The three-year-old suddenly changed into the adult.
Yue Ying was back! The mature one, the pregnant one - but something did not come back.
"Why are you staring at me like that?"
A breeze came by the window, which was left open from before.
Feeling air in places it shouldn't go by, the adult screamed - like the scream which the child had made before when she realized what 'marriage' meant.
This time, when she screamed, it was accompanied by laughter.
They weren't laughing from any pleasure, nor the slow response Yue Ying had made once she had realized her child-sized clothes were no longer appropriate for her - rather the fact that everything had been finally restored.
by turtlelamp
Over the years my sister frequently disappeared for years at a time. She got mixed up in everything you can imagine, drugs, prostitution, abuse and so on.
I decided to let her stay with me for awhile. One minute I had the hairdryer going the next I see my sister's reflection in my mirror. She has a knife and begins screaming as she charges me. She's not strong or healthy so once my shock wears off I literally just shove her out the front door and call the police. She's gone by the time they show up and I haven't spoken to her since.
But I've seen her. Just like I used to.
My sisters runaway days started when we were young and my parents chalked up my sightings to being little and wanting my sister to be home bad enough to imagine she was home again. I would walk into a room and she would be there, playing with our dollhouse. I'd sit next to her and try to play too and she'd just ignore me. I figured she was mad because mom and dad would have yelled at her for running away so I'd leave her alone. When I'd try looking for her again she'd be gone and I'd ask my parents about her.
At first they sadly explained that no one had found her yet, but after the third or fourth time I insisted she had come back they got very short with me and I wasn't allowed to say I saw her anymore. The sightings continued though, all the way up to present day.
Sometimes I see my sister as a small child. Other times she's a sullen teenager. Sometimes she looks like she did at the height of her drug addiction, teeth falling out, greasy stringy hair, bloated face and dressed like a hooker that buys other hookers hand-me-down street walker clothes. She never talks to me or acknowledges me and she's always doing something specific so it's not like a poltergeist or haunting.
Little sister plays with a dollhouse or stands facing away from me in a corner. Teenage sister is dressed like a punk and is usually cutting all her hair off or spiking it with glue. Prostitute sister cuts her arms over and over...
My sister is alive, so there's no 'oooh it's a ghooost' stuff here. The hallucinations don't make sounds or speak and I usually see them out of the corner of my eye, turn and look and they hang out for like a minute and they are gone. Except this last one. As I was coming up the stairs from my basement I happened to look between the stairs and she was under there. This time she had a knife but was just holding it. She actually looked at me and smiled. I startled at first but kept going. It wasn't until I got to the top of the stairs that I heard her laughing....
The Brady Bunch
"Jump the Shark" comments
How 'bout them knockers bouncing as Marcia and Jan run through King's Island? Too bad "Baywatch" wasn't around back then - they'd have been shoo-ins!
The show badly jumped in the last two seasons when Jan wore the same hideous, tight, orange, scooped-neck sweater in almost every episode in order to show off her new breasts.
no one ever pulled the shower scene from "psycho" on marcia or jan.
This show started showing signs of wear when Jan developed her "nasally" adult voice. There was never a graceful transition from child Eve Plumb to adult Eve Plumb. It was like one day she was a preteen with myopia, and the next she was a Playboy Bunny.
there was actually an episode in which they propped her up in a dentist's chair while she was wearing a skimpy powder blue mini. That one certainly had me screaming "Marcia! Marcia! MARCIA!"
How come no one mentioned the trip to 6 Flags in Cincinnati?? I'm a female and don't pay much attention, but even I couldn't help but notice how much Jan had *grown* as she was running through the park trying to get Mike's drawings back to him.
how no one has managed to mention the trip to the amusement park is beyond me. that was when jan "blossomed" before our eyes. all the guys were already getting calluses from marcia, but jan? a nice addition...
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