

TV Series: Season 02; Episode #02: "Vitas Mortis" (3/24/00)

Rumors abound about an old Luxan named Nilaam. D'Argo is determined to find her. With the notable exception of Aeryn Sun and the Peacekeepers, instances of Moya's crew encountering members of their own race in the Uncharted Territories are so rare that each one warrants further exploration. At the very least, D'Argo could commune with one of his own people. Also, it is possible that this Luxan might protests vitally needed maps. The rumors about Nilaam has left out one important fact however: she is an Orican.

These legendary Luxan holy women are revered throughout the Territories for their spiritual powers. But, despite all her mystical strength, the aged Nilaam is on the verge of death when D'Argo, Zhaan, and Crichton find her. She wants a fellow Luxan to assist her in her traditional "Ritual of Passing" to impart the additional life energy she needs in making her final ascension to a higher plane. For D'Argo this is the highest honor that a Luxan could receive and, after Nilaam's somewhat invasive interview of him, the ritual is performed.

The ceremony has some unexpected results though. Instead of dying, the opposite occurs and Nilaam is rejuvenated. D'Argo, she says, is bursting with life energy; enough to perform the "Ritual of Renewal" instead of the "Ritual of Passing." Now she is completely transformed and can continue her life as a young, powerful, vibrant Orican. As thanks, Nilaam offers to use her immense spiritual abilities to assist D'Argo and the rest of Moya's crew in realizing all our wishes.

The Leviathan's systems had mysteriously begun failing. Her amnexus fluid was freezing. Tremors were occurring on all her tiers. Her hull was starting to degenerate. Even Nilaam's awesome powers could not improve Moya's rapidly deteriorating health. In fact, the more the Luxan holy woman tries to help, the worse the Leviathan's condition got. Unless someone quickly figures out what is wrong, Nilaam's spiritual 'healing' could decay Moya's body beyond all repair.



TV Series: Season 02; Episode #16: "The Locket" (8/25/00)

Aeryn, while in an alternate dimension, has lived and aged 55 years in what is but a short time for the crew when she returns.

