Stargate series


Stargate SG-1

TV Series: Season 01; Episode #09: "Brief Candle" (9/19/97)

The SG-1 team travels through the Stargate to Argos, where they come across a young woman giving birth. After Daniel delivers the child, the team is invited to a festival, where they find a civilization of beautiful, happy people who celebrate while the sun shines and mysteriously drop to sleep the minute that it sets. More mysteriously, they seem to age very rapidly - a lifetime is 100 days - an effect that O'Neill unwittingly inherits when he is seduced by Kynthia, a stunning Argosian woman. As O'Neill's hair turns grey and life races past, the rest of the team return to base to try to discover a cure for whatever is making O'Neill and the Argosians grow old so fast.



Stargate SG-1

TV Series: Season 02; Episode #20: "Show and Tell"

A boy's accelerated growth causes his organs to fail. Unless he receives expert medical help he will die soon.

-- Visible Time


Stargate SG-1

TV Series: Season 02; Episode #21: "1969"

SG-1 meets an older Cassandra in a brief trip to the future, and she helps them to return to 1999.

-- Visible Time


Stargate SG-1

TV Series: Season 03; Episode #11: "Past and Present" (10/15/99)

SG-1 travels to a planet whose inhabitants seem to be suffering from mass retrograde amnesia. They have no memory of their lives before the unknown event they call the "Vorlix," and report that their elders and children are missing. The planet faces complete devastation unless the people's memories can be restored. The Vorlix has made everyone younger, but also inadvertently caused the amnesia.



Stargate SG-1

TV Series: Season 05; Episode #06: "Rite of Passage"

Cassandra has become a young woman. (Cut)

-- Visible Time

Stargate SG-1

TV Series: Season 09; Episode #10: "The Fourth Horseman" Part 1 (09/16/2005)

After an SGC officer returns to Earth after unknowingly being infected with the Ancient Plague, the virus quickly spreads throughout the United States. Not wanting the Ori to gain control of the Milky Way Galaxy, Orlin yet again descends to help Carter find a cure. Orlin was brought back as a kid instead of his adult form. A child's human mind can contain far more information for a longer period. He became a boy to preserve as much of the Ancient knowledge as possible. Because of human social conventions he could not renew his romantic relationship with Sam. (male ARed)

"I had no choice but to take this form. It's me. Orlin."

-- Ararchive

Stargate SG-1

TV Series: Season 09; Episode #11: "The Fourth Horseman" Part 2(09/16/2005)

Members of the SGC start to become infected while Mitchell and Daniel try to capture the Prior. (male ARed)

"I had no choice but to take this form. It's me. Orlin."

-- Ararchive

Stargate SG-1

TV Series: Season 10; Episode #01: "Flesh and Blood" [Sci-Fi] (07/14/2006)

On an Ori warship Vala gives birth. The midwives take the child away and refuse to let Vala hold her. The child starts to grow at an abnormal rate, a manifestation of the Ori in human form. Vala demands the return of her daughter, who now looks 4 years old. She wants her to give her a name. Adria reveals the Ori wove their knowledge into her genetic structure, and is unimpressed when Vala tries to assert her maternal authority. "And as your mother, you will listen to me, young lady. There will be no leading of these ships and armies on a mass-murdering crusade. Or else." Adria asserts the Ancients are the villains, the Ori plan to fight them for the good of all. Vala again meets with her daughter at age 12. In hopes to get through to her, Daniel and Vala plan to show her her mistakes. They sneak off after capturing Adria, who is having trouble processing the implanted Ori knowledge. Emma Cooper (Adria at age 4), Jodelle Ferland (Adria at age 7), Brenna O'Brien (Adria at age 12), Gwenda Lorenzetti (AP)

-- Nursemaid & Prophet Tenebrae

Stargate Atlantis

TV Series: Season 01; Episode #01: "Rising"

In the series opener, a new Stargate team ventures to the lost city of Atlantis. Stranded in a new galaxy, without the possibility of returning to Earth, the team encounters a powerful enemy. The Wrath who feed on humans as food and when they do they send their victims forward into old age just before they die.

-- Jeffr_2bya
