Flickr 1 "me then me now" group
(flash forward) photos Same Face Same Place.
(flash forward) Ashley Johnson's growth.
(flashed forward silhouette AA) Dora the Explorer will grow older
(girl/woman face FF) "My Girl" star Anna Chlumsky all grown up in acting comeback - link (O')
(growth spurt be'd) woman describes instant growth spurt.
pregnancy progressions
Yahoo AP
tallest women--tallest women 2
growth spurts stories about females who grew tall
posture pics 3
(AP) video link So Weird (AA old age) 2001 "Widow's Walk." 14-year old girl and elderly woman swap youth and age. Overall, the make-up on the main character is borderline. Most of the old age make-up is in Part 2 (2:30 mark, the link below) but a little bit is near the beginning of part 3. (fan2000)
(AP) video link W.I.T.C.H. "F is for Facades" Part 1 of 3 - Cornelia's AP scene in the elevator video link W.I.T.C.H. "F is for Facades" Part 2 of 3 brief AP @ 2:23
(AP) video link puberty compilation
(AP) video link Pepsi Twist - 9-year-old Hallie Kate Eisenberg unmasks into Halle Berry.
(AP) video link Mafia BE. Young girl develops fast but doesn't notice.
(AP) Milk: It Does a Body Good. 1989 AP video link A girl grows up in her dress
(AP/AR) FTF10 female transformations link
(AP/AR) hfactory link
(AP/AR) new link for Process Forum
(APed AA) story assignment kids imagine self APed
(APed AA) Click movie trailer (defective)
(aped AA) The Sims AA APed: sims
(aped AA) The Sims AA APed: Cindy grows in 3 stages
(aped AA) The Sims AA APed: 2 sims grow
(aped AA) The Sims AA APed: Kaylee grows
(APed AA) Twinkle Star Sprites (Saturn Intro) It's 1:22 minutes in. (CinderBH) video link
(APed UC) teen Lisa
(APed) Poser aped
(APed) Fancy Lala info
(APed) review of "Life in a Day" 24 hr lifetime movie
AP morphs by joemanbaud: (O)
(APed) 13 to 19 APed - part 1
(APed) story with some AP
(APed) doreamon Young girl complains of being aged into teen and demands to be returned. (Process board)
(APed) Blossom Request AP BE (HFactory)
(APed) Species trailer
(APed) Washu AP tenchi muyo toko muyo (The Process)
(APed) "Armored Troopers J-phoenix PF Lips Team" Kokoro AP BE
(APed) (Richard's Deviantart links:)
Mandy APed
grown - grown
grown - grown
grown - grown
(unseen APed kinda like mental ared) unseen APed 2 adult women discuss in voice over how they grew up suddenly. Tragically the growth was not shown. They claim they're really 8 year old girls. (voice over only)
(AP aa) Full Moon Wo Sagashite AA APed from 12 to 16
(aped aa) fast girl face morph
(APed aa) Cindy
(APed aa) Michelle
(morphed) kids swap
(mother/daughter mind transfer) the body swap Freaky Friday, 1995 Gaby Hoffman, Shelley Long
(furry APed) Slappy Squirrel APed Buttermilk makes bitter
(future AP project) not yet Girl will be photographed in same dress every year, check back in 2027.
(growth) giant 12 year old still growing (growthspurts group)
(growth) segment about super tall 11 year old Japanese girl
(growth) video link Super Ex Girlfriend origin story - teen version of Uma Thurman's breasts become firmer and push out against her clothes. Her teeth straighten and snap her braces.
(growth) video link Monster CB TF
(kinda sorta like aped) anim
(size change) optical height illusion
(slight aging) celebs slightly aged
(preteen plastic surgery) implants
(slight APed scene) story
(slight leg growth) inching out girl leg elongation miracle
(furry AP, slight UC) furry animation
(giant 12 year old) Jaime Nared 6'1" tall basketball phenom
(breast comparison) slo mo 14 y.o. jealous of 20 y.o. Very short clip
(came of age) minor link animated spring break themed song about little girls turned women.
(gtsed AA) AA giant kid Habamax boorrador. Twin girls are playing. One eats Habamax yogurt, and AA's into a giantess. (derrydan)
(kinda like APed) 13 going on 30 4 word reviews
(teen height) super tall 15 year old
(coming of age) 1950s educational film about puberty
(coming of age) video link Jenny Jones - Teen Girls Who Developed Too Fast.
(coming of age) grown 7yo describes her older sister developing
(face fading) age fades when 6 is 9
(fake adult growth) thumbnails
(face ff) celebs grew up
(female adult face timelapse year) FF
(ff 13 to 18) AA stasis
(FF AA APed) story behind lyrics of "Haunted" by Evanescence
(FF parody) Onion Demographers Postulate Existence Of Life Forms Over 35. (O')
(FF parody) Miley will be depleted by 2013 (Onion)
(FF to old aged) 1 - 2 comics characters (O')
(FF) "Reboot" Clips of Matrix and AndrAIa as preteens and as adults.
(FFed) child actress grew big
(flash forward AA) Alison
(flash forward APed AA) young me / now me 2008 gallery. People reshot childhood photos of themselves in the same poses, wearing adult clothes. link (O)
(flash forward parody) Onion (myspecialfx)
(flash forward to early old age) 18 to 53 nude snapshots (thetreerollins)
(flash forward) celebs Ugly ducklings grew up
(flash forward) FF Top 5 "awkward" teenagers who became hot women
(flash forward) child actresses grown up into beautiful women
(flash forward) Automotive Monogamy Matteo Ferrari. Now-and-then photos of people who drive the same cars for long periods of time. (O')
(flash forward) slideshow Jamie Lynn Spears grew up
(flash forward) Emma Watson
(flash forward) child stars
(flash forward) Teen Stars 2 years older
(flash forward) growing girls group (no registration required)
Timelapsegirls group (registration required)
(flash forward) Susan Olsen (AKA Cindy Brady) grown up 1 - 2
(flash forward) Ben 10 "Ben 10,000" info - tribute video: link
(flash forward, adult to late middle aged) celebs
(flashed forward AA) Sound of Music 40 years later: before and after pics of the Von Trapp actors. (O')
(flashed forward face close up) first year
(flashed forward) child stars grown up
(flashed forward) Carly and Britt McKillip fan group about 2 child actresses who grew up.
(flashed forward, coming of age) Emma Watson 18
(adult face close-up) adult FF Ines Everyday
(adult FFed) insta aged
(adult flash forward) celebs before they were famous.
(adult flashed forward) Dolly Parton
(kinda like flashed forward) 100 drummers from age 1 to 100
(FF) 60 years pics of mom
(flash forward face close up) slideshow growing up child actresses
(flash forward) female daily photos
(flash forward) child actresses grown up
(flash forward) puberty effects
(flash forward) Celebrities then and now (O)
(flash forward) child stars puberty
(flash forward) ff
(flash forward) Raiders of the Lost Ark adaptation Mostly male kids who made the movie aged from 12 to 18. Continuity flash forward.
(flash forward) daily photo project
(flash forward) Dakota Fanning's growth
(flash forward) puberty problems
(flash forward) famous kids grown up (O)
(flash forward) list of more projects
(flash forward) video link photo every day.
(flash forward) video link 1 photo a day for 1 year.
(flash forward) vid link Chevy Cobalt 5 year flash forward
(flash forward) Alice Everyday age 1 to 3
(flash forward) 1100 days daily photo face close up
(flash forward) growing daughter b&w 1st year
(flash forward) Madeline face close-up time lapse of first 5 years
(flash forward) Rhonda Vincent - If Heartaches Had Wings (AA flash forward fades) video link (JeffR)
(flash forward, face close up) Brady Bunch
(flash forward, old aged, male) Links to image modification sites: D'Lynn Waldron - ForArtist.com
(flash forwarded) "face variations" has info about facial growth (wodca)
(flash forward AA) minor flash forwards from "The Human Body" documentary
(adult face) 29 y.o. woman took pic of self every day for 3 years face close-ups (O)
(adult female to adult female TF, small size change inside clothes) Sabrina morph
(adult female to adult female) slow face morph
(adult flash forward) teen face ff
(adult flashed forward) aged slideshow
(adult imperfections) celebs exposed
(flash fw) the Human Body link (O)
(minor flash forward) vid link Sony Handycam
(flashback/forward) flashback/forward overview WrestleMania 23 commercial.
(flashback/forward) flashback/forward Divas All Grown Up WrestleMania 23 commercial.
(flashed forward AA comics) AA toons preteen or teen toon characters drawn as young women (Process link)
(flashed forward) Adult Stephanie from Lazytown caution partially unclothed
(mental ARed crap) 13 Going On 30 review
(mental ared) 13 going on 30 amnesia scene
(mental ared) 13 going on 30 recreated
(mental ared) 13 going on 30 recreated
(pregnancy) - Pregnancy Progression Page
AP: age progression
AR: age regression
CB: clothes burst or rip
UC: undersized clothing
AA: age-appropriate clothing or clothes grow too
RN: return to normal