Madame Zelda: Trading Up....Trading Down Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

by Louder

Staci was 17 and had her share of fights with her mother. Actually, a little more than normal. Her dad had left when she was only 8. Her mother, Marsha, felt that a lot of the bickering was his fault. Had Steve stayed with the family things would have been more like the storybook romance that she had always wanted. Or so she thought. Steve rarely made any appearances. Although he still lived in the same town, he kept his distance only showing up now and then to drop off a rare support check or late birthday card. Staci's initial fear of losing her father had gradually turned into a hatred for him. While Marsha didn't consider the relationship between her and her daughter to be beyond repair she did feel it was strained. Just the previous day they had argued over buying new clothing. Then her going to a party that evening. It finally ended the way their arguments always do.... with Marsha voicing her dislike of Jeff, Staci's boyfriend.

That is why she thought Staci's actions rather odd on this day. Instead of disappearing all afternoon or staying locked up in her room pouting, she wanted to do something 'nice' for Marsha. Even odder still was where she had driven them. Staci, had driven her and her mother into a rather quaint neighborhood and was insisting that she follow her to one of the houses. It was an older looking house that looked like it could stand some cleaning. Cobwebs lined the corners of the porch. On approaching the door, Marsha could see there was no door bell....only a large brass knocker.

'So what is this place? Something from the Addam's Family set?' Marsha asked.

'No, mom! Just come on and you'll see!' Staci answered.

Staci grabbed the knocker and rapped it against the door a couple of times. The door slowly opened revealing an old woman hunched frame.

'Yes?' she asked.

'I was told that maybe you could help me? I wanna do something nice for my mother here.' Staci said as she motioned toward her mother.

'Maybe..... What is is that you seek?' the old woman answered. Her eyes focused on Staci and Staci noticed how piercing the old woman's stare was.

'Like, you know.... Your stuff.... The magic stuff...'

'Staci, what are you doing? It's obvious you're just wasting....' Marsha tried saying before the old woman spoke again.

'No... I think I know what it is Staci seeks. Come in, won't you?'

Marsha looked at Staci with a look of curiosity as she followed the woman inside. The inside of the house did nothing to dispell Marsha's original thought about this house being from the set of the Addam's Family. Candles lit the rooms. The curtains were all drawn. Only a cat....fittingly black...was the other occupant.

'I'm Madame Zelda....Here take a seat, Marsha....Staci....'

'So what is it that you do...that Staci has me here for?'

'Perhaps we should ask Staci....Staci?' Zelda answered

'I just thought that with all the fighting and stuff we've been doing that maybe I've went overboard..... but you might've ummmm been too uhhhhh hard too...I mean maybe it's both our faults kinda.... so I thought maybe we could trade for a few days... You be young again and ME be old...older' Staci explained.

'Trade? Us trade ages? What are you talking about?'

'Ahhhh It sounds like you've thought this out! I think I have a spell that would be perfect!' Zelda replied.

'SPELL!?!?' Marsha yelped.

'MOM.... It's not like it's evil or anything! Just listen to my idea. We'll trade places for a few days and then we can trade back!'

'I still don't know what you mean! Are you taking drugs?'

'No....I'm not on drugs! I just thought this would be nice for YOU!'

As they argued Zelda had somehow managed to pick out a mysterious blue stone and also red stone. She handed the blue one to Marsha and the red one to Staci. They took them without thinking and continued bickering.

'Ahem....AHEM...EXCUSE ME!' Zelda yelled grabbing their attention. 'Would you two please exchange your stones now?'

The two didn't even realize they were holding the stones. They had been too pre-occupied arguing.

They looked at each other frustratingly, but did as asked.

'OK, Now I'll take them' Zelda said as she gathered the two stones up. She placed them in a small box and spoke a few undistinquishable words. 'There we go...that should do it! After the transformation is complete you can trade ages back anytime you want. You both just come here and we'll reverse the process and reverse the spell!'

Staci looked at her mother but nothing looked different. Marsha saw her staring and began to think that her daughter had lost her mind! What did she expect to happen she wondered? And what kind of transformation..was she supposed to ~think~ differently or something?

'Now, Marsha, the spell should be starting to work now. As you get younger the changes in your body will be rather radical. And Staci, you too will feel radically different. As you get older you'll feel possibly a bit more mellow. Obvisouly, a few pains are possible...weight gain.... tire easily.... BUT Marsha you'll feel energy bursting out of your flesh! All your aches and pains will go away....well PHYSICAL aches and pains will go away. Being a teenager isn't easy....'

'Are you BOTH crazy? What in hell are you talking about?' Marsha was tiring of this fast!

'Your thought processes will become more match your body. You'll still have your memories but they will be filtered through your new body. You'll think like a teenager. Act like a teenager. BE a teenager! And Staci, yours will change also. Probably be more analytical, less impulsive.....' Zelda kept talking, explaining the process.

Marsha tuned the old woman's voice out. She only wanted to get out of here without offending someone who she felt was obviously senile. Marsha's mind wandered. 'What is wrong with that girl? Bringing me here for some kind of hocus pocus! What a joke! I could be doing lots of other stuff. It's such a great day just to be outdoors. I mean, like, for sure.... mumbo jumbo magic..Really!... That's totally crazy! Totally!....Like I could ~trade~ IF...'

Meanwhile, Staci also had quit listening. She started thinking about her knee that was hurting. She didn't remember it hurting earlier that morning. She started thinking about how silly she would look if Zelda didn't really have ~powers~. She even felt a little guilty about the whole thing. Her optimism that this could ever work started fading fast. Her mood soured even more. She really just wanted to get back home and relax!

'....Ladies...Girls... Girls....LADIES!' Zelda had to raise her voice to get their attention. They were both in deep thought!

'Huh? What?' they answered.

'It's finished....they're still be some mental changes over time but 'The Trade' has started' Zelda exclaimed'

'Yeah, ~Right~! Like, you could even do that stuff! As if.... ' her voice trailed off as she saw a stunned Staci staring at her. A stunned 39 year old Staci! Her clothing was tight on her and it was apparent she had put on a few pounds. Her hair looked dry and dull and even had touches of gray. Her shorts were straining to contain her expanded hips.

'If you're....' Marsha said searching for the proper words 'then I'm......'

'WOW!!!! WOW, WOW!!! No wonder I feel so good!' Marsha said while catching her reflection in one of Zelda's mirrors. A long forgotten face was staring back at her. Firm, and young. Slightly upturned nose. Long blonde hair. The picture of youth! Unlined hands. She tugged on the waist of her now large pants. 'YES! Better than any diet!...' 'Ya know, I was always kind of jealous of you 'cuz you could wear those short shorts and and little skirts...and look soooo cute...and sexy 'she said as she pulled her pant legs up as high as she could to show off her youthful legs 'But I got 'em too... now!' Her hands found their way to her breasts and she giggled 'A little smaller....but soooo perky!' Teenaged Marsha then danced in a circle in her baggy clothing, shoes slipping as she spun around in them. 'This is, like, a little younger than I woulda probably picked. But, you know, It's all good!'

'Mother! Settle down!' Staci ordered sounding a bit annoyed at her mother's newly found exhuberance.

'~Sorrrrreeee~ ~MOM!~' Marsh answered sarcastically.

'So what does this cost, Madam Zelda?' Staci asked.

'I'm just glad you're pleased. Consider this a gift. Now remember, when you are ready to trade back, both of you just come and see me and we'll reverse it.' Zelda told them. 'And....Ahhhh Perhaps you two might want to trade clothes before leaving?' she then offered.

'Yeah!' Marsha exclaimed wanting to try on Staci's now ill fitting shorts and cut off T-shirt.

Staci was actually happy to oblige. She felt more than a little 'strange' in the clothes looking like she looked now. Her belly hung out over the top of the shorts and the button was threatening to pop at any moment. The sides had already split some. The two began changing into the other's things.

'Oooooh, look at this' Marsha said rubbing her exposed mid-section 'I don't ever remember having a tummy so flat!'

Staci smiled a smile out of obligation and continued putting on her mother's clothing. Even those clothes were slightly tight!

Finally, Staci had on the knit pants, blouse, and sneakers that were formerly her mother's. Marsha now had on the cut off shorts, mid-riff exposing T-shirt, and sandals that had formerly been her daughter's wardrobe!

'Good Luck' Zelda told them as they left for the first day of their 'trade'.


'So where we goin'?' Marsha asked.

'I think back home. This has been an eventful morning. I'm thinking a nap is in order' Staci answered.

'A NAP???? Awww C'mon. How 'bout the mall? I wanna get some new clothes. I mean, I know it's only, like, a week and stuff, and I could wear yours...but I wanna pick out my own stuff! I saw some girls the other day with these, like, cool outfits. They were sooooo cute! I never dreamed that 'I' could ever, like,, wear 'em.... ya know? '

Staci tried to ignore her.

'Awww C'mon..It'll be fun...We can check out the guys!' Marsha offered.

'Guys?' Staci continued driving home. The mall would have to wait she thought.

Madame Zelda: Trading Up....Trading Down Part 2

by Louder

Staci pulled into the driveway amidst the protests of Marsha. 'Awww C'mon. It'd be cool for us to hang at the mall for a while. It's not like we'd have to stay all day!'

'I have plenty of things that will fit you. You can wear any of my things.'

'Yeah, but I wanna get some cool stuff. Some of your stuff is OK, but shopping is like half the fun! Besides, we'll change back pretty soon and I wanna experience shopping like THIS! Ya know?'

'First off...I'd HAVE some more cool things if you would LET me! Second... You can go by yourself! It's not like I have to drive you!' Staci told her.

'Yeah....Well, maybe I have a better taste in clothes now? And I'm not sure about driving. What if a cop like pulls me over or somethin'? I mean he's not gonna believe my ID! Get ~real~!'

'I guess he wouldn't believe mine either for that matter.... here, let's trade ID's. We'd pass for each other.... now!' The two exchanged driver's licenses. 'OK, now YOU can go.... I'm going to take a nap.'

'You sure? I bet it's packed there right now!'

'It is probably IS packed. I'm REAL sure. See you after while.' Staci got out of the car and Marsha hopped over into the driver's seat.

'Hey! Don't forget your seatbelt. There's a law for that now!'

'Sheesh, ~fine~' Marsha answered as she buckled up. She then started backing out of the driveway. One crushed trash can later and she was on the road.

Staci walked inside. She sat on the couch and began rubbing her sore knee. After a couple of long sighs she picked up the phone and dialed her boyfriend Jeff.

'Hello Jeff'


'It's me.. Staci'

'Staci? You sound kinda funny'

'I imagine I do! It worked!'

'What worked?'

'The crazy old woman really did switch my mother and me!'

'This is a joke.... Give it up! Put Staci on the line.'

'No, It IS me! It worked about as I figured it would. I told you those stories about her were true!'

'Nahhhh. I don't believe THAT. You're an ol...errr middle-aged woman and your mom is a kid. Like a teenager. Yeah, and I was born yesterday!'

'Better be careful. I bet Zelda could do that! And as far as who I am... You don't suppose anyone else knows about the quarry, do you?'

'No way!'

'Yes, ~way~!'

'So, so, so how?'

'I don't really know. Some kind of spell I guess. Magic'

'What about your mom? How's she handling it?'

'Pretty well. She's not quite the mousey thing I figured she'd be. I think she's wanting to show off a bit! She wanted to go ~shopping~. Anyway, she's gone now, so we can make some plans. The first thing is get some booze stored up for the world's biggest party as soon as I get my youth back! She'll be in for a surprise when she gets to the mall. She's going to be short a few credit cards. I'm thinking you could use a new stereo in that car of yours!'

'Cool! There's another party going on tonight. Are you gonna be able to come? We could use some more booze!'

'I can get you the booze but I don't want any of my friends to see me looking like this. I'd look so out of place. No one would recognize me anyway, I guess.... But I'd still look like somebody's mom! The main thing is to get some stuff with these credit cards. She wouldn't buy me the clothes I wanted so I'll get them myself! I'm going to spend a lot of money this week!'

'You wanna go now? I could pick you up.'

'Noooo.... Marsh.....errrrr Mom is at the mall. This has been a pretty tiring day. I'll take a nap and then see about getting you some beer later. I'll call you when I have it.'

The two exchanged their 'goodbyes' and hung up their phones.

Staci fumbled with the credit cards in her hand and wondered if this was such a good idea. She decided that she was just getting paranoid and slipped them back into her pocket. She started to get up but her knee was getting stiff. She rubbed it and then laid back down on the couch. In only a few minutes she was fast asleep.


Marsha pulled into the parking lot of the mall. Normally, she would drive around and try to find a close space. Today she settled for the first spot she saw. She bounced out of the car and made her way to the entrance. She saw some boys exiting the mall who were obviously checking her out. She smiled and acted like she didn't see them. Just as they passed she took a peek over her shoulder to see them all watching her walk away.

'Come back!' one of them jokingly yelled as she entered the mall. She smiled a little more. To her, it was the first compliment of the day!

The first thing on her list was to get a new purse. She'd already rescued a few dollars and a credit card from her old purse. Besides Staci's driver's license, she didn't see much else of any use to a teenager in it. She was missing a few credit cards but figured she must've left them at home for some reason. The old purse stayed in the car. She found a sale in one of the department stores and found a new purse that she thought was cute. It was small and didn't have room for all the things that she had carried in her old one.... but that was perfect now!

After buying the purse, she noticed a group of people in one of the other departments. Being curious, she made her way to see what was up. It was a free makeover sponsored by one of the 'beauty products' companies. 'Can't beat the price!' she said to no one in particular.

'What?' a girl standing next to her asked.

'Oh, I was kinda talking to myself. Looks like a cool deal. I guess I'll get in line.'

'Yeah, my Mom's in the chair right now. They say she'll look 10 years younger when it's done.... I told her she had better go thru the line twice!'

Both girls laughed and talked as their lines slowly moved forward. The girl's mother finally finished and Marsha thought she did look a little better... kinda old looking still...but better. Finally, it was their turn to take a seat. One lady explained to them and the group about how they come to make decisions about what each person needs for their makeover while her assistants do the work.

'These girls are young enough that you probably don't think they need any makeup...and you might be right!' the lady joked 'But seriously, even teenagers can learn makeup skills that will be with them for life. First, when you're young you can get away with some more 'flirty' colors but as you age you want to be a bit more conservative in your approach. At this age, blemishes might be a problem that you would want to conceal. Older women might want to hide some fine lines or more honestly...wrinkles! .....' The lady continued speaking as the assistants worked on the girls. Their hair was brushed out. Nails were painted. Lipstick applied. Soon, they were finished.

'Well, you two certainly look good' the girl's mother told them.

'Thanks, ma'm' Marsha answered politely 'You look good too.'

'Thank you... Debbi...what do YOU think?'

'Yeah, look great. If you looked any younger people'd think we were sisters or somethin' Debbi answered sarcastically 'And if you'd stayed up there any longer you might've needed to some Pampers!'

The girls laughed. Debbi's mother didn't think it was all that funny. She smiled politely at their humor and then told Debbi to meet her at the entrance in about an hour while she finished her shopping.

'So, you wanna hang with me while Mom shops? I just moved here not too long ago. I don't really have a lot of friends yet.' she asked Marsha.

'Sure! I wanna pick up some cool new stuff. You can help me if ya want. I could. like, use some help'

'Cool! Yeah, There's a lot of new things on sale down at this one store I saw. Follow me unless you have somewhere already in mind.'

'OK, Ya know, I'm not really up on all the coolest places for clothes in here.' Marsha answered as they headed for one of the shops.

'Here it is' Debbi announced. Marsha looked up to see nothing but clothes for young people. Short dresses. Clunky shoes. Short tops. Funky belts. Bright colors everywhere! She began imagining herself in the outfits.

'So, whata ya looking for, Marsha?'

'I dunno, something kinda....ummm, like 'revealing'' she said as her eyes caught a bright summery dress. It was a bright, almost neon green. 'Like that! Do you think it'd look OK on me?'

'Yeah, with the right stuff to set it off. Maybe a necklace.'


'Yeah, well nothing fancy. A big dangly kinda necklace and some cool shoes. Maybe a bracelet too. Why dontcha try it on?'

Marsha giggled and took the dress into the dressing room. She put it on and turned around. She peered over her shoulder to see how it looked in back. She lifted her long blond hair. It seemed even longer to her now that she could fully see it. Lifting her hair, she could see her youthful shoulders and a firm rear end! The dress was even shorter than she had thought it would be. Rather than causing her to decide against the dress, though, she liked how it made her feel just a bit 'naughty'. Satisfied with her 'look' she stepped out of the dressing room for Debbi to see her.

'Tada!' she said as she appeared.

' look! You got it goin' on girl! Here, hold this up and let's see how it looks' she said holding out a necklace. 'Yeah.... very cool!'

Marsha smiled 'You really think it's, like, ~me~?'

'Oh yeah! I wish my mom would let me get something like that. She'd have a cow, though! Plus you've got the 'stuff' to pull it off! You got any shoes to go with it?'

'Ummm I don't think so...' she answered trying to remember Staci's collection.

Debbi found her a clunky pair of sandals and a some bracelets to accent the outfit. 'Wow... The guys will love YOU!' Debbi said as Marsha modeled the full outfit.

Marsha changed back into her...or rather... her daughter's clothes and went to the register to pay for the items.

'That'll be 177.99, Miss.' the salesperson told her.

'Here' Marsha answered handing her a credit card.

'Have you got any ID?' she asked.

'Ummmm' Marsha said while handing her Staci's ID.

'The name is different.' The salesperson told her in a matter of fact tone.

'Yeah, it's ummm, like, Mom's credit card. She said I could use it.'

The saleswoman shook her head as if to indicate she was satisfied with the answer and continued finishing the sale. 'Here you are. Have nice day, girls'

Marsha liked being called a 'girl'...... that is what she is...a GIRL! Before her transformation, if she would have been called a girl she would have bristled. They left the store and waited at the entrance for Debbi's mother. They found a seat on one of the benches and began chatting.

'So, you got any plans for tonight?' Debbi asked.

'I dunno. I hadn't really thought about it, ya know?'

'Maybe we could do something? I could get my Mom's car and we could come back here...or somethin' '

'You really wanna?' Marsha asked.

'Yeah, I didn't have any plans. It IS Saturday! I could call you and we could do somethin'' Debbi replied.

'Sure, cool!'

Debbi's mother arrived and so the two girls exchanged phone numbers and parted.


A Couple of Hours Later- -----

Staci woke up to the sound of the phone ringing.

'I got it....I got it...' Marsha excitedly yelled and ran for the phone hopping over furniture and shoes on the way.

Staci listened to one side of the conversation.


'Oh, hi.. It's me'

'Whatsup, Debbi?'

'I saw 'em too...just as we were leaving they....ummmmm I'm gonna switch phones... hold on' she said as she noticed Staci listening.

'What's going on?' Staci asked.

'Nothing, I'm just talking to Debbi. Hang up for me when I get on the other phone...OK?'

Staci nodded her head 'yes' as Marsha left the room.

'OK, I got it! Hang up!' Marsha yelled from upstairs. '....I said ~OK~ I got it....Hang up....'

Staci put the phone back on the receiver. A couple of seconds later and she heard Marsha padding back down the steps. 'Just checking... I'm still on the phone' she said looking to make sure that Staci had hung up the phone. Marsha turned and padded back up the stairs and shut the bedroom door behind her.

Staci shook her head in disbelief. She spent the next couple of hours listening to the muffled sounds of giggling and talking as Marsha talked on the phone.

Madame Zelda: Trading Up....Trading Down Part 3

by Louder

Staci decided it would be a good opportunity to pick up the liquor for her boyfriend. She got in the car and drove to the closest one. She felt nervous upon entering the store, never to have been in a liquor store before. She nervously glanced at the security cameras, and worried that the man at the counter would never believe her ID. She filled a grocery cart full of beer but wasn't very brand loyal. She did pick up some extra Budweiser because she liked the frogs!

Rolling her bounty up to the counter she needn't to have worried about the ID.... The man never even asked to see it! He took her credit card and rang up the purchase without hesitation. 'Looks like somebody's gonna have a wing-ding!' He said as he loaded the items back in the cart.

'Uh yes...Yes sir... A wing-ding' she answered, still nervous.

Staci was glad to get back to the car, load all the beer onto the backseat, and get on the road. For the first few miles she kept expecting the man from the store to chase her down just to see her ID. By the time that she got home that fear had subsided. She left the beer in the car and re-entered the house.

'Good, she's finally off the phone!' Staci thought as she heard the shower running....and running...

Staci grabbed the phone and called Jeff.

'Hi Jeff. I got ~it~. ~It's~ in the car. In the backseat. Maybe you can sneak over and get it out when it's dark?'

'Why so sneaky?' he asked

'Because she's STILL my mother. She'd throw a fit if she knew I was buying beer....and the way she's acting she'd probably want some! You just get it out and quietly put it in your car. And don't let the neighbors see it! Leave it in the sacks.'

'Don't you want me to come in?'

'NO!...ummm No... You don't need to see me like this. Just get the stuff and I'll call you later, or you can call me... OK?'


Staci wanted to talk with Jeff some more but a voice came from upstairs 'Staci? Staci? Are you back? Staci?'

'I gotta go, Jeff. Talk to you later'

'~What?~' Staci yelled back at Marsha.

Soon a teenaged Marsha, wrapped only in a towel and dripping wet, made her way down the stairs.

'You're getting the carpet wet!' Staci impulsively yelled.

'Oh...sorry.... I can't find that stuff you use when you shave your legs. I wanna try it.'

'It's in my bedroom.... I thought you didn't like that stuff?' Staci asked.

'I dunno.... That was before.... Thanks' Marsha said as she padded back up the stairs.

Soon, the shower was on again! Staci wondered how much hot water would be left. She really wanted to spend some quality time with the shower massage on her knee. She wondered how much longer that girl could take in the shower!

Finally, she heard a shriek 'Oooooooooh COLD!!' And then the sound of the water shutting off. 'We're outta hot water!' Marsha whined.

'No wonder!' Staci grumbled herself '~great~'

Staci put her legs up and turned on the TV. No massaging shower for a while now! She tried MTV but it was too much to keep up with. A few more clicks and she was on CBS. She stopped there and soon put the remote down.

'Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz' The sound of the blow drier revved up. Staci upped the volume on the TV so that she could hear the dialogue.

After a while, Marsha came down the stairs. Her hair was combed conservatively behind her ears. She was wearing a pair of shorts that were mid-thigh length and a simple shirt. She was carrying three pairs of shoes. 'I can't decide... The high tops, these sandals, or these new ones?'

'What does it matter?' Staci asked.

'Debbi is coming over and we're gonna hit the mall and just hang out'

'Debbi? Who's Debbi?' Staci was confused

'She's my friend. I met her today and she's wayyyyyy cool. Her mom let's her take the car and everthing, whenever she wants it.' Marsha told her excitedly.

Staci was surprised to hear that her mom had a teenaged friend, but she was also glad that she wouldn't be here to catch Jeff when he made the beer exchange.

'So which pair?' Marsha asked again.

'Whatever you think is fine' Staci answered, totally uninterested.

'What'd you pick???' Marsha quizzed.

'It doesn't matter... If ihe sandals are comfortable, wear them'

'You think they are best? I don't care about comfort or anything... I just wanna look good for the mall. Is that what you'd wear with this outfit? Is this a cute outfit? Maybe I should change? Is it too 'old' looking?'

'MARSHA!....errr Mom, settle down. You look fine. You look like a fine upstanding young lady'

'Upstanding?' she asked with a smirk 'I'll be the most popular girl there won't I?' she said with sarcasm. Her mood seemed to instantly change.

Staci could hear the hurt in her voice. '~Great~' she thought 'Now I have to deal with my MOTHER'S teenage angst!'

Marsha put her feet up on the coffe table and started rolling the legs of her shorts up, each turn exposing a little more thigh. 'These are dumb ol' shorts anyway' she said as she worked on them.

'Marsh...errrr Mom, you look great! If you're trying to impress some boys...they'll love you! And if you just want to make some girls jealous, you're well equipped. Just be careful.... I don't want to have a little brother or sister around here! You look .... sexy'

'You think so?' she said as she let her hair fall free around her face.

-Ding Dong-

'Just a minute!' Marsha yelled as she bounded out of the chair and headed toward the door 'I'm coming!'

She opened the door to see Debbi standing there. 'Are you ready?' Debbi asked while walking on inside.

With her mood suddenly turned completely around, her voice rang with excitement 'Yip, let me grab my shoes and purse and let's hit it!'

'I guess you must be Marsha's mother? I'm Debbi. How are you doing?' Debbi said as she extended her hand out to Staci.

'Fine, thank you.... Miss.' she replied as she politely shook Debbi's hand and then said instinctively 'You girls have a good time, but be careful!'

'We will!' they answered in chorus and then laughed at the coincidence.

Staci watched the two teens leave and actually felt a tinge of worry about how her mother would do.....'It's just that she seems so ~young~' Staci thought.


'So how about a change of plans?' Debbi asked.

'Whatta ya mean?' Marsha replied

'You into parties?' Debbi said.

'Is there one?' Marsha wanted to know.

'Yeah, a big one I guess. This one boy, Jeff, is supposed to have a whole truckload of beer!' Debbi answered ' All the cool guys are supposed to be there!'

'Yeah, WOW... sounds cool to me!' Marsha exclaimed. Staci decided it would be a good opportunity to pick up the liquor for her boyfriend. She got in the car and drove to the closest one. She felt nervous upon entering the store, never to have been in a liquor store before. She nervously glanced at the security cameras, and worried that the man at the counter would never believe her ID. She filled a grocery cart full of beer but wasn't very brand loyal. She did pick up some extra Budweiser because she liked the frogs!

Rolling her bounty up to the counter she needn't to have worried about the ID.... The man never even asked to see it! He took her credit card and rang up the purchase without hesitation. 'Looks like somebody's gonna have a wing-ding!' He said as he loaded the items back in the cart.

'Uh yes...Yes sir... A wing-ding' she answered, still nervous.

Staci was glad to get back to the car, load all the beer onto the backseat, and get on the road. For the first few miles she kept expecting the man from the store to chase her down just to see her ID. By the time that she got home that fear had subsided. She left the beer in the car and re-entered the house.

'Good, she's finally off the phone!' Staci thought as she heard the shower running....and running...

Staci grabbed the phone and called Jeff.

'Hi Jeff. I got ~it~. ~It's~ in the car. In the backseat. Maybe you can sneak over and get it out when it's dark?'

'Why so sneaky?' he asked

'Because she's STILL my mother. She'd throw a fit if she knew I was buying beer....and the way she's acting she'd probably want some! You just get it out and quietly put it in your car. And don't let the neighbors see it! Leave it in the sacks.'

'Don't you want me to come in?'

'NO!...ummm No... You don't need to see me like this. Just get the stuff and I'll call you later, or you can call me... OK?'


Staci wanted to talk with Jeff some more but a voice came from upstairs 'Staci? Staci? Are you back? Staci?'

'I gotta go, Jeff. Talk to you later'

'~What?~' Staci yelled back at Marsha.

Soon a teenaged Marsha, wrapped only in a towel and dripping wet, made her way down the stairs.

'You're getting the carpet wet!' Staci impulsively yelled.

'Oh...sorry.... I can't find that stuff you use when you shave your legs. I wanna try it.'

'It's in my bedroom.... I thought you didn't like that stuff?' Staci asked.

'I dunno.... That was before.... Thanks' Marsha said as she padded back up the stairs.

Soon, the shower was on again! Staci wondered how much hot water would be left. She really wanted to spend some quality time with the shower massage on her knee. She wondered how much longer that girl could take in the shower!

Finally, she heard a shriek 'Oooooooooh COLD!!' And then the sound of the water shutting off. 'We're outta hot water!' Marsha whined.

'No wonder!' Staci grumbled herself '~great~'

Staci put her legs up and turned on the TV. No massaging shower for a while now! She tried MTV but it was too much to keep up with. A few more clicks and she was on CBS. She stopped there and soon put the remote down.

'Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz' The sound of the blow drier revved up. Staci upped the volume on the TV so that she could hear the dialogue.

After a while, Marsha came down the stairs. Her hair was combed conservatively behind her ears. She was wearing a pair of shorts that were mid-thigh length and a simple shirt. She was carrying three pairs of shoes. 'I can't decide... The high tops, these sandals, or these new ones?'

'What does it matter?' Staci asked.

'Debbi is coming over and we're gonna hit the mall and just hang out'

'Debbi? Who's Debbi?' Staci was confused

'She's my friend. I met her today and she's wayyyyyy cool. Her mom let's her take the car and everthing, whenever she wants it.' Marsha told her excitedly.

Staci was surprised to hear that her mom had a teenaged friend, but she was also glad that she wouldn't be here to catch Jeff when he made the beer exchange.

'So which pair?' Marsha asked again.

'Whatever you think is fine' Staci answered, totally uninterested.

'What'd you pick???' Marsha quizzed.

'It doesn't matter... If ihe sandals are comfortable, wear them'

'You think they are best? I don't care about comfort or anything... I just wanna look good for the mall. Is that what you'd wear with this outfit? Is this a cute outfit? Maybe I should change? Is it too 'old' looking?'

'MARSHA!....errr Mom, settle down. You look fine. You look like a fine upstanding young lady'

'Upstanding?' she asked with a smirk 'I'll be the most popular girl there won't I?' she said with sarcasm. Her mood seemed to instantly change.

Staci could hear the hurt in her voice. '~Great~' she thought 'Now I have to deal with my MOTHER'S teenage angst!'

Marsha put her feet up on the coffe table and started rolling the legs of her shorts up, each turn exposing a little more thigh. 'These are dumb ol' shorts anyway' she said as she worked on them.

'Marsh...errrr Mom, you look great! If you're trying to impress some boys...they'll love you! And if you just want to make some girls jealous, you're well equipped. Just be careful.... I don't want to have a little brother or sister around here! You look .... sexy'

'You think so?' she said as she let her hair fall free around her face.

-Ding Dong-

'Just a minute!' Marsha yelled as she bounded out of the chair and headed toward the door 'I'm coming!'

She opened the door to see Debbi standing there. 'Are you ready?' Debbi asked while walking on inside.

With her mood suddenly turned completely around, her voice rang with excitement 'Yip, let me grab my shoes and purse and let's hit it!'

'I guess you must be Marsha's mother? I'm Debbi. How are you doing?' Debbi said as she extended her hand out to Staci.

'Fine, thank you.... Miss.' she replied as she politely shook Debbi's hand and then said instinctively 'You girls have a good time, but be careful!'

'We will!' they answered in chorus and then laughed at the coincidence.

Staci watched the two teens leave and actually felt a tinge of worry about how her mother would do.....'It's just that she seems so ~young~' Staci thought.


'So how about a change of plans?' Debbi asked.

'Whatta ya mean?' Marsha replied

'You into parties?' Debbi said.

'Is there one?' Marsha wanted to know.

'Yeah, a big one I guess. This one boy, Jeff, is supposed to have a whole truckload of beer!' Debbi answered ' All the cool guys are supposed to be there!'

'Yeah, WOW... sounds cool to me!' Marsha exclaimed.

Madame Zelda: Trading Up...Trading Down Part 4-6