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12 Again
(AR) Bernadette unwittingly drinks a potion just before making a toast "to youth," she wakes up and finds herself age 12 again, living in her childhood home with her mother. Fairy magic is at work; while it's modern times outside the house, inside it's 1972. (Time) AR cover
29: A Novel
- (adult rejuvenation) Adena Halpern, 2010.
You're only young twice. 75-year-old Ellie identifies more with her stylish granddaughter than her own daughter. Ellie's birthday wish is to be 29 again for just 1 day. When her wish comes true, hilarious problems arise as the young Ellie must create a new persona in order to enter and leave her apartment in a neighborhood where everyone knows the old Ellie. Once Lucy gets over the shock of realizing that the gorgeous and strikingly beautiful woman standing before her really IS her 75-year-old Grandmother, the 2 make a list of all the things Ellie wants to experience on a youthful adventure in pursuit of stylish looks and a trendy life. Her excitement over her newly taut body mixes with the generation gap as Ellie realizes that being 29 now is not what it was in her day. While the dynamic duo romp through Ellie's magical day, the question arises: will or should she return to normal?
60 Questions Autour De La Puberte
- (AA AP scene) Brigitte Bègue, 2007.
Back cover grow-up girl
A! jiao bian chang le
- (leg length TFed) Ke Wangni, 2005, illustrated.
Girl wakes to find her legs have grown longer. Full of wild imaginations on what a pair of long legs could do.
Abbe Mouret's Transgression: A Realistic Novel
- (FFed UC) By Emile Zola, 1889.
Transl: "La faute de l'abbe Mouret", 1875.
- When, at sixteen, she had attained her puberty, Desiree ... acquired the frame of a full-grown woman ... and burst her clothes by her magnificent development of flesh. Thenceforth she possessed a rounded, freely swaying bust, the broad hips of an antique statue, all the growth of a vigorous animal ... she sprang from the mould of her poultry-yard ... absorbed the sap with her sturdy legs, as white and firm as young trees.
Abernathy Chronicles, Part Six, The
- (excellent age changing ability glimpsed)
Imagine going on a road trip with a young woman who is physically able to alter her body's apparent age-form however she wants. The age changes also happens quite rapidly in response to strong emotions. She can't always control it - CGI fan clip
Abernathy Chronicles, Part Six, The
- (excellent minor age changing ability story elements, female teen to young adult to older adult age appearance alterations, also adult rejuvenated and ARed glimpses)
Irving McMurren, 2008.
"She said that every once in a while she speaks Gaelic for no apparent reason and she was really sorry.
...I was still thinking about the proverb when I looked over at her. For a second her face was that of a young girl with freckles. When I looked again she was normal with her flashing green eyes, pale skin and award-winning smile.
Something about Megan was strange, very strange. I glanced at her quickly, and was sitting next to a mature lady in her forties with crows feet around the eyes and lines on her forehead.
Megan was aware of my glances and suggested that when we stop for lunch she would explain everything.
...We sat on the grass in the shade and ate the ham sandwiches and drank the Molson's. Megan began her tale:
My father died in a freak accident, ... and my mother died giving birth to me. I was raised by druids who were polytheists and I believe they used me in several of their experiments. I was the recipient of a series of transformation spells that gave me the ability to change the age of my body at will. I think you may have witnessed some changes back there in the car. Please do not be alarmed.
...I told Megan about my experiences with ghosts and the fact that I was going to write a book about them.
I kept glancing in her direction as we talked but I never saw any appearance changes.
...She was a really compatible companion and I started to look forward to the evening together. She must have read my mind because the hand-holding became almost commonplace. We were undoubtedly attracted to each other.
...I found a Comfort Inn and booked us a room.
I had a bottle of vodka along which I brought in and the two of us had some cocktails.
...That night we slept in our separate beds. About midnight I went over to her bed, probably intent on something nefarious. She was in her fourteen year old girl phase so I went back to...
Megan said that she felt a presence from down in the cellar. Her heart had speeded up. I looked over at her. She had aged drastically and was now a woman in her forties. Still attractive, but not as nice as her usual self.
...The cellar was very dark so I went back and retrieved my flashlight from the car. When I returned Megan was just a child and she reached up and held my hand tightly. I told her to wait in the Jeep and she left me like an obedient teenager.
...I spotted someone swimming in nearby Lake Temiscouata. It was her!
I walked over to the shore and called her name. Megan answered with a wave and then swam back to the beach. There was towel lying next to her pile of clothing. I held it up and it was my gorgeous hitchhiker who took it from me.
... This was no teenager. This was a woman in her forties.
I looked at Megan in the moonlight. She was terrified, her little teenage face with eyes as big as saucers. I grabbed her hand and carefully we backtracked to the jeep and drove off.
... She gradually returned to her lovely self and we climbed into bed. She continued to cling to me most of the night and I could sense age changes taking place on an almost regular basis. It was the teenager phase that worried me most, so as much as I was tempted I held off with the lovemaking. In the morning everything was normal. We showered and dressed and had some delicious pancakes before checking out of the inn.
...When we checked in Megan was her usual self. Then when we went downstairs for more ice she converted to her older self and walked right past the poor man with the ice bucket and winked. I know he must have thought something was going on because when we went out later he had a big smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes.
Megan confessed in the car on the way to the diner. I just bet he went up to the room to see if I had another woman in there.
At least she didn't do her teenager thing. That could have had a serious effect, although I don't know with this guy.
I... took my foot off the brake and the car appeared to be rolling backwards up the hill.
Megan was actually a little scared at first, probably because I pretended to be frightened too.
It was the Magnetic Hill that gave me an idea... It has to do with her ability to change her appearance.
The first premise was that she would be able and willing to change at will and the second premise was that the ability would continue at least for the foreseeable future. Megan said that when she truly falls in love the older Megan will get younger and the teenager will get older until they meet up in her present age.
The keyword is "love". Once this happens the change ability will disappear forever. I also brought up her ability to be clairvoyant and she didn't know if that would fade...
I put aside the idea of getting her to do her act for money in front of an audience...
As best I could tell the teenage Megan was now about seventeen and I resolved that the next time she appears in the shower I would make love to her.
...first she was turning into a heck of a woman and second Megan might just get a bit upset to the point of at least slowing down the process and giving me more time to get rich. I should say give 'us' more time to get rich.
...We had another vodka. Then Megan changed into a seventeen-year-old and I became a dirty old man. After it was over she didn't seem upset at all, which kind of put a glitch in my plans. We would have to hurry.
In the morning I went out and bought a ticket and brought it back to the room.
...At noon I went back up and she was lying on the bed asleep.
- The Ghost Writer -
...Megan was in the shower. The Megan who hitchhiked was under the spray. Beautiful as ever.
She told me that her ability to change her age had gone, but she still sensed a residue of clairvoyance, at least for now.
We would be back in Nova Scotia by then, either as a rich couple but a couple regardless."
Acorna: The Unicorn Girl
(accelerated growth) 1997, Anne McCaffrey, Margaret Ball. (Also Acorna's Quest, Acorna's People, Acorna's World) The young Acorna constantly astonishes her "uncles" with her amazing growth rate and superior intelligence.
Addie Bell's Shortcut to Growing Up
- (AA amnesia FFed, time skip magic) Jessica Brody, 2017.
By the author of "A Week of Mondays" (time loop novel). Being newly 12 and in 7th grade stinks. Addie Bell is so over this - she wonders how much more she can possibly take. She seems to be a sixteen year old stuck in a twelve year old's body.
It doesn't help that her best friend Grace is still somewhat "childish" - wanting to have tea parties and do their school assignments on fairy tales at a slumber party. If only Addie could fast-forward to being 16 like older sister Rory, and wear makeup, have a cellphone, drive a car, and stop dressing in the babyish clothes that line her closet.
For her birthday, elderly neighbor Mrs. Toodles gives her a jewelry box that has the power to magically grant wishes. There's no way right? So she writes "I wish I was sixteen" and locks it in the box.
When she wakes up, the whole world has changed. Addie is no longer twelve, in the same babyish bedroom with the little kid clothes and zero curves. She wakes to find she's actually sixteen years old, in a room full of awesome furniture, cute clothes, makeup, and a dog - something she wasn't allowed to have. At first she thinks it's a belated birthday present. It's funny when she first encounters her newly developed body. Her mother enters just as she's holding her new boobs (prominent but not gigantic), and tells her to hurry up.
"This is the glamorous, uninhibited, greatly improved life of sixteen-year-old Adeline. It's like someone has unlocked the door and let me out of my prison cell. Someone has finally set me free. And I have a feeling it's going to be amazing."
So Addie, who now likes to be called Adeline, is tossed into this world. 4 years have passed, meaning that Addie missed growing up, seeing her sister off to college, and even getting her puppy. Sure, there are photos of Addie during all these times, but she wasn't actually there for any of it. She has to learn to navigate life as a teenager, with no memory of the intervening 4 years!
Suddenly being in high school seems harder than she'd thought. For starters, she still has the driving skills of a 12-year-old, doesn't know how to find her locker, can't speak a word of French, or even knows how to pronounce trigonometry. Her first attempts at flirting are pretty hilarious. And for some reason she is no longer on speaking terms with best friend Grace...
However, Addie has become besties with shallow mean girl Clementine, and is now one of the most popular girls in school. They have a successful makeup/hair/nails vlog that they run together, and this Addie has plenty of guys after her - seven of them asked her to the school dance, and she turned down every one of them. But is her friendship with Clementine all it's cracked up to be?
Addie struggles to make sense of the world she is living in now, and figure out exactly how to fix things that got all messed up in the past years - not an easy feat! Big changes can come from small choices thoughtlessly made. Being yourself with your equally uncool best friend is a lot better than being popular all by yourself. Also revealed: dorky seventh grade boys can actually grow up to be date-worthy! A really cute book, definitely light and fluffy. There's a strong underlying message about friendship being worth more than anything. Younger readers shouldn't be in such a hurry to grow up, but instead enjoy every moment of their lives as they go along.
adult rejuvenation
...most perfect features she had ever seen. Yet it was not an insipid face. The features were sharply cut, and the eyes looked wise. She opened her mouth, and looked at her beautiful even teeth. She had grown taller and straighter, her waist smaller, her bosom high and full.
"That can't be me," she said with a gasp.
"Yes, it's you."
"My clothes don't fit."
Advanced Candle Magick
(male facial hair) Ray Buckland, 2002. Contains a spell for male puberty.
Adventures Of Daniel Boom A.k.a. Loud Boy, The
- (OA effects)
What in the world has happened to our young heroes?! Why is Loud Boy walking with a cane? Is that Chatterbox with the granny bag and beehive hairdo? When did Destructo Kid go crazy for bingo? Is Fidget the new shuffleboard king of the senior center? Is that Tantrum Girl over there sitting in a big rocking chair and knitting?
- (Jeffr_2bya)
Adventures of Pinocchio, The
- (fairy unseen TF APed) Carlo Collodi, 1883.
The Fairy With Turquoise Hair in chapter XV is first portrayed as a young girl in a house in the middle of a forest. It is established that she has lived there for more than 1000 years. Pinocchio is transported to the Island of Busy Bees, where he meets the Fairy, now older, disguised as an ordinary woman.
Adventures of Tilda Pinkerton - Book One: Crash-Landing in Ooleeoo, The
- (slight ARed) Angela Shelton, 2012.
Light Throwers must resort to a younger age in order to get past the nasty pain of moving past the speed of light.
Afflicted Girls, The
- (FF growth) Suzy Witten.
p141: But one in this house rose up and bloomed. In one fertile spurt, Abigail grew thinner, taller, smaller in her waist, and fuller in the parts that mattered. Turning 16, she sent back a prettier reflection to herself from her uncle's mirror.
...her aunt's castoffs no longer fit...the praying mantis was a tall thin stick, but no bodice would close round her bosom - her aunt had enviously observed this...
After Life
- (preteen cuckolding bots FF) Simon Funk online novel, 2014.
Depicts the planned extermination of bio Homo sapiens - not by marching robot armies, but by artificial children that are much cuter and sweeter and more fun to raise than real children - info link
After Many a Summer
- (male adult age stasis evolution) Aldous Huxley, 1939.
Protagonists find 18th century English nobleman's journals about his quest for immortality and track him down. The catch: human beings are neotenous apes. In 200 years, the embryo ape gets time to grow up. He's turned into what is, for all practical purposes, an orangutan.
After Such Kindness
- (body swap AA APed) Gaynor Arnold, 2012.
Inspired by Charles Dodgson and his relationship with the real life Alice.
- Daisy/Margaret is the Alice figure as child and adult. She wakes from a dream on the lawn to find herself 4 years older, with a bosom and arms and legs that have "grown", so like Alice but with such dark and clever undertones.
"... drank the tea, holding the china cup with my new, slender hands ... I hastened to reassure him ... in a grown-up voice that seemed quite foreign to me ... I walked across ... feeling strangely tall ... taking up a great deal more room than I was accustomed to ... the person I saw in the looking-glass, with her grown-up hair and grown-up frock was not at all the same ... the contours of her body were more like Nettie's than mine ... prayed that God would have mercy and restore me to myself... I still had Margaret's long limbs and her fine bosom ... What had happened to me was real and I would have to make the best of it..."
After the garden: a novel
(dream sequence, self-image APed growth scene) Doris Jean Austin, 1987. Elzina begins an odyssey of growth and self-discovery in Jersey City during the 1940s.
"For the first time in decades, Rosalie dreamed old dreams. All night long she dreamed she hid in Alabama woods with Moses and watched the smoldering ashes of home. She grew taller; leaves rustled under her as her legs stretched out between trees and her body lengthened into a young woman of fifteen, lying face down among shrubs and rocks, expecting God to jump out of the bushes and lift her right up out of their lives to somewhere she didn't ..."
Age Happens: The Best Quotes About Growing Older
- (age increase/decrease comic) Bruce Lansky, 2005.
Witty and outrageous things about growing older by Ellen DeGeneres, Bill Cosby, Erma Bombeck, Lucille Ball, Woody Allen, George Burns, Milton Berle, Phyllis Diller, Rodney Dangerfield, and other humorists. Cartoons by Lynn Johnston, Chon Day, Stephen Carpenter, Ed Fisher.
- (Jeffr_2bya) ln - th - th
Age of Miracles, The
- (coming of age) Karen Thompson Walker, 2012.
11 y.o. Julia must deal with the world's day length increasing.
Alchemy Jones and the Source of Magic
- (male AR) G. A. Boyd, 2011.
An elderly scientist is temporarily rejuvenated to a young adult, then a 12 y.o. boy by a camera-like device - (Entropic)
Alice in Wonderland
- (AA APed) Alternative/Dark Alices fan art
- (preteen size changes) - illustrations - illustrations (Process)
Alice in Wonderland
- (AA FF) adult Alices fan art
- (FF AA APed) "Alice Is Growing Up" changes fan art.
Alice in Wonderland
- (AA size increased) - David Hall house confinement illustrations - (Process Forum)
Alice in Wonderland
- (preteen AA size changes) Media adaptations:
- size - size - size
Alice in Wonderland
- (size changes, some CBed) original
- derivative works "growth" scenes - illustrations art
Alice in Wonderland
- (size changes) - pop-up - extending - confined - (The Process Forum)
Alice in Wonderland
- (size increase) French house burst-out - (Process)
Alice in Wonderland
- (UC looks like APed) fan art "growth" spurt (Process)
- (kinda looks like Aped AA) 1916, illustr. Gordon Robinson. TFs
Alice Leaves Wonderland
- (TF?) Eliza Wyatt, 2010. Based on "Alice's World" musical, 2009. At last, a sequel to Lewis Carroll's Alice stories. Alice leaves her garden in the company of a new friend. Using provocative language this is an adventure with a contemporary conflict, the concerns for health and safety versus self-obsessed fantasists.
Alice series
- (BE, FF APed, coming of age)
Banned teen book series by Phyllis Reynold Naylor, c1998-2009, some limited sexual content deals with growing-up issues.
The cover photo model was made to look more mature to mirror the character's development.
- New Series book covers
- Original Series book covers
Book List:
- Starting With Alice
3rd Grade Alice McKinley, AKA "Al", tries to deal with being the new girl when she, her dad, and Lester move to Takoma Park, Maryland.
- Alice in Blunderland
4th Grade Alice feels as though she can't escape her embarrassment.
- Lovingly Alice
Follows Alice through the troubles of 5th grade.
- The Agony of Alice
6th Grade Alice moves from Takoma Park to Silver Spring and struggles to make friends in her new school. She is dying for beautiful Miss Cole to be her teacher, but later realizes it's what's on the inside that counts.
- Alice in Rapture, Sort of
Summer before 7th Grade. Alice, Pamela, and Elizabeth all get boyfriends.
- Reluctantly Alice
Fall of 7th Grade. Alice tries to survive 7th grade and deals with Denise Whitlock, the school bully.
- All but Alice
Winter of 7th Grade.
- Alice in April
Spring of 7th Grade. Alice tries to become Woman of the House, like Aunt Sally says she is becoming.
- Alice In-Between
End of 7th Grade. A trip to see Aunt Sally.
- Alice the Brave
Summer before 8th Grade. Alice is afraid her friends will notice her fear of deep water.
- Alice in Lace
Beginning of 8th Grade. Alice and Patrick pretend to be married as part of a school project.
- Outrageously Alice
Fall of 8th Grade. Alice is tired of the monotony of life.
- Achingly Alice
Winter of 8th Grade
- Alice on the Outside
Spring of 8th Grade. Alice explores the idea of prejudice.
- The Grooming of Alice
Summer before 9th Grade. Alice, Pamela, and Elizabeth spend the entire summer trying to get perfect bodies for 9th grade.
- Alice Alone
First semester of 9th Grade. Alice struggles with the idea of being single and the thought that Patrick likes another girl, Penny.
- Simply Alice
Second semester of 9th Grade. Pamela and Elizabeth feel left out in Alice's life because Alice is always busy with high school stuff.
- Patiently Alice
Summer before 10th Grade. The gang volunteers to be counselors together at a camp for troubled kids.
- Including Alice
First semester of 10th Grade. Alice contemplates the value of social customs.
- Alice on Her Way
Second semester of 10th Grade. Alice struggles to get a driver's license and starts acting friendly with Sam Mayer but then exciting things happen.
- Alice in the Know
Summer before 11th Grade. Alice gets a part-time job at the mall.
- Dangerously Alice
First semester of 11th Grade. Alice tries to shed her "good girl" image by taking risks and becoming involved with an older boy.
- Almost Alice
Second semester of 11th Grade. Alice and Patrick do big things.
- Intensely Alice
Presumably the summer before 12th grade.
Alicia en el Pais de las Maravillas
- (AA size increase burstout) house "growth" - (Process Forum)
Alien Artifice
- (female AR) Mark Chapman, 2007.
Gordon Bennett awakes in a recovery room with a completely unrecognizable body. The last thing he remembers is the Tower of Pisa falling on him. He runs screaming into the night only to find his life has become entertainment for millions.
"Rom grew younger, body hair and feminine shape disappearing ... grew shorter and less mature. Finally she was a baby on the ground, waved her arms and legs around, and cried."
- (Jeffr_2bya) ln - th
Alien for Rent
- (male mental AR) Betsy Duffey, 1999.
Lexie and J.P. are 3rd-graders facing the wrath of 5th-grade bully Bruce. The friends investigate an "Alien for Rent" sign at the playground. Bruce mysteriously becomes frozen in the air and runs away as Lexie calls him a baby. Later she finds "small, cute, chubby, fuzzy, green" junk-food-loving alien Bork in her lunch box. The friends discover that Bruce has been turned into a mental toddler by Bork. Transformed into a mental baby, he holds "...the front of his pans" and screams he has to go potty, unrolls the toilet paper in the bathroom, and so on. This will probably make primary kids giggle.
- (SAbaby) ln - th
All About Children
(FF AA) years
Allyce in Wunderland
- (maturity appearance, CB) Ariel Rosetti, 2012.
Immediately, she began to grow taller, her hair grew down her back, her whole body filled out, especially her breast and her bottom. She now had curves where mere thin skin and tiny bone had been. But her breast was what pleased her the most. She looked down at them, as they'd become plump, and the nipples were deliciously large, pink, and firm; she was actually buxom. Her blue dress had split at the neck-line, barely if at all containing them inside of it ... she was now actually five feet-seven inches tall ... he did not have to look down at her as if looking at his boots.
As she walked her pink breast could be seen, just over the top of the tattered blue dress ... Allyce trembled at the thought, she was a child in a woman's body ... she knew nothing about caressing yet ...
"Can I go back to being the way I was before?"
Almost Night: A Parody
- (fantasy curse accelerated?) Jacob Wallace, 2015.
Entity appeared as a child when she was but hours old, and reached full adulthood in days? Born with the mind of an adult, though she acted childish for fun?
Almost Paradise
(UC scene BE, coming of age) Susan Isaacs.
"Although quite short, she was no longer a girl. Her breasts grew so fast and so large that her middy blouse strained at the seams. Her hips flared from a dainty waist, and her stick legs softened at the calves and thighs. Her grandfather averted his eyes as this lush child walked about the apartment."
Alpha of My Eye, The
- (demon age forms) Blessilda Cheong, 2013.
Fantasy curse. 500 y.o. 6'2" vampire Katherine is unbelievably powerful.
...you look like you're only ten... I nodded before I willed myself to age into twenty-one which I thought was his age. His jaw dropped ... that's what helps me adapt ... my mother moved here ten years ago so now I look like how I was when I was ten because I have to attend school like normal kids ... playing is for kids ... the age that I take up is the age that I'll act like. It's ... why I never age myself into a one-year-old...
I never liked shifting and I loved the clothing I was wearing ... my wolf is just breathtaking...
- (AA, slight accelerated growth FF, coming of age) Hanns Heinz Ewers, Germany 1911.
Mad scientist uses the ejaculate of a hanged man to impregnate a prostitute. The mandrake-child, whom the professor adopts, rapidly grows up into a young woman who uses charm and seduction to wreak havoc. A fable about the perceived dangers of female sexuality with a botanical twist. She learns of her unnatural origins and avenges herself against the professor.
Alter Ego
- (male adult mental AR, RNed?) Baby June, 2005.
26 y.o. Daryl lives a double life, thanks to Serena's little voice in his head: his alter ego. When the workday ends, Daryl enters a different world by taking on the persona of an adorable 3 y.o. toddler. In the privacy of his home, Daryl trades in his button-down shirts and trousers for diapers and dresses. Serena inspires and encourages him as Daryl tries to rekindle a lost childhood and helps Daryl sort out the conundrums of adult life. After some traumatic potty training, Daryl has finally recovered from the damage, and is once again enjoying the comfort of his diapers. His alter ego allows him to live as the eternal child he knows he is.
- (Jeffr_2bya) ln - th
Alternative Alices
(Alice GTS CB) "Visions and Revisions of Lewis Caroll's Alice Books" The University Press of Kentucky. Very rare text fragment where Alice's clothes don't "grow" with her.
Alice CB text
Amelia Fickson and the 18 Summers
- ("AP" wish) Jessica Watkins, 2022 - info link - cover
Amelia is tired of being a kid and wishes to be older, like the kids from her favorite television show. Her wish comes true, but adulthood doesn't go as planned. Instead, she wants nothing more than to return to her younger self.
American Gods
- (adult age stasis) Neil Gaiman, 2001. The Queen of Sheba stays young and powerful by preying succubus-like on Johns.
American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, The
(AP, book not yet written) Untitled sequel by Ann Hearn Ziluck. The second book has been started. The kids have so much fun with an aging spell - it only lasts for 4 hours - but it ages them 4 years!
Ancient Code: Are You Ready for the Real 2012?
- (phantom AP) Brian Allan, etc, 20 essays.
P16, mystical encounter:
To her surprise, it was a young girl with long red hair...The girl was close now...her body began to transform again as she approached the woman. The sunlight was fully on her body, highlighting her red hair...Each time she shimmered, her physical form altered. The girl was growing taller and she now looked around eighteen. Shimmering again, she now appeared in her early 20s, her body continuing to lengthen and grow...the girl transformed again to a woman in her late 20s.
Androids From Milk
(age change ability, male age stasis) Eugen Egner, translated by Mike Mitchell, 2001. An anarchic, surreal novel. Reuben Hecht has been stuck at the age of 17 for 20 years. He decides not to return home, as he has heard reports that the family GP and the parish priest are pursuing him to put him in a children's home for good, since he will never come of age. He starts on a surreal odyssey together with Edwina, who can alter her age at will, to the mysterious Colony to bring back some of the androids developed from UHT milk that have been reported there. cover
Androiden auf Milchbasis 2/1999, Germany. Ruben is a permanent 17 year old, having been attacked by a mysterious illness in the Ivory Coast. He will never reach maturity and thus risks being arrested and put in a children's home. Not to be outdone is Edwina, aged 56, who thwarts the aging process by changing at whim into the form of a girl aged 6.
Angel Haven
(AP, old aged) 2002 Justin Chiang novel. Deirdre tried to quicken the aging. 6 children aged to 2 years old overnight.
Angels of Everland, The
- (AA age forms) Mark Touchette, 2016. The angels in this group had lost their Earthly lives at a young age and could "change physical age" at will. They normally appeared as young children and are cheerful and irresistibly cute.
- (TF) Novel series. "The Invasion" by K.A. Applegate, Scholastic, 1996. Five teenagers meet an alien, and gain the power to change their bodies into any animal they had previously touched. Applegate's descriptions of the morphing process are well written. Cassie is the one who catches on to the morphing the quickest. She has figured out how to retain a bodysuit when she changes while everyone else has their clothes falling off, which means they are naked when they return to human form.
- (male AP) 41 "The familiar" One morning Jake wakes up, and he's 25 years old. And the world Jake-the-kid went to sleep in has changed. male
The Discovery
(possible FF scene) Katherine Applegate, 1999. Only a tiny portion could be extracted:
"And let me tell you something: time really is relative, because I aged about five years in five seconds. It formed itself into a coil..."
(excellent AP scene, at least some CB) "An Alien Dies" or The Andalite Chronicles (Elfangor's Journey, Alloran's Choice, An Alien Dies). Katherine Applegate 1997.
There's a nice bit towards the end involving the creation of a personal universe, and the human main character ends up going into the middle of a time storm. Long story short, she goes from like 12 to 18 in the space of 5 mins - even uses her rapidly growing finger nails to off one of the bad guy's "pets" that is trying to eat her.
Partial text fragments. Large parts missing:
283: "... "My fingernails! They're growing!" She held up her hands so that my back-turned stalk eyes could see them. ... The hard portion at the end of her human fingers had grown half an inch. (Your hair is growing, too,) I said. ... She felt it. "My God, it's grown an inch. It's like it would grow in a few weeks!" ..."
284: "... (My hooves are growing, too. That's why I tripped. It's something I was afraid of. As we get closer to the center of this..."
285: "... I looked at Loren and had to stop myself from crying out. Her fingernails were two inches long! ... Her toenails were sticking through the fabric of her artificial hooves! And her golden hair was so long it reached to the ground. ..."
288: "... (The Time Matrix! It is here!) "Yeah. Now what do we do about it? Look at my hair. Look at my fingernails. ..."
289: "... Her hair was now so long that it piled on the ground. And her toenails extended nearly a foot through the fabric ..."
290: "... But Loren shook her head, which caused a ripple through the massive pile of her golden hair. ..."
292: "... tangled in the wild mess of her hair. (This fight isn't over yet, Visser!) I said, and I struck! FWAPP!"
293: "... And her fingernails, growing so fast that I could actually see them grow, were growing into the Mortron. FWAPP! The visser struck. ..."
294: "... in her hand around and threw it with all her might. The Mortron slipped off the end of Loren's claw fingernails. ... It came within a hair of my face. Loren calmly picked up her softball bat from ..."
296: "... We have to get out of here fast. My hair is still growing. My nails are out of control. I feel like I'm getting older. My ... well, I'm getting older, I'll leave it at that. But I swear I'm suddenly eighteen!" (Yes. Your face is changing. ..."
298: "... This me has aged. I'm older. I must be almost eighteen now, judging from the way I've grown. People would notice." ..."
- (Thanks to Blackheart, Cheergurl, and The Process Forum for the info)
(TF, some CBed) "The Invasion", #1, K.A. Applegate novel.
Gigantic drapes as big as the sails of a ship were falling all around me. They were my clothes.
Tobias had dropped to all fours, clothing now half-draped over him, like so many rags. The change back to human form was at least as strange as the change to cat. The tail was sucked up like a snake going up a vacuum cleaner. Tobias stood there, looking embarrassed. He quickly pulled on his clothes. "Maybe with some practice we can figure out how to change back into our clothes."
A thing that was part horse and part Cassie smiled at us with big horse teeth and said, "Hey, kids." Marco suddenly sat down. Very hard. He had never seen a morphing. "It's cool," I said, trying to sound very relaxed. "It's just Cassie."
I decided I'd better be a gentleman and look away. After all, when Tobias and I had morphed, we'd kind of morphed right out of our clothes. But I noticed that as Cassie emerged from the horse she was wearing a skintight blue outfit. One of those outfits girls wear to do aerobics. "How did you manage to morph with clothing?" I asked. "When Tobias and I did it . . . well, let's just say it's a good thing neither of you girls was around." "It took some practice," Cassie said, "And it can only be tight clothing. I tried it with a coat on. It got shredded.
About three minutes after he'd started the change, there was a completely normal Tobias, sitting naked on the end of my bed. I loaned him a pair of pants and a shirt, but my shoes were all the wrong size.
- Teen TF fan art scene.
Anna All Year Round
- (UC scene, slight FF) Mary Downing Hahn, children's book.
Before [8 y.o.] Anna leaves for school, Mother reaches into the hall closet, and pulls out Anna's blue coat.
When Anna puts on her coat, it feels tight across the shoulders.
"My, my, Anna, you've grown," Mother says.
Anna looks at her sleeves. They are way too short. The shoulders are too narrow. Her dress shows below the coat's hem. It looks like she's wearing someone else's coat. Someone much younger than she is. "I can't wear this," Anna says. "It's too small."
Anna Apparent
- (UC glimpse) Nina Bawden, 1972.
She had certainly looked more beautiful... Her outgrown school coat had been exceptionally unbecoming - the straining buttons over that magnificent chest - but she was young enough for this to be quite unimportant ... white, uncreased neck had risen out of the ill-fitting collar...
Annabel Brown
- (UC glimpse) ...perched on the table, swinging her legs with the neatest nonchalance... she was a fine well-grown girl of seventeen or so, and indeed showed how fast she had grown taller and broader by her garments, which were rather short, and displayed more leg than was altogether seemly, and also didn't meet in the front as well as they might have done...
Annals of Gynaecology and Pediatry, Volume 17
- (rapid growth)
At that time, suddenly within three weeks, she changed so much in appearance that no one recognized her. Her breasts developing, her hips expanding, she became abruptly a woman grown.
Anne of Green Gables
(flash forward) Lucy Maud Montgomery, novel series. P 196: "...only the one chance. If I don't grow up right I can't go back and begin all over again. I've grown two inches this summer, Marilla. Mr. Gillis measured me at Ruby's party. I'm so glad you made my new dresses longer." P 197: "...there were one or two parties almost verging on grown-up affairs; Marilla felt a queer regret over Anne's inches. The child she had learned to love had vanished somehow and here was this tall, serious-eyed girl of fifteen."
Annie John
(flash forward growth) Jamaica Kincaid, 1985. Ch 7: "The Long Rain". The rain continues for 3 1/2 months. As it stops, Annie is healed. Ma Chess goes home just as mysteriously as she had come. Finally, Annie's mother takes her outside and they realize that Annie has grown several inches during her illness and now towers over everyone. Annie is taller than both her parents. They have to buy her new uniforms and shoes for school.
Annie, Between the States
- (teen UC scene) Laura Elliott.
"As Annie leaned over to fasten the last ten buttons, her corset cut off her breath.
"Oh no,"she cried, and stepped forward to look again. She'd grown. Her wrists were well exposed beyond her dress sleeves, making Annie appear even ganglier. She looked at the floor. The hem was too short as well, but at least the hem of her petticoat made it look finished.
She sighed. She didn't want to change her clothes. It wasn't Christmas without wearing this dress. How could she have gotten taller? She was going to be sixteen next month, a complete adult. ... And here she was still sprouting like a toddler."
Antipodes of the Mind: Charting the Phenomenology of the Ayahuasca Experience, The
- (AA AR or OA dream sequences) Benny Shanon, 2002.
- "age changes during transformations", p211.
Anyanwu (character)
- (shapeshifting) Octavia Butler character who first appeared as Emma in "Mind of My Mind" (1977), and takes center stage in "Wild Seed" (1980).
By 1690 Anyanwu has lived along the West Coast of Africa for 300 years. She possesses the innate ability to control herself on the molecular level, manipulating every cell in her body. She can enhance her immune system to overcome poisons and illnesses. Her ability to control the makeup of her cells also means she can adjust her age at will, and can adjust her appearance to become virtually anything else. She acts as a healer for her people at the beginning of the novel.
Anybodies, The
(TF AA, coming of age) "The Anybodies", N.E. Bode, 2004. 11 year old Fern meets her father, the Bone. He is an "Anybody", who can change into someone or something else. Her mother was even more talented.
"You mean you can dress up like anybody else and people will believe you? You mean you're actors?
"Actors? Ha!" said the Bone. "Can an actor shrink fifteen inches to be a child?" (Inry)
The Nobodies 2005
202: "Fern felt something inside her melt away and her body began to swell. It grew large."
277: "And then he was just a boy. His body grew pink, hair-less and lanky. His snout and whiskers dissolved and his face appeared..."
279: "Bort," she said, "you never grew up. Why didn't you ever grow up?" "I couldn't. I don't know why. I just couldn't."
The Somebodies 2006
Apprentice Adept
(adult rejuvenation & OA) Series. The Yellow Adept uses a potion to restore her youth. The difficulty of making it keeps her old most of the time.
April Ghouls day (Graveyward School#11)
(AR, RN) Stone, Tom B. Roller blading 12 year old runs into the terrifying evil, ugly Principal Dr MorthHouse and they swap bodies. For a while the girl enjoys bossing teachers and kids around.
Arcene series
- (age stasis) Al K. Line, 2015, dystopian.
Arcene controlled her body chemistry to lock her physical age at 15, although her actual age was 22. Because of the chemical balance she would in many regards also remain 15 in spirit. She didn't mind, it meant she was always full of energy and perpetually inquisitive. Some would call it naughty; Arcene liked to think of it more as being curious.
Archer's Goon
(AP scene, male ARed to baby, male AP's) 13 year old Howard learns he travelled back in time twice as an adult. On each occasion he was adopted by his family as a baby found in the snow. 8 year old sister Awful likes to steal alcohol and shriek deafeningly.
- (AP text)
--- When Howard got there, there was Awful racing out of the gates, chased by 20 angry little girls. Awful was shouting "My big brother's here to hit you! Hit them, Howard!"
Howard did not know what Awful had done to the other little girls, but knowing Awful, he suspected it was something bad. He swung his bag menacingly, hoping that would frighten the little girls off, but there were so many of them and they were so angry it ended by being quite a fight. And the little girls called names.
--- "I can keep people from your town for an hour, but beyond that I don't let anyone risk himself."
"Why?" said Awful.
"Because the longer anyone stays in the past, the older he becomes in his present day. You won't want to go home a grown woman, will you?"
Awful stared at him, not believing it.
"It's true," said Hathaway. "I found out the hard way. After 2 years here, I was an old, old man in your time - and I don't age as fast as you would."
--- All he could see was that the person was quite small to start with. Then, as the figure put a foot onto the third step and heaved up to it, he saw it was Awful - Awful in the act of growing. What she was doing here, he had no idea, except that she was surely looking for Howard. And with that instinct that makes younger ones unerringly follow elder ones, particularly where they are not wanted, Awful had come into the unfinished building too.
Awful grew as he watched. By the time she was on the 3rd step, she was a large, fat schoolgirl in a maroon uniform, with a sudden strong look of [her ancestor] Shine. In fact, she was completely a fair-haired version of Shine. She heaved up onto the 4rth step. There she was suddenly skinny and Awful again, but nearly 6 feet tall, with a scornful grown-up look. Then she came up on to the marble floor and became a student about Fifi's age, but much better-looking.
Howard-Venturus gaped. He had no idea Awful would grow up that pretty. Beside him, Erskine's eyes popped, and a great admiring grin spread over his little face.
Awful looked at them both accusingly. "What's happened?" she said. "What have you done to Howard?" Then she looked down at herself. She looked horrified. She gave the well-known earsplitting Awful scream and ran away down the steps again, lunging from one to the other with her arms out and dwindling as she went .Her small, misty shape crashed out of the door and vanished, mistily sobbing.
He threw himself out of the half-built doorway as Howard again...
"Howard!" Awful shrieked joyfully. She was sheltering between two of the diggers...
It was all very well, he thought, but Erskine had not had to be a child 3 times over to get that spaceship.
"You were Venturus when we both were grown-up, weren't you?" Awful whispered to him as they climbed the steps.
...the first of their 2 long arguments after Awful had pointed out that Fifi would probably turn into an old woman when she went into the marble temple.
- (male AP, male ARed)
--- Howard put his right foot down. To his surprise, that foot was not in a boot, but in an old brown training shoe with yellow laces. Ahead of that foot in its trainer, he could see, rather mistily, a flight of 4 shallow marble steps leading up among the scaffolding.
He went up the first step. His left boot did not go spuff there because it was no longer a boot, but a neat shoe at least 2 sizes larger than the boot. It took quite a push to get himself and his right foot onto the 2nd step. The training shoe on that foot was now black, and so were the jeans on the leg above it...
...The 3rd step took an even bigger shove, and the foot that came down on that step was larger still, in an old tennis shoe, with ragged blue jeans above it. At the 4th step... his right foot came down in a spongy, bootlike shoe and a tight white trouser leg. And it was the same kind of shoe and white trouser on the other leg when he forced himself forward onto the marble floor.
Howard took a very much easier step forward, and nearly fell over. He had simply not realized how much he had grown. He spread long arms for balance and looked dizzily down long white-trousered legs.
...And he must have been more than 7 feet tall.
"I suppose I have to grow up to get to the future," he said out loud. His voice rang deeply around the marble spaces and made him jump.
...he began balancing in careful strides...
"I wouldn't have known this was me!" he heard himself saying.
Fully grown up, he seemed to be built on the same huge lines as Erskine... his eyes were the same, but his face was so much thinner that it looked quite different. He wore his hair longish and swept back in a way he did not care for at all.
"Looks horrible," he muttered, rumpling his hair about with a large hand...
Howard walked on down, unsteadily learning to balance his height...
--- Venturus-Howard said: "I found out the hard way, like Hathaway did... When I walked out of the door, I must have turned into a baby on the spot - only I didn't know I had, of course. I didn't realize what had happened until I was 13 and my powers had started to come back."
"I didn't know they would adopt me twice. I really didn't know that when I went outside and turned into a baby, I was going to take everything back 13 years with me. I had no idea it would be snowing then either."
--- He saw his foot come down in the brown training shoe with yellow laces, but this time his other foot came down in the pair to it. It was much easier to get up the steps. Howard arrived at the top only an inch or so taller. Ginger arrived several inches taller, but without his 2 black eyes and not limping at all.
...Ginger called out, leaping down the steps. "And I tell you what-" But at that point he became a year younger. "Ow!" he yelled, hobbling. Both his black eyes were back.
--- Howard looked at Erskine warily. He rather thought Erskine's eyes had flicked onto Awful after that.
...he had taken a look at the world and decided to farm it. When he did, he would offer Awful a share.
(2bya info)
Archer's Goon
(AR/AP) Diana Wynne Jones novel. (Jeffr_2bya)
Arit's Dream
- (AA mother/daughter size and role reversal) Buchi Otung, Heineman, 2002. Junior African writers.
Power and responsibility themes. Arit dreams she "grows" bigger... while her mama gets smaller - cover
Armwrestling the Dead
- (accelerated planetary evolution) Andrew McEwan, 2013.
Life on Oriel is transmuted into a pastiche of 21st Century Earth, people and buildings grown from the land in a matter of days, flourishing briefly before falling into conflict and decay. A few surviving humans struggle to make sense of it all.
He toyed with the image of her accelerated growth, her fleeting childhood and pubescence. If events hadn't slowed dramatically in the past few days she may have been dead by tomorrow afternoon, her own children fast-forwarding to middle...
Arsenal: Slaves Among Us, The
- ("TF" with possible adult age disguise?) Kenneth Whaley, 2007.
...I want her to give us a little demonstration. Stand up, Rose, and show us."
"Which shall I show you, Mr. Vaugh? My face? My color? My hair? she asks.
"Rose has the ability to somewhat change the features of her face and her hair. She can also change her appearance by looking thinner or heavier."
Art of Seeing: A Novel, The
- (FF growth) Cammie McGovern.
In a year and a half, she has grown 6 painful inches. At night, she tells me, she can feel herself grow. "It hurts," she says, pushing up her glasses, which no longer fit her face and will not stay up her nose.
...her clothes...her body that is changing in ways that horrify her.
I don't know what it's like to lie in bed at night and feel my feet grow away from me.
Artemis Fowl: The Time Paradox
- (rejuv into teen, male age increase) Book 6 - Eoin Colfer, 2008.
Holly the Elf gets younger after time traveling with Artemis the Human, who gets manlier - or at least hairier. Opal takes over Angeline's body and impersonates Artemis' mother. Despite 16 y.o. Artemis Fowl's promise not to, Nr.1 proceeds to mind-wipe 10 y.o. Artemis.
- ln - th - (Jeffr_2bya)
Ascension: Science fiction and fantasy series
- (AP) "Tales of Cinnamon City #3" - by Peter James West, 2014.
Annie stepped closer. "Are you okay honey?" Annie screamed, raising her hands to her mouth.
"It's okay, Annie," Lisa said, turning to face her with white fire in her eyes. "We all have to grow up sometime."
Annie stumbled backwards. Lisa's face was several years older than it had been in the morning. Her shoulders were wider too. In her hands she held a ball of what looked like thousands of buzzing bees.
Annie took another step backwards, her mouth working silently as the color drained from her face.
"Don't be afraid, Annie," Lisa said in a voice much deeper than before. The light in her eyes flickered out, revealing deep blue orbs that were full of experience well beyond her years ... Annie collapsed onto the grass ...
- "Growing Pains"
Lisa was sitting on her bed, cross-legged ... Her hair was a little darker than it had been, and her head had grown too. Her arms and legs were almost as long as Annie's now. It couldn't possibly be her. Annie clung onto the door frame, breathing in short, shallow breaths.
"Come in, Annie," Lisa said in a voice much deeper than before. She sounded more like a teenager than a six-year-old, and she looked like one too.
"Who are you?" she said.
Lisa smiled, and her face lit up with excitement. It was a cheeky expression that was entirely her own. Annie laughed, despite herself. She wanted to cry, but she also wanted to laugh. It was Lisa, but how could it be?
"What happened to you?" Annie said. She couldn't seem to stand any longer so she slumped onto the ground on her knees ... The girl on the bed was a stranger to her, and yet she knew in her heart that it was still the same little girl inside ... now she looked like someone in her early teens. She was full of confidence and energy.
When she looked up, Lisa was standing beside her, looking down into her eyes. Her clothes looked as though they had shrunk in the laundry droid, but Annie knew that it was Lisa who had changed in size ... At first Annie recoiled from her, but then she felt shame at her own reaction and moved closer ... Lisa's hand felt warm even through her shirt. Annie felt a calming wave of well-being flowing through her body, as tears welled up in her eyes.
"It's going to be okay," Lisa said.
Annie nodded and reached up to hold Lisa's hand. It felt like the most natural thing she had ever done ...
- "It Begins"
Lisa sat crossed-legged on her bed, smiling. Her arms were so much longer than they had been before. She stretched them out in front of her with amazement, then rested her hands on her knees.
Annie turned and looked over her shoulder as she folded clothes and placed them in Lisa's cabinets. Her voice sounded natural, but her eyes stared at Lisa as if she had fallen from the sky.
Lisa didn't want Annie to be afraid of her. The Quickening had begun. Childhood dreams were slipping away ...
"I have to go on an adventure," Lisa said.
Annie was placing her clothes in the cabinets, and folding them into neat piles. Lisa wondered why she was wasting her time. None of the clothes would fit her anymore. She no longer had the body of a six-year-old. She was twice the size that she had been in the morning. Several parts of her body she didn't really understand at all. She felt different in odd places at times. She guessed it was all part of growing up. Maybe it would have been easier to understand if she hadn't grown up in less than half an hour.
Lisa uncrossed her legs and climbed down from the bed. When she stood upright, her head reached Annie's shoulders rather than her waist. Everything looked different from her new height. She looked down at her clothes and smiled. She was wearing an old shirt and some loose shorts that Annie had found among Rachel's clothes. The clothes looked baggy on Lisa's small frame, but she had managed to secure the shorts in place with a belt so they didn't fall onto the ...
... "Her voice is deeper," Annie said. "She's grown so much that her clothes don't even fit anymore. I don't know what to do. I don't know what happened to her. She's like a teenager all of a sudden."
... When I found her in the garden, she looked like a twelve-year-old, and she's grown even more since then. Her arms are as long as mine." Rachel frowned ... Lisa was growing up so fast. She was always growing out of her clothes ... I've seen things today that I can't explain."
Astral Force Rising
- (TF expansion UC) Corwin Nighthawk.
Angel calmed herself, breathing deeply and closing her eyes. She took three more deep breaths, and a transformation started to take place. She grew three inches taller, her waist became slightly slimmer, her muscles became more toned ... She stood and removed the corrections-issue orange jumpsuit, which no longer fit.
At his Gates: A Novel by Mrs. Oliphant
- (age wish) Margaret Oliphant, 1870, 2 vols.
"She stood at the window and watched, thinking would he never be gone, thinking, oh why could not she make herself grow - make herself a woman!"
At Home in the World: A Memoir
- (adult age disguised) 1999, Joyce Maynard memoir of her life and her relationship with J.D. Salinger. Her mother consulted with her on how to appeal to the aging author (dressing like a child).
Atlas of Children's Growth: Normal Variation and Growth Disorders
(flash forward growth AP) Tanner, Whitehouse. 32 boys and 20 girls selected from hundreds of growth photo series illustrate the underlying continuity of child and adult somatotypes (Walker and Tanner 1980), the relative constancy of size and shape during childhood, longitudinal series of monozygotic twins from childhood to maturity, and male changes during adulthood.
G. Petersen produced an Atlas for Somatotyping Children in 1967, closely following Sheldon's Atlas of Men. Instead of Sheldon's large format cameras he used 35mm.
Audrey Rose
- (reincarnation rebirthed) Frank De Felitta novel, 1975.
1964: Audrey Rose Hoover and her mother die in a horrible auto accident. 1975: her father believes he has found Audrey Rose, reincarnated as 10-year-old Ivy Templeton. Using hypnosis to regress Ivy to the time of Audrey Rose's death, she dies again of smoke inhalation.
- "Audrey Rose" - 1977 psychological horror/drama film.
- "For Love of Audrey Rose" - 1982 book sequel.
( Time) ln - th - th
Ava makes a difference
- (UC glimpse) c2010 ill. scene
Average Joe
- (male age stasis, male AP/AR) Julia Cook, Anita DuFalla (Ills.), 2011.
Meet Average Joe, a not so average 12 y.o.. His dad invented the top secret anti-aging serum "Flawless Forever", that keeps grown-ups young indefinitely. 9 y.o. Joe's curiosity got the best of him, and he snuck into his dad's lab. Unfortunately, the serum had the opposite effect on him: "Within a few seconds, I exploded into a 22-year-old man. I even had facial hair!"
Luckily, it wore off after 2 hours, with one side effect: since being exposed to the serum, Joe has not grown. Now he is a 12 y.o. stuck inside a 9 y.o. body FOREVER! He's already taken the 4th grade 3 times.
"Turtle used to be five years younger than me, but now she is seven and I am stuck at nine. If my dad doesn't figure out a way to fix me, Turtle is going to become my big sister. She'll start to think that she's the boss of me, and that will be a total disaster!"
But Joe can still take the serum. A kid who can turn into a grown up for 2 hours any time he wants... imagine how much fun he could have!
Ayanda, la petite fille qui ne voulait pas grandir
- (age stasis, AP growth spurts, size change) Veronique Tadjo, illustrated. France, Cote d'Ivoire, 2007.
Ayanda was a tiny girl who decided to stop growing after her father was lost in the war. However, she makes herself taller to help her grandma and younger brother, before deciding to expand to immense size to defeat the bandits terrorizing her village. She then shrinks back to a normal young girl - cover
Az anyu en vagyok!
- (mother/daughter mind swap) "A PetePite parja" by Nogradi Gabor, 2002.
I'm Mesi, 11 years old. (Well, only 10 and 3/4). Have you thought about what it would be like to put yourself in someone else's shoes? I would like to exchange with Lionel Messi for a while, because I play soccer in the girls' team as a center forward. One day I saw our cat barking and chasing our dog Bobi up a tree! The cat was the dog, and the dog the cat. Grandpa Tata has succeeded in his forbidden secret experiment! I can't reveal more for now. Well, it was the most exciting day of my life! - cover
B J: A Supernatural Horror Story
(adult TF "growth" CB, kinda OA disguise) Kimile Aczon.
The woman shrieked at her, "Take my hand! Take my Goddamned hand, you old hag!" Wilda took a hesitant step back and the woman's face, in a cluster of rage, slowly changed into a hideous caricature of the young Wilda Elvers.
Her eyes turned from hazel into a shimmering grey and filled with a look of malice and loathing. Her eyebrows expertly arched, grew hairy and connected at the bridge of her now misplaced nose. Her nose now sat on the side of her cheek, and her mouth, once ruby-red and sensuous, became an ugly slit of black and blue at the bottom of her chin directly below her bibulous nose. Her hair fell out in clumps. Long strands of burnished brown slowly fell to the floor.
The woman's slender body seemed to grow and elongate. The clothes she wore ripped at the seams and fell from her body in tatters. Her body...
Baby Island
- (slight FFed) Carol Ryrie Brink, 1937.
A movie was said to be in pre-production.
Shipwrecked 10 and 12 y.o. girls have to raise babies through developmental milestones.
Baby Sitters Club, The
(teen FF) Series. The girls aged normally for the first 10 books (during which they had their 13th birthdays), but afterward they were frozen in time, although they often acted much older than 13-year-olds. They were allowed to age again at the end of the series, and graduate to high school.
Babylon Babies
- (OA'd effect) Cyber Punk novel, Maurice Dantec. A woman is secretly infected with a viral weapon that kills by attacking the genes that control the "cellular clock"; within minutes hundreds are killed as their internal organs die of old age.
Babysitters Club
- (AP CB) - fan comic
Backward, Turn Backward
- (adult mental FB) Wilmar H. Shirats. A professor sends a woman mentally back into her own past - (Brat)
Backwards Watch, The
- (male AR) Eric Houghton, 1991.
Granddad tells Sally that he never got dirty when he was her age, but when she winds his watch backwards and turns him back into a little boy he proves to be delightfully untidy.
- ln - th - (TBTC, Jeffr_2bya)
Bad Case of Super-Goo, A
- (AR story, AA RN) 1996. AKA A Weird Case of Super-Goo - Kenneth Oppel, Sam Sisco, 2002.
1996: Giles's eccentric Aunt Lillian tells fortunes, reads horoscopes, and makes weird herbal lotions and potions. Now one of her recipes has made her look 20 years younger. Can Giles and his genius friends bring her back to normal again?
2002: Aunt Lillian wants to look younger, and invents a gooey cream to make her wish come true. The only problem is it reverts her back into a kid!
- 100vampirenovels.com/pdf-novels/a-weird-case-of-super-goo-by-kenneth-oppel-free
...the Brain Drainer should simply speed things up," explained Tina. "All you have to do is concentrate, and your brain's energy will help age your body."
"That's why we wanted you to wear your old clothes," said Giles. "So you could just grow right back into them."
...Aunt Lillian was putting on years by the second, growing back into her own clothing. Her face was not quite so smooth, not quite so round. Her hair was losing some of its curl, getting shorter. It was like watching some kind of time-lapse nature film. Suddenly she was back to her old self - Cover
Bailey Ruth (Ghost series)
- (adult AA rejuvenated ages) Cosy mystery series featuring the late Bailey and her husband, who are enjoying the delights of heaven. While solving crimes on earth Bailey may only become visible when absolutely essential. Ghosts can appear at different ages.
- "Ghost at Work: A Bailey Ruth Mystery", 2008.
- "Merry, Merry Ghost", 2009.
- "Ghost in Trouble", 2010.
"Five foot five on a good day in sling back pumps. I glimpsed my reflection in a shining crystal wall, curly red hair, a skinny face with curious green eyes, lots of freckles. I remembered a Polaroid picture Bobby Mac had taken when I was twenty-seven at a church picnic. That's how I looked now! Heaven is full of wonderful surprises and perhaps one of the sweetest was knowing that others see me always at my best, my brightest, my happiest. Age doesn't matter. There is no old, no young. The dear children who left the earth too soon are what they were meant to be in full flower and the aged who are worn and bent and frail at death once again blossom. It was such a thrill for me to see Mama in a flapper's dress with a little tilted red hat and a glittery beaded dress and high heels, her beautiful face shining with love. Picture what you want to wear and you are wearing it. It's that easy and never a concern about sizes. We are all a very good size, whatever it is."
- (AA APed reflection) by Peter Sis, 2001, Greenwillow. Equipped with a trunkful of dress-up clothes, her dancing aspirations and a full-length magic mirror, young Terry dreams she is a prima ballerina. With each change of dancewear, she transforms: She puts on her pink tutu and dances The Nutcracker," as Terry's reflection on the facing page shows a graceful, adult ballerina starring as the Sugarplum Fairy. On the next spread, the girl changes into a red leotard, and her exotically dressed reflection leaps over volcanoes in "a fire dance." The verso pages show the little girl in simple outline performing the various steps, while the recto pages show a more-detailed, grown-up mirror image dancing the various roles with grace and spirit, just the way little ballerinas would like to do.
- (dream sequence AA APed)
- cover
Ballet Bullies
- (FFed, coming of age) 2009, Maddox, Berne, Mourning.
Marissa loved dancing, but when she grew taller than the other girls, they started to tease her.
"I just feel weird putting on the leotard and dancing in front of everyone. I feel like the other girls are staring at me," she admitted - cover
Bang Crunch
- (accelerated growth rate) Neil Smith.
"Your mum, bewildered by your ballooning vocabulary, takes you to the doctor's for a three-month-long battery of tests, and in between these tests you master longhand and long division, read Madame Bovary, grow twelve inches, and when all the results are back your mum breaks down and curses herself for calling you Eepie, an old woman's name...
...has begun aging you a month a day so that on the way home you need to stop at the drugstore for panty shields and antiperspirant.
... New in town? because with breasts and your mum's miniskirt you're no longer recognizable."
Bang Crunch
(AP, AR) Neil Smith 2007 debut volume with 9 stories. The title story is about an 8 year old girl with Fred Hoyle syndrome, in which the aging process is speeded up and then reverses. Eepie Carpetrod won't live much beyond her 10th birthday. She ages a month a day, and by the time her mother trots her to a doctor her vocabulary has ballooned, she has grown 12 inches, has mastered longhand and long division and has read Madame Bovary. Her mum argues she's eternal, her mind and soul expanding forever like the universe, an allusion to the Big Bang theory. She knows her death will be her brain collapsing under its own weight, the Big Crunch. The pace is frenetic, to match Eepie's experience of life, and the 2nd-person narration is weirdly effective in its matter-of-factness (you know, you live, you die). The disease whisks her forward in time, then back. She may be the first character in fiction to expand and contract with the universe.
(FF growth) 1990 Barbara Park. Lanky 13 year old Lillian Pinkerton, the tallest girl in school, is miserable about being a "beanpole" and a loser. She hopes that Pom Squad tryouts will prove she measures up.
Becoming Kate
- (brain transfer into younger body) Dixie Owens, 2010.
After an auto accident, a wife and mother awakens in a hospital with strangers calling her Kate. She learns that she perished in the accident, and is the donor for the first successful brain transplant. Her mind and memories now reside in the body of 11 y.o. Kate. She's not supposed to have a personal memory, but... Elizabeth is faced with an overwhelming situation. How does she resolve her death and rebirth? How does she stop being Liz and start becoming Kate? It's a story about love and letting go, of redemption and second chances - (Dreamstalker)
Before I Go To Sleep
- (adult FFed amnesia story) S.J. Watson, 2011.
Christine wakes next to a total stranger wearing a wedding ring. The face in the mirror is 20 years older than it's supposed to be. She sees photos of the man from the bed, labelled "Ben, your husband".
Beholder's Eye
(TF) Julie E. Czerneda. Once you're immortal and can change your cells, why would you stay in one shape all the time?
Being With Him
- (male slight APed, possible unseen age stasis?)
Jessica Inclan.
This dream confuses her. How old is he? How old is she? She's not sure exactly, but as she sits with the other children, she looks down and sees little girl legs, little girl arms, and strange little girl clothes, skirt and top a light shade of orange. But no matter the clothes or her size, she knows this is her body ... even though she is now twenty-eight, grown, ... an only child.
Everyone in the dark place is like her, can do the strange things she does. Can do the things she has to hide in her real life.
...she can almost see the bad people and the bad things they do.
...there is another child in the dark place who is hers ... matched ... but she can't see him.
Her magic in the mirror, backward.
"...I knew that somewhere, there had to be someone to match my power. Someone who could do what I could do, only backward."
"What is it?" she asked. "What can you do?"
"I've only done it twice, once by mistake,, once on purpose to see if I had really done it in the first place," he said. "It wasn't like there was any way to really check. Perhaps I could have gone to a physician to have a scan. But even without it, I felt something. Something in my bones. And I don't have any control of it."
"What can you do?"
"Aging. I can make myself older. I think I've lost about ten years. Maybe more."
Mila gasped. "How could you tell? Was it time that passed?"
"No. It was more like my skin. The way I felt. The feeling inside me. My blood and bones. The first time it happened, I ran to my almost-mother to see if she looked different, to see if she noticed anything about me. But she was just as she had been before I'd gone to my room to get my schoolbooks."
"So your twin could go the other way. Together, you could get back all those years. Back and forth. You could even stay about twenty for your whole lives..."
"I suppose we could be twenty forever."
"From what I've seen of powers, maybe we could give that 'gift' to everyone. ... without my opposite energy, I'm useless. A person with a power no one needs or wants."
...we move time, either in the world or in us."
Belgarath the Sorcerer
(adult age stasis, TF) Prequel. An immortal sorcerer's appearance is connected to their mental image. They shapechange simply by thoroughly visualizing their new body. While the original Belgarath goes for the old vagabond storyteller look, or the hale and hearty old man appearance, his daughter Polgara always looks stunning. Cronehood isn't exactly her idea of a positive impression.
Belgariad: Enchanters Endgame
- (minor male mental AR) Book 5, David Eddings, 1986.
The Orb of Aldur was restored, and Garion crowned as Overlord of the West. But evil God Torak awakens. Accompanied by sorcerer Belgarath, Garion headed toward the City of Endless Night. Princess Ce'Nedra led the armies of the West to divert Torak's followers. At the end a high priest has a breakdown and mentally reverts into a boy.
- ln - th - (Jeffr_2bya)
Bell: Volume 10, The
- (UC scene) "The Bell", Sean O'Faoláin, 1945, Literary Criticism.
Page 398? - "...The two of them fled from the playground and through the Court archway leading to the road ; I could hear the scrape ... skin over her growing body, the sleeves strained below her elbows, the waist bursting beneath her armpits and lace,.."
- Peadar O'Donnell, 1940. p 398 "...not in second-hand clothes, but in something new from head to foot." "...who ran around in her old Communion dress that was like a splitting grey sausage skin over her growing body, the sleeves strained below her elbows,..."
Bellona's Bridegroom: A Romance
- (reverse lifespans) Hudor Genone, 1887.
A man travels to Mars where he discovers an ideal society where everyone speaks English and people age backwards.
Bellona's husband: a romance
- (alternate title) 1887, Philadelphia, 332p. Partly set on a Mars whose inhabitants live backwards - (SF Encyclopedia, JeffR_2bya)
- (FFed cuts, urban FF) AKA "Home", by Jeannie Baker, 2004.
Collage-based picture book. We follow the changing landscape and re-greening of a city in large panels as a little girl grows up.
(ghost AP) Toni Morrison 1987. The title character is a girl who can only be described as having been AP'ed. The ghost of Sethe's murdered child appears as a baby. It changes its behavior and starts to crawl upstairs, becoming spiteful and abusive. Later the ghost returns in the body of a young woman who says her name is Beloved. She has a mentality somewhere between ages 2 and 5. She gets pregnant and dominates Sethe in a kind of role reversal.
Bentley's Miscellany
- (male adult "growth" CB) p321:
"The little soldiers began to grow gradually, but perceptibly. First a few lines, and then by half inches.
Before all, though, was the appetite of the troops. The birdcage no longer sufficed as barracks.
Neumann was compelled to give up to the soldiers, who were now 8 inches high, the best room in the house, while they exercised in the flower-garden in front. The uniforms, too, grew too tight for the growing soldiers, and burst at the seams. ... the little regimental tailors cut up into collars, trouser-stripes, hats etc.
The worst thing, though, was that the soldiers did not look half as nice as before, when they had grown awhile. By the time they attained their full size, the Neumanns could not remain in their own houses for billets."
Best and the Brightest, The
(alien AP) Susan Wright 02/98. Star Trek series: "The Lost Years: 2368 - 2371" Starsa is an alien youngster old enough to be in Starfleet Academy, but she hasn't gone through puberty yet and is almost accepted as the child of the group, when she suddenly becomes a woman right before her friends' eyes.
Better Off Undead
- (male OA, age stasis) Martin Harry Greenberg, Daniel M. Hoyt.
[vampire blood] tasted so good, and she felt her strength returning to her.
"Not too much," he whispered, tapping her head.
Regretfully, she stopped. He'd aged thirty years in those few seconds. His hair had gone salt and pepper, there were crow's feet around his eyes, and his mouth was deeply lined.
"Stay here," Les said, in an older voice.
He bit off one corner and began drinking. Serena watched as he became younger before her eyes. The gray in his hair turned black, the wrinkles disappeared, he seemed to stand taller and straighter.
Better Than Life
- (male AR effect) Red Dwarf series, Grant Naylor, p.269.
Rimmer has a series of flash backs - (Brat)
Better Than Life
- (reverse timeflow) Spin Off novel of Red Dwarf episode "Backwards", set in a backwards universe. Kryten and Rimmer become a magic act by doing things forwards; there was a "bar-room tidying" scene. It ends with an aged Lister growing younger.
Between Husbands and Friends
(flash forward BE'd, coming of age) Nancy Thayer.
"Matthew doesn't seem comfortable with his early height and the attendant stretch of his long arms and legs..."
"...Margaret (14) wears a faded button-down shirt of her father's and a pair of her enormous jeans. It's a good guess that she's trying to hide her body. Over the past year her breasts have sprouted like tubers, like squash, large and firm, organically incontrovertible evidence that she's growing up."
"...she wants to have boyfriends (she wants to have lovers!)..."
Between Two Kingdoms
- (male old age, male AR) Joe Boyd.
Bobby took a few steps back.
His shoulders slumped and his hair turned gray. His skin grew dry and fell into wrinkles around his eyes and mouth. He was growing older by the second.
Bobby's knees gave out. he crumpled to the floor under the King's stern gaze. From somewhere within the heap of sagging clothes a wail of agony pierced the room.
The prince picked up Bobby, now a frail old man...The King took the aged man in his arms like a proud father holding a newborn for the first time. Slowly at first, and then all at once, Bobby became a child... a 7-year-old little boy, shaking and sniffling in the lap of the Great King. Soon he fell asleep in the King's arms.
Beyond Forever
(TF) Rosalyn Alsobrook. Alisha finds herself transported back to 1881! Her clothes went back in time with her "soul", but not her body. She looks like a woman named Andrea Knight who has swindled money.
Beyond the Myth
(AA FF APed) Teddy Begay. Includes the tale of "Changing Woman".
Big Baby: A Little Joke, The
- (male AR) Anthony Browne, 1993 children's book.
Mr. Young, John's father, is obsessed with staying young. When he receives a potion labeled ELIXA DA YOOF he drinks it all at one time, and wakes up as an infant. This rather silly book calls the main character "John's father", which is kind of odd considering that we never see "John". We see Mrs. Young diapering her baby husband, feeding him in a high chair, and taking him for a walk in a stroller.
- ln - th - (Jeffr_2bya)
Big Bottom Church
- (UC glimpse) by Bill Patterson, 2010.
...these kids growing up in poverty right around us ... the girls are even worse. They've all outgrown their clothes. Their shirts just come to mid-waist, their jeans were way too small - I don't even know how they got into those pants without breaking the zippers or popping the buttons - and the way they wore them...they just did rise above their hip bones. And without a momma to teach them where to put their earrings, they've got them all over their bodies. Their bodies, I'm telling you... Those poor things.
Big Sarah's Little Boots
(UC flash forward) 24p. Soft Cover. Follows Sarah's adventure of out growing her clothes.
Big-Little Girl, The
- (AA size/role reversal) Uri Orlev, Jacky Gleich. AKA "La pequeña niña grande" Jerusalem, 1977.
Daniela is a little girl. She's bigger than the baby next-door and bigger than the cat, but much, much smaller than her parents. One night, Daniela wakes up and discovers that she is huge - she can barely fit into her bed! She goes over to her parents' bed and... surprise! They are so tiny that she laughs out loud. Now Daniela can tyrannize them and treat them as if they were the children. Next day, Daniela sends her parents off to work and decides to stay home (because if you're big enough, you can decide for yourself!). She finds it very scary to be all alone at home. But then she wakes up and realizes it was all just a dream!
- Art pages
Black House
(ghost APed) Novel by Stephen King, Peter Straub. Mother glimpses deceased daughter as adult.
Black Jewels series
- (FF, coming of age) Anne Bishop, 9 books 1998-2011.
Prophesied witch Jaenelle of course has a soul mate who falls instantly in love with her the moment he sees her. She is 7 and he is 17...hundred. But don't worry! Daemon, her future consort, is willing to wait while Jaenelle grows up.
Black Oxen
- (banned adult rejuv novel) Gertrude Atherton, 1923.
X-raying the endocrine glands rejuvenates women but not men - the sex-related implications were regarded as scandalous - www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/25542 - (Jeffr_2bya, SF Encyclopedia)
Black Stork, The
- (FF, coming of age) Ilse Molzahn.
c1900, Posmania. 6-year-old Katharina "Cat" spends the most unforgettable year of her childhood. A strange man seizes Cat; he makes her leap over the bonfire with him, and she is not afraid. Cat suddenly begins to outgrow her clothes. And she is in love. When she is big, she thinks, she will marry Uncle Mak. She feels weak and sick; she is growing too fast, the adults say, becoming anemic. She is taken to the doctor, who pronounces her healthy. The weather grows cold, and Cat’s winter coat no longer fits her.
- (coming of age) Marita De Sterck, 2010, anthropology.
60 myths from around the world about how "girls" become women - cover
Blood Engines
- (male adult TF CB) T.A. Pratt.
He dropped to one knee, then struggled to his feet, hissing inhumanly - and began to grow. Marla thought it was simply an illusion meant to intimidate her, at first, but no - he was actually gaining mass, getting taller, his shoulders broadening, the muscles in his arms and calves bulging. His clothes split at the seams and fell away, revealing a complex harness of brown leather straps with copper-colored studs he wore underneath.
The straps cut visibly into his expanding flesh, and when a strange, yellowish blood began to run down his arms, legs, chest, Marla realized the copper studs were actually the heads of nails - the harness was nailed to him, and as he expanded against the bonds, the nails dug in and wounded him. He gasped, standing eight feet tall now, but hunched over in the constricting harness. Marla didn't relax, but it was clear Ch'ang Hao wasn't about to attack anyone.
"That's some serious fucking bondage," Rondeau said.
Ch'ang Hao shrank down to his old size, wincing.
"If I were in possession of my full powers, I would destroy you," he said solemnly.
"That's quite a trick, changing size while retaining your original shape," Marla said.
"I've never known a sorcerer who could do that, not without getting cancer in the process. That kind of stuff plays hell with your cellular integrity."
She was on edge, ...
...she could see the tiny silver threads now, like puppet strings attached to Ch'ang's throat, shoulders, wrist, waist, and ankles.
Blood Pressure: A Vampire Testament
- (male size increase CBed) - Terence Taylor.
How long had it been since he'd seen the daytime sky? Eighty years? Ninety? Abel looked down at the sunlight on his bare skin, left nearly naked, as his growing limbs had ripped through clothes custom-made by Luna X for his previous shrunken...
Blue Lagoon: a romance, The
(FF coming of age) H. De Vere Stacpoole. 2 children grew up alone on an island.
Blue Light
- (accelerated growth) Walter Mosley, 1998.
The character "Alacrity" grew up very fast from a little girl to a sexually mature woman. A boy also rapidly grew to manhood.
Blue Moon Day
- (male "APed") Alison Prince. Dave "grows up" overnight and has to deal with Indian conjurers and rich parking wardens.
Blue Shoe: A Tale of Thievery, Villainy, Sorcery, and Shoes, The
- (AA TF AP effect) Roderick Townley.
...a vision of the beggar child transforming into a fearsomely beautiful woman, growing taller and taller by the second until...
The vision grew taller yet. It grew upward and downward at once. The goddess's body grew into a mountain range...
Boat Of A Million Years, The
- (adult age stasis) Poul Anderson, 1989.
A group of 10 immortals from the ancient past to the distant future. They try to find others like themselves, avoid being killed, and remain quiet about their gift. Gradually, the immortals form a family of sorts. After they share their secret of immortality with the rest of humanity, they no longer relate or fit in - (Magickbox)
Body and Soul
(bodyswap AR) Jennifer Archer. 35 year old Lisa trades places with 20-something college student Tory, who gets amnesia in her older body. The new Lisa gets a job with her husband, who finds he's inexplicably drawn to this vivacious college student, who reminds him so much of his wife.
Body Project, The
(UC scene, coming of age) Joan Jacobs Brumberg. Simone de Beauvoir ruminated about her changing body. At 15 her clothes no longer fit, and she had to wrap her breasts in bandages because her favorite beige silk party dress pulled so tightly across her new bosom that it looked "obscene." The process of sexual maturation results in a peculiar mismatch between girls' biology and today's culture.
Body Swap
- (young/old adult mind exchange) Sylvia McNicoll, 2018.
Self-obsessed phone-addicted 15 y.o. Hallie is spiritually swapped with 82 y.o. Susan after a car accident. Hallie, who never even kissed a boy, now has wrinkled skin and achy joints, while Susan deals with a zit and a crush on a player. Hallie faces life in long-term care while Susan gets caught shoplifting. Can they solve the problem?
- (adult BE, mental rejuvenation) Vernon Coleman, 1983.
According to clinical research, women can use their Bodypower to improve the shape and size of their breasts. Individual breast measurements were taken for each woman. 46 per cent reported they had to buy bigger bras.
Women were encouraged under hypnosis to imagine themselves going back to when they were 10 or 12, and they could feel their breasts pushing outwards and the skin getting tighter. Then they were asked to imagine themselves standing nude in front of the bathroom mirror, and told to notice that their breasts had become larger.
Bodyswap: The Boy who was 84
(male mind transfer) L. P. Howarth, Catnip Publishing, 2009.
When Will's body is stolen from him by a strange old man called Hornbeam, he's determined to get it back. Despite news of the windfall that should have made him a millionaire, being old is no fun. (Michael Binary)
Book for Every Girl, A
- (FF puberty stages) Babic, Waraqoon, 2011-17 - growth art
Book of Knights, The
(male AP) 1998 Yves Meynard. Adelrune runs away from home to seek out a sage named Riander and pays 6 years of his life for knightly training. Though the boy physically ages 6 years overnight, he still retains the mind of a youth.
Book of Mordred, The
(old age disguise) Vivian Vande Velde, 2005.
"Nimue...had made herself look fifty years older than she really was, and watching Mordred - who may or may not have been acting foolishly by tending to the oxen - she decided to go further. If being an old woman was a good defense, how much better a mad old woman?
She began to rock back and forth in the wagon, and picked at wisps of her white hair, all the while mumbling at herself..."
p138: "His distant manner kept making Nimue forget that he was, in fact, the same age as she - twenty-two."
p146: "She returned herself to her normal age and appearance. She guessed the guards were expecting a good looking friend.
Romola blinked at her sudden transformation, but said nothing."
p153: "She said, "Halbert transformed himself again - this time before he started to age. Now Halbert looks like Wystan, Wystan has poor dead Evan's body, ..."
p320: "The aged Morgana was gone, and it was Mordred she watched now."
Book Of The Fallen
- (male old age stasis) Kallor of Malazan uses ritual herbs to stay merely old rather than immensely decrepit after millennia.
books about child growth
- (normal FF AP) some classic titles:
Handbook of Normal Physical Measurements
Anthropometry: The Individual & the Population
Anthropometric Standards for the Assessment of Growth & Nutritional Status
Worldwide Variation in Human Growth
Growth, Maturation, & Body Composition: The Fels Longitudinal Study 1929-1991
Stature, Living Standards, & Economic Development: Essays in Anthropometric History
Growth & development: physique
A History of the Study of Human Growth
Human body growth in the first ten years of life
Social & Biological Predictors of Nutritional Status, Physical Growth, & Behavioral Development
Boswell Gene, The
- (male rejuvenating) Parke Sellard, 2004.
We live in an age where the majority of Americans quest for the fountain of youth. The media inundates us with images of youth, products to make us appear younger, and cosmetic surgery. But how far can the quest really take us? An enigma in the scientific world: Dr. Harry Boswell Young is aging ... backwards.
- (Louder) ln - th
Boy I Loved Before, The
(flashback to high school) Jenny Colgan. At her best friend's wedding, Flora reflects on her life and wishes she could be 16 again. When Flora wakes up the next morning she discovers her wish has come true. Can she change her life?
Boy on the Bus, The
- (slight UC scene) Deborah Schupak.
She was all blue, in jeans and an old V-neck sweater that was too small on her and rode up her arms and belly.
It was as if they had been photographed at two separate points in time: Katie in the future, once her clothes had grown too small; Charlie in the past, clothes waiting for him to grow into them.
Boy Who Loved Broccoli, The
- (preteen accelerated growth UC, RN) Sarah A. Creighton, Gene L. Hamilton, 2011.
...his clothes felt tighter and tighter. But he kept on eating because his broccoli was so delicious! ... But really he was getting bigger, much bigger. Rapidly, his head touched the ceiling and with every bite of broccoli he grew ... she couldn't reach her kite ... "Do you have any broccoli at your house?," Baxter asked the girl ... told her to take a bite. As she did, she grew a bit taller. He told her to take another bite and another ... There, standing before him, was the girl with the kite ... mom wondered where he had been and why his clothes were torn...
Boy Who Would Live Forever, The
- (age stasis) "A Novel of Gateway", Frederik Pohl, 2004.
As humans spread through space, allying themselves with the alien Heechee, they can have their personalities preserved electronically, but must decide what to give up. A young man and woman begin, tentatively and convincingly, to explore their relationship. Selfish and super-rich Wan Enrique Santos-Smith refuses to surrender any of his childish anger, and sets out to take revenge on all the adults who frustrated his desires.
- ln - th - (Jeffr_2bya)
Boyfriend from Hell
- (size increase) Jamie Quaid, 2012.
The legs and new height...I didn't know what to make of that just yet. I was trying very hard to pretend everything was normal, that I hadn't grown three inches overnight...I itched to stand up to Andre and verify I could almost look him in the eye...My usually lank, mousy brown hair hung in rich mink-brown waves to my shoulders...my broomstick skirt nearly met my kneecaps instead of hanging to my newly developed calves.
- (UC) Katherine Applegate. AKA Making Out.
In book 8 Aisha hits her head while she's wearing her old girl scout uniform from like, 6th grade and gets quasi-amnesia and so thinks she's dating her old boyfriend who is TOTALLY BAD NEWS. And... I guess she thinks she's a girl scout?
Boys' Love Manga: Essays on the Sexual Ambiguity and Cross-Cultural Fandom of the Genre
- (male AR) Levi, McHarry, 2010.
...fanfiction sub-genre "chibification"...adults magically transformed into chibi or small child versions of themselves.
"Chibification: Raising Ken"...plenty of kawaii scenes between child Ken and adult Aya with whom he is secretly in love.
He is indulged, tenderly bathed, fed and taken care of by Aya, leading to a happy sexual denouement when he is finally transformed back.
Bram Stoker's Dracula
- (male adult ages) Edited edition, Needle, Blythe, 2004.
The father of all vampire novels. Male old age to prime age - (Daniel) ln - th
Brave New World
(unseen accelerated growth) There was an attempt to create lower-caste proletarian workers who efficiently skip all those useless developmental years, but the 6-year-old men and women were too mentally under-developed, and the program failed.
Breach of Peace: Portraits of the Mississippi Freedom Riders
- (adult to older adult face close up FFed)
Breakfast of Champions
- (male adult rejuvenation wish) 1973. In the last lines Kilgore Trout cries out to the author character: "Make me young, make me young, make me young!"
Breaking Dawn
("accelerated growth") Twilight series, Stephenie Meyer, 2008. Renesmee "Nessie" Carlie Cullen is the half-vampire, half-human daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Renesmee grows at a fast rate, being able to speak 7 days after her birth, and by the end of Breaking Dawn she is able to read, run, hunt, and perform other tasks at advanced levels for her young age. Renesmee's curly hair already comes down to her waist. She will reach physical maturity in 7 years, when her physical appearance will be around 17, and will then stop aging.
205: "You shot right up. I could watch you getting taller by the minute. He's like that, too. Growing so fast."
460: "Carlisle came down the stairs with his hands full of odd things - a measuring tape, a scale. ... You do this every day? ... Four times a day," Carlisle corrected absently ... I thought I saw Renesmee sigh ... Four times? Every day? Why? ... She's still growing quickly," Edward murmured to me..."
461: "She looked well on her way to being a toddler just days after her birth. If this rate of growth held..."
592: "Renesmee grows at an unprecedented rate. By the time the month is past, she'll have gained another half year of development."
702: "many witnesses stand ready to give evidence that they have seen this miraculous child grow and mature in just the short time they've known her."
Breast development: a conceptualization of its social and psychological effects
- (BE) "a project based upon an independent investigation" Janice E. Robison Gianino, 1986.
Breasts: The Women's Perspective on an American Obsession
(BE coming of age, self growth dream) Carolyn Latteier.
"I have been looking at my breasts for a long time. I started watching as I was approaching puberty, and there was really nothing to see. While other girls were bursting out all over, my chest remained stubbornly quiescent. My breasts were still no more than little bumps when I reached eight grade, and it had become absolutely unbearable not to be wearing a brassiere in the gym class locker room."
"I remember dreaming one night that I stood looking in my mother's bedroom mirror, and, to my deep satisfaction, my breasts grew large, the way flowers bloom in a time-lapse film."
"[in real life] I watched my breasts grow and grow, and finally start to look like I had always thought they were supposed to. Then one morning I woke up and saw blue-lined stretch marks all over them."
"During my thirties and forties, my breasts went through monthly cycles, reaching a glamorous, firm fullness when my estrogen levels were cresting."
Breath Before Sunrise, A
- (age forms) Jamie Horwath, 2012.
The image of herself as a young girl...the childhood form of Fox floated...the little girl paused as her adult body floated past...the young Fox reached into the pocket of the adult Fox...the little girl floated under the adult Fox. The creature failed to notice Fox's childhood form slink away.
Bride by Candlelight
- (UC) Dorothy Eden, 1954.
Deirdre's thin wrists usually stuck too far out of her school blouses, and the hemline of her tunic crept higher and higher up her growing legs.
Bridge of Lions, The
- (male adult rejuvenation reported) "(A Cock Robin mystery)" by Henry Slesar, 1963.
Basis of "The Man from U.N.C.L.E." Tv episodes "The Bridge of Lions Affair" and the derived film "One of Our Spies Is Missing", 1966.
Bright Before Us
- (AP dream sequence) Katie Arnold-Ratliff, 2011.
I was hunting for ladybugs in my grandmother's backyard at age nine ... And then I stood in the grass and felt my head lifting, my legs lengthening ... I knew I was growing up, becoming big in time-lapse. Once my body had stretched itself fully, I was standing on yesterday's beach.
Broken Flower
- (FF accelerated growth) V.C. Andrews.
p137: "You noticed your breasts developing," she prompted. "You saw hair appear. What did you do about it?" "Nothing." "Did you tell your mother right away or..."
p431: ...his little girl had crossed that mysterious boundary into womanhood. At the age of eleven, my body had charged out of the gate like some impatient Olympic runner before the sound of the starting pistol. I had lurched forward and at times felt as if I was being rushed into my adolescence by a traitorous inner self that on its own, seemingly overnight, had decided to begin forming my breasts, curving my buttocks, narrowing my waist, ... and there I was at the time, finishing the fifth grade.
p433: ...making me look like some pervert just because I was studying your accelerated development and she caught me measuring your budding breasts ...
- (coming of age growth) Jordan March tries to be a good little girl and follow her grandmother's strict rules. One day, without warning, Jordan's body begins to change - and everyone notices her in a way that seems dark, dangerous, and threatening. Jordan is ashamed and afraid that her soft curves are unwelcome indeed. Grandmother Emma sets out to make Jordan pay for her family's past mistakes.
Bronze Horseman, The
(UC scene, coming of age) A Novel By Paullina Simons
"...with thin shoulder straps and no sleeves. It was fitted through the waist and then billowed out in a flowing skirt to just above her knees, and if Tatiana whirled around fast enough, the skirt billowed up in a parachute.
There was only one problem with this dress in June 1941: it was too small for Tatiana. The crisscross satin straps at the back of the dress that Tatiana could once tie completely closed had to be constantly loosened.
It vexed Tatiana that the body she was increasingly uneasy with could outgrow her favorite dress. It wasn't as if her body were blossoming to look like Dasha's, full of hips and breasts and thighs and arms. No, not all. Tatiana's hips, though round, remained small, and her arms and legs remained slender, but the breasts got larger, and there was the problem. Had the breasts remained the same size, Tatiana wouldn't have had to leave the straps loose, exposing her bare spine under the crisscrosses from her shoulder blades to the small of her back for all the world to see.
Tatiana liked the notion of the dress, the feeling of the cotton against her skin and the stitched roses under her fingers, but she did not like the feeling of her exploding body trapped inside the lung-squeezing material.
What she enjoyed was the memory of her skinny-as-a-stick fourteen-year-old-self putting on that dress for the first time and going for a Sunday walk on Nevsky. It was for that feeling that she had put on the dress again this day...
Brusski: a story of peasant life in Soviet Russia
(UC scene) Fedor Ivanovich Panferov, 1930. "Somehow she had grown taller and straighter, had bloomed like a ripe plum, and, as she folded her arms, her breasts rounded the thin muslin of her dress..."
Building Blocks
(male flashback) Cynthia Voigt, 1984. Brann is sick of hearing his parents argue all the time. After he fell asleep in the middle of a fortress of building blocks, he awoke on a wooden floor in 1939. His father was 10 years old, 2 years younger than himself. In this single mystifying day of adventure, Brann discovers that there is more to his dad -- and fate -- than he thought.
Buying Time
- (adult age stasis effect, medical rejuvenation procedure) Joe Haldeman.
A world where time truly is money, and what happens when they run out. The Stileman Process has altered 21st-century life. The most complex medical miracle ensures that every 10 years the ailing aging body can be restored to youthful adult vigor and health. There's a catch, of course: the cost. For Dallas Barr, one of the oldest men on earth, it's that time again. While casting around desperately for his next essential 1,000,000 Pounds, he meets Maria, a woman from - literally - a previous life, and makes two major discoveries. Not all Stileman "immortals" were born - or created - the same. And someone is trying to kill them all - (Jeffr_2bya)
Buying Time
- (adult rejuvenation) Joe Haldeman 1989 AKA "The Long Habit of Living"
The stateless society of Ceres harbors a secret research project to reinvent the Stileman rejuvenation process.
AP: age progression
AR: age regression
CB: clothes burst or rip
UC: undersized clothing
AA: age-appropriate clothing or clothes grow too
RN: return to normal