One Crazy Summer

By: Jeff Sevem -

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Part One

I was born with a birth defect. I stopped growing when I was two. When I turned four My parents took me to the doctor to see what the matter was. "It looks like he will never grow any taller. You will have to keep him in diapers at night and have him sleep in a crib and have him ride in a carseat when you are in the car." The doctor said.

Fast forward six years. My Mom and Dad were having a conversation. "I'm going to have to be gone all summer. I am very soory." My Dad said. "Thats okay we will miss you." My Mom said. My Dad left that night.

"Time to wake up honey we got a lot of work to day." My Mom said the next mourning. She then took me out of my crib. "Looks like you are wet again" My Mom said as she put me on my changing table. "Lets get you out of those wet things." My Mom said as she began taking off my blue short sleeve onesie which snapped in the crotch She then removed my wet diaper and clean me up. She then began to powder my diaper area and grabbed another Pampers size 6. "Mom what are you doing. I don't wear diapers during the day." I said. "I have a lot of shopping to do today and I need you to be my baby." My Mom said. I gave her a puzzled look. She then began to diaper me. After my diaper was on she put me into a blue plastic panties. She then put me into a one piece blue snap-front romper that was long sleeved. "Mom this is for babies to wear." I said. "I know. You look so cute." My Mom said as she picked me up and carried me downstairs for breakfast. She placed me in a high chair. "Mom wear did you get this." I said as she put the tray in place. "I found it in storage." My Mom said as she put a baby bib on me which had duckies on it. She then feed me baby ceral. After breakfast she carried me to the car. She put me in my carseat and we took off.

We arrived at the Mall twenty minuets later. She then took me out of my carseat and put me in a stroller. "Hey I can walk." I said. "We have a lot of shopping to do." My Mom said as she put a diaper bag in the storage section.

Our first stop was the baby gap. "Why are we going in here?" I asked. "I need to pick up some stuff for the summer." My Mom said. "Can I help you?" A saleslady asked. "Yes I need to buy some summer clothes for my little guy here." My Mom said. "Oh these are just adorable." My Mom said as we went to a dress section. "I love this one. Can I try it on him?" My Mom asked as she picked out a lavender dress that had a bonnet to it. It had a short skirt to it that would surely show off my diaper I said to myself. HAs mY Mom lost her mind. I was thinking to myself when my Mom took off my romper. I was standing in the middle of teh store with just a diaper on. She then put the dress on me then she put the bonnet on my head. "He is just so cute." My Mom said as she lead me to a big mirror. I was amazed at what I saw. I didn't get my summer haircut yet and it was down to my shoulders and a litte curly. I looked just like a little girl. I wanted to run and hide. "You have a lovely daughter." A lady said. "Thank you I think so too." My Mom said. I just stood there with a shock look on my face. What is she doing to me. I said to myslef as my Mom took the dress off me. SHe made me try on five more dresses. She then took me to the swimsuit section. She picked out a pink one that had ruffles around the legs and minni mouse on the front. As I was looking at myself in the mirror I felt a strange sensation run through my body. Why am I enjoying this. I thought to myself. Just then I wet my diaper. My Mom took the suit off and noticed I have wet my diaper. "Looks like someone needs a change." My Mom said as put a two pices suit on me that had a tie around the neck top and a skirted bottom. She also picked out a blue suit. SHe then dressed me back into my romper and went to pay the lady. I was shocked that she actually bought the items. She ended up getting three bathing suits, five dresses, ten frilly baby girl panties, three onesies, and a couple of shirts and shorts. She then put me back in my stroller.

We then headed to the Gap store. "You got some new clothes I want some new ones. I need to get a new bathing suit so I will have them for our swimming lessons." My Mom said. Swimming lessons have my Mom lost her mind I said to myself. While my Mom was trying on suits I wet my diaper again. "Looks like baby needs a change." My Mom said as she was paying the lady. She then took a pacifier from her purse and put it in my mounth. We then headed to the restrooms.

My Mom pushed me into the ladies room and put me on top of one of the changing tables. She then undit my romper and took my wet diaper off me. She then used some lotion and cleaned my diaper area. SHe then put some more powder on me and put my clean diaper on me. "There all better. Look at the time its almost time for your nap. We need to go to the grocery store." My Mom said as she pushed me to the car. She put me into my carseat and put the packages in the back and we were off.

"Mom have you gone crazy?" I asked. "No I haven't you are going to be my baby girl all summer. We are going to have so much fun. We are going to take swim lessons together and play in the park. I even sign you up for baby ballet. Won't that be fun." My Mom said. "No it won't. Why are you doing this to me?" I asked. "You know I love kids and you also know I can't have anymore. I thought this would be a great idea. You can be my baby for the summer. We'll have fun. Don't worry." My Mom said as she pulled into the grocery store lot. She bought two big packages of luvs diapers, a package of swim diapers and some baby bibs. She also picked up some pacifiers. As we were in the check out lane I got an urge to poop in my diapers. "Mom I have to go?" I asked. "Go where." My mom said as my face was turning red. Just then he came out. "Not quite potty trained yet I see." A lady in line said. "No My little boy doesn't want to grow up." My Mom said as she finished paying for the groceries. "I change you when we get home okay." My Mom said as she handed me a bottle. "I don't need this" I said. "Yeah you do. I don't want you to be crancky because you have a messy diaper. Now be a good baby and drink up." My Mom said as she started the car. I almost finished the bottle when we arrived home. Surprising to me I felt very tired as my Mom carried me to my room.

"Lets get my little girl dressed for her nap." My Mom said as she laid me on the changing table. I was too tired to fight with her. She took off my romper and put a pink nightgown on me that had Barbie on it. She then took off my very messe diaper. She cleaned me off and rediapered me. She put a pair of pink lace trimmed panties on me. She gave me a new bottle and put me in my crib. She started my moblie and turn off the lights. This was going to be one crazy summer I thought to myself with a little smirk on my face as I fell asleep.

One Crazy Summer

By: Jeff Sevem -

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Part Two

Time for my little girl to wake up." My Mom said as she reached in my crib and touched my shoulder. She then picked me up and carried me downstairs.

I was amazed at what I saw when we got there. My old high chair was set up in the kitchen. In the family room there was my old playpen, a swing, and my old baby walker. "Mom what are these things doning out from storage?" I asked. "There for you honey. Now lets get you something to eat." She said.

She then placed me in the highchair. She then put a bib on me. "Is my little girl hungry?" My mom asked as she took out some baby food. "I don't eat that." I said. "Don't be silly." My Mom said. She then took some applesause and put it in my mouth. I almost puked. SHe then feed me some mashed beets. I turned green as she put in my mouth. She didn't seem to care as she keep feeding me. Most of it made it in my mouth but some of it fell on my bib. "My little girl is a messy eater." My Mom said as cleaned me off. SHe then took me into the family room.

"Time for you bottle honey." My Mom said. I was about to argue with her but it was too late as she put the nipple in my mouth and told me to drink. For some reason I felt very happy. I didn't even realize that I wet my diaper. After an half an hour I was done. She then burb me. "Lets go get you changed." My Mom said as she carried me upstairs.

She then placed me on the changing table and took out a clean diaper. She then took off my old diaper. "Wow someone made a mess of herself." My Mom said. I then realized that not only did I wet my diaper but I also messed in it. I then began to cry. What is happening to me I said to myself. My Mom then put a pacifier in my mouth. "Don't cry honey. Mommy will get you clean up." My mom said as she took out some babywipes and began cleaning my diaper area. SHe then put some lotion on me. "Looks like someone is developing a rash." My mom said as she then put some powder on me. For some reason I felt very relaxed. My Mom then took a diaper and placed it under me. She then attached the sides. "There all better." My Mom said as she put a pink plastic panties on me. "Now what is my little girl going to wear today." My Mom said. She then went in my closet and picked out a Pink cartoon dress that had a short skirt and matching panties. It had pictures of Minnie Mouse on it. It was short sleeved and showed off my diaper. It was trimmed with eyelet lace. "My little girl looks so pretty today." My Mom said as she carried me downstairs. She then placed me in my playpen and gave me a doll to play with. "Have fun honey. Mom has some housework to do." My Mom said as she left the room. What is happening to me. I am ten years old and I am sitting in a playpen and playing with a doll. I was so confused but happy at the same time. It was freaking me out. After an hour my mom came back in the room. "Are you thirsty honey." My mom said as she handed me a bottle. For some strange reason I began to drink it.

One Crazy Summer

By: Jeff Sevem -

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Part Three

After I was in my playpen for an hour I finshed my bottle and was getting very bored. "Mom can I get out?" I screamed out. "Whats wrong honey?" My mom asked. "I want to get out." I said. "Okay." My Mom said as she picked me up and put me in a walker. "Here you go honey. Have fun." My mom said as she left the room. I felt very babyish my feet barel touched the ground and just realized I wet my diaper again. What is happening to me I thought to myself as I began walking around.

I went into the kitched to see what was up. "Whats my little girl doing?" My Mom asked as she patted my head. "Mom why are you making me act as a baby?" I asked. "Because you are just so cute. I saw you smiling when you were in your palypen. Your having fun. Look at the time. Its time to get my little girl ready for dinner. I have the prefect dress for you to wear." My Mom said as she picked me out of the walker and carried me upstairs.

She placed me on my changing table and took off my dress. She then went to take off my diaper. "Looks like my little girl wet herself again. Don't worry I will get you out of that wet thing." My Mom said as she took off my wet diaper. She then began to clean me off with my baby wipes. I began to smile. "See I told you, you would enjoy this." My mom said as grabbed a fresh diaper and slid it under me. She then put some powder on and fasten the diaper in place. She then had me sit up and she put a white slip on me which had ruffles and ribbons around the collar. SHe then put on my pink frilly girl baby pants. She then put some white thights on me and slid them up over my diaper. She then took out my dress. "This is so cute. I am the luckest mother in the world. I have the cutest daughter." My Mom said as she was unbuttoning the back of the dress which was a pink swiss dot cotton dress with a short skirt. It had ruffles around the collor. After she put it on me she then took out some black Mary Jane shoes and put it on my feet. "Why are we getting dressed up?" I asked. "For fun now let me put you in your palypen so you can play a little before dinner." My Mom said as she carried me downstairs.

I was confused as I was playing with my doll. Why am I enjoying this. I should be angry but I'm not. I am happy. I said with a little smirk on my face.

"Time for dinner." My Mom said as she picked me up and carried me to the dinner table. She placed me in my highchair and put my bib on me. She then began to feed me. The baby food for some reason was tasting better to me as my Mom was finishing feeding me my applesause. "There all done. Lets go in the family room." My Mom said as cleaned me off and carried me into the family room. She sat on the couch and began to feed me my bottle which I drank. HAlf through my bottle I was getting very sleeply. I then fell asleep in My Moms arms. She watched TV for an half an and then took me upstirs. "Wake up honey its time to get you ready for bed." My Mom said as she took off my dress and my slip. She then took off my shoes and my thights. I was just there in a diaper. For some reason I began to cry. "There there don't cry. I'll get you clean up." My Mom said as she took off my wet and messy diaper. What is happening to me I didn't even realize I wet and messed my diaper. My Mom then carried me to the bathtub.

After the tub was fillied she put me in. SHe wash my body and then she shampoo my hair. I felt a tingling sensation run through my hair. After an half an hour she was done. SHe then put me in a pink fluffy towel and carried me to my room.

"Time to get my little girl ready for bed." My Mom said as she put a clean diaper on me. She then put me in my pink short sleeve onesie. She then put a pacifier in my mouth and had me sit up. She then began to curl my hair. "Hey what are you doing?" I asked as I spit the pacifier out of my mouth. "Don't worry honey. You are going to look so pretty." My Mom said as she put the pacifier back in my mouth. It took her an hour to finish my hair. She then put a hairnet over them. "You are going to be so pretty tommorrow."My Mom said as she placed me in my crib. "Tomorrow is a big day for my little girl. Now get some sleep." My mom said as she turned off the lights and turned on my mobile.

What did she mean by that. I said to myself as I watched the mobile go round and round and I slowly driffet off to sleep.