Codename: Kids Next Door

Codename: Kids Next Door

Cartoon Series: Season 01; Episode #08: "Operation: C.a.b.l.e.-.T.V" (01/24/03)

The president of a cable-TV show creates AR ray that turns people into babies.

-- Unknown

Codename: Kids Next Door

Cartoon Series: Season 01; Episode #12: "Operation: G.R.O.W.-U.P." (03/07/03)

Both Ar/aP changes take place as the KND fight their rivals.

-- Unknown

Codename: Kids Next Door

Cartoon Series: Season 02: Episode #03: "Operation T.A.P.I.O.C.A" (2003)

Three teen super villains trying to flood the town with tapioca pudding are really three members of the "Senior Citizen Squad." They used "anti-aging cream" to become teens for brief periods at a time.

-- Dave

Codename: Kids Next Door

Cartoon Series: Season 02; Episode #06: "Operation K.I.S.S." (Feb. 1, 2004)

Cartoon Network will be airing the Codename Kids Next Door episode "Operation K.I.S.S.", AKA "Kid Is Suddenly Sixteen". I'm not very familiar with the show, but the fat kid with the aviator helmet APs himself to age 16, reverts, APs again, etc. He's considerably cuter as a teenager than as a little kid, oddly enough.

-- Spec

Codename: Kids Next Door

Cartoon Series: Season 03; Episode #04: "Operation: F.O.U.N.T.A.I.N." (09-Jul-2004)

The DCFDTL find the Fountain of Youth, which means trouble for the KND. There is only one way to make the Delightful Children start growing again, teaming up with an old foe. That foe would be Mr. Baby. They all need to work together to build an age changing ray. Will the KND succeed, or will the DCFDTL stay young forever?

Codename: Kids Next Door

Cartoon Series: Season 05; Episode #08: "Operation C.A.K.E.D.-F.I.V.E." (04/14/2006)

Once again, The Delightful Children from down The Lane have a birthday cake. After a trip to the Alamode. An Operative tells the gang about Numbuh 19th Century, who was an 1800's operative who was determined to steal the Three Cute Annoying Triplets Birthday Cake, a delicious cake made by their mother, a delicious, mouthwatering cake. The cake exploded, freezing over 15,000 K.N.D. Operatives. He thawed out, and is here today. He is confused, because he was frozen over 200 years. Meanwhile, Father has a cake the size of the earth, and he discovers the Three Cute Annoying Triplets Mothers secret recipe on 19th Century's chest. It turns out the Three Cute Annoying Triplets Mother was Father's Great Grand Mother. Father hopes to improve the cake for his children, in hopes of giving them the best birthday ever. (AS)

-- Jeffr_2bya

Codename: Kids Next Door

Cartoon Movie: "Operation: Z.E.R.O." (08/11/2006)

Once upon a time, an evil adult called Papi ruled the world with an iron fist, forcing every child to work their fingers to the bone in his tapioca pudding factories. Until one day, his two sons discovered the legendary Book of KND. One of the sons, using that book as a guide, gathered forces of kids and defeated his evil father. Over time, the story of that courageous boy, who called himself Numbuh Zero, and the Book of KND became legend, and for some, legend became myth. But history is about to repeat itself. The evil Father, who, as it turns out, was the son who turned down the chance to defeat Papi with his brother, has restored Papi’s memory. Papi, now called Grandfather, plans to restore his evil reign by turning everyone who was once a kid into ancient, evil zombies. As more and more KND operatives are turned evil and old, Numbuh One has to get help from unexpected places if he wants to defeat Grandfather and save the world. (aP/RN)

-- Jeffr_2bya
