

Anime Cartoon Parody:

Fan parody of the "Milk It Does A Body Good" commercials (AA AP)

-- omafancom


Anime Cartoon Series: Season 03; Episode #06: "Fifty-Year Curse of the Dark Priestess" (12-Jun-2004)

As a aged dark priestess completes her curse on someone, Kagura appears behind her to recruit her and asks about her grudge against Kikyo. In the present, Kagome is utterly lost in all of her lessons, due to that fact that she's missed so many classes. After school at WcDnalds, Kagome's friends assume that she's upset about her jealous boyfriend (see episode 38) she tells them that it's about classes.
They chit-chat for a while and Kagome heads for home. In the past, Kagura takes the priestess to meet Naraku. Naraku asks the priestess, whom he calls Tsubaki, if she'd be interested in doing him a favor. Tsubaki doesn't seem interested, but when Naraku offers to give her the Shikon no Tama, she quickly changes her tune. Tsubaki reverts into her younger self, Naraku figures that she sold her soul for a demon for eternal youth.
In the present, Kagome packs her bags and heads back to the past. An impatient Inuyasha rushes to well to see what the hold up on Kagome's return is. As Inuyasha rushes off, the others sense something strange in the air. As soon as Kagome makes it out of the well, she is bitten by a snake which is Tsubaki's shikigami).

Inuyasha arrives and sees Kagome tending to her leg and runs of to find what bit her. Inuyasha just finds a strange piece of paper. Nearby, the Shikigami returns to Tsubaki having successfully collected some of Kagome's blood. Kagura takes Tsubaki to her temple, where Tsubaki begins the next part of her plan. Later, Kagome gives the others her gifts from the present and suddenly she notices that her Shikon shards have turned black! The shards break out of the jar and impale themselves into Kagome's neck, causing her to faint. Kaede realizes that this must be the work of a dark priestess.
Miroku and Sango go off to find the priestess. Naraku checks up on Tsubaki and warns that she seems to be underestimating Kagome as a reincarnation of Kikyo. Tsubaki then laments about Kikyo and how fifty years ago, when Tsubaki made her move for the Shikon no Tama because Kikyo's heart was in love with a half-demon (Inuyasha), thus weakening her powers, and her Shikigami was deflected back at her, by Kikyo's bow, which scared Tsubaki's right eye. Back with Kagome, Kagome is receiving orders from Naraku to kill Inuyasha!

Inuyasha, restless, goes to follow Sango and Miroku to find this priestess. Just as he's about to leave, Kagome fires and arrow at him. As she draws another, she weakly tells Inuyasha to escape. Elsewhere, Naraku tells Tsubaki to use the curse to kill Kagome. Naraku is pleased with the results, which are causing Inuyasha much pain.
Sango and Miroku find Tsubaki's general location, but due a convenient barrier they're progression is prevented. Elsewhere, Kikyo approaches the barrier and senses a familiarity from it. Kagome, with an arrow still pointed at Inuyasha, once again tells him to escape…

-- Stonegate & Dragoniade


Anime Cartoon Series: Season 03; Episode #07: "Kikyo & the Dark Priestess" (19-Jun-2004)

Tsubaki and Naraku look over the Shikon no Tama, blackened from corruption, with delight as Kagome's arrow remains drawn at Inuyasha (see episode 60). Kikyo enters Tsubaki's barrier (see episode 60) as Sango and Miroku look on, still unable to penetrate the barrier. Kagome once again orders Inuyasha to escape (see episode 60), Inuyasha refuses and charges towards Kagome. Suddenly, Kagome fires her arrow at Inuyasha. Naraku is pleased, however he soon falls to pieces as Kikyo shoots him, revealing that it was just a puppet (see episode 25). Tsubaki is shocked to see that Kikyo is there.
Elsewhere, Inuyasha (who wasn't shot by Kagome's arrow) cradles the collapsed Kagome, who has regained her senses because Tsubaki is know distracted by Kikyo's appearance.

Inuyasha and Kagome rush off to find Tsubaki. Tsubaki, thinks back to her failed attempt to steal the Shikon no Tama from Kikyo, who's heart was distracted by her love for Inuyasha, in order to make her beauty everlasting. After Kikyo reflected Tsubaki's Shikigami back at her, Tsubaki was angered by the scar it made and she sold her soul to a demon to prolong her beauty eternally. Tsubaki criticizes Kikyo for appearing in front of her unchanged, Tsubaki soon realizes that Kikyo is dead. Inuyasha and Kagome make it to Tsubaki's barrier, where Miroku and Sango are, Kagome breaks it with her arrow. Tsubaki is surprised to see that Kagome missed, again, and let Inuyasha live.
Angered by this, Kikyo fires warning shots at Tsubaki. Kikyo then grabs a chunk of Tsubaki's hair and pulls at it, Kikyo tells Tsubaki that while she doesn't care about what she does to Kagome but if she does anything to Inuyasha, she will her. With that, Kikyo disappears.

Inuyasha and the others arrive at Tsubaki's shrine are greeted by Tsubaki and her Shikigami. Miroku and Sango ask Tsubaki where Kikyo went, which shocks Inuyasha. Tsubaki explains that she was there about Inuyasha. Inuyasha puts Kagome down and charges at Tsubaki, as he is about unsheathe Tetsusaiga, Tsubaki pulls out the blackened Shikon no Tama and tells him that if he draws that sword she'll have to kill Kagome, who is still under her curse and is only mobile due to Kikyo's distraction.
Inuyasha is disgusted by such deplorable tactics. Tsubaki releases a three tailed demon to attack Inuyasha and warns him that if he draws Tetsusaiga she'll kill Kagome!

-- Jeffr_2bya


Anime Cartoon Series: Season 03; Episode #08: "Tsubaki's Unrelenting Evil Spell" (26-Jun-2004)

Inuyasha continues his battle with Tsubaki's demon (see Season 03, Episode #07) and receives a gash in the gut from the monster's claws. Inuyasha manages to slice at the demon's right eye with his Blades of Blood (Hijinketsou). Angered, Tsubaki ups the dose of curse on Kagome. The demon regenerates and resumes its attack. Trying to eliminate what they believe to be the source of the curse, Miroku and Sango try to kill Tsubaki's shikigami but are unsuccessful. Sango rushes back to Kagome's side only to find that she's falling deeper under the curses thrall.
Kagome suddenly awakens in her own time and is shocked to see that her family doesn't remember anything about Kagome's adventures in time and her friends also have no memory of her "two-timing boyfriend".

As Kagome walks home, she passes a couple that looks strangely like Sango and Miroku and when she arrives home she sees a grandmother and grandson (who look like Kaede and Shippo) buy one of her grandfather's Shikon no Tama replicas (see episode 1). She feels a pain in her neck and collapses. The next morning, Kagome finds that she can't remember a chunk of her past and is baffled by the frequent pain in her neck and distant voices she sometimes hears.
After school and her and Hojo are leaving, she follows an impulse she had and goes to where girls are learning archery from a teacher who bears a resemblance to Kikyo. "Kikyo" asks Kagome to shoot an arrow, she does and missed the bull's eye. Kagome asks who she (the instructor) is, and instructor just turns back and asks Kagome is.
Kagome says that she is her (the instructor) and the instructor just turns it around saying yes she (Kagome) is her (the instructor). The instructor then asks if she still wants to kill Inuyasha and that she has to choose who she is. Kagome then re-awakens in the past. She then shoots an arrow at Tsubaki, but misses. Tsubaki laughs and dismisses her as a cheap substitute for Kikyo.
Angered, Kagome fires her arrow again but misses Tsubaki. Tsubaki's demon then attacks Kagome, but Inuyasha saves her. Enraged, Inuyasha kills the demon with his Iron Reaper Soul Stealer (Sankontessou) and then manages to behead Tsubaki's shikigami. Tsubaki shows the group that has done nothing to alleviate the curse. She then releases several more demons from her eye (see episode 61) at Inuyasha, Miroku and Sango.

As the three are fighting of the demons, Tsubaki's regenerated Shikigami attacks Kagome. Kagome uses her arrow and deflects Tsubaki's shikigami into her right eye, the same way Kikyo did 50 years prior. The force from the deflection knocks Tsubaki back and causes her to drop the Shikon no Tama, which purifies itself. Kagome is. now free from the curse. Tsubaki grabs the Shikon no Tama and flees on her few remaining demons.
Elsewhere, Naraku observes this through Kanna's mirror and decides to give Tsubaki another shot at Inuyasha. Tsubaki, who is now drained of her powers, looks at the Shikon no Tama and vows to use it's endless power to kill Inuyasha and Kagome. As Inuyasha carries an exhausted Kagome and apologizes for the trouble being around him brings. Kagome, in return, tells Inuyasha she likes being around him. The group then reunites with Kaede and Shippo.

-- Jeffr_2bya


Anime Cartoon Series: Season 03; Episode #09: "The Red & White Priestesses" (03-Jul-2004)

Tsubaki laments over her recent defeat (see episode 62) as she approaches her old priestess training school. At the gates to her school she is stopped by two young priestesses, Botan and Mimiji. Not sure of if she's a demon, they threaten to attack. She tells them she's a priestess and they welcome her. While she's at first unsure of what to them, when they offer to help she tells them of demon that's out for her life. At Kaede's village, after Kagome and the rest wake up, Kagome senses Tsubaki's Shikon no Tama and the group (Kaede included) takes off.
Back at Tsubaki's alma mater, Botan and Mimiji pack their Priestess accessories and march off to face the demons. Inuyasha and the others come across a barrier that was erected by priestesses. Soon, the two priestesses emerge and size up their enemies. However, they accuse Kaede of being a demon and are instantly attracted to Kirara and Shippo's cuteness. They soon imitate an attack on the group with little paper shikigamis. The shikigami soldiers are no challenge to the group who effortlessly exterminates all but two. Those two manages to collect strands of Kagome and Inuyasha's hair.

With those strands, Botan and Mimiji manage to make giant dolls that resemble Inuyasha and Kagome. Elsewhere, Tsubaki approaches a tower that, according to her late master, houses a strong ogre. Tsubaki is then approached by Kagura, who has come to collect the jewel (see episode 60).
Inuyasha soon discovers that the two dolls have the same abilities as he and Kagome. After some debacle, the two dolls are finally defeated and the blast from the destruction of the two sends Botan and Mimiji flying. Miroku lecherously volunteers to stay behind and explain the situation to the now incapacitated priestesses.
In order to keep Miroku on his best behavior, Shippo and Kirara stay behind as Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango and Kaede forge ahead to deal with Tsubaki. Tsubaki, with the help of a spell, opens the door to the tower. Kagura scoffs at Tsubaki's plan to use the Shikon no Tama to control the ogre within the tower. As Inuyasha, Kagome, Sango and Kaede make into the school, they see massive demonic energy emanating from the distant tower…

-- Jeffr_2bya


Anime Cartoon Series: Season 03; Episode #10: "Giant Ogre of the Forbidden Tower" (10-Jul-2004)

As Sango, Inuyasha, Kagome and Kaede arrive at the Priestess Training Ground (see episode 63), Kaede realizes that the Tsubaki they're dealing with today is the same one that Kikyo crossed paths with 50 years ago. Suddenly, Kagome detects Tsubaki's Shikon shard (see episode 62) coming from the tower (see episode 63). As the group rushes towards the tower they must fend off some Shikigami. Elsewhere, Shippo and Miroku convince Botan and Momiji (see episode 63) that Tsubaki has become a dark priestess, and they agree to help the others deal with her.
After taking care of the rather weak Shikgami, Inuyasha and the others proceed to the tower. Kagura emerges from the tower. Sango sees this as proof that Naraku and Tsubaki were in league together. Kagura sicks a zombified warrior on the four. Inuyasha eventually defeats the demon, despite some intervention from Kagura. Kagura is driven off by Kagome and Kaede's arrows. Meanwhile on back of Kirara, Miroku, Shippo and the priestesses close in on the tower.

Inside the tower, Tsubaki manages to free the ogre sealed with in (see episode 63) and absorbs into her eye (see episode 61 and 62) by luring it with the Shikon shard within it. As Inuyasha and the others arrive on the scene, Tsubaki transforms into the recently absorbed ogre.
Now a giant ogre, Tsubaki attacks the group. Miroku soon arrives on the scene with the others. As an ogre, Tsubaki proves to be quite a challenge. She is eventually forced back into her human form by Inuyasha, who causes the devolution with the Bakuryuuha (The Backlash Wave). Tsubaki is remains confident as she still has the Shikon no Tama in her possession.
Suddenly, one of Naraku's Saimyousho flies out of her eye, with the Shikon no Tama. Not wanting to loose the Shikon no Tama again, Sango hurls her Hiraikotsu at the insect. The insect is obliterated, however, Kagura swoops in and reclaims the precious jewel. With all of her power drained, and the demon retaining her youth death, a withered and dying Tsubaki, laments about what could she have done wrong to end up like this. Later as Botan and Momiji say their goodbyes to the group, Kikyo walks off into the trees. (aged to death)

-- Jeffr_2bya


Demon: Anime Person

Fox-demon child, Shippo, transforms himself into the Anime's heroine, Kagome, to fool an evil demon.

-- Visible Time
