Jackie Chan Adventures

Jackie Chan Adventures

Cartoon Series: Season 02; Episode #01: "Through the Rabbit Hole" (09/08/2001)

In the sequel to "Shell Game," Jade tries to take the rabbit talisman to school to prove that her adventures really happened. As she sets out for school, Kepler's cronoton beam, which disrupts the time-space continuum, hits the talisman and sends her back to 1976. Unfortunately, the Dark Hand have traveled back in search of the rabbit talisman, equipped with a crystal ball Shendu gave them so they can return to the present.

Jade gets 10-year-old Jackie and younger Uncle to help her, but the Enforcers locate 10-year-old Valmont, and 36-year-old Jackie comes back to help Jade. Soon it's a showdown at the school dance (Finn stops fighting to boogie) during which Jackie and Jade grab the crystal ball and send the Enforcers back to the early 1900's. Bad guys show up at the end of the cartoon having taken the long way home, and ask to be young again. In the next Episode they are young again. (Ar)(Done in cuts)

-- JeffR_2bya

Jackie Chan Adventures

Cartoon Series: Season 02; Episode #10: "Lost City Of Muntabs" (January 26, 2002)

Jackie and Jade guide a rich museum patron named Doctor Smith through the African bush, in search of ruins from the legendary Lost City of the Muntabs. They discover that the city still exists, hidden behind a cloak of invisibility. The Chan's were captured and Jackie must survive the Cave of Truth to prove he's pure of heart.

As Jade befriends Abila, a young-looking Muntab girl who was actually more than 200 years old, Smith discovers the Muntab's secret of immortality: the Chalice of Life. Smith steals the Chalice, which Jackie and Jade must get back before the Muntabs age and turn to dust. Little ar and ap at the end of the cartoon. (Done in cuts)

-- JeffR_2bya

Jackie Chan Adventures

Cartoon Series: Season 02; Episode #16: "The Lotus Temple" (11/12/2001)

Jackie, Jade, and an old man are looking in a bamboo forest for the Lotus Temple. Jade wanders off and gets lost. While looking for shelter, she finds the Lotus Temple that only appears at the full moon. Jade enters and is chased by a great beast. When Jade steps out of the temple, the beast stops and cannot leave.

The beast then suddenly changes into a little girl who explains that she got lost and spent the night here. In the morning when she woke, the Temple began to disappear and so did she. She was trapped and changed into a beast when there is an intruder. Then, Jeu-Lin invites Jade in so she will not change into the beast.

Jeu-Lin explains she read every scroll and was looking for a certain scroll to tell of how a real sorcerer escaped long ago. Meanwhile, Jackie and the old man find the Lotus Temple. Shu Len transforms and chases Jackie. The old man goes on ... Jade comes and tells Jeu-Lin to invite Jackie, so she does and they go after the man. The old man was just using Jackie to get the scroll Jeu-Lin was searching for.

It granted him great power. He empowered a suit of armour to attack Jackie, while Jackie thought it too could not leave the temple, but it could.
While fighting some of the scroll inscriptions rubbed onto Jackie’s hand, he used this power to defeat the man. Then using the armour, he freed Jeu-Lin from the Temple's curse. The girl Jeu-Lin hasn't aged since the night she was cursed. (AS)

-- JeffR_2bya

Jackie Chan Adventures

Cartoon Series: Season 03; Episode #11: "Little Valmont, Big Jade" (Dec-07-02 )

Valmont encounters Daolon Wong, and after insulting the Dark Chi Wizard, is shrunk into a 10 year old Little Valmont. Meanwhile, Jade (who wants to grow up NOW!) turns to magic for assistance. Jade steals away on the Section 13 jet as Jackie, Uncle and Tohru fly to retrieve the Horse Talisman. Jade's "growth" potion begins to work on her clothes and also (at the EXACT same rate) her body, making her proportionally larger than Tohru.

Jackie and Uncle trace the talisman power to a race track and try to determine which race horse contains the power when the Dark Chi Warrior arrives. Jackie and Uncle manage to ride off on the noble horse, but are 'cut off at the pass' by Daolon at a construction site.
A Fifty Foot tall Jade stomps to the rescue and fights a 50 foot ogre that Daolon summons.
Jackie manages to defeat the Ogre, and Jade takes care of Daolon Wong. Uncle returns Jade & Valmont to their normal sizes, and Captain Black arrests Valmont.

-- Jeffr_2bya

Jackie Chan Adventures

Cartoon Series: Season 04; Episode #12: "The J-Tots"

The J-team and the Anti-J's are back. Chang is freed from prison, and AR presumably occurs.

-- -- TBTC
