Rushing Forward Written by Katsu; edited by Elimon Chapter 1: Time Flies ... When You Use Chi Magic ((Disclaimer: I only own characters who were not mentioned in the show... WHO ELSE? I also don't own this, otherwise, I'd put my chars in...)) Jade's fingers pounded on the keyboard to her new laptop her dad had sent her. She smiled "And all it took was a rushed message from Uncle Jackie that I was doing good." It had been months since their last battle with Dao Long Whan, making things very boring. Luckily, there were plenty of internet sites about the Demons and Dark Chi Wizards...and chat rooms. She smiled as she wowed the idiots who thought a Chi Wizard had mouths in his hands was a vampire. Suddenly, her name was called "Jade! Dinner is ready!!!" "Coming Tohru!!!" Jade ran down the stairs. Suddenly, an e-mail flashed as soon as she left. After forcing Uncle's Mung beans and rice down a hole in the floor, she came back up, clicking the e-mail: "To Jade Shin: I know more that you would like to know. Meet me tomorrow evening, at Kanji + Kenji's Sushi Restaurant... and people will grow suspicious if a 10 year old comes, so disguise yourself as someone older, I suggest looking at Uncle's scroll covered in the drawing of a child becoming an adult." Blinking, she replied to the mail: "Prove it. And what exactly do you want to show me?" She waited several minutes. It seemed like forever, as if he wanted to give her a mental breakdown. Finally, a reply was sent to Jade: "Simple, you fought the Demon Shendu several times. Not to mention his siblings. You've also fought the Magister Society, The Dark Hand crime syndicate, and the Dark Chi wizard Dao Long Whan. I want your help in possibly the greatest danger to this world." Jade went pale, and then rushed down to get Uncle, Tohru and Jackie. As soon as Uncle read the message, he thought, then nodded "This person, whoever he is, has great knowledge..." Jackie blinked "But Uncle, why does he want Jade?" "Simple, she'll WANT to do it." "So can I go Jackie?" "No." "But Jackie-!!!" "I'm going to call Captain Black and see if he can intercept him, that way, he can explain it to the proper authorities." "Uncle?" "For now, we will not call, but we won't agree...everyone must think on this." "Sensei, maybe this is a trap?" "Possibly Tohru, but as an apprentice, you cannot decide on matters! One more thing, this person may be a danger to us, so I shall put protective spells upon the store. One more thing, Jackie will have to stand guard." Jackie blinked "But Uncle!" "If the sender of these messages knows Chi magic, then we need a back up protection!" "...Yes Uncle." "Now, Tohru, let's find the scrolls we'll need." Jade glared at them, ignoring everything she said. She knew what she had to do. As Tohru entered, she hid behind him, then found the scroll that she needed. Sneaking off just as quietly, she rushed to her room and hid the scroll. Then, a knock was heard at the door. "Jade?" "Uh, come in Uncle!" Uncle smiled and set several items on the desk "Here, you'll need these ingredients." "...You knew?" "Yes, one more thing, it would be best if you preformed the aging spell now, it takes time for it to take effect, and it will force you to sleep for 18 hours. One more thing, I will provide an excuse for you to stay here. That way, Jackie will not get suspicious. One more thing, when you do go... promise me you will be careful?" "Sure thin Uncle...well, 7:10, that means...11:10 AM tomorrow...well, let's get to work!" In a matter of minutes, Jade finished the potion with Uncle, and then, as she drank it, Jade fell fast asleep. "....nnnn...." Jade woke with a feeling of slight exhaustion, as if she had been running for hours last night. Rubbing her eyes, she stopped and looked at the nails on her hand, which had grown noticeably longer, like that of someone definitely older than see was. Rising out of bed, she saw that she was so tall, the old bookshelf which was bigger than her, now seemed the exact same height. Running, she quickly found a mirror and screamed. Staring back at her was a 22 year old girl, with waist length black hair, light colored skin, and typical hot college girl build. Her clothes however, made Jade seem like a homeless person. ((Author: No offense to them)) ((Editor: I have no idea why he typed that. I mean, how many homeless people can access the Internet?)) Her hooded sweatshirt was now barely covering her stomach, and the sleeves were at her elbows. Her jeans now resembled shorts, and her shoes and socks were a tattered and torn mess on her feet. Jade rushed through the shop, trying to find Uncle. Finding him, she smiled "Uncle, you did great." "Jade? Amazing...the Aging spell worked perfectly!" She nodded "Now, I have one small problem...WHAT AM I GONNA WEAR?" "How should Uncle know what clothes for you to get! Uncle is not a Girl!!!!" Jade sighed. She then found a wallet "Hmm...Jackie doesn't need 500$, right Uncle?" "I suppose not...I'll tell him I bought an item for the shop." "But what if I'm more than a day?" "Uncle already planned it; I will tell Jackie that you had to go to your parents." "Thanks Uncle...I'll see you!" END OF PART 1