Action Comics

Action Comics #14

Comic Book: DC Comics: "The Fountain Of Youth" (07/01/1939)

Suggested Ar or AS, but nothing happens in this issue.

-- Jeffr_2bya

Action Comics #251

Comic Book: DC Comics: "The Oldest Man in Metropolis" (04/30/1959)

Clark Kent/Superman is affected by a scientist's temporary aging serum (AP). [Reprinted in Superman Annual]


Action Comics #260

Comic Book: DC Comics: (01/30/1960)

Super girl becomes a Super baby. In this story Super girl is exposed to the Fountain of Youth and becomes a baby.

Action Comics #267

Comic Book: DC Comics: "The Three Super-Heroes" (08/30/1960)

Supergirl's attempt to join the Legion of Super-Heroes is dashed because she's now a Superwoman, thanks to Red K (AP). [Reprinted in Action Comics #334 (Mar.-Apr .1966)]


Action Comics #284

Comic Book: DC Comics: "The Babe of Steel" (01/30/1962)

A small hole in the barrier separating the Phantom Zone from Earth opens; Superman's buddy Mon-el sends a telepathic warning The only way Superman can fit through the rift is to regress in stature to a tot, thanks to Red Kryptonite [reprinted in Superman #212 (Dec. 1968)]

Action Comics #334

Comic Book: DC Comics: "The Three Super-Heroes" (04/30/1966)

Supergirl's attempt to join the Legion of Super-Heroes is dashed because she's now a Superwoman, thanks to Red K (AP).


Action Comics #370

DC Comic Book: "Superman's Lost Century" (12/30/1968)

Vivid nightmares of his rocket landing in a weird civilization led him to analyze the age of his Kryptonian spaceship. He learned that it was pretty danged old, even though he knew it had been built just before he left his home planet.

-- Jeffr_2bya

Action Comics #464, 465, 466

Comic Book: DC Comics: "Superman, I'm Going to Re-run Your Life" (Oct. 1976)

"Think Young and Die!" (Nov. 1976)

"You Can Take the Man Out of the Super, But You Can't Take The Super Out of the Boy!" (Dec. 1976)

3-part story. Luthor realizes his anger is really focused on Superboy, so he managed to regress Superman back to boyhood (AR,RN). Brief AR cameos of Batman, Flash and others. Also, Lois, Jimmy, Perry White, Morgan Edge and IBs are affected

Action Comics #585

Comic Book: DC Comics: "And Graves Give Up Their Dead ..." (02/30/1987)

Arathaza the demoness discovers how much life force can Superman lose (brief male adult to older).


Action Comics #701

DC Comic Book: "Final Conflict" (07/30/1994)

Although Lex Luthor is a veritable vegetable, he can still remotely activate Superman's old Kryptonian Warsuit to come to his aid. The suit breaks Luthor out of his iron lung imprisonment and places him inside the armor's chest cavity, where dozens of cables and implants attach themselves, providing Lex with the means to control the suit.

Luthor begins plodding through Centennial Park searching for Superman. He soon gets his wish, as the Man of Steel bears down upon him. Luthor picks up Superman's memorial statue and begins battering him it. He then fires missiles out of the suit's gauntlets, but Superman catches them and sends them back to their point of origin.

The fight continues with neither combatant giving any quarter. Luthor fires an ignited gout of rocket fuel from his other gauntlet, and the heat is so intense that even Superman begins to waver beneath it. Superman dives into Lex and destroys his armaments. He tears open the war-suit's chest cavity and pulls Lex's sickly form out.

He flies him to S.T.A.R. Labs where Kitty Faulkner tells him that there is nothing they can do for Lex. Because of the nature of the accelerated aging of Lex's clone body, the cure they acquired from Project Cadmus won't work for him. Looking down at Lex's crippled form, Superman says that this is the "end of an era". (Male adult to old age)


Note: Superboy and Superman are NOT the same individual in the newer continuities.
